MCOM-1 Project Guidelines
MCOM-1 Project Guidelines
MCOM-1 Project Guidelines
M.COM I Human Resource Management Internal Assessment (40 marks) Project (20 marks) Project topic: Talent Management Project description "Talent Management" has become one of the most important buzzwords in Corporate HR and training today. The project aims at understanding the concept, needs and importance of Talent Management. With reference to any organization you are required to undertake the following tasks 1. Understanding talent Challenges of Today 2. Concept of talent Management 3. Talent Management Process and its importance 4. Developing and Implementing a Talent Management Strategy 5. Best Practices for Talent Management Professionals Project Guidelines Submission should be in a report format. 1. Word count required 3500 (10% +/-) 2. Preferred writing styles Arial, Verdana, and Times New Roman 3. Line spacing 1.5, Font Size 12 Report Structure Cover Title Page Contents page. Abstract/Executive Summary Main Body (Tasks) Conclusion. References (including weblioreferencing) Appendices
M.COM.- I STRATIGIC MANAGEMENT Project details (40 MARKS) Select any business organization from any one of the following sectors: a) b) c) d) Pharmaceutical sector IT sector FMCG sector Automobile sector
The project should cover the following areas:1) Introduction (history, product details) 2) Mission and the objectives of the company 3) SWOT analysis of the company (strengths, weakness, oppurtunities, threats) 4) Find and write about any one corporate strategy implemented by the company. (I.e. stability strategy, growth strategy, disinvestment strategy, modernization strategy etc) 5) Any Merger or Amalgamation or takeover done by the company. Analyse and give statistical data. 6) Your comment towards a) Any modification in strategy b) Opportunities that can be explored in the future c) Any other change in the organization you can think about 7) Bibliography 1`
M.COM.- I ECONOMICS OF GLOBAL & FINANCE Project details Introduction why this topic for research? Objectives & significance of the study. Data Analysis & Interpretation Case Studies Recommendation & Conclusion
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Regionalism Vs Multi Literalism. Strategy of MNCs in Indian Markets. India as a great destination for foreign investment. Contentious issues in WTO. WTO and Indian Agriculture. FDI in Banking and Insurance in India. Global economic meltdown in the Indian economy.
Students are required to select any one topic in the area of marketing and do research on the selected topic. The research can be primary data or secondary data based or both. The project should cover the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Introduction to the topic Objectives of the study Significance of the study Research Methodology used for the study Findings / Conclusions Any recommendations References in APA style
Following are the industries where process costing is applied as costing method: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Petroleum Coal Mining Chemicals Textiles Paper Plastic Food
Choose any one industry and cover the following:a) Explain Process costing methodology in detail covering different processes, cost analysis at each stage and a practical example. b) Study Budgetary control system established therein and used for cost control purpose. c) Understand the process of cost audit and preparation of cost audit report.
M.COM. (PART-I) Advanced Financial Accounting 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) As- 16 Borrowing Costs As- 17 Segment Reporting As- 20 Earnings Per Share As- 22 Accounting for taxes on income IFRS- 4 Insurance Contracts
Guidelines A) Students have to select any two of the above five topics B) Format of the project report: 1) Introduction 2) Objectives of the study 3) Methodology used 4) Findings and practical illustrations 5) Conclusion