Work Ethics and Etiquettes

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Good Work Ethics Work ethics can be described as a set of values, which involves the right attitude, correct behavior, respect for others and effective communication. Essentially, work ethics regulate what an employee would do in different situations in office. The habit of following good work ethics is intrinsic - it comes from within. It involves our morality and other values, apart from what our parents have taught us. Workers exhibiting good work ethics are considered eligible for better positions and more responsibilities. Hence, it becomes important to be honest, responsible and dependable.

Honesty: Any job assigned to you should be done with utmost honesty, without cheating, lying or stealing. It is psychologically proven that if a person doesnt follow work ethics, his/her conscience will be bothered. Dependability: Those who are dependable are considered reliable as well. Hence, it is necessary to develop the quality of being a responsible person. This will, in turn, foster excellent results and set you as a good example for those around you. Efficiency: Efficiency is vital for your own growth as well as the betterment of the company you are working with. It is very easy to spot inefficient employees, who waste a lot of time and resources. However, efficiency is still a hallmark of good workers. Positive Work Habits: Inculcate good working habits that will impress the people you are working with and your superiors as well. Coming to work late, dressing inappropriately and shuffling jobs are considered as signs of not following good work ethics.

Initiative: To be successful in whatever you do, it is vital to take initiatives on your part. Dont wait to be told what to do. If you are doing the right thing in an acceptable manner, do not hesitate to take initiatives Humility: Humbleness and modesty are amongst the necessary elements of good work ethics. Only a fool is arrogant, while a wise person always shows traits of humility. Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude at work is very important to accomplish your tasks successfully. This is because your colleagues get affected by your mannerism and respond accordingly. Teamwork: Always remember that you are a part of the team, no matter what role you play in it. Do what is not only good for you, but also, beneficial for the team as a whole.

Work Etiquette Work Etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior in a workplace, in a group or a society. Work Etiquette tells the individual how to behave when dealing with situations in a working environment however trivial the situation is. Office etiquette in particular applies to coworker interaction and communication with colleagues. The common general codes of etiquette at the work place are: Greeting a person well on the first meeting of the day.

In a meeting or in discussion, relevant references should be mentioned without mentioning any person by name who is closely related to the work. Persons leading a team of people should be able to understand all the views of his/her team before concluding to a decision or making a point. In a meeting, keeping the handphone/cellular phone in a silent / vibration mode so it does not interrupt the discussions on hand and other members of the meeting. Likewise, the person can send a message to the calling party who requires urgent attention by excusing himself/herself from the meeting or discussion.

When a person is talking or delivering a speech, other members of the group should not abruptly interrupt him/her. If anything is to be said on the discussed topic, the questions or suggestions should be noted down and raised politely at the permitted time (mostly at the end of the speech).

1.Business Conversation
Enhancing and expanding your conversation skills can help you create buy-in for your ideas, make better-informed decisions and obtain committed action from others. After assessing your present communication style, youll practice shaping engaging, clear and effective business conversations through real-world scenarios.

How You Will Benefit Express your ideas completely and succinctly to build rapport Leverage conversational dynamics to get results Avoid leaving others in mind-reader mode Use effective business conversation as a coaching and performance tool Come out a winner in any business conversation

What You Will Cover Focused Conversation Skills Creating a focused and results-oriented conversation goal Achieving clarity by organizing your ideas and remaining focused Redirecting conversations that have gone offtrack, exiting those that are dragging What to include in your business conversations from the listeners perspective How to create complete messages that cover all critical information Calibrating language to avoid becoming too specific or too abstract

Integrating confidence and competence into your conversational behavior Engaging Others in Conversation Building rapport and establishing open communication Listening strategies to gain information and create conversational bridges Asking and responding to questions as a way to promote effective business conversations Communication insights to help you flex your personal style to others preferences

The appropriate role of humor Choosing the right verbal and nonverbal language to create consistent, coherent and targeted messages Implications of gender and culture on the dynamics of conversations How to avoid creating or showing defensiveness in business conversations

2. .Dressing For Work

A work dress code is a set of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work. Work dress codes range from formal to business casual to casual. The formality of the workplace dress code is normally determined by the amount of interaction employees have with customers or clients. In workplaces where some employees interact with customers or clients and others do not, an organization may choose to have two dress codes. A more casual work dress code is normally adopted for employees with no customer or client contact.

Your Company's objective in establishing a business casual dress code, is to allow our employees to work comfortably in the workplace. Yet, we still need our employees to project a professional image for our customers, potential employees, and community visitors. Business casual dress is the standard for this dress code. Because all casual clothing is not suitable for the office, these guidelines will help you determine what is appropriate to wear to work. Clothing that works well for the beach, yard work, dance clubs, exercise sessions, and sports contests may not be appropriate for a professional appearance at work.

3.Entertaining Customers
No matter what business you are in, one of the most important assets you have are your loyal customers. At the end of the day the clients that feel good about dealing with you are those that will stick with you long term. Clients who are with you long term are also clients that are usually understanding when things do not go as planned. It is all about the relationship. To build that relationship, you need to entertain.

Customer loyalty matters because selling more to existing customers is easier, and cheaper, than finding and selling to new ones. Loyal customers tend to buy more, more regularly. And they will frequently recommend your business to others.
This briefing covers: Understanding who your most valuable customers are. How to achieve a high standard of customer care for all your customers. How to turn your most valuable customers into your most loyal customers.

A total approach
Make customer care a key part of your business strategy. Effective customer relationship management means organising your entire business to focus on the needs of customers. List your top key accounts, and give these customers the best service. Make sure customer-facing employees have access to all the information they need to serve customers efficiently. Give them the power to make certain decisions independently. Draw up a set of procedures and standards to be used wherever customers have direct contact with your business. For example, set standards for speed and courtesy when answering phone calls.

Essentials of customer care

Whatever added extras you may offer, they will be useless if you do not give your customers excellent basic service. 2.1 Encourage employees to deliver high-quality customer care. Make sure employees have good basic communication skills. For example, a poor telephone manner will ruin the credibility of a telesales company. Train employees in job-specific skills. For example, get sales people to listen to the customer more, so they sell intelligently, not aggressively.

Train all relevant personnel how to answer and deal with telephone calls. Make sure employees can handle complaints effectively. They should apologies, be sympathetic, listen, establish the facts, agree what to do, and then do it. Ask employees for ideas on how your customer service could be improved.

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