Fixed Mass 6dof Motion

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( function [t,y] = sixdof(Forces, Moments, Mass, Inertia, tarray, varargin

SIXDOF Calculate aircraft fixed-mass rigid-body six-degrees-of-freedom %

.equations of motion using MATLAB ODE45 solver %
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %
:Inputs %
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %
Forces = 3x1 vector of forces in body coordinates %
Moments = 3x1 vectory of moments in body coordinates %
Mass = fixed mass of the aircraft %
Inertia = 3x3 Inertia Tensor matrix %
tarray = time series vector %
Ipos_i = 3x1 vector of initial position %
(Ivel_b = 3x1 vector of initial velocity (body %
Irates_b = 3x1 vector of initial body rates %
Ieuler = 3x1 vector of initial euler angles %
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %
:Outputs %
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %
t = simulation time %
y(1:3) = body rates %
y(4:6) = velocity in body coordinates %
y(7:9) = position in body coordinates %
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= %
An example of how to call sixdof %
;[Ipos_i = [10 20 100 %
;[Ivel_b = [30 10 20 %
;[Ieuler = [0 0 0 %
;[Irates_b = [1 1 1 %
;mass = 1.0 %
;(inertia = eye(3 %
;'[Moments = [1 1 1 %
;'[Forces = [10 5 8 %
;tout = 1:100 %
,t_expected,y_expected]=sixdof(Forces,Moments,mass,inertia,tout,Ipos_i] %
;(Ivel_b,Irates_b,Ieuler %

if nargin < 5
('.error('Less than the minimum 5 inputs
elseif nargin > 9
('.error('More than maximum 9 inputs
switch nargin
case 5
;[Ipos_i = [0 0 0
;[Ivel_b = [0 0 0
;[Irates_b = [0 0 0
;[Ieuler = [0 0 0
case 6
;{Ipos_i = varargin{1
;[Ivel_b = [0 0 0
;[Irates_b = [0 0 0
;[Ieuler = [0 0 0
case 7
;{Ipos_i = varargin{1
;{Ivel_b = varargin{2
;[Irates_b = [0 0 0
;[Ieuler = [0 0 0
case 8
;{Ipos_i = varargin{1
;{Ivel_b = varargin{2
;{Irates_b = varargin{3
;[Ieuler = [0 0 0
case 9
;{Ipos_i = varargin{1
;{Ivel_b = varargin{2
;{Irates_b = varargin{3
;{Ieuler = varargin{4
convert Ipos_i into body coordinates %
;((cph = cos(Ieuler(1
;((sph = sin(Ieuler(1
;((cth = cos(Ieuler(2
;((sth = sin(Ieuler(2
;((cps = cos(Ieuler(3
;((sps = sin(Ieuler(3

...;dcm = [cth*cps cth*sps -sth

... ;sph*sth*cps-cph*sps sph*sth*sps+cph*cps sph*cth
;[cph*sth*cps+sph*sps cph*sth*sps-sph*cps cph*cth
;Ipos_i = dcm*Ipos_i

if Mass <= 0
('.error('Mass should be a positive non-zero value
;[y0 = [Irates_b Ivel_b Ipos_i
options = odeset('MaxStep',1/50); % set max step size to Simulink's
;(t,y] = ode45(@f,tarray,y0,options,Forces,Mass,Moments,Inertia]

(function dydt = f(t,y,Forces,Mass,Moments,Inertia

dydt(1:3) = rates_dot %
dydt(4:6) = accel %
dydt(7:9) = vel %
y(1:3) = rates %
y(4:6) = vel %
y(7:9) = pos %

... ;(((dydt = [inv(Inertia)*(Moments - cross(y(1:3),Inertia*y(1:3

... ;((Forces/Mass - cross(y(1:3),y(4:6


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