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Uncivilized, Unenlightened, Pagan (Slang For Not Christian, Jew or Islamic)

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a priori abate abdicate aberrant abet abeyance abject abjure ablution abnegate abortive abrade abscess abscond absolve

abstemious abstruse abut accolade accost accoutrements accretion accrue acerbic acme acolyte acquit acrid acrimonious actuary actuate acuity acumen adage addle

Based on logical theory instead of experience; from cause to effect Reduce intensity to renounce the throne different, divergent from normal To aid or encourage a wrongdoing To put aside for future action; temporary disuse distressed, miserable, wretched to solemnly renounce an oath Cleansing or washing the body (for sacred rituals) Deny oneself; renounce or reject something desired Failing to produce results Scrape or wear away by erosion/friction A collection of puss resulting in infection and pain depart hurriedly (to avoid the law) Pardon, free from blame, acquit Moderate in eating/drinking; characterized by abstinence Difficult to understand; obscure To be next to or along the edge Praise, acknowledgement of merit To approach/address boldly/aggressively An additional item of dress/equipment Growth by accumulation of layers Come as a natural increase/advantage Astringently sour, bitter, harsh Highest point Helper/follower Free from blame/charges, declare not guilty, discharge Disagreeably sharp/bitter, pungent Angry and bitter Statistician who calculates insurance risks and premiums Set into action, motivate sharpness of the senses Ability to make quick intelligent judgments Proverb expressing general truth Confuse, muddle, rotten(egg)

genteel germane glib goad grandiloquence grandiose gregarious guile gullible hackneyed haggard halcyon harangue harbinger heathen hedonism hegemony herald heretical hubris humility husbandry hyperactive hyperbole hyperthermia hypochondria iconoclastic idolatrous ignoramus illusory immaculate imminent immutable impassive impeccable

Affectedly sophisticated/refined behaviour of the upper classes Relevant fluent but shallow and insincere, smooth a spiked stick with which to urge cattle forward, stimulate, torment Pompous speech pompous, pretentious, imposing Fond of company Deceit, treachery, sly or cunning behaviour Credulous, easily deceived worn out due to persistent repetition Exhausted and distraught appearance, due to fatigue or strain Happy and peaceful Long and earnest speech, sermon, lecture One who signals the arrival of something or someone Uncivilized, unenlightened, pagan (slang for not Christian, Jew or Islamic) Belief that pursuit of pleasure is the greatest good Dominance of a state over others Official messenger who brings news holding unorthodox opinion Arrogant pride humbleness, meekness Managing domestic affairs or resources abnormally active exaggerated statement, not to be taken literally to have a body temperature higher than normal Anxiety about health without reason; morbid depression or melancholy who attacks cherished beliefs Reverent, worshipping Ignorant person Deceptive Pure, spotless, perfectly clear Impending Unchangeable Unemotional flawless, perfect, exemplary

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adduce adept adipose admonish adroit adulation adventitious adversary aegis aeon aerosol aesthetic affable affected affiance affray affront aficionado aft agglutination aggrandize aggrieved agile agitprop agog agoraphobia agroforestry akimbo alacrity alfresco allay alleviate altercation altruistic amalgamate amaranthine

to cite or allege as evidence Skilled and proficient Fatty reprove, rebuke Displaying physical or mental skill Obsequious flattery Accidental Opponent Protection A very long period of time Container holding gas under pressure to be released as a spray pleasing in appearance Approachable, friendly (to subordinates) Artificial, full of affectation Be engaged to marry Fighting in public and disturbing peace Offensive action; to offend Devotee of a sport or a pastime Towards the rear of a ship/aircraft Firmly stick together to make a person's rank, wealth, or power look grand and large, to appear more than actual Distressed Able to move quickly/easily Political propaganda in art or literature (communist idea) Eager/expectant Fear of open spaces Agriculture incorporating the cultivation of trees With hands on hips and elbows turned outwards Briskness, cheerful readiness In the open air, outdoor Diminish, alleviate to make better, lessen severity Heated dispute Selfless, benevolent Combine, mix, unite; alloy with mercury Reddish purple/ unfading or undying

impecunious imperious impertinent imperturbable impervious implacable implicit impolitic impunity inadvertent inane incessant inchoate incipient incisive inclement incognito incoherent incongruous inconsequential incorrigible incumbent incursion indifferent indigent inexorable infelicitous ingenuity ingenuous inimical iniquitous innocuous inopportune inordinate insinuate insipid

Poor arrogantly domineering, urgent Insolent, rude; out of place not excitable incapable of being affected, penetrated that which cannot be appeased or calmed, inexorable, relentless implied but not spoken directly Unwise, inexpedient Exemption from punishment/consequence of an action Unintentional (incident); not properly attentive Senseless, silly continuous Elementary, rudimentary, just begun beginning to exist or appear Terse, sharp cold, stormy, severe weather keeping name and identity secret Unclear and difficult to understand Out of place, absurd Unimportant; of no consequence Depraved, incurably bad person, not easy to improve resting, holding office invasion unmoved, neither good nor bad Needy, poor Implacable, relentless Inappropriate skill in devising, ingeniousness innocent, frank, artless Hostile, harmful Wicked harmless inappropriate time Excessive, immoderate; disorderly To hint obliquely, suggest indirectly and gradually lacking vigour, interest or taste; dull

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amatory ambiguous ambivalent ambivert amble ameliorate amenable amiable amity amorphous amortize amour propere amplitude amulet amusia anachronistic anadig analects analgesic anchorite animal magnetism animism animosity annals anodyne anomalous anomie anosmia antedate anti-dumping antiquary antiquated antithesis apace

Relating to sexual love/desire with dual meaning contrasting feelings for the same thing one who fluctuates between being an introvert and an extrovert A slow/easy/relaxed pace of walking to make better, improve Tractable, responsible to law Friendly, likeable, pleasant friendliness, good will ill-organized, shapeless, vague; crumbly substance slowly extinguish or liquidate Self-respect Range Jewellery worn as a charm against evil Disorder characterized by inability to recognize/reproduce musical sound not belonging to its own period Analogue-cum-digital display watch Collection of small literary extracts Relieving pain Hermit, recluse Physical attraction The attribution of living souls to inanimate objects/plants etc feeling of strong hostility A record of events year by year Able to soothe/relieve pain not in tune with, abnormal feature Lack of usual social/ethical standards A loss of the sense of smell occur before time; assign a date earlier than the actual one Tariffs that raise the prices of imported goods more to be more than indigenous ones Student/collector of antiques Old-fashioned, out of date Direct opposite Swiftly, fast paced

insolent intemperance intermittent interregnum interstice intimate intimation intractable intransigent intrepid intricate inundate inured inveigle invocation irascible irate iridescent itinerant judiciousness junta ken kunstlerroman laconic laggard languish laud laudatory lewd loath logging loquacious lore lucid

disrespectful, pompous violent, immoderate with intervals in between An interval between successive reigns by a government Crevice, an intervening space Suggest, announce Hint or suggestion Difficult to deal with or control, stubborn stubborn, uncompromising fearless, bold Complex, elaborate flood, overwhelm to grow accustomed to something (unpleasant) Entice or persuade with guile/deceit to call upon god or a spirit for assistance Hot-tempered, irritable angry, enraged (ire=anger) Colourful A person who travels from place to place Giving sound judgement Military forces that take power after a revolution Range of knowledge; recognise A novel about the maturity of an artist Brief, terse, concise writing/speech Lagging behind, dawdling Grow feeble Praise/extol; hymn of praise praising, applauding Lustful, obscene, indecent Disinclined, unwilling, reluctant Cutting trees for wood talkative Collective knowledge about a subject clear and direct

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aphasia aphorism aplomb apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apostasy apothegm apparatchik appellation apportion apposite appraise apprise approbation apropos aqueduct arable arbitrary arboreal arcade arcane archaic archetype archipelago arduous argosy argot argus eyed argy-bargy armada armistice arraign arrant arrogate

Loss of ability to understand or express speech due to brain damage Brief, pithy statement Assurance, self-confidence Revelatory, prophetic Of doubtful authenticity, mythical Most distant point of a celestial bodys orbit from the earth Abandonment of a party or principle A terse saying/maxim A member of a government/ political party/ organization Name/title share out Apt, pertinent Estimate the value of Inform Approval To the point, appropriate Artificial channel for water supply Suitable for cultivation uninformed, random Living in trees Passage with an arched roof, covered walk with shops Mysterious, secret old, obsolete Original model/specimen, prototype A group of islands laborious, steep, difficult A large merchant ship Jargon used by a group Vigilant, watchful Dispute Fleet of warships Truce Accuse, call into court Downright, utter Claim without justification

lucrative luminary magnanimity maladroit malevolent malfeasance mar martial maverick mendacious mendacity mercenary mercurial meticulous misanthrope miser mitigate mollify momentous monolithic morbid moribund morose morose morphological muddied mundane natty nebulous nefarious neophyte niggardly nonchalance nonplussed noxious

Productive, profitable that which illuminates. Person whole presence causes intellectual illumination noble generosity, not petty in feelings clumsy wishing to cause ill, evil Misconduct/wrongdoing (by a public official) spoil, detract related to war independent thinker who does not conform to accepted ideas Untruthful Lying soldier paid to fight for some other country Volatile, sprightly, ready-witted Giving great attention to details; accurate One who dislikes humans and avoids human society Person who hoards money and lives miserable; avaricious to make milder, reduce Pacify, appease, soften, reduce severity of high importance immovable, massive, solidly uniform; made of one large block of stone Melancholy, sickly and unwholesome Approaching death, becoming obsolete Sullen, ill-tempered Sullen, ill-tempered Structural Made dull, dirty, obscure routine, dull smartly dresses, dapper Clouded, vague wicked Beginner Stingy, parsimonious, scanty Casual lack of concern perplexed, at a standstill harmful

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arson ascetic asinine askance aspersion asphyxiate assertion assiduous assuage astute asunder atavistic atone attrition audacious augment augur august aural auriferous auspices austere autarchy auxiliary avant-garde aver aversion avert avocation avow avuncular awry axiom baleful banal belie

Maliciously setting fire to property person who practises self discipline and renounces worldly pleasures for spirituality Like an ass Sideways, with suspicion Attack the reputation of someone Suffocate declaration Hardworking, persevering, attending closely appease, soothe, relieve Sagacious, with practical wisdom, shrewd and crafty Apart Resemblance to primitive ancestors Make amends Gradually wearing out by friction, abrasion daring, very bold, impudent Increase Soothsayer, foreteller of future; foresee Impressive Received by the ear Naturally bearing gold Patronage severely simple, morally strict, stern Autocracy Helping, supporting Innovators in art and literature Assert, declare dislike, unwillingness Ward off/prevent; turn away A minor occupation Admit, confess Like an uncle, kind and friendly Go wrong, askew, crooked Established/accepted principle Destructive, menacing, gloomy, harmful commonplace, feeble, trite give a false notion of; fail to justify

nuance obdurate obfuscate objectivity obnoxious obsequious obstinate obviate obviate odious odium offset oft onerous opprobrium opulence orotund ostensible ostensive ostentation ostracism paean palliative palpable paradox parsimonious paucity pecuniary pedagogy pedant pedestrian pedestrian penchant penury percipient peremptory

A subtle difference in meaning Obstinate Confuse, bewilder dealing with things outside the mind, not subjective offensive, objectionable obsessed with pleasing; intensely servile stubborn, intransigent do away with (inconveniences) To do away with an inconvenience, prevent hateful dislike incurred by a person or action Counterbalance; beginning Frequent burdensome Disgrace/disrepute attached to some act Affluence, wealth Imposing, pompous Apparent, seeming, pretended Ostensible, seeming Showing off; vulgar display of luxury or wealth exclusion from society and privileges song of victory or triumph soothing anxieties and intense emotions obvious; that can be touched or felt, and is easily perceived Apparently self-contradictory Careful in spending, stingy Scarcity, lack, dearth concerning money Art of teaching one who adheres to old rules Person who travels on foot; dull, commonplace, and lacking wit One who walks on foot; commonplace, lacking wit, dull Inclination Poverty Discerning command admitting no denial or refusal, authoritative

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bellicose beneficent benevolent benign bent bigot bildungsroman blithe bolster bombast boorish bounty brace braggart brevity bric-a-brac buccaneer bucolic bucolic burgeon burnish buttress buttress byzantine cabal cacophony cajole calibrate callous candid candor/candour cantankerous capricious castigation

warlike; eager to fight doing good, generous kind, generous harmless, mild Biased Intolerant believer of a religion/party A novel whose main subject is the development of a young character gay and joyous, careless and casual Strengthen, support, reinforce extravagant/pompous language Rude and clumsy like a boor Large amount of money obtained as a gift Prepare for something; enforce or support One who brags a lot Conciseness, terseness, quality of being brief Small ornamental objects or curios Unscrupulous adventurer, pirate pastoral, rural rural, pastoral Flourish, grow rapidly; young shoot/bud polish by rubbing Support, source of help Support, help Extremely complicated; inflexible; carried on by underhand methods A political clique/faction/coterie discordant mixture of sound coax with flattery or gentle argument mark with a standard scale of readings; determine capacity or value Insensitive, unfeeling honest and direct expression that can either be refreshing or distasteful Candid behaviour, frankness Hard to get along with, hot-tempered unpredictable, irregular rebuking, reproving, punishing severely

perfidy perfunctory peripheral perjury pernicious perpetrate perspicacious pertinacious pertinent pervade pervasive petulance philanthropic phlegmatic piecemeal pied pilfer pithy placate placid plangent platitude Platonic plebian plebiscite plenary plethora plummet polemic post-haste pragmatic prattle precarious precipitate

breach of faith, treachery mechanically done to get through a duty marginal, of the surface Lying against oath fatal, destructive Commit/perform an outrageous act Penetratingly discerning Stubborn, persistent To the point, relevant to the matter at hand, apposite Permeate, spread widely That which pervades/permeates Peevish impatience, irritability kind and generous to people Calm, unemotional, stolid Bit by bit, in pieces particoloured, of two or more colours Steal in small amounts Condensed, terse pacify, conciliate calm, not disturbed easily Loud, reverberating Clich, commonplace/trite remark, insipidity related to Plato and his writings; spiritual and not sexual, theoretical and not practical common man A direct vote for all electorates to decide on a proposal entire, absolute; decisive procedure Oversupply Drop rapidly Controversial discussion, verbal/written attack as fast as possible concerned with practical consequences Chatter childishly uncertain, chancy, insecure cause to occur prematurely; speed up, hasten

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catharsis caustic censure chary chicanery circumlocution circumspect circumvent cloy cogent cognizant colloquy collusion commensurate complacent complaisant concatenate concomitant concur condone confer confluence conjecture connive connoisseur consensus consonance conspicuous consternation construe contention contentious contiguous contrite controvertible convention

A release of emotion causing relief, purging Corrosive; sarcastic and biting to reprove/criticize harshly Cautious, wary trickery to speak in an indirect, roundabout manner wary, cautious, prudent, discreet, wise to find a roundabout way Sicken with sweetness Convincing Conscious, aware conversation Secret understanding having same size/duration, coextensive, proportionate Smugly self-satisfied Willing to please or oblige Link together Associated, going together agree, have the same opinion Forgive, approve reluctantly Bestow, grant; consult Union of rivers Judgment based on inconclusive information Conspire; tacitly consent to a crime expert judge in taste Agreement Harmony, agreement Clearly visible, noticeable anxiety /dismay causing mental confusion Interpret, translate Argument, dispute Likely to cause dispute Adjacent, in contact Penitent, remorseful, full of guilt worthy of debate and discussion and contradiction opposite of incontrovertible, which means impossible to dispute custom, general agreement by the majority

precocious precocious precognition predicament predilection pre-empt preen premonition prescience prescient presumptuous primordial pristine privation probation probity proclaim proclivity prodigal prodigious proffered profligate proliferate prolific prolix promulgate propagate propensity propitiate prospectus prudent pugnacious putrefy pyromaniac quaff qualms

prematurely developed premature development supernatural foreknowledge a difficult or embarrassing situation preference, favour Acquire in advance Smarten ones dress or hair; admire oneself early warning of things that will occur in future ability to perceive future events one who can perceive future events earlier Unduly confident/presuming original, existing from the beginning, fundamental fresh, in its original condition, untarnished Lack of lifes necessities legal supervision uprightness, honesty announce Inclination, tendency Recklessly wasteful; repentant, returned wanderer marvellous, amazing Offered Extravagant, dissolute increase rapidly in number, reproduce abundantly productive Lengthy, tedious Announce officially reproduce, spread Inclination, tendency Pacify (an offended person) Printed document that advertises an enterprise, a book etc circumspect, careful to avoid undesired consequences Quarrelsome, disposed to fight, truculent Become putrid/rotten person with mania to set things on fire Drink deeply reservations

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corpulent corroborate coterie counsel covert craven craven credo cryptic curative curio cursory decry deferential defuse deify delegate deleterious delinquency demagogue demur demure denigrate denouement denounce deprecate deranged derision derivative desiccate deviance diabolical diatribe dichotomous

bulky, fat Confirm, give support as witness An exclusive group of people sharing an interest Consultation, guidance; private thoughts and opinions Secret, disguised Cowardly; abject Cowardly, abject professed beliefs of a creed mysterious, unclear able to cure, restore health Unusual, worthy of collecting Hasty, not attentive to detail Disparage, belittle Respectful, showing courteous regard To remove the fuse from a bomb; to make less dangerous consider as a god representative; entrust a task to someone Harmful to the mind and body minor criminal offence political agitator who appeals to the base instincts of a mob; ancient leader of people Oppose Quiet and composed Disparage/ blacken/ defame a reputation The final outcome of a narrative, end result of a sequence of events to accuse openly Disapprove, deplore Insane, confused Ridicule, mockery derived from others, not original Remove moisture; dry deviating from normal practises Evil, inhumanly cruel Forceful verbal attack Divided into two parts

quash querulous quiescence quixotic quotidian rancorous rapacious rarefy rebuffed recalcitrant recant recluse recondite recourse rectify recuperative redoubtable redundant refulgent relegate renegade renege reproof repudiate repugnant rescind resilient resonance restitution retard reticent retrogress retrospect revere

Annul, reject Complaining, peevish, irritable silent, inert, dormant, motionless Romantically/extravagantly chivalrous; having lofty but unattainable ideals Commonplace, daily Bitter, spiteful in hatred Grasping, predatory, extortionate to make less dense; purify Snubbed, rejected Which cannot be restrained, obstinately disobedient withdraw a former opinion with public apology One who lives in seclusion or isolation; living away from society Abstruse, obscure, little known access of a resource that can provide help correct, amend That which can recover Formidable no longer relevant Shining, radiant demote A person who abandons one party/principle for another Go back on ones words, abandon faith, recant, change ones mind disapproval, blame Refuse to obey, deny, disown Extremely distasteful, unacceptable Revoke, cancel, abrogate, repeal Prone to springing back to its original shape; capable of quick recovery from adversity; buoyant Rich and strong and having an lasting effect Restoration of something to its rightful owner to slow down, delay progress taciturn, reserved in speech to retreat to look back upon the past Cherish or hold in deep religious respect

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didactic diffident diffuse dilatory dilettante disabuse disaffect discern discomfit discordant discrete discursive disingenuous disinterested disparage disparate dispassionate disquiet dissemble disseminate dissipate dissolute distension divest docile doltish dysgenic ecclesiastic eclectic effluence effrontery egotistical egregious elegy eloquent eminent

meant to instruct Shy, lacking confidence, reticent spread, disperse; not concise; verbose to cause delay Person who studies something superficially, trifling, not thorough Disillusion estrange; no longer friendly Understand or perceive clearly Baffle, thwart, disconnect not in harmony, disagreeing distinct, separate Digressive, rambling Insincere, having secret motives not concerned with one's own advantage; impartial Belittle, depreciate, decry very different; with no basis for comparison Disinterested, impartial, free from passion Anxiety, unrest; deprive of peace Conceal/disguise ones motives, act hypocritically Distribute, spread Disappear as vapour, disperse Lacking moral restraint Swelling due to pressure from within Strip, unclothe, get rid of; deprive, submissive, easy to manage Stupid causing deterioration of hereditary qualities in offspring priest, clergyman taken from various sources; attached to no particular philosophy outflow Shameless insolence Selfish, with an exaggerated opinion about oneself extremely bad or shocking song of lament for the dead fluent and effective use of rhetoric of superior rank or achievement

rhetoric rigorous rococo roman a clef salubrious sanction sanguine sapient sarcastic sardonic savor schism scrupulous secrete sedulous sequestered servile sever smattering solicitous solvent somniferous sophomoric specious sporadic spurious squabble squalid stalwart steadfast stentorian stint stoic stupefied stymie sublime

art of persuasive writing Rigidly precise/accurate, harsh and burdensome Highly ornamented, florid Novel in which actual people and events are disguised as fictional Healthy, pleasant Permit, encourage, approve Hopeful, optimistic Wise taunting with ironic comments, wounding remarks Sarcastic, cynically mocking, derisive enjoy and relish; characteristic taste or flavour Division of a group Conscientious, thorough about details to avoid wrongdoing hide, conceal Diligent, assiduous Secluded, isolated fawning, subservient, like a slave, dependent detach, cut off slight superficial knowledge in something showing interest or concern With enough money to meet ones liabilities; able to dissolve to form a solution sleep inducing, soporific Of a second year or high-school student misleadingly attractive, superficially possible but actually incorrect Occasional, scattered not genuine, not what it purports to be Petty and noisy quarrel Dirty Physically/morally strong and sturdy, robust Steady, unwavering, unswerving With a powerful voice Supply in scanty amount; allotted amount person who practises great self-control and seeks virtue stunned to obstruct pure, grand, noble

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emollient empathetic empirical emulate endemic enervate engender enigmatic ennui enumerate ephemeral epitaph epitome equanimity equity equivocal equivocate eradicate erratic erudite erudition esoteric ethereal eulogy exacerbate excise exculpate exigent exonerate exorbitant expedient extemporaneous extempore extensive extortion extraneous

Softening agent, that which mollifies able to understand another's feelings Based on observation and experiment, not merely theoretical Try to equal or excel by zealous imitation Belonging to a region weaken Generate Mysterious, puzzling, like a paradox boredom due to lack of occupation mention one by one, count fleeting, transient, short-lived Inscription on a tombstone person or thing embodying a quality or class; miniature representative or abstract composure, evenness of temper Unbiased, fairness one who uses ambiguity to mislead use ambiguity to conceal the truth destroy completely, remove totally unpredictable, inconsistent very learned Gaining knowledge from extensive study Meant for a special group of people Heavenly, airy, delicate speech in praise of a person (given at a funeral) Make pain or anger worse, irritate taxes levied on good sold in the country of production to free of blame or charges requiring a lot, exacting, urgently pressing Free from blame Grossly excessive Appropriate done without preparation do without preparation, on the spot widespread, far-reaching Obtain by force or threat unrelated to the topic, of external origin

subliminal subpoena subterranean subvert succinct sullen superfluous surfeit surreptitious sycophantic synergy systemic tacit taciturn tactile tandem tangential tangible tawdry tenacious tenuous terse testy thwart timorous tirade torpid tortuous tout tractable transgress transitory trenchant trepidation truculent turgid

below the threshold of conscious perception Court order summoning a person to appear in court underground; secret, concealed Destroy, corrupt, overthrow Terse, concise Morose, sulky, resentful and unsociable excess, more than necessary excess (of food) , overeat Covert, stealthy, clandestine Using flattery to obtain favours from influential people working together as a team for increased productivity Systematic Implied but not stated uncommunicative, reticent Perceptible to the sense of touch, tangible One after another with little relevance to the topic Possible to touch, palpable, concrete Gaudy, cheap persistent adherence to something Slight, weak Brief, laconic Irritable Frustrate, foil, baffle Fearful, timid A long vehement denunciation or declamation inactive, sluggish, dull, apathetic with twists and turns, devious, crooked, circuitous solicit custom persistently; pester customers Docile, manageable, pliable cross limits, infringe, violate short-lived, transient Terse, incisive, sharp, vigorous fear, alarm Savage, fierce, violently defiant, pugnacious Bombastic, enlarged

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extrapolate facetious facile fastidious fatuous fawn felicitous fervent fervor/fervour filibuster fiscal flagging flippant florid florid flout fluke foolhardy fortuitous foundering fraternal frivolous frugal fulminate furtive garrulous gauche genesis

To calculate approximately on the basis of known facts characterized by flippant, inopportune humour easy to do Very careful, fussy, squeamish vacantly silly, purposeless, idiotic young deer, to behave survilely, cringe, show extreme affection appropriate, highly suitable Intense, ardent, deeply felt, impassioned Zeal, passion, vehemence obstruct progress by a prolonged speech Of public revenue losing vigour, growing tired inappropriately funny or lacking seriousness Flowery, high-coloured, elaborately ornate, flushed, ostentatious Ornate, flowery Mock, show contempt Lucky accident, chance Foolishly bold, reckless Accidental, by chance Filling with water and sinking, falling brotherly Lacking seriousness, paltry, trifling, worthless Economical, meagre supply express censure loudly, violently explode Stealthy, secret, pilfering, surreptitious Talkative about trivial matters, loquacious, wordy Awkward, tactless, lacking ease/grace birth, origin

ubiquitous unfeigned unfettered unintelligible unscrupulous unstinting unwitting urbane vacillate vacuous vapid vaunt vehement veneration veracity verbose vexation vie vigilant vilify virulent vituperate voracious waive warranted wheedle withering zealot

present everywhere or in several places at the same time; omnipresence True, sincere, genuine Unrestricted, unrestrained Not understandable Unprincipled Generously bestowed, liberally Unintentional, unaware Sophisticated, suave, courteous Oscillate, fluctuate, waver Empty, unintelligent Insipid, dull Brag, boast Ardent, strongly felt, forceful Deep religious regard or respect, reverence honesty, truthfulness express in more words than necessary annoyance, irritation, distress Compete; strive for superiority careful, alert, watchful, guarding against danger or errors Defame poisonous, malignant Abuse, revile Glutton, ravenous, eager relinquish, defer, put off, give up, not enforce Authorized, justified coax by flattery or endearments Drying up, deteriorating A fanatically committed/zealous person

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