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RHCE Session 1 RHCE Certification Level History of Unix, Features of Unix & Distribution History of Linux, Features of Linux

nux & Flavors About GNU, FSF & GPL Difference B/W Unix-Linux RHCE Course Details Session 2 Linux Architecture ( Kernel, Shell) Difference B/W Linux & Windows Types of Red Hat Linux Hardware Requirements for Linux Installation Types of Linux Installation Session 3 & 4 HDD Basic, Types of HDD Partitions Boot loader & MBR Types of Boot loader In Linux Types of File Systems In Linux & Windows Difference B/W ext2-ext3, Fat-Ntfs Minimum Partitions Required For Linux Practical Installation ( LAB ) Through CDROM Text & GUI Mode Through Network Text & GUI

Session 5 Linux & Windows File Structure All Linux System Directories Under / Installation According to RHCE EXAM Types of Modes in Linux 1) TUI 2) GUI Types of User 1) System 2) Non-System Types of Desktop 1) GNOME 2) KDE 3) TWM Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) Session 6 Basic Commands In Linux pwd, cd, fdisk, df, du, hostname, dnsdomainname, ls, mkdir, rmdir, rm, touch, cat, ifconfig, man, info, --help, cp, mv, cal, Date, logout, exit Shutting Down Command init 0, poweroff, halt, shutdown Restarting Command init 6, reboot, shutdown, ctrl+alt+del Session 7 Vi Editor & Its Operations Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Undo, Redo, Search in forward-Reverse, Set numbers & Others Mounting & Un mounting of CDROM, USB, Floppy & Windows Partitions Hostname Setting, IP Address Setting, ifup, ifdown Session 8 Types of Runlevel, Single User Mode, /etc/inittab file switchdesk & startx Command, Access GNOME, KDE, TWM Compressions-Decompressions, Archiving

Session 9 About Inodes, Soft & Hard Links After installation Partition Creation Creation of Ext3 Partitions Creation of Vfat Partitions Creation of Swap Partitions Session 10 Package Installation in Text & Graphical Mode ( RPM ) Package Installation Through YUM Session 11 & 12 User & Group Administration Permission Bits ( rwx ), Suid, Sgid & Sticky Bits Access Control List (ACL) Session 13 User Quota Job Scheduler Crontab Session 14 Process Management RAID RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 How to Create RAID during Installation & after Installation

Session 15 LVM ( Logical Volume Manager ) How to Create LVM during Installation & after Installation Resize of LVM LVM Snapshot, Backup & Restore Session 16 & 17 Imp Files In Linux /etc/inittab, /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, /etc/grub.conf, /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow, /etc/gshadow, /etc/securetty, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny, /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/pam.d/login Basic shell Scripting Session 18, 19 & 20 Minor & Major Troubleshooting Rescue Mode Problems EXAM 1 Session 21 RHCE Lab Setup Telnet Server & Telnet Client Security of Telnet Server (Th :-Xinetd) SSH Server (Secure Shell) & SSH Client, SCP, Slogin Session 22

DHCP Server & DHCP Client (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) NFS Server & NFS Client (Network File System) Session 23 DNS Server & DNS Client (Domain name Service) Local DNS Configuration /etc/hosts file Session 24 Samba Server & Samba Client Samba Server Configuration in Windows Share File & Directory B/W Windows & Linux Session 25 NIS Server & NIS Client (Network Information Service) NTP Server & Client (Network Time Protocol) Session 26 Web Server & Web Client, Secure Web Server Web Site Accessing in TUI & GUI Session 27 & 28 Squid Proxy Server Allow & Deny Web Sites

VSFTP Server & VSFTP Server (Very Secure File Transfer Protocol) Uploading & Downloading Through System or Non System User & Anonymous User Session 29 & 30 Sendmail Server IMAP-POP3 Server :- Mutt IMAP-SSL Session 31 Printer Server & Printer Client Syslog Server VNC Server Session 32 Tcp_Wrappers - /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny PAM Pluggable Authentication Module Ipv6 Configuration, RADVD Server Session 33 IP Forwarding - /etc/sysctl.conf Firewall Iptables Basic About SELINUX (Security Enhanced Linux) Session 34

XEN With Virtualization :Installation of Packages, Defining Default Boot Loader, Installation of Virtual Operating System

Session 35 Modem Installation, ADSL Setup ( KPPP ) Mp3 Songs, Movie Player Installation CD Writing & Acrobat Reader Open Office, GEdit, Graphical Tools How to Create & Run C, JAVA & SHELL Program EXAM 2

RHCE Certification Level History of Unix, Features of Unix & Distribution History of Linux, Features of Linux & Flavors About GNU, FSF & GPL Difference B/W Unix-Linux RHCE Course Details Redhat Linux Certification


RHCE Course Modules













SESSION 2 Linux Architecture ( Kernel, Shell) Difference B/W Linux & Windows Types of Red Hat Linux Hardware Requirements for Linux Installation Types of Linux Installation Through CDROM Text & GUI Mode Through Network Text & GUI

Linux Architecture


What Is Kernel & Shell

Kernel - Kernel is main part of an O.S., Kernel is used to interact with hardware, manage I/O devices, manage resources like CPU, RAM, HDD etc & used to manage Processes. Shell - Shell is a text based program. Users can only interact with shell, then shell interacts with kernel & finally kernel can interact with hardware.





Type of Redhat Linux 1) Redhat Linux Redhat Linux 3.0 Redhat Linux 4.0 Redhat Linux 5.0 Redhat Linux 6.0 Redhat Linux 7.0 Redhat Linux 8.0 Redhat Linux 9.0 2) Fedora Feodra 4.0 Feodra 5.0 Feodra 6.0 3) RHEL RHEL 3.0 RHEL 4.0 RHEL 5.0 -

Feodra 3.0 a) AS b) WS c) ES

Feodra 7.0 a) Server b) Client

Hardware Requirements for Linux Installation PIII - Min 800 Mhz PIV - Any RAM - 256 MB (512 MB) HDD - 10 GB CDROM

Types of Linux Installation Installation through CDROM (All Linux CDs required) Installation through Network (Only Linux 1st CD required) NFS - Network File System FTP - File Transfer Protocol HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Installation through CDROM Insert Linux CD 1st & set cdrom 1st boot device a) For GUI Installation -- boot: Press Enter b) For TUI Installation -- boot: linux text

Create Following Partition Manually through fdisk a) / (ext3) b) swap (swap) 5000MB 2*RAM Size A) Minimal Installation Method

(B) Advanced Installation Method a) /boot b) / c) /usr d) /home e) /var f) swap (ext3) 100MB (ext3) 1000MB (ext3) 5000MB (ext3) 500MB (ext3) 500MB (swap) 2*RAM Size

Define IP Address, Subnet Mask, Nameserver, Gateway & FQDN Information Define Time Zone (Aisa/calculta) Define root user password Select Packages for installation After it installation starts & changes CDs

Installation through Network Insert Linux CD 1st & set cdrom 1st boot device For GUI Installation -- boot: linux askmethod b) For TUI Installation -- boot: linux text askmethod

Select Installation Method (NFS) Define Local m/c IP address information IP Address : 172.24.0.X Subnet Mask : Primary Nameserver : Default Gateway : Define IP address of NFS Server & directory name

Server : or Name of Server Path : /var/ftp/pub Then press ok Now Client M/C contact with server m/c, if server is ready then client connects to server m/c & fetches all data from server directory. Create Following Partition Manually through fdisk A) Minimal Installation Method a) / b) swap (ext3) 5000MB (swap) 2*RAM Size

(B) Advanced Installation Method a) /boot b) / c) /usr d) /home e) /var f) swap (ext3) 100MB (ext3) 1000MB (ext3) 5000MB (ext3) 500MB (ext3) 500MB (swap) 2*RAM Size

Define IP Address, Subnet Mask, Nameserver, Gateway & FQDN Information Define Time Zone (Aisa/calculta) Define root user password Select Packages for installation Now no need to change CDs, client automatically fetches data from server.

SESSION 3 & 4 HDD Basic, Types of HDD Partitions Boot loader & MBR Types of Boot loader In Linux Types of File Systems In Linux & Windows Difference B/W ext2-ext3, Fat-Ntfs Minimum Partitions Required For Linux Practical Installation ( LAB ) HDD Basic hda, hab, hdc, hdd for IDE or PATA HDD. Sda, sdb, sdc, sdd for SATA, SCSI & USB drive. hda - Primary Master hdb - Primary Slave hdc - Secondary Master hdd - secondary Slave

Types of HDD Partitions Primary Partition (Booting Partitions) Extended Partitions (Define Space for logical partitions) Logical Partitions under Extended Partitions (Used for data storage) Note - In a HDD we can create max. 4 primary partitions but after that we cant create extended & logical partitions. Types of HDD Partitions Note - In a HDD we can create maximum 1 extended partition. Note - In Linux 1 to 4 numbers are reserved for primary & extended partitions & logical always starts from 5. Example: hda1, hda2, hda3, hda5, hda6 means 2 primary, 1 extended & 2 logical partition MBR & Bootloader MBR stand for Master Boot Record. MBR is the zero or first sector of a HDD. MBR is used to store bootloader & booting files information. Bootloader is a software that is used to define list of all installed O.S., bootloader installed into MBR. Bootloader in Linux GRUB - Grant Universal Boot Loader (Default in RHEL 5.0) LILO - Linux Loader File System & Types of File system in Windows & Linux File System is known as indexing. File system is used to define no. of tracks, sectors, cylinder, heads etc. For defining file system, we format the HDD drive. Windows Linux



Difference B/W ext2-ext3




Difference B/W NTFS-FAT32




Minimum Partitions Required For Linux Minimum 2 partition required for Linux / (ext3) swap (swap) 5000MB 2*RAM Size

Practical Lab Setup Installation of Linux in GUI & TUI SESSION 5 Linux & Windows File Structure All Linux System Directories Under / Installation According to RHCE EXAM Types of Modes in Linux 1) TUI 2) GUI Types of User 1) System 2) Non-System Types of Desktop 1) GNOME 2) KDE 3) TWM Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

Linux File Structure Concept Files and directories are organized into a single-rooted inverted tree structure, File system begins at the root directory, represented by a lone / (forward slash) character.

Names are case-sensitive Paths are delimited by /

Linux File Structure Concept Example of some System Directories Home Directories: /root,/home/username User Executables: /bin, /usr/bin, System Executables: /sbin, /usr/sbin, Other Mountpoints: /media, /mnt Linux File Structure Concept Example of More System Directories Kernels and Bootloader: /boot Server Data: /var, /srv System Information: /proc, /sys Shared Libraries: /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib Configuration: /etc Temporary Files: /tmp /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin

All Linux System Directories Under / The /dev Directory The /dev directory contains _le system entries which represent devices that are attached to the system. These _les are essential for the system to function properly The /lib Directory The /lib directory should contain only those libraries that are needed to execute the binaries in /bin and /sbin. These shared library images are

particularly important for booting the system and executing commands within the root _le system. The /etc Directory The /etc directory is reserved for system & network Configuration files. The /media Directory The /media directory is for temporarily mounted file systems, such as CD-ROMs and floppy disks. The /opt Directory The /opt directory provides an area for third party packages The /proc Directory The /proc directory contains special "files" that either extract information from or send information to the kernel. Due to the great variety of data available within /proc and the many ways this directory can be used to communicate with the kernel, an entire chapter has been devoted to the subject. The /sbin Directory The /sbin directory is for executables used only by the root user. At a minimum, the following programs should be in /sbin: arp, clock,getty, halt,init, fdisk,fsck.*, grub, ifconfig, lilo,mkfs.*, mkswap,reboot, route, shutdown, swapoff,swapon, update The /usr Directory The /usr directory is for files that can be shared across a whole site. The /usr directory usually has its own partition, and it should be mountable read-only. The /var Directory Since the FHS requires that you be able to mount /usr read-only, any programs that write log _les or need spool or lock directories should write them to the /var directory. The FHS states /var is for: "...variable data _les. This includes spool directories and _les, administrative and logging data, and transient and temporary _les."

Types of Modes in Linux A typical Linux system will run six virtual consoles and one graphical console Server systems often have only virtual consoles Desktops and workstations typically have both Switch among virtual consoles by typing: Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] Access the graphical console by typing Ctrl-Alt-F7 Types of User Two type of User in the Linux 1) System User or Root User (#) ex :- [root@station1 ~]# 2) Simple User ($) ex :- [r1@station1 ~]$ Note :- Here Station1 is Host Name And ~ is Home Directory of Root User or a Simple User Types of Desktop The X Window System is Linux's graphical subsystem. Open source implementation of X Look and behavior largely controlled by the desktop environment. Three desktop environments provided by Red Hat GNOME: the default desktop environment GNU Network Model Environment KDE: an alternate desktop environment- K Desktop Environment TWM Tab Window Manager Fully Qualified Domain Name

FQDN Fully qualified domain name Host+domainname = FQDN EX. Station1+ example.com = station1.example.com

SESSION 6 Basic Commands In Linux pwd, cd, fdisk, df, du, hostname, dnsdomainname, ls, mkdir, rmdir, rm, touch, cat, ifconfig, man, info, --help, cp, mv, cal, Date, logout, exit Shutting Down Command init 0, poweroff, halt, shutdown Restarting Command init 6, reboot, shutdown, ctrl+alt+del

Basic Commands In Linux Commands have the following syntax: command options arguments Each item is separated by a space Options modify a command's behavior

Single-letter options usually preceded by - Can be passed as -a -b -c or -abc Full-word options usually preceded by -- Example: --help [root@station1 ~]# date (display date and time) Mon Nov 26 07:26:49 IST 2007 [root@station1 ~]# cal (display calendar) November 2007 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The whatis Command Displays short descriptions of commands Uses a database that is updated nightly Often not available immediately after install

[root@station1 ~]# whatis cal cal (1) - displays a calendar

The Pwd Command [root@station1 ~]# pwd (show present working directory) Result = /root

[root@station1 etc]# pwd Result = /etc The cd Command Ex:cd (changes directories) To an absolute or relative path:

[root@station1 etc]# cd /home/ram/work To a directory one level up:

[root@station1 etc]# cd .. To your home directory:

[root@station1 etc]# cd To your previous working directory:

[root@station1 etc]# cd The fdisk Command [root@station1 ~]# fdisk l (Show all hdd partition information) Disk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Start End Blocks Id System 83 Linux /dev/hda2 1913 1925 104422+ /dev/hda3 1926 4475 20482875 83 Linux The df Command

[root@station1 ~]# df h (Show all mounted Partition information) Filesystem /dev/hda3 /dev/hda2 tmpfs Size 19G 99M 1009M Used Avail 12G 0 6.3G 17M 78M Use% 66% 18% Mounted on / /boot /dev/shm

1009M 0%

The du Command [root@server1 home]# du -h /boot/ (disk usages- Show dir usage space) 12K 237K 11M /boot/lost+found /boot/grub /boot/

The hostname Command [root@server1 home]# hostname server1.example.com The dnsdomainname Command [root@server1 home]# dnsdomainname example.com The nisdomainname Command [root@server1 home]# nisdomainname notexample The ls Command

[root@server1 home]# ls s2 s1 t1 [root@server1 home]# ll (Details in list form ) total 3 drwx------ 2 s2 s2 4096 Aug 30 12:35 s2 drwx------ 2 s1 s1 4096 Aug 11 19:03 s1 drwx------ 3 t1 t1 4096 Sep 3 12:28 t1 [root@server1 home]# ls -a (Show hidden file also) . .. guests ram s1 t1 The ifconfig Command [root@server1 ~]# ifconfig (This Command is use for viewing information about LAN card & IP Address) The who & w Command [root@server1 ~]# who [root@server1 ~]# w (Both Commands show that how many user login, on which time, on which terminal) The --help Option Displays usage summary and argument list Used by most, but not all, commands ex :- $ date help Display the current time in the given FORMAT, or set the system date. The man Command Provides documentation for commands

Almost every command has a man "page Pages are grouped into "chapters" Collectively referred to as the Linux Manual The info Command Similar to man, but often more in-depth Run info without arguments to list all age info pages are structured like a web site Each page is divided into "nodes" Links to nodes are preceded by *

Copying Files and Directories (cp command) cp - copy files and directories Usage: [root@station1 etc]# cp [options] file destination More than one file may be copied at a time if the destination is a directory: [root@station1 etc]# cp [options] file1 file2 destination Moving and Renaming Files and Directories (mv command) mv - move and/or rename files and directories Usage: [root@station1 etc]# mv [options] file destination More than one file may be moved at a time if the destination is a directory: [root@station1 etc]# mv [options] file1 file2 destination Destination works like cp

Creating and Removing Files [root@station1 etc]# touch - create empty files or update file timestamps [root@station1 etc]# rm - remove files [root@station1 etc]# rm [options] <file>.. Ex: [root@station1 etc]# rm -r directory(recursive) [root@station1 etc]# rm -f file (force) Creating and Removing Directories

[root@station1 etc]# mkdir creates directories [root@station1 etc]# rmdir removes empty directories [root@station1 etc]# rm -r recursively removes directory trees Command for shutting down [root@station1 etc]# init 0 [root@station1 etc]# poweroff [root@station1 etc]# halt [root@station1 etc]# shutdown h now Command for restart [root@station1 etc]# init 6 [root@station1 etc]# reboot

[root@station1 etc]# ctrl+alt+del [root@station1 etc]# shutdown r now

SESSION 7 Vi Editor & Its Operations Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Undo, Redo & Others Mounting & Un mounting of CDROM, USB, Floppy & Windows Partitions Hostname Setting, IP Address Setting. VI Editor

VI Editor is used to create a new file, edit in existing file, cut, copy, paste, insert, delete, set numbers before the line etc. For creating new file we write down #vi file name/destination add. with file name Ex: #vi training or /home/ram/training For edit existing file #vi existing file name or with add file name #cd /etc after that #vi fstab # vi /etc/fstab Vi Editor Modes Keystroke behavior is dependent upon vi "mode" Three main modes: Command Mode (default): Move cursor, cut/paste text, change mode Insert Mode: Modify text Ex Mode: Save, quit, etc Esc exits current mode Note:- Esc always returns to command mode

Vi Editor Opening a file in vim To start vi: vim filename If the file exists, the file is opened and the contents are displayed If the file does not exist, vi creates it when the edits are saved for the first time

Modifying a File Insert Mode i begins insert mode at the cursor Saving a File and Exiting vim Execution Mode Enter Ex Mode with : Creates a command prompt at bottom-left of screen Common write/quit commands: :w writes (saves) the file to disk :wq writes and quits, wq! write forcefully :q! quits, even if changes are lost Undoing Changes Command Mode u undo most recent change U undo all changes to the current line since the cursor landed on the line Ctrl-r redo last "undone" change Cut/Copy/Paste Command Mode dd for delete a line, 5dd delete 5 lines yy for copy a line, 5yy copy 5 lines p for paste a line What Is Mounting

Mounting means making a foreign filesystem look like part of the main tree. Before accessing, media must be mounted Before removing, media must be unmounted By default, non-root users may only mount certain devices (cd, dvd, floppy, usb, etc) Mountpoints are usually under /media Mounting of CDROM Automatically mounted in Gnome/KDE.Otherwise, must be manually mounted. First we have to insert a line in /etc/fstab file. /dev/hdb /media/cdrom udf,iso 9660 defaults 00

CD/DVD Reader mount /media/cdrom Un mounts and ejects eject Mounting USB Media Mounting USB Media Detected by the kernel as SCSI devices /dev/sdaX or /dev/sdbX or similar Automatically mounted in Gnome/KDE Icon created in Computer window Mounted under /media/Device ID Device ID is built into device by vendor Mounting Floppy Disks Must be manually mounted and un mounted

mount /media/floppy umount /media/floppy DOS floppies can be accessed with mtools Mounts and unmounts device transparently Uses DOS naming conventions mdir a: mcopy /home/file.txt a: Mounting Windows Partitions For Mounting windows partition we have to write down following command #mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /media/partition1 Note:- this is temporary mounting, we only mount FAT32 partition in Linux, for Permanente Mounting we have to enter details in /etc/fstab file like we enter for cdrom Hostname Setting Temporary change: For temp. change we write down following command #hostname station100.example.com Permanente change: For this we open #vi /etc/sysconfig/network file and change host name when we restart our pc we find new hostname. IP Address settings Setting up new IP add. We write following command #netconfig or #system-config-network #service network restart

Note: if above command not run then we open a file #vi /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 and write IPADDR=, NETMASK=, GATEWAY=, SESSION 8 Types of Runlevel, Single User Mode switchdesk & startx Command, Access GNOME, KDE, TWM Compressions-Decompressions, Archiving Intro of Runlevels Runlevels is system software of the operating system that defines no of process exist for a level. In Linux there are 7 type of runlevels from 0-6 These runlevels control by init command. Init is the first process of the system and the process id is 1 Types of Runlevels Init 0 = for shutdown Init 1 = for single user mode / troubleshooting Init 2 = multi user, text mode without N/W support Init 3 = multi user, text mode with N/W support Init 4 = unused Init 5 = multi user, text + gui mode, with N/W support Init 6 = reboot Runlevel setting For set a default Runlevel Open

#vi /etc/inittab file, change line in the file ld:3: initdefault in place of 3 we enter 5 for GUI + Text support After that reboot pc. For check the current Runlevel #runlevel Single User Mode For access single user mode At the booting time press e on Linux boot loader line Come at second line or on kernel line again press e Go last of the line press spacebar then press s or 1 then enter, Press b for booting Now system starts in single user mode without username & password. We can change any file of the system. Accessing GUI directly from Runlevel 3 For accessing GUI directly we run following command #switchdesk gnome For run GUI #startx Note : For run the switchdesk command we have to check switchdesk package is installed or not Archiving Archiving places many files into one target file Easier to back up, store, and transfer tar - standard Linux archiving command Archives are commonly compressed Algorithm applied that compresses file Uncompressing restores the original file tar natively supports compression using gzip and bzip2

Archiving Configuration For compress some files we have to archive them command. #tar cvf f1.tar files name Ex: #tar cvf s1.tar s2 s4 s5 s6 #tar tvf f1.tar (for check the .tar contain) #tar xvf f1.tar (for extracting .tar file) Compressions-Decompressions First we archive file and directories the use following command for compression #gzip f1.tar Result: f1.tar.gz For decompression #gunzip f1.tar.gz Result: f1.tar or #bunzip2 f1.tar.bz2 or or #bzip2 f1.tar f1.tar.bz2 first by using following


About Inodes, Soft & Hard Links After installation Partition Creation Inodes An inode table contains a list of all files in an ext2 or ext3 filesystem An inode (index node) is an entry in the table, containing information about a file (the metadata), including: File type, permissions, UID, GID. The link count (count of path names pointing to this file).The file's size and various time stamps. Pointers to the file's data blocks on disk. Other data about the file. Directories The computer's reference for a file is the Inode number The human way to reference a file is by file name A directory is a mapping between the human name for the file and the computer's Inode number cp and inodes The cp command: Allocates a free inode number, placing a new entry in the inode table. Creates a dentry in the directory, associating a name with the inode number Copies data into the new file. mv and inodes If the destination of the mv command is on the same file system as the source, Creation of Ext3 Partitions Creation of Vfat Partitions Creation of Swap Partitions

Creates a new directory entry with the new file name. Deletes the old directory entry with the old file name. Has no impact on the inode table (except for a time stamp) or the location of data on the disk: no data is moved! If the destination is a different filesystem, mv acts as a copy and remove rm and inodes Decrements the link count, thus freeing the inode number to be reused. Places data blocks on the free list. Removes the directory entry. Data is not actually removed, but will be overwritten when the data blocks are used by another file. Soft & Hard Links A hard link adds an additional pathname to reference a single file One physical file on the filesystem Each directory references the same inode number, Increments the link count The rm command decrements the link count File exists as long as at least one link remains When the link count is zero, the file is removed Cannot span drives or partitions ln filename [linkname] A symbolic link points to another file ls -l displays the link name and the referenced file lrwxrwxrwx 1 joe joe 11 Sep 25 18:02 pf > /etc/passwd File type: l for symbolic link The content of a symbolic link is the name of the file that it references Syntax: ln -s filename linkname Partition Creation

We can create following type of Partition 1. 2. 3. ext3 (Linux data partition) vfat (fat 32 type) swap (virtual memory partition)

For creating partition in Linux we use fdisk utility. By the help of this utility we can done many tasks like partition type change etc. Fundamental of fdisk utility Before creating partition we have to know what is the basic command of fdisk #fdisk /dev/hda (step 1 of the par. creation)

(here we suppose that hdd is primary master) :n = create new partition :d = delete a partition :l = list all file system ID :t = change the file system :w = write partition table & quite :q = quite without save :p = show partition table Ext3 Partition Creation #fdisk /dev/hda :n : press enter : +100M :w (new partition) (enter the stating cylinder no) (enter size of partition) (write & quit)

#partprobe or reboot (for refreshing the table) Format partition

#mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda10 Ext3 Partition Mounting #mkdir /media/newpartition Now open #vi /etc/fstab & enter new partition details /dev/hda10 /media/newpartition ext3 defaults 0 0 :wq (save & quite) #mount -a (mount all partition which in the fstab file) Vfat Partition Creation #fdisk /dev/hda :n :press enter : +100M :t New id = d :w (new partition) (enter the stating cylinder no) (enter size of partition) (for change the file system) (new file system id which know th l) (write & quit)

Partition no. [1-11]

#partprobe or reboot (refreshing table) Format partition #mkfs.vfat /dev/hda11 Vfat Partition Mounting #mkdir /media/newpartition2 Now open #vi /etc/fstab & enter new partition details

/dev/hda10 /media/newpartition2 vfat defaults 0 0 :wq (save & quite) #mount -a (mount all partition which in the fstab file) Swap Partition Creation #fdisk /dev/hda :n : press enter : +100M :t (new partition) (enter the stating cylinder no) (enter size of partition) (for change the file system)

Partition no. [1-11] New id = 82 (new file system id which know th l) :w (write & quit) #partprobe or reboot (refreshing table) Format partition #mkswap /dev/hda12 Swap Partition On/Off For Enable Swap space #swapon /dev/hda12 #free (for checking space of swap partition) For Disable Swap space #swapoff /dev/hda12 SESSION 10

Package Installation in Text & Graphical Mode ( RPM ) Package Installation Through YUM Redhat Package Manager In this section we learn how to install,search, update, and erase the packages. Windows supports .exe files and Redhat support .rpm files In Redhat Linux all packages extension is .rpm RPM Management How to search all install packages? #rpm -qa #rpm -qa | less (page wise) How to search a specific package? #rpm -qa telnet* #rpm -qa | grep telnet* How to Erase a package? #rpm -e package name* #rpm -e --nodeps pack. Name . Installation thro. RPM How to install a package through cdrom or through dump? First mount your cdrom with a dir. Then write following command. #cd /media/cdrom/Server #rpm -ivh package name #rpm -ivh --force package name #rpm -ivh --nodeps package name

Updation thro. RPM How to upgrade a package? First go to the destination of the packages. After that write down following command #rpm -Uvh package name Note : here U is in capital form and all command in small form. In graphical mode we write following command #system-config-package YUM YUM is a new software in RHEL5.0 by this we can install packages and also with dependencies. We dont want to remember dependencies names. By the help of this we can remove and update the packages. We have to create repositories either server site or locally for yum. We can use ftp and http methods for installing, erasing through yum. Configuration of YUM First search yum package through rpm #rpm -qa yum* if the package is installed then open #vi /etc/yum.repos.d/server1.repo In file [Server] name= any name baseurl = enabled = 1 (we create this file)

gpgcheck = 0 Working of YUM Now YUM is ready to install, search, update and also for remove the packages. By the help of following command we can done the described process #yum install package name* #yum remove package name* #yum update package name* #yum search package name*

SESSION 11 & 12 User & Group Administration Permission Bits ( rwx ), SUID, SGID & Stricky Bit Access Control List (ACL) User & Group Every user is assigned a unique User ID number (UID). UID 0 identifies root. Users' names and UIDs are stored in /etc/passwd Users are assigned a home directory and a program that is run when they log in. (usually a shell) Users cannot read, write or execute each others files without permission. Users are assigned to groups. Each group is assigned a unique Group ID number (gid). GIDs are stored in /etc/group. Each user is given their own private group Can be added to other groups for additional access. All users in a group can share files that belong to the group. When user accounts are created, a private group is also created with the same name. Users are assigned to this private group. User's new files affiliated with this group. Advantage: Prevents new files from belonging to a public group Disadvantage: May encourage making files world-accessible User Administration How to add a User? There is two types to add a User. The commands is following

#useradd user name #adduser user name How we secure a user? By giving a password we secure a user. The command is following #passwd username How to Delete a User? For deleting the user we have following command #userdel user name Note: By above command we can only delete user not his directories if we want that then we write down following command #userdel -r user name Group Administration How to add a Group? The commands is following #groupadd group name How to Delete a group? For deleting the group we have following command #groupdel group name Note: we cant delete a Primary Group User & Group Administration A New User always create following 1. User (s1) 2. Group (s1)


Directories (/home/s1)

User Id (UID) & Group Id (GID) All User & group have a unique identification which known as UID & GID. System User: 0-499 (range of UID & GID) Non System User: 500-65535 (range of id) What is the ID of the User? The command is following #id user name result: uid(500), gid(500), group(s1, r1) User & Group Information file: #vi /etc/passwd (this file store user info.) #vi /etc/group (this file store group info.) #vi /etc/shadow (user password info.) #vi /etc/gshadow (group info. In encryption) In GUI mode we have to write following command for accessing User & Group Administration #system-config-user Some Important question related to User & Group Administration Create a User p1 with User ID 5000. #useradd -u 5000 p1 Cerate a User p2 with Primary Group p1. #useradd -g p1 p2 Create a user p3 with Secondary Group p1. #useradd -G p1 p3

Create a User p4 with Secondary Group p1,p3. #useradd -G p1, p3 p4 Create a User p5 & define Dire. Location /p5. #useradd -d /p5 p5 Create a User p6 without login prompt. #useradd -s /sbin/nologin /p6 Note: we use service through this user but doesnt login th. this. Some question for existing Users. How to add a Secondary group in a User. #usermod -G h2 h1 How to add a Primary group in a User. # usermod -g h2 h1 Permission Bits In Linux each file & directories has 10 permissions bits. By using #ll command we see that - --- --- --First bit is for d = directories - = file c = character devices (Modem, Printer) b = block devices (Hard Disk, CDROM) Permission Bits for user

- --- --- --After 3 bites are for user, by the help of this we can give permission to user that they access the file or not. r = Read (4), w = Write (2), x = execute (1) Permission Bits for group - --- --- --After 3 bites are for Group, by the help of this we can give permission to Group that they access the file or not. r = Read (4), w = Write (2), x = execute (1) Permission Bits for other - --- --- --After 3 bites are for Other, by the help of this we can give permission to Other that they access the file or not. r = Read (4), w = Write (2), x = execute (1) Note: if we give x permission to a file then white color change into green. Permission Bits Details Description of rwx : r (Read) = If we give r to user then user read that file of dir. If we give r to group that means group members read that file or dir. If we give r to others that means other users also read that file & dir. w (Write) = If we give w to user then user write that file of dir. If we give w to group that means group members write that file or dir. If we give w to others that means other users also write that file & dir. x (Execute) = If we give x to user then user execute that file of dir. If we give x to group that means group members execute that file or dir. If we give x to others that means other users also execute that file & dir.

Permission Bits Setting How to change the Permission Bits? We have two type of method to change the Permission Bits. 1. Numerical Method: (4,2,1) Ex: p1 = user = rwx, group = r-x, other = --#chmod 750 p1 . 2. Value Method: (r,w,x) = for delete permission + = for add a permission u, g, o = for user, group, other r,w,x = for read, write, execute. Ex: p1 = user = rx, group = r-x, other = --#chmod ug+rx Defaults Permission Bits Defaults Permission Bits Maximum permission of a dir is 777 & a file 666. But when we create a file or dir we find permission 644 or 755. Its change because default umask is 022, means 022 less from the permission of the file & dir. umask is differ for system & non system user. UMASK For know the umask value we run following command #umask #umask 002 (this line change umask temp..)

If you want to change permanently then open #vi /etc/bashrc Note:In this file we have first simple user umask, Second root user umask. SUID, SGID & Stricky Bit Normally processes started by a user run under the user and group security context of that user. SUID and/or SGID bits set on an executable file cause it to run under the user and/or group security context of the file's owner and/or group Used to create a collaborative directory Normally, files created in a directory belong to the user's the default group When a file is created in a directory with the SGID bit set, it belongs to the same group as the directory. Normally users with write permissions to a directory can delete any file in that directory regardless of that file's permissions or ownership with the sticky bit set on a directory, only the owner of a file can delete the file Access Control List ACL is process by using we can define more then one user & group on a directories and file, when group & others are not allowed through permission bits. For using this feature we have to mount /home directories with a partition. Now we remount /home dir. with ACL option #mount -o remount,acl /home ACL Configuration Create a file or dir and check the permission by the help of following command #getfacl /home/ram Cerate a new user Now we set user & group permission on a file #setfacl -m u:s1:rwx /home/ram

Remove the assign permission #setfacl -x u:s1 /home/ram

SESSION 13 User Quota Job Scheduler Crontab User Quota User Quota service is used to provides a fixed amount of space to users. In Linux User Quota service can provides two type of limitations 1. Number of blocks used by a user 2. Number of files used by user These two limitation can define soft & hard limit If a user cross soft limit then a warning message appear & a grace period starts But that user can used up to hard limit. After hard limit write operation fail message appears. For use this function we have to create a partition and mount with the /home dir. In /etc/fstab we have to add usrquota with defaults by the help of , (comma) User Quota Configuration #mount -o remount /home (This command is remount home dir with new operation) #quotackeck -cvu /home

(For checking no. of files & dir in /home ) #quotaon /home (For enable the quota) #repquota -a (For check the quota status) #edquota user name (For edit quota) #quotaoff /home (For disable the quota) #edquota -t (For changing the grace period) Note: create quota problem for simple user dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/kk/somefile bs=1024 count=30 Job Scheduler Crontab Job scheduler is used to scheduling a job previously base on minute, hours, date, month & day of week. In Linux CRONTAB is used as Job Scheduler. How to schedule a job through Crontab? #crontab -e Min Hour Date (1-31) Month (1-12) Day of week (0-6/1-7) job/comment poweroff

(0-59) (0-23)

#service crond restart #chkconfig crond on Crontab Configuration How to check all schedule job.

#crontab l How to remove all schedule job. #crontab r How to view other user schedule through #crontab -u username -e Crontab Question Schedule a crontab that display a message hello on login terminal daily 9.30. #crontab e Min Hour Date Month Day of week job/comment 30 9 * * * echo Hello | wall #service crond restart Schedule a crontab that display a message shut down on terminal 5 daily at evening 6.30 pm. #crontab e Min Hour Date Month Day of week job/comment 30 18 * * * echo shut down > /dev/tty5 #service crond restart other user.

SESSION 14 Process Management RAID RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 How to Create RAID during Installation & after Installation Process Management A program in execution condition is known as process. In Linux init is the first process of the system & process id 1 Each process has a process id & a parent process id. There are two type of process. Foreground Process Background Process (deamon) Foreground Process use the terminal. Background Process doesnt use the terminal. #ps (show process) #ps -aef (show back & fore ground process) #ps -aef | grep service name (filter for service) #kill 3458 (process id)

#pstree (list of all process tree) #top (all current process show with time) How to access task manager in GUI Mode. #gnome-system-monitor #kpm (k process manager) RAID Multiple disks grouped together into "arrays" to provide better performance, redundancy or both. mdadm - provides the administration interface to software RAID. Many "RAID Levels" supported, including RAID O, 1 and 5. Spare disks add extra redundancy RAID devices are named, /dev/md0, /dev/md1, /dev/md2, /dev/md3 and so on.

RAID Configuration Create and define RAID devices using mdadm mdadm -C /dev/md0 l 1 n 2 /dev/sda12 /dev/sda13 Format each RAID device with a filesystem mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0 mdadm allows you to check the status of your RAID devices

mdadm --detail /dev/md0 Software RAID Testing and Recovery Simulating disk failures mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sda1 Recovering from a software RAID disk failure replace the failed hard drive and power on reconstruct partitions on the replacement drive mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda1 mdadm, /proc/mdstat, and syslog messages SESSION 15 LVM ( Logical Volume Manager ) How to Create LVM during Installation & after Installation Resize of LVM LVM Snapshot, Backup & Restore Logical Volume Manager A layer of abstraction that allows easy manipulation of volumes. Including resizing of file systems. Allows reorganization of file systems across multiple physical devices. Devices are designated as Physical Volumes. One or more Physical Volumes are used to create a Volume Group Physical Volumes are defined with Physical Extents of a fixed size. Logical Volumes are created on Physical Volumes and are composed of Physical Extents. File systems may be created on Logical Volumes.

LVM Configuration Creating Logical Volumes Create physical volumes #pvcreate /dev/hda3 Assign physical volumes to volume groups #vgcreate vg0 /dev/hda3 Create logical volumes from volume groups #lvcreate -L +256M -n data /dev/vg0 #mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg0/data #mkdir /lvm | mount /dev/vg0/data /lvm Resizing Logical Volumes Growing Volumes #lvextend -L +50M /dev/vg0/data #resize2fs /dev/vg0/data How to check the volumes? #pvdisplay (for physical volume) #vgdisplay (for volume group)

#lvdisplay (for logical volume) Logical Volume Manager Snapshots Snapshots are special Logical Volumes that are an exact copy of an existing Logical Volume at the time the snapshot is created. Snapshots are perfect for backups and other operations where a temporary copy of an existing dataset is needed. Snapshots only consume space where they are different from the original Logical Volume. Snapshots are allocated space at creation but do not use it until changes are made to the original Logical Volume or the Snapshot. When data is changed on the original Logical Volume the older data is copied to the Snapshot. Snapshots contain only data that has changed on the original Logical Volume or the Snapshot since the Snapshot was created. LVM Snapshots Configuration Create Snapshot of existing Logical Volume # lvcreate -L 10 -s -n databack /dev/vg0/data Mount Snapshot # mkdir /mnt/databack # mount /dev/vg0/databack /mnt/databack Remove Snapshot # umount /mnt/databackup # lvremove /dev/vg0/databackup Back up and restore ext2/3 file systems.Does not work with other file systems. #dump -0u - f /tmp/data /dev/vg0/databack #umount /mnt/databack

#lvremove /dev/vg0/databack #umount /lvm #mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg0/data #mount /dev/vg0/data /lvm #cd /lvm #restore -rf /dev/data

SESSION 16 & 17 Imp Files In Linux /etc/inittab, /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, /etc/grub.conf, /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow, /etc/gshadow, /etc/securetty, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny, /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/pam.d/login Basic shell Scripting INITTAB inittab : Location :- /etc/inittab Line 1: id:5:initdefault: By using this file we can change the run level permanently In place of the 5 we placed 3 for running Runlevel 3 at booting time Line 2: si::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rc.sysini

This file know about where is our system initialize Line 3: l0:0:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 0 Which script run on the booting time Line 4: ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now #ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now Most important we can disable ctrl+alt+delete command on server site or any side so no one can restart that pc by using above command. For this we have to commented following line Line 5: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1 We increase and decrease the terminals. After increment & decrement the GUI mode automatically change on to higher or lower level of the function key. Line 6: x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm nodaemon Also change that in which run level graphics starts. For this we have to changes made in the place of the 5. GRUB.CONF Grub.conf :- Location :- /etc/grub.conf Original location :- /boot/grub/grub.conf This file contain the boot loader configuration Line 1: default=0 By this file we can change the default booting operating system Line 2: timeout=5

Change the time of waiting Line 3: splashimage=(hd0,6)/grub/splash.xpm.gz Know the location of the splash image Line 4: title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server(2.6.18-8.el5) title LINUX We customize the OS name Line 5: root (hd0,8) If the boot partition separately mount then the /dev/hdc9 is /boot. Otherwise /dev/hdc9 represents / . Line 6: kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-8.el5 ro root=LABEL=/1 rhgb quiet We know kernel name and root label Line 7: initrd /initrd-2.6.18-8.el5.img Define initrd image. Line 8: title Other title Windows And also change the other OS name. Line 8: title Other Line 9: rootnoverify (hd0,0) Line 10: chainloader +1 And also change the other OS name, in line no 8 we write down the name which we want in place of Other Line no 9 and Line no 10 help us to start other OS when our Linux boot loader is corrupt. How we secure our Linux to unauthorized access in single user mode. We can secure our Linux by applying password

Write down password = after the splash image line. By this we can apply password on the entry of single user mode. timeout=5 splashimage=(hd0,6)/grub/splash.xpm.gz Password = How we secure our Linux to unauthorized access in also simple mode. We can secure our Linux by applying password Write down password = after the title line.By this we can apply password on the entry of simple user mode. title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server password = Redhat

FSTAB Fstab: Location :- /etc/fstab Backup File: /etc/mtab This file is used for HDD, CDROM and Network Services mounting. By the help of this file we can define partition no., destination location, file system, features of the file system, enable dump command and set file system checking order.


ext3 ext3

Defaults Defaults

11 12

LABEL=/boot /boot



devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0

tmpfs proc sysfs

/dev/shm tmpfs defaults /proc /sys proc sysfs defaults defaults

00 00 00

1 Defines HDD, CDrom, and other network services info.

Define mounting Define file Features position system type of file system

Dump freq.fsck

In the 1st column we have to define HDD Partition no., CD-Rom, Floppy Drive and other Network Service Information. We define as a following /dev/hdc12 Or LABLE =/ram In the 2nd column we have to define mounting position where we want that partition or drive. We define as a following /home In the 3rd column we have to define partition or drive file system. We define as a following ext3 vfat swap In the 4th column we have to define features of the file system. We define as a following

defaults -> assign defaults feature ro -> for read only rw -> for read and write usrquota -> for user quota unable acl -> for access control list In the 6th column we have to define file system checking order by this we define that which file system check first. We define as a following 0 -> never check 1 -> check first on booting time 2 -> 2nd preference on checking We define up to 7.

SESSION 18, 19 & 20 Minor & Major Troubleshooting Rescue Mode Problems EXAM 1 Minor Troubleshooting 1. 2. 3. 4. Login Through root user & redhat Password. Set your mode as graphical mode. Successfully ping server1.example.com Successfully dig server1.my133t.org


Create a 100 MB partition of ext3 File System & mount permanent under /mnt/new directory

6. Solve NFS Server problem. Successfully run showmount e localhost command for /data directory. 7. Resize LVM (Logical volume size) max. up to 300MB (280/320) LVM Mount under /home dir. Create a LVM Snapshot of 10MB. dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/jane/somefile bs=1024 count=30 But can not run this command dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/jane/somefile Minor Troubleshooting Solution For solving the question of minor troubleshooting we have to enter in single user mode by the help of following lines. At the booting time press e on Linux boot loader line Come at second line or on kernel line again press e Go last of the line press spacebar then press s or 1 then enter, Press b for booting now system starts in single user mode without username & password. We can change any file of the system. 1. Login Through root user & redhat Password. In single user mode For solving this problem we have take 7 steps. Step1: Check attributes of shadow and passwd files. For checking the attributes we have following command #lsattr /etc/shadow #lsattr /etc/passwd See that ia is here in attributes. If we find ia attribute we have to remove that one by using following command. #chattr -ia /etc/shadow #chattr -ia /etc/passwd bs=1024 count=70

8. Set Userquota Problem. User jane can Successfully run Following Command

For add this attributes we just replace - with + . Step 2: Change Root user password by using following command #passwd Step 3: Check Root User A/C expiration information. Check information by following command. #chage -l root For changing the age of root user a/c we have to write following command #chage root Step 4: Check /etc/securetty file. We find following entries in this file Console Vc/1 to Vc/11 Tty/1 to Tty/11 Check that the all entries is proper after this we have to check permission of the should be 600. Step 5: Open /etc/pam.d/login file and check the following line auth [user_unknown=ignore success=ok ignore=ignore default=bad] pam_securetty.so We have to check both underline words. Step 6: Check #vi /etc/passwd file if the file is missing then we have to copy /etc/passwd- file and rename it as /etc/passwd. All important files like shadow, group, gshadow etc. have the backup files Step 7: We have to find nologin directory in the /etc. If we find this directory then we have to delete this directory. If we didnt delete nologin directory we cant use Root user for login. 2. Set your mode as graphical mode. For solving this problem we have to open following file. file it

#vi /etc/inittab Now we change 3 into 5 in line no. 1. After this run following command #service xfs restart #chkconfig xfs on Also check #system-config-display

3. Successfully ping server1.example.com 4. Successfully dig server1.my133t.org Both question solve simultaneously, for solving, we have to run following command # netconfig In this command we have to enter Default Gateway IP and Namesever IP add. it may be If the commands not working then we have to manually enter in the files. The files are following #vi /etc/resolve.conf In this file we have to enter following information nameserver Now we open following file #vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 In this file we enter GATEWAY= 5. Create a 100 MB partition of ext3 File System & mount permanent under /mnt/new directory. To create the partition we have to follow below steps

#fdisk /dev/hda :n : : +100M :w Format partition #mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda10 #mkdir /mnt/new #vi /etc/fstab enter new partition details /dev/hda10 /mnt/new ext3 defaults 0 0 :wq (save & quite) #mount -a 6. Solve NFS Server problem. Successfully run showmount e localhost command for /data directory. For this we have to open #vi /etc/exports If we find space between IP & permission then just delete the space. #service nfs restart #service portmap restart #chkconfig nfs on #chkconfig portmap on 7. Resize LVM (Logical volume size) max. up to 300MB (280/320) LVM Mount under /home dir. Create a LVM Snapshot of 10MB. For this we have to write down following command. #lvextend -L +50M /dev/vg0/data #resize2fs /dev/vg0/data For checking #lvdisplay #df -h Now we create snapshoot by using following command (new partition) (enter the stating cylinder no) (enter size of partition) (write & quit) # partprobe or reboot

# lvcreate -L +10M -s -n databack /dev/vg0/data # mkdir /mnt/databack # mount /dev/vg0/databack /mnt/databack 8. Set Userquota Problem. User jane can Successfully run Following Command dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/jane/somefile bs=1024 count=30 But can not run this command dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/jane/somefile bs=1024 count=70 For solving the above problem we have to write following commands #repquota -a (For check the quota status) Now we login through jane user and create a dir. And check the size of the dir. Now we check quota status again and find that how many block size increase. Now we enter soft & hard limit for the jane user by following command #edquota jane For example if the size of dir. Is 1kb and 2 block increase and used total used block is 20 then we define following limit Soft limit :- 80 Hard limit :- 85 Means when we create 30kb file it takes 60 block and previous block is 20 then total is 80. Now 30 kb file created but 70 kb file show writing operation file message which we want. Major Troubleshooting 1. Problems in /etc/fstab & /etc/grub.conf solve that. First we have to know what we define in the file and how we define. LABEL=/1 LABEL=/boot / ext3 Defaults Defaults 11 12 /boot ext3

Now we have to know what is the common problem occur in this file, normally they delete underline words which called labels. when we start our pc it shows kernel panic error. To solve this problem we used rescue mode. Follow the steps for solving this problem First insert 1 CD of RHEL 5.0 after that write Linux rescue askmethod. Now system start into rescue mode, in rescue mode / mounted under /mnt/sysimage. Now we change the original position of the root with the following command. #chroot /mnt/sysimage If this command successfully run then we can solve all problem by checking fstab & grub.conf. If this command doesn't execute we follow these step Step 1: fdisk -l (show partition info.) Step 2: e2lable /dev/hdc9 (check label of part.) Step 3: e2label /dev/hdc9 /boot1 (by using command we can change the label) Step 4: mkdir /mnt/redhat Step 5: mount /dev/hdc10 /mnt/redhat Step 6: open fstab file #vi /mnt/redhat/etc/fstab Check the label and correct it after that save it. Step 7: mount /dev/hdc9 /mnt/redhat/boot Now we mount boot in new location to solve the grub.conf #vi /mnt/redhat/boot/grub/grub.conf Now open the file and edit it.

SESSION 21 RHCE Lab Setup Telnet Server & Telnet Client Security of Telnet Server (Th :-Xinetd) SSH Server (Secure Shell) & SSH Client, SCP, Slogin RHCE Lab Setup


IP SM Server1.example.com IP station1.example.com

IP station2.example.com

IP station3.example.com

TELNET Telnet is used for remote login but only in text mode. Telnet based on TCP protocol & has port no 23. Telnet is possible between Linux to Linux, Linux to Windows & windows to windows. In Linux, Xinetd daemon should be running properly. Telnet provides user authentication process, client always use server user for the authentication.

Working of Telnet


Forwarding Request

Request for accessing

IP All user define here. Xinetd running properly.

#telnet Login : Password :


Configuration of Telnet Step 1: search Telnet package rpm -qa telnet* Result: 2 packages should be there. Step 2: open file #vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet in file change disable = no Step 3: #service xinetd restart Step 4: #chkconfig xinetd on (for run level 2, 3, 5) Telnet Client side configuration : Just search package of the Telnet on client side. If your system have the packages then write down following #telnet IP address of the server machine Login : user name of the server side Password : user password

Advanced Telnet Server Configuration For advanced conf. we have to open following file #vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet In this file we have to enter following lines with in the brackets only_from = no_access =

per_source = 4 access_times = 08:00-10:00 Details of the entered lines : only-from : Member of define Network Address can access telnet server. no-access : The define IP address m/c cant access telnet server. per-source : Maximum connection allowed from a client m/c. Access-time :Time limitation for client m/c. # service xinetd restart Access thro. Telnet Server How to allow root user to be used by telnet client m/c. Step 1 : Open file #vi /etc/securetty Step 2 : Now enter in last of the file pts/0 pts/1. Now we can use root user in telnet. SSH Server SSH are stands for secure shell server. SSH is used for remote login but supports only Linux to Linux. SSH is based on TCP protocol and use port no. 22. SSH Server Configuration Configuration : Step 1: Search for package #rpm -qa openss* result: 2 packages Step 2: restart the service #service sshd restart #chkconfig sshd on SSH Client Side Client side : #ssh IP of the server #ssh [email protected] Slogin Server/ Client Slogin also use for remote login like SSH.

For accessing it we have to write following #slogin # slogin [email protected] SCP stands for secure copy server. SCP is used to copy files & directory form one m/c to another m/c securely. SCP for Files : #scp f11 SCP for Directories : #scp -r hh

SESSION 22 DHCP Server & DHCP Client (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) NFS Server & NFS Client (Network File System) Intro. of DHCP Server DHCP is stand for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP is used to assign static & dynamic IP address to client machine. By using netconfig command we manually assign IP address to all systems. DHCP based on broadcasting technology. In a Local Network we can select maximum 1 At server side DHCPD demon should be Both DHCP client and Server performs DHCP server has two type of database static database dynamic database DHCP Server Working DHCP Server. running properly. Broadcasting operation.


DHCP Server, Dhcpd running Static: ip combine with mac address Dynamic: range 1-20

#netconfig Select DHCP #service network restart

or #dhclient

DHCP Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa dhcp* result: 3 package Step 2: Go to the specific location #cd /usr/share/doc/dhcp-3.0.5 #cp dhcpd.conf sample /etc/dhcpd.conf Step 3: open following file #vi/etc/dhcpd.conf Change in this file subnet netmask { # --- default gateway option routers option subnet-mask option nis-domain option domain-name option domain-name-servers option time-offset #option ntp-servers #option netbios-name-servers # option netbios-node-type 2;;; "domain.org"; "domain.org";; -18000;;;

range dynamic-bootp; default-lease-time 21600; max-lease-time 43200; # we want the nameserver to appear at a fixed address host ns { next-server marvin.redhat.com; hardware ethernet 12:34:56:78:AB:CD; fixed-address; } } For Dynamic IP we have to change following lines

subnet netmask option domain-name example.com"; range dynamic-bootp After saving the file we have to write down #service dhcpd restart For static IP assign. We have to change the following lines host ns { next-server marvin.redhat.com; hardware ethernet 12:34:56:78:AB:CD; fixed-address; } First we have to change ns into system name. Second we change next-server into stationx.example.com

Third we change hardware Ethernet. For check the machine add. we have to write ifconfig and write down the mac. add. of the LAN card. Forth now we assign a unique IP to the system. This IP is different to our range. DHCP Client Client Side Configuration :#netconfig select DHCP #service network restart or #system-config-network select DHCP #service network restart or #dhclient Intro of NFS Server NFS stands for Network File Service.

NFS is used for directory sharing between Linux to Linux, Linux to Unix and Unix to Linux. NFS based on UDP Protocol & uses port no. 2049. NFS is a Remote Processor Call (RPC) based service. At Server side following demons should be running properly nfsd, portmap, rpc.rquotad, rpc.mountd Nfsd: Manage NFS Server. Portmap: Manage port no. of all services. Rpc.rqoutad: Manage quota of NFS Server shared directory. Rpc.mountd: Manage mounting & un-mounting of NFS Server shared directory. At client side we used mount command to access server shared directory. NFS provides no authentication processor. Shared directories are listed in /etc/exports Working NFS Server

without authenticatio n permission

NFS Server Nfs: nfsd, rpc.rmount, rpc.rqoutad Portmap: portmap

mount process

NFS Server Configuration Step 1: Search NFS Package #rpm -qa nfs* result: 2 packages Step 2: open file #vi /etc/exports add in Ex: shared dir. /data /data NFS Server Save the file, after that make the data directory.,sync) *.example.com(rw,sync) this file. Client IP/ N/A Permission

#mkdir /data #service nfs restart #service portmap restart #exportfs -a (refresh the exports file) #exportfs (show the shared dir.) #chkconfig nfs on # chkconfig portmap on NFS access on Client side #showmount -e (by the help of this command we can see the shared dir. On the given IP add. M/C) NFS Client: Temporary Mounting #mount /p1 Permanent Mount #vi /etc/fstab /p1 nfs defaults 0 0 Q: Run #showmount -e localhost Ans: For this we have to check /etc/exports file. In this file if we find space between IP & the Permission then just remove the space. After save the file #service nfs restart #service portmap restart

SESSION 24 Samba Server & Samba Client Samba Server Configuration in Windows Share File & Directory B/W Windows & Linux Samba Server Samba Server is used for directory shearing between Linux to Linux, Windows to Linux, Windows to Linux. Samba Server provides authentication. Samba Server uses SMB Protocol.(Server Message Blocks) In case of Linux Samba Server and Linux client M/C then a Client M/C can access only Server share directories. But in case of Linux Server & Windows client, then a client m/c can access server shared directory user home directory, Printer & Fax m/c of server. At Linux samba Server side following demons should be running properly. smbd :- Linux to Linux nmbd :- Linux to Windows At client side (Linux M/C) we uses following command to access Samba Server shared Directories. #smbclient #mount Samba Server Working


SAMBA Server, smbd, nmbd running properly,, /data, all users define here

Linux Client

Windows Client

Unix Client

] Samba Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa samba result: 3 packages Step 2: open file #vi /etc/samba/smb.conf in this file we find 4 type of section. 1. Global 2. Home 3. Printer 4. Myshared In Global section we have to change following contents Workgroup = Name of the group Hostallow = 172.24. We dont want to made changes in Home Printer directory. Now we copy last example of Myshared section and paste it in the last of the file. In Myshare section we have to change following contains. First we change samba share name we define this within a [] brackets. Source dir. info. No. one can archive from client side. After that we change the path actual dir. Add. Which we want to share with others. We have to define valid user by the help of these users we can access the samba server from client side. We have to change the writeable permission by this client write in that directory.

After that we change the createmask value by this we can assign default umask value for creation by client. After that we change browseable option we assign that client access shared dir. Through IE or not. At last we change write_list option by this we can assign that which group or group members access that directories. After that we save the file. We have to know that actual dir. Should be on destination add. After that create new user & also assign password. #useradd k1 # passwd k1 Restart service now #service smb restart #chkconfig smb on Now we convert simple user into samba user. #smbpasswd -a k1 Now enter password. For check the Samba Server we have following Checking tools: #testparm #smbclient -L Samba Server IP Samba Client Samba Client (Linux M/C): For checking share dir we have to write #smbclient -L Samba Server IP For accessing the share dir. We have to write #smbclient // -U k1 #mount -t cifs // /mnt/ -0 username=k1 Samba Client (Windows M/C): In windows client m/c click on my network place now right click and click on search computer. Enter the samba server IP add. After that enter username and password. Samba Server / Client Window Samba Server & Linux Client

Share dir. On windows so its automatically become Samba Server #smbclient -L #smbclient // -U administrator #mount -t cifs // /mnt/ -0 username = administrator #password = redhat

SESSION 25 NIS Server & NIS Client (Network Information Service) NTP Server & Client (Network Time Protocol) Intro of NIS Server NIS stands for Network Information Server. NIS is a centralize user authentication server & centralize user database server. NIS client login at local M/C but uses server users. NIS is possible between Linux to Linux, Linux to Unix and Unix to Linux. NIS known as YP but YP is the tread mark of the yellow pages thats why it name change in to NIS. At server side following demons should be running properly. ypserv: start and manage NIS & NFS. yppasswd: NIS user password info. manager All demons of the NFS Server. At client side following demons should be running properly. ypbind: used to attach with NIS & NFS server autofs: used to auto mount user home dir.

In NIS we define a NIS domain name, only members of NIS domain name can access server users. Type of NIS server Master NIS Server Slave NIS Server Master NIS server has main database of user. Slave NIS server has a backup database of Master Server and has a connection with Master Server.

NIS Server Working


NIS Server, ypserv, yppasswdd, nfsd, rpc.rmountd, rpc.rquotad, portmap running properly,, NISdomain= CCNA all users define here

#setup [ ] NIS Nisdomain= CCNA IP = autofs

NIS Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa yp* result: 3 packages Step 2: How to set NIS domain name. Tamp. Setting: #nisdomainname (for searching) #nisdomainname CCNA Permanent setting: open following file #vi /etc/sysconfig/network In file NISDOMAIN = CCNA Now we cerate new user

#useradd h1 #passwd h1 Now we bind user database with NIS domain name. #cd /var/yp #vi Makefile (:set nu: for set number before line) Change in line no. 109 all : Passwd group Note: Erase all info. Rather then three words. After saving the file we write #make Now we set current M/C NIS Master Server. #cd /usr/lib/yp # ./ypinit -m After that press Ctrl+D then Y #service ypserv restart #service yppasswdd restart Now we share /home dir. By NFS server. #vi /etc/exports In this file we have to write following /home,sync) #service nfs restart # service portmap restart NIS Client On the Client side we have to write down following command. #setup Authentication Use NIS Domain Name ok Now our M/C become NIS Client & member of NIS domain name, but at client side a user cant access its home dir. To access home dir we use Autofs Service. next

Autofs configuration : Open file #vi /etc/auto.master in file add a line /home /etc/auto.misc (this file define server details) After that open other file #vi /etc/auto.misc Add a line G1 -fstype = nfs* #service autofs restart How to check available user on server? By using following command we know available user name. #ypcat passwd #getent passwd NTP Server Network Time Protocol : Workstation hardware clocks tend to drift over time without correction Many application require accurate timing Time synchronization makes system logs easier to analyze NTP counters the drift by manipulating the length of a second If the system's time is behind the average of the time servers the second is made shorter so that the system clock races towards the correct time. Thus the time difference is reduced gently without disturbing other applications. However if the time differs to greatly, NTP ceases to work. In this case the clock must be reset manually with ntpdate. NTP Server Configuration For NTP Server we have to login through GUI Mode. Now we enter following command on the terminal #service-config-date Now select Enable network time protocol clock add is the Server IP add. #ntpdate -u #service ntpd restart After saving the file we have to write down following line.

SESSION 26 Web Server & Web Client, Secure Web Server Web Site Accessing in TUI & GUI Intro of Web Server What is Webpage? Webpage is a collection of the text, images, objects, audio, video, hyperlinks etc. What is Web site? Collections of the web pages with some database is called web site. What is Web server? Web server is a M/C that is used to host a website, manage a web site & manage database of that web site. Web server uses HTTP protocol & port no 80. We can host multiple websites on a single web server that is known as virtual web hosting. Each web site has a home page for example index.html, index.asp etc. For Web Server DNS Server or local database server should be running properly. At client site we use web browser to access a site like windows :- IE, Linux :- links. Web browser convert programming language into human readable format. Multiple cases for virtual web hosting :

Case 1: In this case we host one site on Web Server and assign IP address with hostname. Ex: yahoo.example.com Case 2: In this case we host multiple site on Web Server and assign different IP address to all site with the help of aliases. Ex: eth0 site 1 site 2 site 3 site 4 site 5 etc. eth0:0 eth0:1 eth0:2 eth0:3

Aliases: Aliases is a process where we virtually convert one LAN card into multiple LAN cards. By this we can assign different IPs to multiple sites and host multiple site on a Web Server. Web Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa http* result: 2 packages Case 1: Step 2: open following file #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :set nu -> set number before line Edit line no. 971 Name Virtual Host after this we have to write our system IP address or DNS IP address. After that we have to copy last 7 lines. #<VirtualHost *:80> # # # # # ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /www/docs/host.example.com ServerName dummy-host.example.com ErrorLog logs/host.example.com-error_log CustomLog logs/com-access_log common Now paste it in the last of the file, now made following changes in pasted lines. #<VirtualHost *:80> <VirtualHost yahoo.example.com>


Note : remove comment and enter your site name like above example # DocumentRoot /www/docs/host.example.com DocumentRoot /var/www/html Note : remove comment and enter your site destination add., always made your site in the /var/www directories. # ServerName dummy-host.example.com ServerName station10.example.com Note : remove comment and enter your hosted. #</VirtualHost> </VirtualHost> Note : remove comment and complete the web server configuration. Now we go to the destination of the site which given in the file and made following file #cd /var/www/html #vi index.html (:wq in this file) Now open #vi /etc/hosts (for local database server) write down following lines in above file yahoo.example.com station10 yahoo.example.com station10 Means of line that the is a site IP address and site address is yahoo.example.com and station10 is for system where site hosted. This we do for local database management by doing this we can access above site in a network. After that #service httpd restart For accessing the site we have to write down #links yahoo.example.com Case 2: open following file #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Apply comment on Name Virtual Host by using #. Made 2 more website and apply different IPs in the place of the site name. like <VirtualHost yahoo.example.com> <VirtualHost> system hostname in which web site

Also change the destination add, server name remain same. How we create aliases? For creating aliases we have to write down following command #netconfig -d eth0:0 After that apply new IP add. on the duplicate LAN card by using #netconfig command. Now open #vi /etc/hosts and change the IP of the sites. After that #service httpd restart

SESSION 27 & 28 Squid Proxy Server Allow & Deny Web Sites VSFTP Server (Very Secure File Transfer Protocol) Uploading & Downloading Through System or Non System User & Anonymous User Intro of Proxy Server Proxy Server is used for internet connection sharing & provides security. By Proxy Server we can limit bandwidth for client M/C. allow and deny websites & can allow & deny nodes to access Proxy Server. In Linux squid software is used as Proxy Server. Proxy Server uses TCP protocol & Port no. 3128. At client side we define IP address & port no. of a proxy server in a web browser. Windows -> IE , Linux -> Links, Mozila Proxy Server also known as NAT. (Network Address Translator) By using Proxy Server Private IP add. Translate into Public IP add. And Public IP add. to Private IP add. this process call NAT. Proxy Server Working

Public IP (Real IP) Req. Forward


Internet conn.

PROXY Server, squid running properly, port no 3128 yahoo Rediff hotmail

Private IP

Proxy Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa squid* result: 1 package Step 2: Open following file #vi /etc/squid/squid.conf :set nu -> set no. before line How to set Proxy Port No Edit line no. 73 http_port 3128 How to set Cache Memory? Edit line no 738 Cache_mem 50MB How to allow a domain to access Proxy Server? Copy line no 2396 and paste it after that line and edit pasted line acl localhost src 255 acl p1 src Note: here p1 is a group name which have allow Network add.

After that Copy line no 2524 and paste it after that line and edit pasted line http_access allow manager localhost http_access allow p1 Note: Here we allow p1 Network add. to access the internet connection. How to deny Website for Proxy Client? Copy line no 2398 and paste it after that line and edit pasted line acl to_localhost dst acl p2 dstdomin .hotmail.com .yahoo.com Note: Here p2 is group of deny domain name After that Copy line no 2524 and paste it after that line and edit pasted line http_access deny manager http_access deny p2 Note: we have to write this line before the allow line Now restart the service #service squid restart Squid testing tool: #squid -z Intro of FTP Server FTP is stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is used for file downloading & uploading files and directories. In Linux we VSFTP software as a FTP Server.(Very Secure File Transfer Protocol) FTP use TCP Protocol & Port no. 20 & 21. FTP connection possible between Linux to Linux, Linux to Windows and Windows to Linux. FTP Client M/C can uses following type users 1. System or Non system user: by using above type users user name & password then client access complete system. 2. Anonymous user: by using anonymous username and any password the client access only /var/ftp directory contains. FTP client uses get command for downloading and uses put command for uploading.

At client side we uses following command #ftp IP of Server Login:Pass:ftp > At server site vsftpd demon should be running properly. FTP client always uses FTP Server users & cerate a communication channel between client & server. FTP Server Working


FTP Server, vsftpd running properly,, all users define here

Linux Client

#ftp IP of Server Login:Pass:ftp >

Windows Client

FTP Server Configuration Step 1: search package #rpm -qa vsftp* result: 1 package Step 2: open following file #vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf :set nu -> no. before lines Comment out all following lines and edit as we want 12 anonymous_enable=YES 15 local_enable=YES 18 write_enable=YES 22 local_umask=022 27 anon_upload_enable=YES 31 anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES

46 chown_uploads=YES 47 chown_username=daemon 48 anon_umask=022 Note : we have to change in line no 47 add daemon remove other entry and we have to add line no. 48. Make files and dir. in /var/ftp for uploading and downloading. #service vsftpd restart #adduser g1 #passwd g1 FTP Client : #ftp In graphical ftp://[email protected] FTP Client Downloading of a file: First come to destination dir. Where you want to download that file #ftp Login: Password : ftp > cd / ftp > get file name ftp > quit Uploading a file:Simple User: simple user can upload only in its home dir. Go to the source add. then #ftp ftp > put f4 ftp > quit Anonymous : only upload in /var/ftp/* dir. FTP Authentication How to deny a simple user to access by FTP Client M/C? Open file

#vi /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers Insert name of the user in this file after that #service vsftpd restart How to allow root user to be access by FTP Client? Open file #vi /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers remove root user entry after that open another file #vi /etc/vsftpd/user_list remove root user entry from this file too after that #service vsftpd restart SESSION 29 & 30 Sendmail Server IMAP-POP3 Server :- Mutt IMAP-SSL Intro of Mail Server Mail Server is used to store mails. All user fetch mails from Mail Server for fetching mails from the Mail Server we use IMAP/POP3 Server. (Internet Message Access Protocol/Post Office Protocol 3) IMAP use port no 143 and POP3 use 110 port no. Mail Server has all user mails with Inbox, Sent Items & Outbox. In Linux we use dovecot software as IMAP/POP3 Server and send mail software used as Mail Server. Send Mail uses TCP protocol & port no. 25. Send Mail also known as MTA.(Mail Transport Agent) MUA (Mail User Agent) MUA is used to create new mails, edit, forward, check mail etc. Windows : MS Outlook Linux : Mutt, Mozila Mail Mail Server Working

For Mail Server DNS Server should be running properly.

Mail Server + NIS Server Mail Server + NIS Server



Inbox Outbox Sent Mail

Do Inbox ve co tS Outbox /W Sent Mail


IMAP/POP3 Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa dovecot* result: 1 package Step 2: Open file #vi /etc/dovecot.conf We have to remove 17 no line comment after that #service dovecot restart #chkconfig dovecot on How to check IMAP/POP3 server. #telnet 143/110 Mail Server Configuration Step 1: Search package #rpm -qa sendmail* result: 4 package Step 2: Open file #vi /etc/mail/sendmail.mc We have to comment line no. 116 with the help of dnl # Now we put all changes into sendmail.cf file by using macro #m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf After that #service sendmail restart

Add a new user #adduser k1 #passwd k1 For sending mail we have to write following file #mutt Mail Server Authentication How to deny a node or a domain to send a mail on Mail Server. Open a file #vi /etc/mail/access *.example.com 172.25 Connect:10.3 [email protected] Mail Forwarding Mail Forwarding: For Example we want to forward all mails of t1 user to t2 user. For this we have to open #vi /etc/aliases Go to bottom of the file and add one line t1: t1, t2 #newaliases IMAP-SSL Server IMAP-SSL is stands for Internet Message Access Protocol-Secure Socket Layer. By using IMAP-SSL a user can access any other user account securely. For IMAP-SSL we have to create a certificate. IMAP-SSL Configuration Go to the following destination add. #cd /etc/pki/tls/certs #openssl x509 -subject -noout < dovecot.pem #rm dovecot.pem #make dovecot.pem Define entries according to question. After saving the file write down a command REJECT RELAY REJECT OK REJECT

#vi /etc/dovecot.conf IMAP-SSL Client Now made changes in line no. 87 & 88 enter destination add of the certificate and save the file. After that #service dovecot restart On Client Side: #mutt -f {[email protected]} By above command login user can access t1 user mail account.

SESSION 31 Printer Server & Printer Client Syslog Server VNC Server Intro of Printer Server Printer is a combination of print devices & its driver software. Two type of printer we have. 1. Shared Printer 2. Network Printer Shared Printer: A printer directly attach with a pc & shared through out network by that pc is called Shared Printer. Network Printer : This type of printer directly connected with HUB & Switch each have a unique IP Add. & Port no. Working of Printer Server:-


Printer Server

Linux Client

Windows Client

Unix Client

Shared Printer: In GUI mode write down following command on terminal. #system-config-printer Printer Server Configuration Click on New Printer->Printer Name (any)-> Forward->select LPT #1>Forward->select Makes of the printer->Forward->select Model & Recommended Driver->Forward->Apply #service cups restart #chkconfig cups on Printer Client Checking Tools: #lpq-> show default printer status Printing Command: #lpr kk-> print file name Remove Job: #lprm 5-> remove id no. job Printer Client: Case 1: If Printer Server Linux & Clients are also Linux #system-config-printer Printer Server Configuration

Click on New Printer->Printer Name (any)->Forward->select LPD/LPR Host or Printer ->enter Hostname/IP->enter Printer name (Pre.) -> Forward->select Makes of the printer ->Forward->select Model & Recommended Driver ->Forward->Apply #service cups restart #chkconfig cups on Case 2: Linux Printer Server & Client Windows We share Printer by using Samba Server. Case 3: when Server is Windows & Client are Linux #system-config-printer Shared Server Click on New Printer->Printer Name (any) ->Forward->select Windows Printer via SAMBA->enter IP of Server/printer name ->Forward->select Makes of the printer -> Forward->select Model & Recommended Driver>Forward->Apply #service cups restart #chkconfig cups on Network Printer #system-config-printer Click on New Printer->Printer Name (any)->Forward->select AppSoceket/HP jet Direct ->enter IP of Server/printer name->Forward->select Makes of the printer-> Forward->select Model & Recommended Driver->Forward->Apply #service cups restart #chkconfig cups on Printer Client Configuration according to exam #system-config-printer Click on New Printer->Printer Name (any)->Forward->select IPP->enter printer name-> Forward->select Generic of the printer-> Forward->select Model & Recommended Driver->Forward->Apply Checking Printer Server Click on Print Test Page after it Open web browser in add. Bar http://server3.example.com/Printers Result Station3 #service cups restart #chkconfig cups on 14k bytes received

Log Server Log files is used to store user authentication information, service related information, booting related information etc. Log file define in /var directory. Main Log file of the Linux is /var/log/message #tail -f /var/log/message #vi /var/log/secure In above file we know the login time of the user. All log file details define in vi/etc/syslog.conf file VNC Server VNC stands for Virtual Name Computing. By using VNC we can access remote desktop. How to allow VNC settings. System->Preference->Remote Desktop Now check mark on allow other user then ok. How to access Remote Access M/C. #vncviewer IP of the Remote Access M/C

SESSION 32 Tcp_Wrappers - /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny PAM Pluggable Authentication Module Ipv6 Configuration, RADVD Server TCP Wrappers Authentication TCP Wrappers provides service based security. TCP Wrapper control by two files #vi /etc/host.allow #vi /etc/host.deny

Deny only pc1 to access Telnet Server. #vi /etc/host.deny Service : in.telnetd : By the help of this file we can manage following services in.telnetd, vsftpd, sshd and nfsd. Allow only pc one to access Telnet Server. in.telnetd : ALL EXCEPT Deny all nodes to access SSH Server sshd : ALL Deny all members of my133t.org domain but allow example.com to access FTP Server. vsftpd : ALL EXCEPT Or vsftpd : .my133t.org EXCEPT .example.com Note: In TCP Wrappers we have to use one file at a time, we cant use both files simultaneously. PAM PAM stands for Pluggable Authentication Module. PAM provides user based security. Deny all simple user to access a system. For this just write down following command #touch /etc/nologin Deny root user to access a system. For this #mkdir /etc/nologin

Allow Jane user to access your SSH server Create a file #vi /etc/ssh_access In this file enter user name which want to allow Open file #vi /etc/pam.d/vsftpd Copy 3rd line of the file And inset this in the following file #vi /etc/pam.d/sshd now change in pasted line First change the sense=allow/deny and change file destination add. Add previously file created address. IPV6 IPV6 use 128 bits for addressing. IP format is following 0000:F8b:0011:06AB:BA00:A80:BCAD:0001 In Linux IPV6 defines by using prefix and MAC add. of LAN Card. Linux Client fetches prefix from Router Advanced Demon Server RADVD Server Configuration Step 1: Search Package #rpm -qa radv* result: 1 package Step 2: Open file #vi /etc/radvd.conf we have to uncomment all the lines in this file #service radvd restart we have to open following file #cd /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all #vi forwarding For changing 0(zero) into 1 we have to write following command #echo 1 > forwarding Client Side: first we have to open following file

#vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 In file we have to add following IPV6INIT=Yes IPV6-AOTOCONF=yes #service network restart For check the IPV6 we have following tools #ip -6 addr show #ping6 IP no. of the M/C #ifconfig IP no. of the M/C #ipconfig -a

Session 33 IP Forwarding - /etc/sysctl.conf Firewall Iptables Basic About SELINUX (Security Enhanced Linux) IP Forwarding How to enable IP Forwarding Permanently.

Open following file #vi /etc/sysctl.conf In line no 6 we have to change 0 into 1. By this we can enable IP Forwarding. After this we have to write #service network restart # chkconfig network on Firewall Firewall is a single security point of the network that filters un wanted packets. By using Firewall we can stop un-authorizes package but cant stop virus attack. In Linux we use Iptables software as a firewall. Iptables is a command line firewall. Iptables uses Network Layer. Firewall Working Packet header information always check with the topmost rule of a Firewall. If packet information header match with topmost rule then define operation perform on that packets and further no matching take place. If the packet header information dont match with top most rule then packet skip first rule & match with next rule, until a match is made. If packet header info dont match with any given rule then Linux firewall by default allow the packet. IPTABLES: Iptables is command line firewall also known as packet filtering firewall. Iptables uses Network Layer In Iptables we have to know some following characters. -I :- Insert a rule -A :- Append a rule -L :- List all rules

-D :- Delete a rule -F :- Flash a rule Chains :INPUT OUTPUT FORWARD -s :- Source IP Address -d :- Destination IP Address -p :- Protocol --sport :- Source port no. --dport :- Destination port no. -j :- REJECT/ACCEPT/DROP Allow only members of example.com to access IMAP & POP3 Server and deny member of my133t.org domain. We have to write following for this type of limitation #iptable -I INPUT -s ! -d -p tcp --dport 143 -j REJECT #service iptable save # chkconfig iptable on Deny pc1 to Ping Telnet Server. For this we have to write following #iptable -I INPUT -s -d -p icmp -j REJECT/DROP Deny pc1 to access Telnet Server. #iptable -I INPUT -s -d -p tcp --dport 23 -REJECT/DROP How to restore rules. #iptable-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables SELINUX SELINUX stands for Security Enhanced Linux. SELINUX has set of rules called policies that determine how strike the control. SELINUX define either restricted control or un-confined control.

SELINUX define three level of control Enforcing, Permissive and Disable. #system-config-securitylevel SELINUX define following levels user : role : type : sensitivity : category #ls -z -> to check Security levels #getenforce -> to check SELINUX unable/disable #setenforce 1 -> for set Enable #system-config-securitylevels -> in GUI mode How to change the context of a directory? #chcon -t var_t zzz #restorecon zzz Note: for running the Iptables properly we have to write down following command after saving the Iptables #restorecon -R /etc/sysconfig Boolean Value : we have to change Boolean Value when SELINUX is in Enforcing mode And we want to run specific services. #getsebool -a | grep smbd #setseboot service name on/off When SELINUX is in enforcing mode we have to set following services Samba Home Dir., Anon Ftp Upload, NIS client

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