Writting Final Year Project Proposal and Report
Writting Final Year Project Proposal and Report
Writting Final Year Project Proposal and Report
Year Project
Proposal &
Report (A guide for undergraduates )
Short Preface:
Academic writing is unique. There are norms, styles and formats that is synonymous with it all over the world regardless of the
language use. This guide written in 2012 specifically to assist students to get through the craft of proposal and project writing
with ease. More than 23000 views recorded on scribd.com. This first revision included timeline and budget components and is
available on scribd.com and olayinkaokeola.com. Contact Information: +234-703-230-7770 (sms only)
[email protected]; [email protected]
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report
A guide for undergraduates
Olayinka Gafar Okeola, PhD
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
University of Ilorin
The importance of the final year project can be seen in the heavy credit units allotted. It is in the final
year project that students move away from threshold of classroom and laboratory training to real life
field experience. In this instance all the previous four years courses undertaken are put in to application
to solve a specific engineering problem more or less like a professional in practice. At the end of the
project work, students would have acquired, developed and consolidated different skills and tools of
solving practical real life problem. These include (discipline specific) data gathering, field works,
questionnaires drafting & administration, monographs, application software packages (such as
Solidwork, AutoCAD, Orion, CivilCAD, Pipenet, Goggle Earth etc and of course general usage of Microsoft
Words, Excel, and Power point.
practitioners in engineering fields. Proposal and expression of interest writings are synonymous with the
practice while bidding for contract or consultancy. Therefore this is a necessary and crucial skill that its
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
acquisition become available at the final year. It is imperatives students take it serious. The following are
the objectives to be accomplished for the students.
The major advantage of project proposal writing are both the creativity and novelty enhancement for
the student. Other advantages are:
1.4.1 Title
This should contain simple and short description of the proposed work and must not be ambiguous. This
title albeit tentative at the beginning may be modified until a final title is agreed in consultation with the
student supervisor. Title should not be more than 17 words. The following are examples of project titles
from various engineering discipline:
9. Flow frequency analysis for selected gauging stations along river Niger and Benue
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
10. Design and evaluation of high volume fly ash concrete for rigid pavement overlays
11. Experimental studies on air entrained ferro-cement panels with high volume fly ash and
compatibility of its connections
1.4.2 Introduction
This gives general background information and knowledge on the topic and subsequently narrow down
to proposed specific title.
1.4.3 Aim and Objectives
The aim of the project must be clearly stated. This is the project goal statement; and should adequately
explain or capture its essence. There may also be specific objectives to accomplish the aim (main
objective) of the project.
1.4.5 Methodology
This is a description of the methods or technique to be adopted in the study. This does not include the
theoretical background of the method but the appropriateness of the methods is stated.
There is need for brainstorm and identify key tasks involves in the work as shown in Table 1 for example.
The duration is attached to individual task and the summation gives the project timeline and graphically
represented with Gantt Chat (Figures 1 and 2). Microsoft Project package was used in figure 1. It can be
done with Excel (figure 2) or simple table so far it conveys the information clearly. The budget spelt out
the resources that would be required to execute the project and it is discipline-specific. It covers
resources for example consumables (chemicals), field work, Literature, documentation etc.
1.4.7 References
This is the listing of all literatures that were cited inside the proposal write-ups.
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Table 1: Project Work Breakdowns
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Figure 1 (Gantt chat done with Microsoft Project)
This is not the rule. Students are to comply with their supervisor or departments’ instruction on the
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
2.1. Structure
The structure of report is typically made up of three main divisions: (1) preliminary, (2) body and (3)
supplementary (Table 3). Each of the section contains a different kind of content as shown in Table 4.
The project text should be organized and presented in logical manner with headings and subheadings
listed in the Table of Contents as shown in Box 1. A separate page is required for listing of tables, figures,
notation and appendix in the report as illustrated in Tables 5, 6, and 7 respectively. They all form part of
the preliminaries in a project report preceding Chapter 1.
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Box 1. Extract from a Project table of contents
Table of contents
Content Page
Cover page i
Title page ii
Certification iii
Approval page iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Abstract vii
Table of contents ix
Figures xiv
Tables xvi
Notations xvii
Appendix xix
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
5.1 Conclusion 142
5.2 Recommendations 143
References 145
Appendix A 152
. . .
. . .
. . .
Appendix F 209
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Table 5: List of Tables format
Table Description Page
3.1 Watershed parameter for river Oyun 17
3.2 Synthetic unit hydrograph parameter for 10hrs storm duration 19
3.3 Storm hydrograph ordinate for Oyun watershed 25
3.4 Coordinates of the design hydrograph 27
3.5 Forces due to self-weight and resisting moment 32
3.6 Design parameter for the concrete weir from the analysis 37
3.7 Bill of engineering measurement and evaluation 38
Storm duration
Overturning stability
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
2.2 Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter begins the introduction that gives general background information and knowledge on the
project topic, discusses the previous work and finally gives insight into the motivation and justification
to embark on the study. The aim of the project must be clearly stated. This is fundamentally the project
goal statement; and should adequately explain or capture its essence. The scope of the work is a self-
imposed limitation in which the study will not transcend. This is necessary because of dynamic nature of
most studies. It simply implies doing your very best that is meaningfully conclusive and then leaves the
rest suggestively for further studies. Some engineering study focuses on a physical domain in term of
geographical entity. It is therefore imperative to discuss the description of the study area. The
introductory chapter 1 normally encapsulates the titles listed under it (Box 1).
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Table 8 Water Availability by Continents
America 24.3 453 7,890 324 17,400
America 17.9 315 12,030 672 38,200
& Oceania 8.95 28.7 2400 269 83,700
2.8 Abstract
A good abstract is concise, readable, and quantitative. This is usually done at the end of study by virtue
of its purpose. Abstract is the summary of the study objectives, findings, implications, conclusion and
recommendation drawn. An abstract should be complete without specific reference to the main project
report, figures or tables. The third person is used and the text written in past tense.
2.9 References
All the in-text citations must be collated and listed in acceptable format under the references list. All
references cited within text must be listed under references. There are various format of listing
references. Reference listing is very important in any scholarly report. What to note are:
1. If the source is a textbooks, Peer-reviewed Journals, Conference Proceedings, Final Year Projects,
MSc/PhD theses, Public Lectures, Public Symposiums, Workshops etc.
2. Then note the date, the source, the publisher’s name & place, Journal name, open access publication
and accessed date.
Most science and engineering disciplines adopt the conventions’ of the American Psychological
Association (APA) for in-text citation and general references listing styles. This style uses in-line
acknowledgement of sources without footnotes and endnotes common in arts and Humanities.
References are very important and therefore carelessness that may cause unintentional plagiarism must
be avoided. Hence keep track of all sources of literature information while the manuscript is ongoing.
On listing style, consider illustration in Box 3. Study this and identify the salient differences. This paper
published by IWA is listed using different styles to give you insights into the need for consistency
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
Citations in-text
In the text, a reference identified by means of an author‘s name should be followed by the date of the
reference in parentheses. Use surname of author and year of publication: Gafar (2002) or (Gafar, 2002).
When there are more than two authors, only the first author‘s name should be mentioned, followed by
“et al” : Okeola, et al., (2008)
Two or more years in parentheses following an author's name are cited in ascending order of the year.
For example: Adedeji (1999, 2002).
Different references cited together should be in date order, for example: (Smith, 1989; Thomas and
John, 1992; Nwosu, 1999).
B.F. Sule and O.G. Okeola Measuring willingness to pay for improved urban water supply in Offa city,
Kwara State. Nigeria. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2010; (10)2, 933-941.
Sule, B. F. and Okeola, O. G. 2010 Measuring willingness to pay for improved urban water supply in Offa city,
Kwara State. Nigeria. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 10(2), 933-941.
B.F. Sule and O.G. Okeola (2010) “Measuring Willingness to Pay for Improved Urban Water Supply in Offa City,
Kwara State. Nigeria”. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. (10)2, 933-941.
Sule, B.F. and Okeola, O. G. 2010 “ Measuring Willingness to Pay for Improved Urban Water Supply in Offa City,
Kwara State. Nigeria”. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 10, No. 2: 933-941.
Listed below are related examples and take cognizance of sources type and date:
Alais, C. and Linden, G. (1999) Food Biochemistry. Aspen Publishers Inc. Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
Adebosin, H.O.O. (1986) Siting of reservoirs in river Oyun basin. Final Year Project. Department of Civil
Engineering. University of Ilorin. Ilorin. Nigeria.
Adeyemi, S.O. (1987) Water policies for the future. Convocation lecture. University of Maiduguri,
Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Adeyemi, S.O. (1988) Nation’s quest for water. 31st Inaugural lecture. University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
FAO (2000) Applications of contingent valuation methods in developing countries. Economic and Social
Paper 146. http://www.fao.org (Accessed July 6, 2005).
Godwin, A. (2005) FG plans N19 bn water project for Lagos. The Punch, Tuesday, July 19, 2005, Pg 19.
National Population Commission (2007). Federal Republic of Nigeria official gazette. Vol 94, No 24
Gordon, D. (2001) Incorporating environmental costs into an economic analysis of water supply
planning: A case study of Israel. Master of Resources Management thesis. Simon Fraser University,
Patankar, U.R. (2003) An approach for sustainable water resources in Maharashtra. Proceedings of 29th
WEDC International Conference. Abuja. Nigeria. Pg. 339-342
Sule, B.F., Adeyemi S.O., Agboola, D. and Catchy, C.C. (1999) Water supply in Kwara State: Problems and
prospects. Proceedings National Engineering Conference, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Ilorin, Nigeria.
Pp 258-269
Karamouz,M., Szidarovszky, F., and Zahraie, B. (2003). Water Resources Systems Analysis. Lewis
Publishers. USA. (This is example of multi-author work)
HR Walliingford (2003) Handbook for the Assessment of Catchment Water Demand and Use. HR
Walliingford, Howbery Park, Walliingford, Oxon, UK. (This is an example of multi-author work)
WHO/UNICEF (2000). Joint Monitoring Programme on Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) Global water
supply and sanitation assessment 2000 report.
http: www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/Globalssessment/Global5-5.htm(This is an example of
Okeola, O.G. (2009). “Occupational Health and Safety Management in Building Construction”. Paper
delivered at Workshop organized by Kwara State Universal Basic Education Board (KWSUBEB) Ilorin.
Held at NOCBUL Hotel, Ilorin, Kwara State. 21st-22nd April, 2009. (This is an example of Technical
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
2.9 Project Cover Pages
The project report documentation is inform of bounded paper back or hardcover. The next pages are
first and second covers respectively as illustrated in Figures 4 and 5.
The usage of literature material is important in final year project report because it gives credence to
broad reading and in-depth knowledge. It also shows ability to source, navigate, collate and use
information. However all sources must be credited otherwise it may be tantamount to plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a serious form of academic dishonesty which has been described as academic suicide and in
British academia; it is a ‘mortal sin’ (Putre & Rugg, 2005). Therefore what is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the
use of another person’s ideas, words or material either directly or indirectly without crediting the
original author. It also includes cutting whole or part of someone work and pasting it in your own work.
Writing Final Year Project Proposal & Report Olayinka Okeola (2018)
It is important for student to be very mindful of this to avoid unintentionally committing academic
suicide. A student in whose project plagiarism is uncovered automatically failed. It may also attract
other punitive measures that are specific to individual University. The rules are very simple and clear to
comply with and these include:
1. Any usage of ideas, words or material of any sort from a specific source, it must be attributed to
the source. Even paraphrasing requires explicit attribution.
2. If a usage of someone else’s words verbatim, then it must be in quotation marks and attribute to
that person.
IWA Publishing –Water Science and Technology Journal –Instruction for authors
(www.iwaponline.com/wst/i2a.htm (accessed on 28/8/200)
Petre, M. and Rugg, G. (2010) The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research. Open University Press. McGraw-Hill
Education. The McGraw-Hill Companies. UK.
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