Running A SCC Meeting

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The Center for the School of the Future

Understand procedure for SCC meetings Understand voting rules Understand minute taking & record keeping

Think for 3 minutes about the following questions:

Why do School Community Councils have meetings? What are some positive outcomes from SCC meetings? How can good record keeping make future meetings easier?

Your SCC should develop a standard order of business. Use any items that apply to your meetings: I. Call to order II. Reading and approval of minutes III. Reports from officers and standing committees IV. Reports from special committees V. Unfinished business VI. New business VII. Adjournment

A member addresses the presiding officer for recognition. A member addresses the presiding officer for recognition. The member proposes a motion. Another member must second the motion. The presiding officer states the motion to the assembly. The assembly can now discuss or debate the motion.

The presiding officer takes the vote on the motion Voting can be done by voice, show of hands or balloting
For a vocal or show of hands All those in favor? All those opposed? For a ballot cast, all members will write their vote and turn them in to the presiding officer. He/she will count them and record them for the council meeting records.

The presiding officer announces the result of the vote The floor is now open and another motion can be proposed.

Date of the meeting Subject, or purpose of the meeting A list of the attendees Administrative issues discussed and the name of the individual(s) Concerns/Opposition/Questions raised by meeting attendees Closure

Have an attendance sheet ready to pass around Take notice of the time that the meeting begins and ends Get the main points. You do not need to write down everything that is said. When a motion is made
Write what the motion was who made the motion the number of votes in favor and against

make sure to print, sign and date your name at the bottom of your notes, or template

How can following the procedures in this module make your SCC meetings better?
How can you adapt these procedures to fit the needs of your SCC?

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