Unit Measures of Dispersion: Structure
Unit Measures of Dispersion: Structure
Unit Measures of Dispersion: Structure
introduction Objectives Meaning of Dispersion Importance. of the Measures of Dispersion Concept of Range Concept of Quartile Deviation
14.6.1 Calculation of Quartile Deviation 14.6.2 Interpreta6ion of Quartile Deviation
Concept of Percentiles
14.7.1 Calculation of Percentiles 14.7.2 lnterpretation of Percentiles 14.7.3 Limitations of Percentiles
14.10 Use of Standard Deviation, Quartile Deviation and Percentiles in Classroom Situation
14.12 Unit-end Exercies 14.13 Points for Discussion 14.14 Answers to Check Your Progress 14.15 Suggested Readings
In Unit 12 and 13 of this Block, you have studied about the 'Tabulation and Graphical Representation of Data' and the 'Measures of Central Tendency'. Measures of central tendency can describe only one of the important characteristics of a given distribution i.e. the measures of location or the value of the variate around which the distribution may centre. Another important characteristic of the distribution is its variability. It is equally necessary to know about the variability of data, which may be concentrated or scattered around the measures of cehtra~ tendency. In the present unit, you are.going to study about the meaning and the importance of the measures of variability or dispersion, calculation and interpretation of these measures and the use of these measures in the actual classroom situation. Yau wouM then be in a better position to teach these to your students.
After going through this unit, you will be able to: und~erstand concept of dispersion; the
diffkrentiate between the measures of central tendency and the rrieasures of dispersion;
state the importance of the measures of dispersion; define quanile deviation 'Q' in your own words; calculate 'Q' for given data; interpret the value of 'Q' obtained by you; define and calculate the specified percentiles; interpret the percentile obtained by you; define mean deviation in your own words; calculate mean deviation for ungrouped, as we11 as gmuped data; interpret the mean deviation obtained by you; define standard deviation ' in your own words; d
calculate ' ' o from ungrouped, as well as from grmpd data; interpret the index of ' 'calculated by you; a, use appropriate measure of dispersion in classram situation for the improvement of teaching-learning process.
8, 12,11,12,10,&~9,11,12,10,8,10,9, ~0,112,8,f8,9,10,TII.
15,2, 8, I2,4, 17,20,6,2, E8, 16, 4 3, 9,6, I@ 15, 17,9, 11.
B computing means, you will notice thaf the average performance of the children of both r y k
groups is the same, which is 10.0. However, if y m go rhaogh the scores & a i d by the children s f the two groups, you will find that in Group A, no child has less than 8 ar m e ihm 12 marks, while in G r ~ u p there are many chiidren getting less titan 8 sr m e tkm I2 B, marks. Actually, the scores vary f r m O to 20 in Group B. The two groups are mc m p r s b k in terms of homog&eity. Group A is hmoger~ews, while G r q B is we k a ( ~ o g m o u ~ ~ t This information regarding the variability d data is not revealed by the measure o sentraI f tendency. The property which denaes the extent to which she values are dispersed a the central value is called dispersion. Dispersion is also known as spread, scatter or variability.
Measures of dispersion, provide a quantitative m m r e ofthe v;rriabiIi:y o vdues. Just as the f measure of central tendency is a point on the scale of mawement, the:measwe of dispersion i s also a distance dong the scale of measwemnt. The measms of dispersion in c m m use are Range, Quartile Deviaaion, Mean Deviation and S t d a d Deviation.
Measures of Central Tendency can be used to &scribe a d campre different data, &H thew dcr no1 give information about its variability. The varkbi9lty of dasa reveals much more than what the measure of central tmdency alone can do. Tfre masure of ddiqmsisn provides a quantitative index of ,fk degree of v;rrislion arrtang a parriedar set of values c sexes. For w compirri~g relative &gra ofvariability with r e p ~ to some trait ammg the indivirdwis in the d t w o or more groups, the measure of diqersion of the trait in a group is needed. The & quantitative ~ndices required far camprison purposes stPauld 6e available in dams of the same unit. The measure of dispersion, especidfy e k deviation, is required for m y
Measures of Dispersion
N -and 4
- cases respectively.
Example 1 : The scores obtained by 36 students of a class in mathematics are shown in the the table. ~ i n d quartile deviation of the scores. Table 14.1
In column 1 , we have taken Scores, in column 2, we have taken the frequency, and in colu~nn 3. cumulative frequencies starting from the bottom have been written.
N 36 Here N = 36, so for Q1 we have to take -=-=9 cases and for 4 3 we have to take 4 4 3N ---=36 27 cases: By looking into column 3, cf = 9 will be included in C155-59, whose 4 4 real limits are 54.5 - 59.5. So Ql would lie in the interval 54.5 - 59.5. The value of Ql is to
be computed as f o l l ~ w s :
For calculating 4 3 , cf = 27 will be included in CI 65-69, whose real limits are 64.5 - 69.5. So Q3 would lie in the interval 64.5 - 69.5 and its value is to he computed as follows':
Symaetrical and Skewed Distributions :A distribution is said to be symmetrical when the frequencies are symmetrically distributed around the measure of central tendency. In other words, we can say that the distribution is symmetrical if the values at equal distance on the two sides of the measure of central tendency have equal frequencies. Example 2 : Find whether the given distribution is symmetrical or not.
Score Frequency
1 2
2 2
3 4
4 5
5 8
6 5
7 4
8 2
Here Ihe measure of central tendency, mean as well as median, is 5. If we start comparing the frequencies of the values on the two sides of 5,we find that the values 4 and 6,3and 7,2and 8, 1 and 9, 0 and 10 have the same number of frequencies. So the distribution is perfectly ~ymmetrical. E a symmetrical distribution, mean and median are equal and median lies at an equal distance n from the two quartiles i.e. Q3 - Median = Median - Q 1. If a distribution is not symmetric, then the departure from the symmetry refers to its skewness. Skewness indicates that the curve is turned more towards one side than the other. So the curve will have a longer tail on one side. The skewness is said to be positive if the longer tail is on the right side and it is said to be negative if the longer tail is on the left side. The following figurks, show the appearance of a positively skewed curve and a negatively skewed curve.
Fig. 14.1
Measures o Dispersion f
For a negatively skewed curve, (Q3 - Median) is less than (Median - Q1)
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For calCulating the values of percentiles, we have to find the points on the scale of measurement upto which the specified percent of cases lie. The process of calculating the percentiles wherein we takc into consideration the specified percent of cases is similar to that of calculating the qua~tiles.Thus,
and so on.
Example 3 : Let us find out P,,, and P,,, for the data given In Table 14.1. It shows the scores
ohtained by 36 students of a class in mathematics. Here N = 36, so for computing P tc: take
,,, we have
I ON 1 00
7.2 cases.
The cf against 50 - 54 is 7 and against 55 - 59 is 14. S o 7.2 cases would lie upto a point between 54.5 and 59.5. Now
: P2,) = 54.5 +
= 54.5 +
-7 7
I -
= 54.5 + 0.14
= 54.64 In Unit 12, you have learnt to draw a cumulative frequency curve and ogive, wherein alongwith cumulative:frequency, the cu~nulativepercentage has been used on Y-axis. With the help of the Ogive, you can directly find the values of different percentiles without computing them.
In Unit 13, you vent through some examples for calculation of means. Let us consider the
Step 3 : Square the deviations and write the value of (X-M)2 against each score in column , 3. Find the sum of the squared deviations.
Step 4 : Calculate the mean of the squared deviations and then find out the positive square root for getting the value of standard deviation i.e. '0'.
The computation of standard deviation is shown below :
Table 14.5
Scores 12 X-M
Calculation bf Standard Deviation for Grouped Data Example 7 : Find the standard deviation for the following distribution :
Here also, thelfirst step is to find the mean M, for which we have to take the mid points of the CI, denoted bp X' and find the product fX'. Mean is given by
N (ind the deviations of the mid points of class intervals X' from the mean i.e. X'-M denoted by X " \ ~ h ethird step is to square the deviations and find the product of the squared deviations and the corresponding frequency.
To solve the a k v e problem, CI is written in column 1, frequencies are written in column, 2 mid points of TI i.e. X' are written in column 3, the product fx' is written in column 4, the deviation x' of lX' from mean is wr~ttenin column 5 , the squared deviation xtZis written in is ' ~ column 6, and the product f ~ written in column 7, as shown below :
Table 14.6
Measures of Dispersion
Mid Point CI
333 30
So, the deviations of the mid points are to be taken from 11.1.
=1/m=4.74 Thus, the required standard deviation is 4.74. Here, you must have observed that the deviations from the actual mean results in decimals and the values of x'' and f X" are difficult t0,calculate. In order to avoid this problem we follow a short-cut method for calculating standard deviation. In this method, instead of taking the deviations from actual mean, we take deviations from assumed mean. As a result, the formula for finding the standard deviation also changes to :
i =-x N
NXfd - Xfd
Here, i is the length of each class interval, N is the total number of cases and is the deviation of mid-point from the Assumed Mean, divided by the length of CI. This method is also known as Step Deviation Method.
Step Deviation Method for the Calculation of Standard Deviation
In this method. in column 1, we write the CI; in column 2, we write the frequency; in column X' -AM 3, we write the values of d, where d = ; in column 4, we write the product fd, and in .
Here Assumed Mean is the mid-point of the CI 9- 11 i.e. 10, so the deviations have been taken from 10 and divided by 3, the length of CI.
Here also
o = 4.74
Example 6
Example 7
Here, the dispersion is more in example 7 as compared to example 6. It means the values are more soatiered in example 7, as compared to the values of example 6.
Me;lsums of Dispersion
In classroom situations, we are required to use statistics frequently. However, in such a situation, either the teacher avoids computing the required statistic or computes the simplest measure of central tendency and dispersion without bothering for the suitability of these measures for the given distribution. A teacher should use the statistic when required and it should be appropriate for the situation. While reporting the progress of the child, the teacher simply reports the subject-wise m a k s in an examination. No other information is provided with reference to the performance of the children of the class. To avoid this situation, teacher can prepare the individual profiles of the children in terms of their percentile ranks. These profiles can be reported to their parents; they will be able to understand the position of their child in the class.
Example 8 : The scores of a student of class IX in the annual examination are reported as
follows :
Maths 100 70
Science 100 63
Soc. St 100 58
From the above data, it is difficult to have an objective assessment. We can simply see the percentage of achievement in each of the subjects and in the total. However, if the teacher provides subject-wise PRs alongwith marks obtained, it will be more meaningful. For this, individual's PRs reported are as follows : Subject :
Soc. St
Total Pss
Total number of students in class are 44. Here, one understands the relative position of the individual in the group, for each of the subject. Further, individuals can be compared with earlier and later performance, if reported in this way. The measure of dispersion helps the teacher to know about the variability in the class and plan the individualised instruction to suit the deprived and the intelligent children.
Statistical Techniques
For comparison of individual scores, the best way is to convert the obtained scores into the standard scores and for comparing two different distributions in terms of their variability, the coefficient of the variation may be used. The standared score and the coefficient of variation is being discussed in the following section. Standard Scores If the mean and SD of a set of values is known, then the given score may be expressed as deviation from the mean as a multiple of SD. Such a score is called standard score or Z score. X-M z=-
Standatd scores are amenable to all algebraic treatment, as these scores are represented in the form of Ratio Scales of measurement. Any two scores are comparable when converted into standard scores. If the raw scores of different subjects are converted into standard scores, we can calculate the composite scores also. The Coefficient of Variation When two series or distributions are kxpressed in the same unit and have approximately same average value then the a s of the two series/distributions may be compared directly. But if the units are different or the average value of the two distributions differ to a large extent then direct comparison may not give the true picture. Example 9 : The heights of students of class VIII A have been measured in inches, while those of class VIII B have been measured in cms. The standard deviations for the two groups are as follows : Class VIII A VIII B
These two a s cannot be compared directly, unless these are converted to the same unit or in any other form not involving unit. For this we need another measure of variability that is independent of unit and takes averages into consideration. Such a measure is the co-efficient of variation or relative standard deviation and is expressed as a percentage.
As CV is the ratio of two quantities, a and M, having the same unit, it is independent of unit. It also provides a value relative to mean. Exceptional variation : In educational situations CV less than 5 % or more than 35% would raise doubts regarding accuracy of computation of means and SDs, or the appropriate measures may not have been computed. For such cases, special analysis and interpretation is needed.
Measures of Dispersion
1 1