Methods of Teaching Final Handout
Methods of Teaching Final Handout
Methods of Teaching Final Handout
2. Discussion Method
Techniques in Discussion Method: >Small-group discussion technique >Socialized classroom technique >Direct instruction or classroom teaching technique >Panel discussion technique
>Recitation technique >Interview technique Advantages: >Opinions of the students can be expressed. >The teacher can know whether the students are getting the right ideas or not. Besides, he/she can make early corrections for false ideas of the students. Disadvantages: >Not applicable if the students are not participative.
3.Investigatory Method:
Techniques: Laboratory Technique: Students actively manipulate and study a given situation upon which a given problem lies. The situation being manipulated is contrived and it necessarily need materials. Types of Laboratory Techniques: Laboratory Exercise Laboratory Investigation Confirmatory type of laboratory technique Exploratory type of laboratory technique Lab. Exercise: help the students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills. Lab. Investigation: deeper and more serious undertaking that requires careful planning and doing on the part of the research Confirmatory type: traditional since the teacher explains the concept or principle to students before they undertake the investigation. Only concretizes basic data expounded by the teacher Exploratory type: more or less like a scientific investigation. Students are not given the expected generalization, instead, they are made to feel that they are responsible in actively searching for it. It is the responsible of the students to work on their own. Steps of Laboratory Technique: o Pre-Laboratory discussion o Actively proper o Post laboratory discussion Problem-Solving Technique: Requires a learner to work actively in the solution of a difficulty or an undesirable situation. Two types: Rational Mode(through process of reasoning done either qualitatively or quantitatively), Empirical mode (through a carefully laid down procedure.) Steps in Problem Solving technique: Identifying and defining a problem Formulating a hypothesis Verification Collection and organization of data Generalization Application
Research Technique: Technique least used by teachers. Is a careful and an organized study designed to serve a specific purpose. The purpose depends greatly on the specific type of research. Its end is to seek truth in any kind of study . Types: Interviewing a chosen subject Making a simple survey Constructing the historical episode on an individual; community; institution Doing a simple experiment Steps: Preparing for research works Collecting and gathering data Organizing the data obtained Analyzing and interpreting the data organized data Making a formal report of a research done Field Study Technique: Technique in which the student investigates a given situation by being part or an integral component of it. Purpose to get a first hand information to clear up some uncertainties and doubts. Steps: Preparation Actual investigation Making a formal report Class reporting Experimenting technique: An operation carried out under controlled conditions to discover an unknown effect or law, to test or establish a hypothesis, or illustrate a known law. Two points: Experimenting is an active process since it is an operation, It is highly purposeful Types of Experiments: o Structured o Unstructured o Semi structured Classifications: (Methodological and explanatory) Steps: Designing an experiment Preparing for the experiment Conducting the experiment Obtaining results of the experiment Advantages of Investigatory Method Enhance efficiency of Practitioners Enhance Scientific and Analytic Thinking Help students know how to solve problems Enable the student to apply theories in real life
Disadvantages of investigatory Method Very costly due to use of materials Time consuming There is danger of students being dishonest with results and computations
Requires Higher Instructor/student Ratio.
5.Reporting Method:
Unit or Morrisonian Technique: process of taking the contents of a particular subject as big locks and not as isolated and fragmentary bits of information. Aim is to approach topics in organized and integrated body, showing relevance, and cognitive relationship. The teacher assigns every unit or every chapter as the subject of the class activity. Individual or Group Reporting Technique: Reporting could be done by an individual or by a group. Reading or story-telling technique: reading of the source or sources or to narrate their own experience in relation to their given topic. Schematic technique: type of reporting which considerably makes use of hardwares of instruction. Used to aid the reporter. Types: Resource speaker; photograph records; film-showing; film strips and tapes; slides; tape-recorders Purpose: Making an interesting, vivid and well-done illustration of an idea. Substantiating points shared sustaining the interest of the audience in the report ensuring permanency in learning Symposium technique: entails a lot of preparation and involves certain complexities in the actual implementation. Is a closely identified with school forum which is open to al faculty members and students. Phases: Identifying the theme of school celebration Breaking down the theme into three or more specific topics Selecting the appropriate speaker for each topic Allotting adequate time for each speaker Giving time for the open forum whereby the students ask questions to the designated Advantages of Reporting Method:
Helps foster mutual responsibility. Supported by research as an effective technique. Students learn to be patient, less critical and more compassionate.
Disadvantages of Reporting Method: Some students don't work well this way. Loners find it hard to share answers. Aggressive students try to take over. Bright students tend to act superior.
Requires well-organized content preparation and good oral communication skills.
5.Activity method
It refers to a classroom encounter whereby students are actively engaged in first-hand , direct experience. Activity method technique 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Project technique Field trip technique Dramatization technique Role-playing technique Simulation game technique Characteristics: a. The learning environment approximates the real situation; b. The students performance is directly geared to the acquisition of the desirable and acceptable behavioral patterns; c. It is a highly student-directed activity; and d. It expects student-participants to make a total adjustment to a given situation. 6. Brainstorming technique a. The technique is problem centered b. All possible solutions are exhausted. c. It is a highly creative undertaking. d. It recognizes the importance of each participant. 7. Debate technique
6.Demonstration method
Comes in different forms namely: 1. Teacher-directed technique 2. Student-directed technique 3. Teacher-student directed technique 4. Resource speaker-directed technique
7.Integrated method
Comes also in different forms namely: 1. Lecture-discussion 2. Lecture-demonstration 3. Film-showing-discussion 4. Reporting-discussion 5. Inductive-deductive technique