DOSING: Edema – 25 – 200 mg/d in divided doses, continued for atleast 5 daysd
THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS: a diuretic agent that promote sodium and chloride excretion without concomitant loss of K+.
USES: clinical conditions associated with augmented aldosterone production, as in essential hypertension, refractory edema
due to CHF, hepatic cirrhosis, nephritic syndrome and idiopathic edema
DRUG INTERACTIONS: combination of spironolactone and acidifying doses of ammonium chloride may produce systemic
acidosis. Effects may be antagonized by aspirin and other salicylates. Digoxin should be monitored for decreased effect.
Hypokalemia may result with K+ supplements, ACE inhibitors, ARBS. May alter antiocoagulant response in warfarin. Salt
subs may increase risk of hyperkalemia
SIDE EFFECTS: lethargy, mental confusion, fatigue, N/V, abd cramps, fluid and electrolyte imbalance
5. Nursing Implications & teaching.
• Check blood pressure before initiation of therapy
• Monitor serum electrolytes
• Assess for signs for fluid electrolyte imbalance
• Monitor daily I&O, check for edema
• Weigh pt under standard conditions, and daily once therapy commences
• Observe for and report immediately the onset of mental changes
• Max diuretic effect may not occur until third day of therapy, diuresis may continue 2-3 days after d/c
• Avoid replacing fluid losses with large amounts of free water
• Weigh 2 – 3 times weekly
• Avoid intake of high potassium foods and salt substitutes