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Ronald Raglin's Application

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July 11,2012 To Whom It May Concern: My name is Ron Raglin.

I am extremely excited about the opportunity to actively seek the position of School Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. In reviewing the elected School Board's well defined and specifically articulated six strategic plan goals, I believe I possess the personal constitution, the personal energy, and the professional experiences to focus the entire school community on the collaborative actions needed to dramatically drive student achievement. I envision during my first thirty days as School Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools using the Data Dashboard to show progress and challenges by the seven sub districts and by each school. Continuing as a follow up, I envision completing a capital, human capital and operational budget expenditures analysis overlay by the seven sub districts and by each school. Subsequently, I envision as an entire school community, we will look transparently, collaboratively, and honestly at resource stewardship and allocation to reveal issues of equity and effectiveness to conclude what currently is working and what needs support according to the established goals and metric targets. As a result of the research I would include the following next steps as needed: 1.) Reorganizing, refocusing, and reprioritizing central office position accountabilities to directly connect to both the affective and academic domain work of educators at the school level in a systemic yet innovative manner; 2.) Redistributing human capital and operational supports based on a "weighted students" theory of action; and, 3.) Focusing the time, talents, and treasure of Duval County's business, community based organizations, faith, political, and postsecondary communities to the specific affective and/or academic domain needs of the seven sub districts and of each school. I humbly and hopefully look forward to the advancement of my candidacy as the next School Superintendent of Duval County. From the literature I reviewed I believe my personal and professional story and commitment to student achievement will both fit with this moment of history in Duval County Public School Community. Thank you. Sincerely,

Ron Raglin

Duval County Public Schools

Application Information Form

Jacksonville, Florida
Position: Superintendent

Title: Name:

D Dr.



o Mrs.

D (other-please
Telephone Office: Home: Cell: E-mail: (


Ronald A. Raglin 8617 S. Knox Chicago Illinois

Home Address:

(773) 284-9495 (773) 882-2115 [email protected]

Zip Code:


Record of Professional Education (in reverse chronology) Institution Chicago State University Graduation Date May, 2012 Major Educational Administration and Leadership Special Education Degree Masters of Art

Fresno Pacific University

32 Units

Sterling College Merced College

May, 1984 May, 1981

Elementary Education General Education

Bachelor of Science Associates of Art

Record of Professional Experience (in reverse chronology) Title AVID District Director Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer AVID Coordinator/Electi ve Teacher Special Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Dates 2008 2002 to to 2012 2008 District Chicago Public Schools Chicago Public Schools Merced Union High School District Merced Union High School District Dos Palos Union High School District State Illinois Illinois Enrollment 409,000 409,000
















Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23,2012

The School Board has identified the following

qualities for the superintendent

of schools.

Please respond to each of the qualities stressing your experience, strengths, and abilities in each area, limiting your responses to between 200 and 300 words for each item.

1. A leader who solicits, respects and values the input of stakeholders at all levels of the organization and who has demonstrated leadership in utilizing that input to create and sustain a culture of shared decision-making. I believe at the heart of moving an educational organization towards greatness is demonstrating a consistent respect for all stakeholder voices. In order to achieve this I believe in simultaneously validating all legitimate contributions to existing successes while at the same time creating easily accessible communication channels at all levels of the organization. These acts of valuing and solicitation can lead to thoughtful ideas being surface as well as serious questions regarding specific issues being addressed effectively. In addition, a consistent tone builds trust, eases tensions, and generates positive momentum with all stakeholders towards effectively resolving challenges. During one of the last four years as the Chicago Public Schools AVID District Director I demonstrated these deeply held beliefs while authorizing 220 plus schools to implement AVID 4th through iz" grade College Readiness System. First, I restructured our AVID District staff of twenty-five individuals into area teams that mirrored the districts middle management organizational structure. This enabled school personnel to have direct and immediate accessibility resulting in needed actions solved in a timely, efficient, and effective manner. Secondly, I made it a routine practice as the AVID District Director to be a guest speaker in all the AVID Senior class sections across the district. This enabled me to gain feedback from students directly on the effectiveness of AVID implementation at their individual schools as well as across the district. These encounters resulted in among other things the creation of the AVID Senior Scholar Scholarship which awarded $180,000.00 to deserving AVID students over a two year period. And, thirdly, I redesigned our AVID District Staff team weekly/bi-weekly meetings into inquiry-based data driven performance management sessions. As a result, we were able to identify areas of need, share best practices, and create a best practice replication plan.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23, 2012

2. A leader who supports and empowers principals, teachers and staff to improve organizational and student performance outcomes. I believe the school site is the unit of change and view the principal's primary role as the instructional leader. As Superintendent I will seek input from principals, teachers, and staff at the school site level to evaluate human capital, operational and instructional strategies, and student performance. This input will help guide the direction of the district. From my experiences, principals are often burdened with budget constraints in accomplishing their vision. I will capitalize on cost effective best practices to empower principals. For example, a high school may be limited in the ability to offer some specialized courses (i.e. Advance Placement (AP) or World Languages, etc.) because of class size or teacher availability. I would investigate the use of technology to provide these courses through inter-classroom connection to schools that do provide this instruction. In addition, I envision making these types of needs known to the broader Duval County Public School community in anticipation that individuals and community based organizations are seeking concrete opportunities to invest support that contributes to dramatic student academic achievement. Here are some data results under my leadership as Chicago Public Schools AVID District Director: SCHOOLS
*250+ AVID Schools *90%+ AVID students receive free and reduced lunch *3 AVID National Demonstration Sites *5 additional schools were A VID National Demonstration Candidate Sites *225+ achieved A VLD National Certified Sites

*30+ staff provided school support that saved the district millions of dollars *2,000+ Administrators/Teachers participated in high quality local and national professional development activities *District and site individuals were recommended to become AVID National Staff Developers *700+ College students served as AVID Tutors with the experience being an entree into the teaching profession *I00+ partnerships with 4-year colleges that resulted in college visitations and scholarship opportunities for students *20+ significant partnerships with community based and non-governmental organizations STUDENTS: *50,000+ students reached directly and over 150,000+ students reached indirectly *90%+ AVID students reside in under resourced, marginalized, and neglected communities *Annually at least 70% of AVID students are taking a fourth year of Math *Annually at least 90% of 3-year+ AVID Student Completers are eligible for 4-year college admission *Annually at least 90% of 3-year+ AVID Student Completers completed FAFSA; translating into nearly $50,000,000 dollars totally * 10+ GATES Millennium Scholar Scholarship Winners *20+ POSSE Scholar Scholarship Winners *20+ DELL Scholar Scholarship Winners *40+ Chicago Public Schools AVID Senior Scholar Scholarship Winners *******Most Recent 2011 Data*******: *82.9% AVID 8th grade students met/exceeded state ISAT Test for Math *89.8% AVID 9th graders entered high school academically on-track *42.6% unique AVID students enrolled in at least 2+ Advance Placement Courses *43.2% unique AVID students earned at least an unweighted GPA of3.0 *72.3% AVID Seniors (3-year+ completers) graduated from high school within 4 years *80.0% A VID Seniors completed at least three 4-year college applications *80.0% AVID Seniors completed at least three Scholarship Applications *65.3% A VLD Seniors (3-year+ completers) enrolled in college

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23, 2012

3. A proactive visionary, able to consider, plan and implement systemic change that increase the district's ability to recognize and respond to current and future challenges as they arise. My vision for Duval County Public School District is that ALL students will be College and Career Ready. In order to achieve this goal below is a brief description of the innovations I will aggressively seek to implement:


Create a single "Student College AND Career Readiness Action Plan" between Duval County Public School District, Florida's Flagship Universities/Colleges, and Career Industry Sector. The purpose for this plan is to collaborate, coordinate, and consult more efficiently on all information, investments, and implementation.


Initiate and lead the effort to create a coordinated cross organization team with the task of delivering effective preventive and intervention programming that result in a dramatic increase in student retention rates annually. The purpose of this initiative will be to ensure a responsive, systematic, and streamlined process is in place with the capacity to swiftly respond to multiple student retention threats.


Initiate a merit pay system based on teacher g;rade looping teaming and student success. For examfle, having teachers 'loop' (Pre-k to 2n Grade, 3rd to 5th Grade, 6th to 8th Grade, and 9th to 1t Grade) as a team with the same group of students. This will ignite greater rapport among teachers and students, increased student retention rates from grade level to grade level, produce higher 8th and 12th grade student graduation, college enrollment, and industry certification rates.


Institute a data-driven performance management model for all central office, any middle management, and school site principals. This will ensure district priorities and goals are the focus of strategies, the factor for decisions, and the fidelity in actions.


Seek donated space via mediums (i.e. newspapers, billboards, etc.) to provide the general public with greater awareness, clarifications, and understandings when formulating perceptions and making school choices for their children.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23,2012

4. Someone with strong organizational and leadership skills, able to collaboratively align and focus internal and external stakeholders' efforts to accelerate progress on achieving

the district's goals for student and organizational performance.

In developing a highly engaging, highly collaborative, and highly productive district work force culture towards dramatically increasing student performance there are several steps I will take. First, I will review all available student affective and academic domain data. I will aggregate this data by sub district, by school, by grade level, etc. to gain a baseline understanding of how and where our celebrations and challenges are in serving students and their families. Secondly, I will analyze expenditures by sub district, schools, and student demographics and "weighted" status to gain a baseline understanding of how equitably, efficiently, and effectively resources are being allocated. In doing so I will review all vendor contracts, for example, to ensure dollars are being spent in the most cost effective manner. Thirdly, I will review all personnel roles and responsibilities beginning at central office. The goal is to see if such align with district goals and priorities. And fourthly, I will use a performance management model to ensure beginning with central office positions such are functioning towards achieving district goals of dramatically raising student performance. One key to my success as the Chicago Public Schools AVID District Director was creating an efficient organizational system to which the delivery of human capital support and funding support was timely, personalized, and effectively. Another key to my success as the Chicago Public Schools AVID District Director was my constant attention to utilizing data as a managerial tool. Utilizing quantitative data coupled with qualitative data provided great insights regarding who and what was working and equally who and what did we need to invest in for improvement. In addition, this balanced approach assisted me in protecting the fidelity of the AVID College Readiness System Implementation while also investing needed professional development training support to enhance performance.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23,2012

5. A person of integrity who is trustworthy and whose relationships, with the board and across the district, are predicated on honest and open communications. In my personal life I have always submitted my will to a set of deeply held values of trust, transparency, and truth that are grounded and rooted in my personal faith in God through His Son Jesus Christ. These values have enabled me to stay faithful to my lovely wife of twentyeight years, raise two beautiful and successful children, and live honorably and justly among people from equally rich and diverse religious and social, economic and political, educational and aesthetical backgrounds. My professional life is an extension of the personal values mentioned above. My letters of recommendation reference and expound upon the requested characteristics stated in statement number five. In addition, I have received numerous thanks and validations from Principals, Teachers, and Students for valuing them personally and supporting them professionally through meaningful relationships that has translated into educational success for all.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL

Closing date July 23,2012




ON THE COURT 773-284-9496

TO: 14029917168


Do you have a Superintendent Endorsement for the state represented by the position listed on this Application Information Form? (If you have questions regarding the requirements to be a superintendent in the State of Florida, contact the Florida Department of Education)



I certify that the information provided herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.


I am aware that the Florida Sunshine Act will require that all applicant information is public and can be released to the media upon request.

Applicant hereby waives his/her right to confidentiality with regard to his/her work record or criminal record and consents to and authorizes the release of information from current or former employers andlor law enforcement personnel upon inquiry under this application.

SignatureOfApPliCa~ Printed name of Applicant: ~

on 0.\

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pbOh"'Z ()..RCA~ll(\
Date: Duval County Public Schools McPherson & Jacobson, L.l.C.
and Development



This application must be COMPLETED and RETURNED by:

MONDAY, JULY 23,2012

Executive Recruitment

7905 L St, Suite 310 Omaha, Nebraska 68127

Phone: (402) 991-70311(888) 3754814 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (402) 991-7168

AAJEEO Employer

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL

Closing date July 23,2012

Ronald A. Raglin
8617 S. Knox Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60652 Phone: (773) 284~9495 0 Cell: (773) 882~2115 0 E-mail: [email protected]


A visionary, innovative, and passionate school servant-leader in a large urban school district with a record of being relevant, responsive, and result oriented to improve performance in all domains - curriculum and instruction, family and community engagement, systems scaling and technology - that connect directly to raising teaching and learning expectations that lead to academic achievement for all students.
Create, distribute, and manage annually multi-million dollar budget and contract Drive district wide policy changes and establish curriculum expectations Manage challenging community and stakeholder relationships through mutual collaboration and trust building Manage the collaborative development of College Partners, Community Based Organizations (CBO's), Non-Government Organizations (NGO's), etc. Assign district wide human capital deployment roles and create service delivery system models Create, manage, and evaluate district wide staff using a data-driven performance management model


Master of Arts,

Educational Leadership and Administration, Chicago State Univ., Chicago, IL, 2012 Pupil Services, Fresno Pacific Univ., Fresno, CA, 1992 Elementary Education, Sterling College, Sterling, KS, 1984

Graduate Studies,

Bachelor of Science, Associate of Arts,

General Education, Merced Community College, Merced, CA, 1981




2002 - Present

(409,000 students)
Advancement Wa Individual Determination 2008 - Present (A VID) College Readiness District Director

AVID District Director responsible for managing the implementation a district with more than 400,000 students:

of AVID in schools in

Providing vision, implementation, and evaluation of AVID in the school district that currently has 67 schools implementing the AVID College Readiness System Building a 3~5 year AVID Budget proposal for implementation middle grades and high schools for FY13~FYI7 expansion into 220

Creating, distributing, and managing a multi-million dollar budget that directly impacts 500+ school site administrators and teachers, 200+ college tutors, and 10,000 students directly and 43,000 indirectly Evaluating annually schools A Vll) performance to determine discontinue AVID implementation and investment. to continue or

Generating, navigating, and presenting annual AVID Board Report for approval, authorizing action to negotiate a contract agreement with the vendor, AVID National Center, as well as human capital and operation investments into AVID Creating needed district wide policies that ensure the AVID College Readiness System is appropriately and accurately considered, reviewed, and handled Communicating and collaborating with AVID school principals to ensure AVID Philosophy aligns with their instructional leadership vision, AVID budget support allocations are adequate, and AVID staff behavior is supportive, responsive, and effective Supervising and coaching AVID District Managers, Coordinators, and Coaches using Performance Management and Distributive Leadership Autonomy and Accountability model and practices Building capacity of AVID School Site Team members towards implementing AVID with fidelity to ensure all students are meeting College and Career Readiness Standards.

Demonstrating how AVID College Readiness System curriculum and instruction is aligned with International Baccalaureate (IE), Advance Placement (AP), and Common Core Standards Implementing a Performance Management Data Tracking System district wide to ensure targeted goals are clear, understandable, and achievable while pinpointing specific areas needing differentiated human capital and operational supports. Creating a map of Chicago Area four-year colleges and universities to strengthen collaborative efforts, deepen partnerships activities, and leverage human capital facility usage opportunities Providing AVID teachers with high quality professional development opportunities that deepen their knowledge, sharpen their skills, and invigorate their practice. Providing "seed" funding for AVID College Clubs to take root and grow on Middle Grades and High School campuses Instituting an AVID District Director Student Advisory Council made up of the Presidents and Vice' Presidents from each AVID School Establishing an AVID Scholarship as requested by students

Creating Annual AVID Recognition Events for 520 AVID school site team members, 9,500 students, and 165 college tutors since 2005 Establishing and executing Annual AVID Junior Scholar Four-year College Pre' Admission Interview Event for 500+ students since 2011

Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer

2002 - 2008 Special Assistant responsible for managing and executing follow through of various short term and long term projects on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer with a 100% completion rate in a district with more than 420,000 students: Provided district wide policy making leadership on raising high school graduation requirements for four, year college acceptance in math and science courses that annually impacts 100,000+ students from two years to three years [wanted four years for both courses] that was adopted by the Board of Education and is still board policy Created the original upgrade of the district wide high school student transcript draft that annually impacts 100,000+ that was adopted by the Board of Education as the official student transcript that is still board policy

Facilitated, managed, and executed as representative of the Chief Executive Office the selection of Transitional Advisory Councils (TAC) and selection process resulting in new school operators in three school communities Resolved community tensions with Board of Education via deep data analysis, collaboration, and consultation with key community stakeholders (i.e. elected officials, parents, business leaders, faith leaders, students, etc.) over such issues of overcrowding Fielded, evaluated, and redirected 4,500+ escalated issues down through the chain of command to appropriate department heads and middle level management escalated issues into the Chief Executive Office Evaluated for their academic viability 100+ educational proposals from recognized public figures from the professional sports and entertainment industries as well as cooperate proposals Oversaw coordination and execution of highly visible, high impact events involving thousands of Chicago Public Schools students Intervened by either on-site visit and/or directed appropriate Central Office department support for school in immediate need for short term support Nurtured and developed partnerships with zero-cost high yield Community Based Organizations (CBO) and Non Government Organizations (NGO) that produced $800k savings to the district and paid summer internships for students Represented and spoke on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer at numerous inschool and community wide events, celebrations, and ceremonies

Work Experience: 2008~Present 2002~2008 1993~1994 Chicago Public Schools AVID District Director; Chicago, Illinois Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer; Chicago, Illinois AVID Coordinator/Elective Class Teacher/Resource Teacher at Merced Union High School Golden Valley High School; Merced, California AVID Coordinator/Elective Class Teacher at Merced Union High School Golden Valley High School; Merced, California



Special Education Resource Teacher at Merced Union High School East Campus High School; Merced, California Special Education Teacher at Dos Palos High School; Dos Palos, California



Opportunity Program (OP) Teacher at Bryant Junior High Middle School; Dos Palos, California

Special Training Highlights:

20l0~Present 2009~Present 2006 Sue Duncan Children Center Board Member WISEP, Inc. Non-Profit Board Member Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teachers (CAMT) Workshop Presenter; Dallas, Texas National AVID/College Board Conference Workshop Presenter and/or Participant; San Francisco and San Diego, California Golden Valley High School Ladies Junior Varsity Basketball Coach; Merced, California Designer and Owner of the education basketball card game (Numbers On The Courts') and the baseball version (Numbers On The Diamondt") Annual Baccalaureate and/or Commencement Speaker at Elementary, High School, and College Graduation Ceremonies Golden Valley High School AVID Club Advisor to a 100+ member chapter; Merced, California Golden Valley High School African-American Club Advisor to a 50+ member chapter Team Teaching with Deputy Sheriff in Affective Domain Intervention Program, 'Straight Talk with Teens'; Merced, California Dos Palos High School Men's Junior Varsity Basketball Coach; Dos Palos, California










Bryant Junior High Middle School Young Men's Soccer Coach; Dos Palos, California Author, instructor, and evaluator of instructional addressing the Affective Domain curriculums



BryantJunior High Middle School Young Men's Basketball Coach; Dos Palos, California

Achievement Highlights:
2012 Chicago State University Honors Award for Exceptional Record Academic

20l0~ Present

Three Chicago Public Schools named AVID National Demonstration Sites AVID cited as the biggest driver of increased student enrollment in Advance Placement Courses that led to Chicago Public Schools being honored by College Board One of fourteen educators chosen nationwide Reagan Educators Program for the Inaugural USS




Over 125+ unique Chicago Public Schools named AVID National Certified and/or multiple year AVID National Certified Sites 'Teacher Of The Year' as voted by students throughout the San Joaquin Valley (from Bakersfield to Sacramento, California) One of 35 Alumni Honorees in Celebration Anniversary; Merced, California of Merced College 35th




Merced Sun Star Newspaper and Save Mart Grocery Store sponsored HERO Award Honoree; Merced, California Founding Committee California Member of Golden Valley High School; Merced,


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