Essay On Importance of Communication Skills in Today's World
Essay On Importance of Communication Skills in Today's World
Essay On Importance of Communication Skills in Today's World
Introduction: Communication is the significant part and partial of language. It is essential for survival of living creatures. All living creatures have developed their own means of communication. These means include the use of vocal noises, facial expressions or even body movements. Man is the only living creature with highly developed and systematic means of communication. He is able to exploit a variety of techniques for the purpose of communication. These include vocal symbols, body movements as also facial expressions, in this way speech and gestures co-ordinate to give meanings to human thoughts. Communication Skill: The word communication is derived from the Latin Communicate or communico that means to share. Communication forms an essential part of our life. In fact it is as important to us as air, food, clothing and shelter. A person shares his sorrows, happiness, moments of excitement and grief with someone through communication only. A man would become quite irritated and frustrated if he cannot write or speak to his kith and kin for a long time. Those residing far away from their associates communicate to their dear ones through letters, one telephone cells and add so on. Official communication is carried out through letters, telephone fax, e-mail and computers. About 70 to 80 percent of the total working time of a professional is spent on communication. It may be verbal or non verbal. The success of communication is measured in terms of not only the effective transmission of the message but also the achievement of the intended result. Verbal or spoken Communication: When two or more persons interact with each other through conversation, they are said to be following the mode of verbal communication. Meetings, Seminars, telephonic conversation, Face to face interaction between two individuals can be cited as classic examples of verbal communication. The advantage of this communication is that we can get immediate feedback. A speaker at a conference can visualize without much difficulty the way his lecture is being received by the audience. He can, as well, adjust the tenor of his communication. Oral communication varies according to person and also situation. A lawyer would be called insane if he behaves in the same manner as he does in the courtroom. Written Communication: It is the commonest mode of communication in the official circles. Much of your success depends on your ability to communicate efficiently through this mode. You may reproduce, multiply or store any information in this type of transaction. Immediate feedback, however, is not possible through this type of communication. Non-Linguistic Communication: Communication can also be made through symbols. Traffic lights, road signs, railway signals are a few examples of non-linguistic communication. We also communicate through gestures if we are at a far off distance or are not in a position to meet somebody due to some obligations. A new branch of communication called KINESICS is on the way to development that is the study of non-verbal communication like body movement, appearance, voice etc. Bilateral or Dyadic Communication: The term dyadic is derived from di that means two. As such, dyadic communication takes place between two persons. It may be verbal or nonverbal, informal conversation between husband and wife or two friends or two acquaintances at a party etc. There are no hard and fast rules for this conversation. It is a routine one and is a part and parcel of our life.
Formal dyadic conversation however demand artistry and can be acquired through practice. Some of the common forms of formal dyadic communication are Face-to-Face conversation, Telephonic conversation, Interview, Instruction and Dictation. Interactive or Face to Face conversation: Majority of time at home is spent on faceto-face conversation. This conversation does not require any official decorum. Conversation outside our home i.e. the one which we have at restaurants, parties, parks and even offices need not follow any rigid rule. However, if we keep in mind the following points, we may be labelled as a pleasant conversationalist. Choose a topic that interests both the participants Be courteous and cheerful. Remember that there is no such thing as uninteresting topic. We only have uninteresting people. Use simple, easy to understand language. Here are some reasons why communication skills are so important: Good communication passes information along. If you can effectively communicate, then people understand you much better, and whatever information you are trying to tell them will get across without being misunderstood. In business, this can prevent mistakes from being made by people who thought you said something else. In personal life, it can help you to let others know what you want. Good communication makes good relationships. If you can effectively communicate, then other people know what you need and want, and you can let them know your feelings without being misunderstood. This prevents arguments, especially between couples, because it avoids all that "you should have known how I felt" sort of mind-reading arguments. If you can explain your thoughts and feelings, then you won't misunderstand each other. Good communication helps you get what you need. If you can effectively communicate what you need or want, you are more likely to be successful in getting it. Effective communication also helps you to convince others to agree with you in a persuasive setting. Good communication gives you self-esteem. People with effective communication skills are more confident, because they know that they can tell other people exactly what they need to, and they know that they are understanding those people better. Good communication helps you to think better. In order to communicate effectively, you have to think ahead and organize your thoughts. This helps you learn how to organize, and how to plan ahead. Good communication makes peaceful communities. If you can effectively communicate, then you can get along better with your neighbours-in your town or city, in your country, and in the world. Most wars are caused by people not communicating effectively and not being able to negotiate with each other. Here are some things to remember about good communication: Communication is a two-way street. Good listening skills are part of good communication; you need to understand what the other person is saying to you as well as to say what you want. Communication often includes non-verbal clues such as tone of voice, facial expression, gestures, and body posture. Good communication includes being observant and focusing on the other person. Communication is a compromise. Everyone has a right to have their own opinion; just because you don't agree with them is no reason not to listen. Communication skills are very important since everyday in our life we need to communicate with different kinds of people around us. And having good communication skills can improve our relationship with them. Also in every field, communication skill is very essential to succeed. Good communicator always has the high paying position.
If you can communicate well, you can decide whether or not you have understood what the teacher just said, and can then let the teacher know whether or not you need additional help. Communication is also vital to interactions between you and your peers - if you can communicate well, you are less likely to use violence and get into trouble. Identification is one of the key ingredients of effective communication. Listeners can identify with what you are saying and with the way you are saying it. The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well that distinguishes one individual from another. Communication skills are incredibly important, not only to students, but to everyone. The CEOs of top companies have stated that the primary things they look for when hiring new employees is how well they are able to communicate, according to several communications textbooks. Verbal communication is a large part of how you present yourself, and so having the appropriate skill set is beneficial in both your private and public lives. If someone is unable to communicate well, it does not matter how brilliant or talented they are. They will not be able to live up to their full potential if they cannot present themselves well and adequately express their ideas. Communication skill is very essential because it usually makes or breaks your career. In work, communication skill is very important since you need to communicate with others and you need to deliver and get the right message. Because if you can't communicate effectively, people won't listen to what you have to say and you will have very limited career options.
(The author is a freelance writer, the views expressed herein may defer to that of the reader.)