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Apostolakos, Constantinos

Montreal Quebec Canada I dedicate this to my son, Spyridon (Spyros) Apostolakos. May he find some value in it or, if he does not, may he find forgiveness.

Authors Note
We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. Orwell, George

I am not here to assuage, manipulate or comfort you. My only oath is that to clarity and my only obligation is that towards reality. This thesis is not based on hatred or some subconscious motive to excuse myself or comfort myself through denial and slander. Whomever is insulted or disturbed by what I say should not seek out the reasons in my, hypothetical, intentions but in his or her own culturally defined mind and emotional reactions to what is being said. My motives are clear, precise and honest: They are existentiala need to understand, to make sense of my self and of the world I am a part of, to clarify, no matter how disturbing the insights might be, so as to find ways of reacting efficiently and as a way of finding some longer lasting level of contentment in an sincere and direct confrontation with a universe that rejects any absolute form of it. My views are not unique, by far. Many others have become aware of the phenomena I will describe and attempt to decipher. In fact the very concept of uniqueness is a human construct with no real meaning. Everything is based on the recombination of what pre-exists - flow. All creativity, all innovation and invention, all forms of enlightenment are a re-composition of what is already present and openly displayed before us. The only thing that truly differs is the style of the expression. Reality is accessible to all and it is only individual limitations that make it confusing or duplicitous or find it incomprehensible and mystical.

Everything new is based on something(s) old, because the temporal division of before and after is a flawed concept alluding to a gap that is not there. What has been is present in what is, as it is an extension of it, a continuation of it. Therefore, any similarity to someone elses opinions may be coincidental, as truth can be reached by many routes and available to all possessing the mind to perceive it and the courage to endure it.



I admit to being influenced by many mentors, for nobody can claim otherwise and be considered sane, but I can also honestly admit that all my opinions are the result of years of personal analysis, observation, struggle infused with healthy amounts of scepticism and humility. I can only say that I did not begin reading others until the age of thirty and when I did I only found through them common labels for my awareness and the inspiration to express myself fearlessly and with integrity. What Ive learned from others Ive attempted to make my own and I have tried to incorporate it all into my opinions. Nevertheless, I wish to acknowledge the aid and the inspiration of my most notable teachers, up to this point, and my most treasured kindred spirits: Friedrich Nietzsche, Heraclitus of Ephesus, Arthur Schopenhauer, Socrates, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Johann Kaspar Schmidt (Max Stirner), Nikos Kazantzakis, Sren Aabye Kierkegaard, Immanuel Kant, Jean Baudrillard, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Plato, Karl Marx, Bertrand Russell, Edward Bernays, Michel Foucault, Jesus of Nazareth, Guatama Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Slavoj iek, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Franois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Henry David Thoreau, Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, John Kenneth Galbraith, Neil Postman, Hermann Hesse, Noam Chomsky, Baruch Spinoza, David Hume, and, most notably, my mother and father, Vasiliki and Spyridon Apostolakos.

To them, and to all those to be added to the list, I owe my most heartfelt gratitude and my most unwavering loyalties.
The works of really capable minds differ from the rest in their character of decisiveness and definiteness, together with the distinctness and clearness springing there from, since they at all times clearly and definitely knew what they wanted to express; it may have been in prose, verse, or tones. The rest lack this decisiveness and clearness; and in this respect they can be at once recognized. The characteristic sign of all first-rate minds is the directness of all their judgments and opinions. All that they express and assert is the result of their own original thinking and everywhere proclaims itself as such even by the style of delivery....Therefore every genuine and original thinker is to this extent like a monarch; he is immediate and perceives no one who is his superior. Like the decrees of a monarch, his judgments spring from his own supreme power and come directly from himself. Arthur, Schopenhauer

From the Metaphysical to the Physical
Existence/Exists: That which is (re)active, displaying a distinction in relation to the observer, and so becoming apparent because of it. Absolute: The imagined point meant to facilitate understanding and the storage of information. A simplification/generalization of gathered and interpreted sensual stimulations and their assimilation into coherent harmonious mental models (abstractions), using pattern recognition. In essence the absolute is a symbol in antithesis to the actual a metaphor attempting to understand and express the complexity of continuous change by fabricating static models reliant on ambiguity and metaphorical symbolism. Need: A mental interpretation of the universal in flux (existence) and the organisms resistance to it as a participating element. As a product of reality the organism reflects the universal condition of flow and resists it, rejects it, as a matter of survival (self-maintenance); it stands in contradiction, opposition, to it. This flow is translated into need and when need is unfulfilled or denied it leads to suffering/pain the state of extreme stress due to this resistance.

Multiplicity: The manifestation of temporal differentiation that can be then interpreted as form, color, texture, odour, sounds etc. that exposes the divergence of the observed (phenomenon - object) from the observer (consciousness - subject). Uniformity: The elimination of any distinction between observer and observed making consciousness, itself, superfluous and life unnecessary the antithesis to multiplicity. The absence of differentiation which makes awareness possible. Intelligence: A measurement of analytical ability and the perception and incorporating of as many patters into one single coherent mental model world view. Also dependent on sensual acuity. The term intelligence can be used to describe the totality of human mental functions, including imagination, perception, understanding and conceptualization. Imagination: The ability to take mental models, abstractions, and project them into the unknown or, in temporal terms, into the future. The degree of the projection determines the quality of the imagination, and the accuracy of the models are determined by the intelligence and sensual acuity of the organism using these abilities. The accuracy of these projections is also determined by the motives and the reference points used. If the abstractions are based on the collection and abstraction of sensual stimuli then they increase their probability for accuracy, whereas if they reference an abstraction that has no basis on sensual stimuli or it references an abstraction which cannot be referred back to a sensually perceived phenomenon, then its probability for error increases the latter is called fantasy. Strength/Weakness: These, like all, value judgments are based on a comparison of observer to observed a relationship. Strength is the measurement of weakness (dependence), in relation to another or the other. Male/Female: The terms refer to a biologically determined sexual type that has evolved for specific biological functions. Each type will exhibit the characteristics essential for carrying out this biological function, to varying degrees, and so will also display the thinking

and demeanour that will help in carrying out its primary reason for evolving as a identification marker. Masculine and feminine attitudes are definitely not limited to any one sex, as there are many biological males that exhibit very feminine dispositions and biological females that display masculine ones, but the original intent for the evolution of sex, as a reproductive method, predisposes each sexual type towards the attitudes indicative of their biological type. Any divergence must be explained by seeking the reasons within the particular circumstances of each individual and how the environment has affected it and allowed it to flourish. The subsequent evolution of secondary sexual functions and the mutations this depends upon are one way of explaining sexual diversity as it is produced in our modern times. Natural/Artificial: The designation is an, admittedly, precarious one, as the delineation between natural and artificial effects can never be precisely defined. For the purposes of this thesis, however, the difference between natural and artificial behaviour, phenomena and environments will be that of establishing a point where human interventions dominate by usurping or replacing previous conditions. It is the differentiation point between pre-existing environments where mans will had no, or little, affect, as opposed to environments which are predominately the product of human wilful interference. This distinction is an important one. It will be used to determine how human meddling affects the subsequent conditions that determine his own future evolution and to establish the collateral effects of this process of effect/counter-effect. No doubt all that exists or that can exist can only be called natural, but for the amplification of how mans activities eventually result in a self-affecting, unintentional sometimes, influence on his own evolution, the term artificial will be used to attempt to delineate between pre-existing factors and manmade collateral effects.


During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

The levelling of mankind continues. Centuries of social engineering and civilization have resulted in a type of human being unlike our distant ancestors and, still to this day, socialization persists to filter out all culturally and socially unwanted human characteristics, altering, in this way, human nature, restructuring it in accordance with human ideals, and often degenerating the human spirit into oblivion. The result has been growing uniformity, producing a desirable, to the system, behavioural predictability - a desirable dependability that is then marketed as a virtue or taught as an enlightened state of mindand called civility or normality or health. Mediocrity is the outcome. This annihilating tendency flattens mankind, making any distinction, not connected to social utility, an unwanted manifestation of individuation, then referred to as prejudice or as the residue of a primitive past. This is, in fact, a method of slandering all previous natural sources of identification, so as to replace them with the more culturally desirable manmade ones. Whereas multiplicity and diversity benefited natural selection in the past, it proves to be disadvantageous to cultural cohesion and social harmony in the present; it is, therefore, inhibited when it confronts systemic stability, while, particularly in the west, it is insincerely marketed as the very essence of the systems intent. Social and cultural selection.



The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history. Orwell, George

The fact that State Authority has now replaced Religious Authority should not distract us from their common practices of repressing and degrading anything destabilizing to their ostentatious calmness.

These two institutions have proven to be loyal allies with common goals, throughout history, and it is not until recent times that their congruent powers have been forced to become more inconspicuous and indirect. The faade is meant to make their products and common methods more attractive to those whom are meant to consume and adorn themselves with their symbolisms, as part of their social personas and of their personal merit. The very idea of individuality has been depreciated, the ego, that belongs to it, ripped to shreds and condemned as a shameful artifice and then replaced by an external onea God or, as an adaptive progression of the previous, Humanitarianism. A mans sense of self will only be allowed to be found outside himselfin an act of self-contradicting absurdity. The break between Church and State is in this: a split from spiritual more discriminating identifications and towards a more secular, inclusive, global cultural identity. Therein lies the conflict between the liberal and conservative political camps.



Conversely in the eastern traditions the same process has taken an alternate route but has achieved the same outcome: The annihilation of self and ego has been replaced with nothing at allan Emptiness. Truly, a more sincere expression of the underlying nihilistic tendencies present in all of these philosophical trends towards stable uniformity. For what is to be obliterated and shamed, but the very idea of ego and distinction itself, and how will this be accomplished other than by denigrating its realityby demeaning reality altogether? The individual is, now, being stripped of all identity and left bare and void, a venerable tabula rasa awaiting fulfilment, awaiting the word from without; an individual in name only, made more vulnerable to exploitation, shivering for a new coatfor a new skin, for a name and worshiping the first thing that offers him one.

To accomplish this daunting task of erasure, the very idea of a self is redefined, from an activity (temporality), a metaphysical process with potential and possibilities (spatial dimensions), into a thing with a static ethereal substance an eternal soul or a communal core or an absolute absence with no distinction whatsoever. Then the previous conception of self is belittled as illusionary and the ego is remade from an expression of this selfs will, its self-fullness and selfishness, into a reprehensible artifice that is responsible for a suffering that can be avoided self-less. This separation of life from suffering is paramount. Upon this false dualism the constructs of promised bliss and eternal salvation are built by simple brains and sinister priests. This progressive annihilation has then been named spiritual enlightenment, just as it has been named progress in many parts of the post-modern west.



There is no conspiracy here, no invisible entity or secret group directing things from the shadows. We might even say that the process is natural, given the circumstances - the consequence of a normal succession that started as a tribal unit and has resulted in the emergence of huge socioeconomic military machines, with their own logic and interests - assimilating, levelling and eradicating everything that stands in their path. A superorganism contained within a shrinking world with others of its kind. Globalization is this battle over this small Earth a battle for survival as all are. From an evolutionary standpoint we might even say that this natural progression from the simple to the intricate has its roots in human physical disadvantages as it confronts an unknown and threatening world. The survival benefits of cooperation compels this requisite self-repression, eventually resulting in state and/or religious dominance.

If we wish to follow this intangible thread further back, then we may find it rooted in the existential reactivity of life, an ephemeral ordering and a resistance to entropy. The unification of a single cell with another is based on the advantages offered by this cooperative compromise. The rewards of synergy come into play. The sum being superior to its parts, when the more efficient focus of energies results in a combined increase of power. In the process the parts are degraded so as to better integrate them and organize them within the whole, as disciplined automatons and mindless, will-less, members of the community. Only by a force of Will can those process be resisted. A Will firmly founded on ego and an emerging sense of discriminating self self-consciousness. A Will fully lucid and able to accept the consequences of this unilateral rejection. This degradation of mankind - besides being a typical consequence of interdependence has, also, been exacerbated by the infiltration of slavish moral systems into the human psyche. A human psyche that has already been demoralized and undermined by the culture of extreme scepticism producing mental fatigue particularly amongst local intellectual elites. Perspectivism, or the delusion of intellectual integrity, which denies the very existence of reality and implies that all opinions are equally valid, given that we are all equally ignorant, is based on this modern-day worship of humility and the denouncement of self. Interbreeding between a growing subclass of mediocrity and a continuously watered-down intellectual minority, does not help. The rare, Platos Philosopher Kings, find themselves incapable of resisting peer pressures and socioeconomic prerequisites. Social and religious ideals, demand no discrimination and so impose a lapse in reason and a numbness of consciousness they become a forced compromise when sexual activities are directed and the cultural dogma teaches obedience to the idea that man is spirit and human life is sacred. Life lost value when it was consecrated, just as love lost all significance when it was cast as an abstraction of the ideal absolute and called God.

Holiness is another aspect of this equalization that tends to eliminate any distinction and/or individual value judgments that categorize using socially unacceptable standards. By positing an idea(l) that is protected from criticism due to its privileged position of sanctity the idea places itself beyond reproach and so avoids being exposed as a sham. The sacred labels itself untouchable and as the judgment that takes precedence over all others; and it makes of unquestioning belief its more noble quality. None shall be judgemental except it. A conveniently and paradoxically self-supporting set-up, playing upon human frailties.



Unchecked copulation, brought on by the requirements of a growing State, brings about increased genetic mutations requiring the, ensuing, mitigating effects of enforced temperance and contrived modesty. Population pressures, resource deficiencies and the increased replication of unfit genetic mutations make doctrines and socioeconomic ideals that advocate docility, equality, tolerance, deference to authority and the selfdeprecating denial of self, a systemic tool of governance. The collateral consequences of this increased procreation, combined with the modern trend of postponing reproduction, because of changing female and male socioeconomic roles, must then be dealt with by using further human interventions. These increasing numbers of men and, primarily, women who postpone reproduction, while they pursue career, wealth, prestige or merely because they have been paralyzed by too many options and have become too spoiled, suffering from exaggerated expectations, results in lowered fertility rates and increased chances for birth defects. Genetic needs, most often, take second place to social and survival needs in a consciousness that struggles to deal with both simultaneously. In the wild the sacrificing of a brood is commonplace when more austere conditions demand it, and/or when social circumstances make it prudent.

Once more, innovation is called in to correct the products of earlier meddling and the cycle continues into progressive human interference. We have come to a point where in vitro fertilization and cloning breakthroughs make the insemination by a father a matter of little importance. If you have access to the funds evidence of your social suitability what does it matter what your genetic robustness is and what failed mutations you pass on to the foetus? Not even the mentally retarded and those suffering from some genetic flaw are denied the right to bear children. Like all modern manmade rights this one is acquired by simply being born. It is clear that where conservatism and many popular religious dogmas posit no restriction on having babies, but only a check on sexual choices and expressions, liberalism merely abolishes this last restriction and makes of reproduction a universal human right. Even when nature places an obstacle, by making the unfit incapable of replicating themselves on their own, either because of aesthetic or biological reasons, liberal humanism steps in to correct this natural denunciation, basing the intervention on the mythology of justice. In recent years couples unable to have children are aided using many different methods of insemination and even though the females body may reject the embryo, repeatedly, ways are found to trick it into carrying through its obligation. These practices are having undisclosed or unexamined genetic effects on the overall fitness of the human species. Perhaps the full costs of this modern praxis will only be felt in the long-term or they may manifest themselves immediately as subtle alterations in potential mental and physical ailments.



It is now clear that nothing which discriminates between individuals, based on natural standards, is to be accepted. Beauty, itself, is redefined and biology cleansed from its cruel verdict.

Fashion trends impose their own ideals, as they are governed by social necessities. The birth of the anorexic, stick-model, more masculine in form, and the hairless boyish look, becomes a testimony to this blurring between sexual identities and the propagation of genetically unfit physical and mental traits. Only the system, the meme, is allowed to pass judgments and be vicious and violent.
Conservatism makes no poetry, breathes no prayer, has no invention; it is all memory. Reform has no gratitude, no prudence, no husbandry. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

In both cases, all must be helped to have children because only then is the individual fully invested in the community, and so only then can (s)he be counted upon to do the right thing and be a good citizen. Shared investments creates shared concerns and ensures reciprocal loyalties - the Golden Rule, also called Karma in the eastern world - rules of binding one will to the judgments of a communal Will. The vengeance of the many upon the one.
The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry - Richard Dawkins

No free-radicals tolerated. The true radical is not only disruptive but, also, dangerous to the illusion of idealized conformity and the peace of total acceptance. Best way to deal with them is to humiliate the very idea of rebelliousness, or to integrate it into the system itself and then sell it as another commodity with no actual importance - a castrated symbol of resistance worn as a t-shirt or expressed as underground music or countercultural attitudes. Then it can be mocked as immature where no alterative but conformity is available as the only acceptable mature option. The very idea of maturity is this capitulation to the inevitable; the fatigued giving-in to need. Anything contrary is madnessand health is redefined along with everything else.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal

enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. Joseph Goebbels

Is not psychotherapy the practice of trying to return a man back to a semblance of normality normal being a code word for uniform? Where nature did away with all failed mutations or divergences which could not offer an advantage, human environments attempt to correct the problem, rehabilitate the mind, and reintegrate it back within uniform normality. If the system fails to do so, it then quarantines or eliminates the resistant element and ignores it as inconsequential. Psychology and psychotherapy is this branch of the medical field, a theoretical and more philosophical branch, that seeks to reintegrate minds back into the common healing the mind of its resistance to normality, erasing or surpassing any disturbing differentiation and correcting the effects of unrestrained and uncontrolled replication in accordance not with natural ideals but with social ones.
We have lost the art of living, and in the most important science of all, the science of daily life, the science of behavior, we are complete ignoramuses. We have psychology instead. - D.H. Lawrence



While civilization has been improving our houses, it has not equally improved the men who are to inhabit them. It has created palaces, but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings. - Henry David Thoreau

Growing populations coexisting within shrinking spaces, in turn, necessitate organizing them by severely repressing them, through coercion or instruction, to endure each others proximity. Like all other resources this human one must be made malleable and disciplined to centralized management. Husbandry turns into social engineering eugenics made moral. The human herd must not only be educated to follow instruction but must also be moulded into being productive and impressionable enough, so as to be dependable in both its output and consumption of communal goods.

Whether these produced goods are material or spiritual or ideological makes little difference. What matters more is that each member not only generates and/or passes-on these cultural goods but also finds self-esteem and identity in consuming them cycle of dependence. No surprise then that moral systems and religious dogmas, which accomplish and promote just that, suddenly appear, as if by chance or divine intervention, in places and in times experiencing increased demographic pressures. They, then, spread amongst the masses like wildfire, when and if the circumstances are idyllically suited for their necessity. Just as for fire to burn and spread the ideal fodder is dried, dying, biomaterial, so for religion despair, impoverishment and misery are the best conditions for its violent swell. Lushness, health, virility are inhibiting to its expansion. Messiahs were, presumably, abundant during those times when men lived in civilized savagery. That these same messages, which had failed so many times before, then suddenly became popular, was more a result of finding the right socioeconomic and psychological soils to grow in, rather than a result of their transcendental wisdoms. It was their utility that made them reasonable, even if their dogmas were often founded on childish absurdities and selective thinking. Democracy, for one, was established not because it was just and noble and good, but because it was necessary in a City-State that had outgrown its agrarian foundations a method of integrating growing urbanite populations into the political process, rendering them harmless to the stability of the whole. A compromise. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and then Christianity did not inspire the world with their commonsense and profoundly, holy, truths, but with their needed reinterpretations of reality, within particular environmental conditions.

Civilizations, having reached a certain level, required a dogma that would override, or sublimate, human impulses and then direct them into useful activities. Where ego became detrimental to peaceful cohabitation and human instinctual drives, such as greed, lust, envy, dominance, became disruptive, the dogmas that preached self-denial and the denouncement of reality and of self as illusions or as innately sinful, became inevitable. They were an essential ingredient that would make it possible for millions upon millions of, otherwise, egotistical, self-conscious, self-centered, human beings to coexist and to cooperate as passive, thoughtless, humble followers of a common cause. There was nothing more insightful about them than that. Ambiguity, poetics, lies, mysticism, ceremonial pretentiousness - tactics of the Oracle of Delphi - all combined to offer a much needed escape to those that faced the uncertain cruelty of a world that cared not for individual aspirations.
Every people have gods to suit their circumstances. - Henry David Thoreau

Later on, the emergence of secular humanism was the continuation of this essential component, adapting itself to mounting human scientific knowledge and the added need to integrate individuals from more diverse, and often confrontational, cultural and religious backgrounds. Globalization and population sizes, unimagined in earlier times, brought about the need to find new, more sophisticated, methods of population control. The least common denominator had to be promoted as the core ingredient that bound all human beings to one another like brothers and sisters. All other identification markers had to be belittled, and all other sources of self-consciousness had to be forsaken. Unavoidably the least-common-denominator in this case was the identification with a common ancestor, species, or, if one pushed it further, life itself. Ergo, humanism emerged as a secular social movement and life was sanctified.



Conservative: a statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. - Ambrose Bierce

Only in this were the conservative and liberal viewpoints antagonistic: The traditionalists, with their desire to preserve the doctrine they had adopted and, subsequently, invested in with time and money now receiving multiple dividends - and the progressives with their idealistic doctrine to change the social dynamics so as to, then, invest in what they hoped had more promise of a return, for them. The difference between immediate concerns and gratification and the postponement of it for the promise of greater future gratification. In essence the division of liberal and conservative is one of short-term and long-term self-interests. Under the guise of altruism, selfishness still reigns supreme and forever will as long as life is made possible. Particularly in the U.S. the division between the liberal and conservative political camps consists, merely, in fighting over how much direct governmental control will be tolerated and how much free-market will be allowed, whereas the system itself is never, ever, in question. By focusing on the particular the general is made invisible, even if in plain sight, and so it is taken as the unquestionable.
55- Struggle between forces, all of which have been established for the purpose of running the same socioeconomic system, are thus officially passed off as real antagonisms. In actuality these struggles partake of a real unity, and this on the world stage as well as within each nation. 56- This is not to say that the spectacles sham battles between competing versions of alienated power are not also real; they do express the systems uneven and conflict-ridden development, as well as the relatively contradictory interests of those classes or fractions of classes that recognize the system and strive in this way to carve out a role for themselves in it. Just as the development for the most advanced economies involves clashes between different agendas, so totalitarian economic management by a state bureaucracy and the condition of those countries living under colonialism or semicolonialism are likewise highly differentiated with respect to modes of production and power. By pointing up these great differences, while appealing to criteria of quite a different order, the spectacle is able to portray them as markers of radically distinct social systems. But from the standpoint of their actual reality as mere sectors, it is clear that the

specificity of each is subsumed under a universal system as function of a single tendency that has taken the planet for its field of operations. That tendency is capitalism. Guy Debord {The Society of the Spectacle}



The, so called, free-press, once a, theoretically, regulatory cap on political power, has now been blatantly integrated within the institutional whole as just another subsidiary to authority. What better way to hide the truth than in plain sight? Then it is twisted and sold, ironically (particularly in the U.S.), as being too antagonistic to conservative power, as being part of the liberal branch of political discourse when no such entity actually exists. In this way the conserving collusion of centralized power as all power seeks to preserve itself and is by nature conserving (conservative) - was hidden behind trivial conflicts over policies of maintaining social stability theatrical conflicts offering a release for repressed energies by manufacturing the illusion of hypothetical change. A method of defusing discontent and then carrying on with the status quo. Revolution was made impotent by being reduced to a few punditry talkingpoints, delivered by unaffiliated experts, or to angry protests on the streets that were then quickly forgotten and the issues ignored. Staged elections, meant to reinforce this faade of choice - when all options are controlled and all opinions manufactured, simplified and directed - are part of this complicity of institutionalized, abstracted, power that exposes its deceit in times of extreme systemic stress. But who sees it?
Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media. - Noam Chomsky

In many ways modern liberal ideals are nothing more than modern adaptations, of pre-existing social engineering methods more sophisticated adjustments to the mechanics of indoctrination, in a forever changing world.

What it all comes down to is a political battle between preserving past homogeneous societies and the need to adapt social canons to the newly emerging heterogeneous ones the old world resisting the new world order of post-modern Globalization. Kacszynski, Theodore, one of the insane ones, describes the liberal psychology this way, in his Unabomber Manifesto:
9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization." Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while oversocialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential. FEELINGS OF INFERIORITY 10. By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism. 14. Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men. 18. Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, and objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e. failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is "inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been brought up properly.

19. The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself. OVERSOCIALIZATION 24. Psychologists use the term "socialization" to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are over-socialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem. 25. The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term "oversocialized" to describe such people. [2] 29. Here is an illustration of the way in which the oversocialized leftist shows his real attachment to the conventional attitudes of our society while pretending to be in rebellion against it. Many leftists push for affirmative action, for moving black people into highprestige jobs, for improved education in black schools and more money for such schools; the way of life of the black "underclass" they regard as a social disgrace. They want to integrate the black man into the system, make him a business executive, a lawyer, a scientist just like upper-middle-class white people. The leftists will reply that the last thing they want is to make the black man into a copy of the white man; instead, they want to preserve African American culture. But in what does this preservation of African American culture consist? It can hardly consist in anything more than eating black-style food, listening to black-style music, wearing black-style clothing and going to a blackstyle church or mosque. In other words, it can express itself only in superficial matters. In all ESSENTIAL respects more leftists of the oversocialized type want to make the black man conform to white, middle-class ideals. They want to make him study technical subjects, become an executive or a scientist, spend his life climbing the status ladder to prove that black people are as good as white. They want to make black fathers "responsible." they want black gangs to become nonviolent, etc. But these are exactly the values of the industrial-technological system. The system couldn't care less what kind of

music a man listens to, what kind of clothes he wears or what religion he believes in as long as he studies in school, holds a respectable job, climbs the status ladder, is a "responsible" parent, is nonviolent and so forth. In effect, however much he may deny it, the oversocialized leftist wants to integrate the black man into the system and make him adopt its values.

Then he alludes to the conservative type

34. Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first he will have a lot of fun, but by and by he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed. History shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent. This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one's power. 35. Everyone has goals; if nothing else, to obtain the physical necessities of life: food, water and whatever clothing and shelter are made necessary by the climate. But the leisured aristocrat obtains these things without effort. Hence his boredom and demoralization.

He then goes on to make this statement, which pertains to the subject of this essay:
4. (Paragraph 28) There are many individuals of the middle and upper classes who resist some of these values, but usually their resistance is more or less covert. Such resistance appears in the mass media only to a very limited extent. The main thrust of propaganda in our society is in favor of the stated values. The main reasons why these values have become, so to speak, the official values of our society are that they are useful to the industrial system. Violence is discouraged because it disrupts the functioning of the system. Racism is discouraged because ethnic conflicts also disrupt the system, and discrimination wastes the talent of minority-group members who could be useful to the system. Poverty must be "cured" because the underclass causes problems for the system and contact with the underclass lowers the moral of the other classes. Women are encouraged to have careers because their talents are useful to the system and, more importantly because by having regular jobs women become better integrated into the system and tied directly to it rather than to their families. This helps to weaken family solidarity. (The leaders of the system say they want to strengthen the family, but they really mean is that they want the family to serve as an effective tool for socializing children in accord with the needs of the system. We argue in that the system cannot afford to let the family or other small-scale social groups be strong or autonomous.)

Was this man ill because of what he said or because of what he did, despite the potential costs?

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. Friedrich Nietzsche

Amongst so much disease, the healthy ones are offered the scarlet lettering of disapproval and then they are publicly ostracized as undesirables, by those experiencing the inebriated state of numbing ease.



Natural selection implies the emotionless elimination of any substandard organisms, and the characteristics that make them up, so that the few can then pass on their more fit traits to the coming generations. Superior genetic attributes, for a given environment, are selected and then passed on as more advantageous and so as more desirable to the ones that wish to further their existence. The main advantage to sexual reproduction, in particular, is that it more quickly passes on these more desirable, superior, genes in a universe where even the environment is in constant flux. Its an efficient way of keeping up with constant changes and so more appropriate for a universe characterized by this constant change. Change and time, as its measurement, being the very definition of the term exists. Once the process of evolution is diverted, or when nature is corrected by human intervention, and when man intrudes upon natural processes producing many more unforeseen side-effects, then the very unfit traits that were supposed to be eliminated, under natural conditions, are allowed to thrive, if they exhibit a social fitness. We can call man an agent of environmental evolution. An agent that creates such deep impacts that he then begins to affect his own evolution directly, through technologies, eugenics and ideas, and indirectly, through the collateral effects of the previous a human will trying to impose itself upon what determines it and also upon what makes it possible. The consequence of this interference is what this thesis is all about. It is the line where the difference between natural and artificial is drawn. The definitions for the concepts of natural/artificial, in the context of this analysis, are in reference to the indefinite point where mankind ceases to be

a product of what pre-existed his emergence and becomes a product of his own activities.



Human meddling increases exponentially as the collateral effects of previous activities must then be dealt with in turn setting in motion an endless sequence of events whose consequences snowball into an avalanche threatening to bury mankind in its own artifices. Many such side-effects are the result of protecting inadequacy, guided by some flawed human ideal based on some primal anxiety, and of mans blatant intrusion into the normal processes of culling, guided by purely emotional, self-serving, reactions to a reality that isnt always pleasant and rarely fair. That it is then justified, after the fact, by using some sanctimonious pretence or by invoking the pragmatism of reciprocity, does not deny the fact that it also, conveniently, satisfies social and cultural interests. Neither does it negate the fact that it intercedes in practices that have existed since the dawn of time. As a consequence of all this, weakness is propagated and many enfeebling mutations, which would have been weeded out of the gene pool under normal circumstances, are passed on, infecting future generations with their symptoms. The herd is thusly made weak and human ingenuity is further burdened with having to find solutions to problems it brought about on its own. The Butterfly Effect causes this ballooning of issues, as small actions can produce huge consequences, that forces the dedication of more and more resources towards their solution and away from actual progress. This, in turn, continues the process, as more resources require more human beings, which then, require more population controls which in turnand so on and so forth, until a tipping point is reached and it all comes tumbling down.



Mankinds sense of disconnection and disillusionment can be traced back to the incongruity between evolutionary speeds of adaptation and human social and cultural speeds of transformation. Much of what is called progress today is nothing more than a perpetual self-correcting mechanism in an endless struggle against time; a selfcorrecting mechanism that slowly grinds to a halt and spins on its own axis.
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. - Albert Einstein

This escalates into a peak of decadencebefore the long slide down begins. Nature is, after all, unavoidably self-correcting, and no amount of denial and ignorance can prevent her unyielding powers. The process repeats as part of the normal course of civilizations, and history repeats itself, again and again. From the past we see the future. Like any other organism, a superorganism, ages, withers and dies, its parts then consumed by another superorganism and the cycle of life and death continues on a larger scale.



Weakness, as a concept, is a value judgment that describes a relationship or a comparison. Its fundamental characteristic is that of need, as need is the term used to describe this relationship or used as a standard for comparing - a dependence. Weakness is an evaluation of a unitys relationship to another or to the environment (otherness) altogether. If the unity exhibits a relative independence, in comparison to another, then we call this unity strong. Strength/Weakness, therefore, are terms used to describe a unitys, or an organisms ability to cope independently. A measurement of indifference, so to speak. This ubiquitous need, unavoidably, results in a willingness to risk and sacrifice a part of self to save the self a forced compromise.

If the unity does not manage to become stronger on its own, as an adaptive reaction to its environment, it becomes a victim of it and fodder for the survival of another. This unity is deemed inadequate or inferior. This inferior unity can then be absorbed, completely or partially, by what is more powerful than it, either through consumption or through assimilation. In the first case the organism is destroyed, its parts fragmented and integrated within a new unity. In the second case the organism is dominated, repressed, assimilated and reshaped so as to remain mostly intact but completely integrated into a larger, more powerful, unity. Any existing unwanted or unusable parts are then defecated or left to atrophy. Such is the reality of existence. It is this principle that is primarily responsible for the constant state of flux and fluidity, we experience as change and we measure with time, and it is this which characterizes our state of becoming and so our human condition.



Man, as an individual organism, is certainly weak, when compared to other animals, making the cooperation with others, preferably of his own kind, a matter of grave importance. Despite mans physical inadequacies he possesses the gift of intelligence which, ironically, is nurtured into fruition through this cooperative assimilation. A gift that enables him to collect sensual stimulations, interpret them, form these interpretations into mental models and then use them to perceive patterns, projecting them, using the imagination, as possibilities spatial awareness (event horizon). It is this tool of survival that benefits mankind the most and it is this intelligence that differentiates the homo sapient from other species a defining trait. This basic mental ability can lead to an alteration of environmental conditions by the activities of a single organism, unprecedented in history.

Only the beaver has a similar, even if far lesser, impact on its environment much of the impact in the beavers case, just as with mankind, is unintentional. The powerful effect of intelligence upon the environment is what, then, creates the premises for its own obsolescence. In addition to this, human psychological insecurity and physical frailty has imposed the need to armour mans fragility with technologies. Development particularly certain types of it - places an additional wall between man and the world; distancing mankind further away from his heritage and from nature.
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. -Henry David Thoreau, Walden

This artificial wall, weve engulfed ourselves within, is the source of mans current sense of uneasiness his disillusionment. It is presently expressed, through the arts and through ludite ideals, as the demonization of technology and the machines weve created to serve us but that now weve come to serve a metaphor for the system itself that has taken on a life of its own (superorganism). Through this expression of intuited anxiety the pressure of resistance is released, in the same way as repressed sexuality is offered a release through porn, and repressed aggression is released through action films, computer games, and sporting events allowing controlled violence. Man is enslaved by the very inventions that were supposed to liberate him, and the awareness, that made him dominate, is now damaging to the structures hes constructed and is now accustomed to. The dominator submits to the consequences of his dominion and to the tools that make it possible the master/slave dynamic founded upon need. Expressions of resistance are dealt with through redirection and ingenious mollification.
Men have become the tools of their tools. - Henry David Thoreau

This self-referential construct slowly eliminates all contact with the actual and it forms a protective perimeter around human consciousness. Art, itself,

becomes self-referential a sampling of previous creations to support current ones. Is not language an art form? Recycled thinking for recycled minds. Art, no longer imitating reality, but art imitating art imitating art imitatingsomewhere in the remote past or on the peripheries, behind fences and screens: Reality awaits. A slow estrangement where all sense of realism is lost in a haze of warping mirrors. A codified world constructing a bubble of contrived existence around a increasingly fragile and inexperienced with discomfort and danger, populace.
Welcome to the desert of the Real. - Zizek

We are engulfed in this protective cocoon; in this invisible matrix of mendaciousness and superficiality. We are now mere gears in the machines weve invented. We are owned by what we, supposedly, own. We accept all this, consciously or not, because it alleviates our existential angst and offers us an escape out of deterministic injustice the unavoidable effects of the past upon our presence. Just like adolescent minds, we both despise our parents and we cling onto them resenting the fact that without them we feel lost. When and if we ever manage to finally free ourselves from our biological parents we then attach ourselves to new protective, authoritarian, entities, and in our juvenile fantasies we call ourselves adults. God being the biggest proxy-parent of all. By undermining our individuality, our essence and our uniqueness (our distinction), we are made more vulnerable to alternative sources of identity and we submit to the judgments of others so as to find our self-worth and our purpose where no other alternative is available. All the while, in true Orwellian newspeak, the system claims to do the exact opposite of what it actually does, retaining the comforting illusion of romantic idealism. As this engine of civilization grows, its parts lose value by becoming expendable and disposable components{numbers and

statistics} and man becomes an insignificant cog in a huge apparatus {alienation}.

Like dreams, statistics are a form of wish fulfillment. - Jean Baudrillard

A distinctly anti-individualistic course that, ironically, sells itself as the epitome of individuality; increasing dependence and calling itself liberty. What we try to free ourselves from is need and suffering, and we are willing to give up self, as a will towards independence, in the process. Social engineering, in the west, has reached a level of sophistication unparalleled in history. The individuals consciousness becomes so reliant on otherness that it cannot even conceive of itself outside it, and if it can, it is seized by a deep anxiety at the prospect.
hell is other people has always been misunderstood. It has been thought that what I meant by that was that our relations with other people are always poisoned, that they are invariably hellish relations. But what I really mean is something totally different. I mean that if relations with someone else are twisted, vitiated, then that other person can only be hell. Why? Becausewhen we think about ourselves, when we try to know ourselves, we use the knowledge of us which other people already have. We judge ourselves with the means other people have and have given us for judging ourselves. Into whatever I say about myself someone elses judgment always enters. Into whatever I feel within myself someone elses judgment enters. But that does not at all mean that one cannot have relations with other people. It simply brings out the capital importance of all other people for each one of us. - Jean-Paul Sartre

The intellectual battle over the significance of nature versus nurture continues. It is a battle between self-determination versus determinism. Some would have nature be the dominant factor in determining a persons potential and personality, while others will emphasize nurture as being more decisive, thusly rescuing free-will from the jaws of fate. The entire debate is often the result of a misunderstanding, for nature is nothing more than the combined effects of all past nurturing and so a tautology differentiated by time.

How these natural pasts find fruition and develop or atrophy within a particular organism is what is referred to as nurturing. The self can be considered the immediate materialization of a long historical Becoming in relation to the immediate. It is the direct culmination, the presence, of this historical inheritance, interpreted by a conscious mind as form, color, sound, taste, etc. It is notably, from a psychological standpoint, more optimistic and therefore more desirable to focus upon the nurturing, upon the present, because nature, the past, is a foregone conclusion which cannot be altered and so can only be accepted, denied or controlled. This is a normal existential bias we must consider present in all human understanding. {On a side note: This is not a thesis on free-will. What will suffice is to merely mention it in passing, as it pertains to this subject, as a possibility, as all conceptions of the absolute are. If the Will is the focus of energies upon an object/objective, then its focus upon its liberation from dependence, its freedom, is the movement towards the ideal, the perfect, and away from the norm or the imperfect. Freedom, therefore, is another term for the, sometimes, desirable absent absolute a metaphorical cutting-away as the gaining of independence and only possible in degree and in increments of resistance. The Wills emancipation from the determined becomes a struggle to distance itself from its past, from what isin other words from time itself or the flux. A struggle resulting in an exponential increase of suffering. A far easier path is that of simple denial or an adjustment of perspective that casually does away with reality by selectively and conveniently interpreting it. The system provides the framework for this new, more desirable, perspective, because outside its protective umbrella the perspective faces the normal fate of all erroneous interpretations. For this reason the idea of Perspectivism or that all perspectives are equally valid can only survive as a social phenomenon of intellectual levelling within the protective shielding of a social unity which mitigates the effects of inferior thinking.}



War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell

Focusing on nurturing is definitely more appealing to the needy heart because this convenient and easy denial offers the opportunity for selfreinvention, free-will, and overcoming as a birthright, rather than as a product of successful struggle and tireless work. It also offers the opportunity for social control and institutionalization, by manipulating the very factors that are denied, and by using the very nature which is rejected as being influential. In the bid to ignore what has been, the modern day system refocuses the awareness of its citizenry upon the immediate, so as to sell its preferred ideal as a replacement for what is denied. It does so by playing upon the ever-present resentment concerning this unalterable past, this nature, and the desire to escape it, as a matter of selfempowerment Will to Power. It is a manipulation of hope, as an antidote to anxiety. This unsubstantiated effortless hopefulness promotes the illusion that each individual is by design a master of his/her own destiny and that the choices available to it are the result of rational, unaffected, thinking. It also promotes the illusion of rebirth, as the system demands an adaptation to its premises often in conflict with pre-existing natural drives. The Christian notion of being born again is a testament to this focus on nurturing, and the ceremony of baptism is a symbolic cleansing away of the past, the original sinthe sin of being born an imperfect, mortal, ignorant, human being. This is done using abstraction The individual entity, man, is of no importance. The only thing that really matters is the ideal Man, the platonic Idea of Man, the sacred symbol, the abstracted Man the Holy.
To this day the revolutionary principle has gone no further than to assail only one or another particular establishment, to be reformatory. Much as may be improved, strongly as discreet progress may be adhered to, always there is only a new master set in the old

ones place, and the overturning is a building up. We are still at the distinction of the young Philistine from the old one. The Revolution began in bourgeois fashion with the uprising of the third estate, the middle class; in bourgeois fashion it dries away. It was not individual man and he alone man, who for that very reason is not Man but a specimen of the species of human species, and more particularly a specimen of the species Citizen, a free citizen. Stirner, Max

Under this context the elimination of all inherited, natural, distinctions, such as sex or race or of all lingering previous cultural identities, are incorporated as variations of the abstracted Man the idea of man - the humanitarian and so they are made insignificant or quaint variables of little importance. And this Idea of Man, of course, is defined by the particular system that holds sway over the will of men. Nothing can be allowed to corrupt the perfection of the sacred Man and all will be judged in comparison to His idealized perfection.



All cultures may use familiar methods for parallel reasons but each has a noticeably different motivation leading to diverging human ideals, guided by each cultures value systems, as they were inherited, in time, from biological and racial ancestry, historical experiences, climatic and geographical conditions as well as from external philosophical/ideological influences. This is what I refer to as essence. The essence of each man, for example, is the sum of each and every previous environmental effect on him, and of how his ancestors, as well as he himself, reacted to them. All this culminating in an appearance phenomenon (), the apparent. Each organism represents this apex of temporality which is never completed because it is no thing but a process in perpetual flow, interacting, changing moving through spatial possibilities. A process held together by the storage and inheritance of information (genetic/experiential), or patterned behaviours established through selection and passed on as a legacy. Biology, behaviour, needs, character, aesthetics are the end result of an unavoidable precedent.

Anatomy is destiny. - Sigmund Freud



Social circumstance are caused, paradoxically, by the very natural tendencies that eventually become dangerous and unwanted. They represent the persistent drive towards self-completion, coming forth as competitive ruthlessness. The paradox is caused by the fact that the attributes that resulted in dominance then make themselves obsolete by altering the environments they dominate and by attempting to eradicate all challenges and challengers. It is also caused by the fact that the endless cycles of ascent and decent from power creates far too many destabilizing stresses, and so the tendency towards arresting this sequence or towards prolonging the length of its phases of ascent and descent, is part of a natural inclination towards finding the most stable form within given environmental conditions. The desire to maintain power, for instance, pushes minds to innovate methods of control and dominance. As a result the mind, unintentionally, invents its own obsolescence by making these innovations accessible to his adversaries.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche



Unleashed upon the world, by the unburdening of mental energies from matters of immediate survival, through affluence, and from craven religious myths and superstitions, through knowledge, the human spirit created its dominion. It is, exactly, this ascendancy which eventually resulted in exponentially increased populations, and the accompanying need for resources, that then made it necessary to suppress these very same instinctive drives in order to maintain stability and social harmony.

When no more accessible frontiers exist - this dominion turned to suppression and then to ennui. Then consciousness turns in upon itself and finds nothing there but the desire to be and no reason for it. The very absence of meaning and purpose, that offers some possibility for the free creativity of a lucid Will, was considered by the average mind, the growing masses of mediocrity and sheltered weakness, as one more reason to hate existence, as it is, driving them in droves into the comforting arms of an external authority, offering both a purpose and a meaning for their craven minds. In this turning inward nihilism is sparked.



As challenges abate the mind loses purpose and seeks it elsewhere, or it succumbs to despair.
The war between being and nothingness is the underlying illness of the twentieth century. Boredom slays more of existence than war. - Norman Mailer

The onion is slowly peeled and no core can be found the Buddhist resolves to call this emptiness his truth the essence of all existence is activity, not static substance, and so nothing stable can ever be found because it is the antithesis of what is experienced as existing. The abstraction is meant to fill in the void - abstracted work, abstracted self, abstracted resources, abstracted love, abstracted identity Abstract Man Spiritual Man - God. Man clamouring for contrived certainty in a universe that offers none. The desired is given a form, an anthropomorphic caricature, so as to cover up the gaps; an ambiguous destination offered as the perfect, the meta-life: Utopia, Nirvana, Paradise. All kinds of paranormal conceptualizations emerge as optimistic probabilities of hope. Ignorance is used to argue the probability for the absurd and scepticism is drafted to seed the benefit of the doubt as an alternative to rational thought and argument. The real is defamed further. It is now deemed insufficient to heal the human condition.

The otherworldliness of the imagined, underlying, hidden, unseen, intradimensional is presented as the only way towards deliverance. As always man turns the fear of the unknown into the realm of his hopefulness a coping mechanism. The very human condition is now deficient Nihilism. The world is reinterpreted into a charade, a farce, a testing phase towards something better, deeper, more substantive - the thing-in-itself, the soul, the core, the spirit, the thingness of no- and/or some-, the empty, the beyond and the universal consciousness cut away from the corporeal form, mind bade other than active brain.



The trend towards larger, heterogeneous and more malleable populations has made equalitarian, servile moralities vital. Christianity, Islam, Judaism like Buddhism, and such political movements as Democracy and Communism, were the direct product of environmental circumstances that made selflessness and the slandering of ego a matter of group health. No would be allowed except the communal one the abstracted one the One. All others would be forsaken or demoted as signs of human fallibility sin. The conceptualization of multiplicity was made destitute and an illusion only an unthinking mind could oversee, and find solace in the oversight. As populations grew further, resources became more precious and personal space a luxury few could afford - the modern day palace and mansion a temple of lavish privilege. Human behaviour had to be adapted, moulded by injecting it with specific ideas concerning ethics and etiquette. Men had to be made more tolerant and passive to endure the proximity and the invasion of others into their personal space.

The normal instinctive tendencies of exclusion and discrimination had to be redefined as an anathema and as remnants of a primitive past that had to be overcome the civilized ethos. Its modern-day manifestation is what is referred to as Globalization. A secular movement towards global uniformity, void not only of natural identifications but also of all previous cultural ones the culture of no culture. The end of all earthly distinctions except the few that display degrees of submission. An ongoing war, is underway, on anything and everything that challenges the monopolizing control of the one cultureless culture; a war against all that dares to stand up and stand out before it. A war of survival. Natural selection on a grander scale - one superorganism pitting itself against another.



The slow discrediting of all previous authorities was not meant to free the mind, as it is claimed, but to prepare it for impregnation with more current sources of truth. A deconstruction as a preparatory step to reconstruction. Scepticism and the cleansing effects of Perspectivism were employed to eradicate any intellectual resistance to community. Humility was made into a dogma that forced respect and love; it humbled the mind before the unknown. Then it was relabelled into integrity and the mind was, again, rendered uncertain and defenceless to external wills Authorities, Experts, Leaders Ideals. All perspectives now deserved respect, as all of them were interpretations of a non-existent reality. Equalization achieved. Stupidity given a free hand and defended against the realization of its own quality.

In the aftermath of this deconstruction all is confused: lies become truths and truths lies - all is but a matter of perspective one Wills into existence, and the mindless mind believes it is free when it has simply lost all sense and now considers its delusions realwhile the system protects it from its own bemused ignorance. The inane mind takes its own survival as evidence that its bewildering opinions are sufficient, without considering the fact that it is kept safe and defended against its own simplicity by a system that feeds off it. In such circumstances what does it matter what is real and what is not, when all is rendered unreal and a matter of interpretation with no actual repercussions? A simulation within a simulation. The brainless are cocooned within their delusions and allowed to think as they will, just as long as these thoughts do not turn into anything actually dangerous to the System that protects them.



It is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built upon a renunciation of instinct. - Sigmund Freud

When all the onion peels of identity are stripped away and discarded as primitive or as having been overcome, new ones are manufactured to take their place. Man as an ideal is born: Man as producer and consumer, in the west, or man as void of all identity, finding identity in the negated, in the east, or man as pious servant of the Absolute Authority, as in Islam and Judeo-Christianity and as in all totalitarian regimes. This reconstruction of self is tantamount to stripping a man bare, telling him that even his skin is a meaningless garment, letting him feel the cold harshness of this, for a time, and then offering him new clothes as a gift, for which he should be grateful forand is. Master/Slave dynamic. Gratitude is the desired response to being given a replacement for what has been stolen from you. A slaves gratefulness for his masters benevolence. It is how immigrants react to being welcomed into nations that have built their affluence on the exploitation of their homelands.

The man is now reborn into whatever you offer him to replace what youve torn away using pretext, misrepresentation and psychological manipulation. Truth be told, few are able to resist this assault, because few have a strong enough sense of themselves, a strong enough character, to do so. Those that are more masculine and more resistant, are either broken, using multiple methods, or are incarcerated or forced into insincere capitulation and/or isolation. The male spirit is driven inwards and underground.
The savior who wants to turn men into angels is as much a hater of human nature as the totalitarian despot who wants to turn them into puppets. - Hoffer, Eric

The basic modus operandi armies, throughout history, have used are employed. The recruit is stressed and fatigued until his resistance wanes. He is now prepared to be injected with this new structures authority and a common identity is proposed to replace the one that has been overthrown or forced into hiding. At this point the soldier is able to give his life for his unit, and following orders precisely is his main concern an automaton is born. Amongst these ranks no masculine resistance to external limitations or holy authorities is tolerated, but only the semblance of hyper-masculine ceremonial displays of machismo that are supposed to hide emasculation. An over-compensation. The only true masculine power here is the institution, on whose behalf the mindless soldiers act as representations of its force. Only it can use violence and kill and rape and pillage. The soldiers only represent its Will its arms and legs. A projection of the only Self allowed. The greater Self. Social structures depend on such feminine dispositions. Ants, termites, bees as well as many mammalian social groups, depend on the same controlled elimination of masculinity, and/or partial emasculation, of its members. In wolf packs the inferior males are subordinated, experiencing a drop in testosterone, in lion prides, they are expelled to the peripheries of unclaimed territories where they await their turn.



Evidently, the more complacent, unaware and gullible a population is the more governable and controllable it becomes. Many leaders throughout history understood this basic political truism.
What luck for rulers, that men do not think. - Adolf Hitler

It is, therefore, understandable why unsettling ideas have to be quarantined and/or eradicated, why free thought must be restricted, why information has to be strictly monitored and dispensed from specific sources and why defiance and discrimination must be quelled or punished as an example to be avoided before it becomes one to be emulated. Being politically-correct and only challenging the status quo within permissible boundaries becomes ingrained within each mind, as a de facto approach. An approach where the illusion of rebelliousness is ensured as a healthy expression of free-thinking or youthful exuberance, even though no core ideas are ever threatened. The entire act is superficial. Just as superficial as the adolescent rebel displaying his uncompromising differentiation with counter-cultural garments and musical symbolisms. Symbols he has purchased from the system itself. An inert rejection of signs. A masked conformity, where principles are submitted to whereas the common codes are cast off as pass - modernity.
Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new. - Henry David Thoreau

All information is monitored by promoting certain fountainheads of information as more reliable and by reinforcing a dependence on regurgitated beliefs and surrogate thinking. The academic is mistaken for a thinker, because all truths must pass the inquisition of the ordained experts before they are allowed public airing or, more importantly, before they allowed to be taught to the young. Difference is turned into a emblem with no actual relevance and dissenting ideas are defused through harmless methods of rhetorical rejection.

All leaders strive to turn their followers into children. - Hoffer, Eric

Philosophy, itself, has been institutionalized, in our modern times. The very discipline of thinking and engaging the world directly, is now defined as stringent or more respectable when it acts as a constant analysis of another minds ideas. The reliability and respectability of this external authority, decided by career academicians, and then taught to others accordingly. Modern institutions of education are really factories that manufacture minds of blind deference - their own consciousness of the world taking a secondary position to the consciousness of another or others - reality engaged through proxy and philosophy institutionalized and practiced via surrogate specialists. Bertrand Russell says this:
In these days under the influence of democracy, the virtue of co-operation has taken the place formerly held by obedience. The old-fashioned schoolmaster would say of a boy that he was disobedient; the modern schoolmistress says of an infant that he is non-cooperative. It means the same thing: the child, in either case, fails to do what the teacher wishes, but in the first case the teacher acts as the government and in the second as the representative of the People, i.e. of the other children. The result of the new language, as of the old, is to encourage docility, suggestibility, herd-instinct and conventionality, thereby necessarily discouraging originality, initiative and unusual intelligence. Adults who achieve anything of value have seldom been co-operative children. As a rule, they have liked solitude: they have tried to slink into a corner with a book and been happiest when they could escape the notice of their barbarian contemporaries. Almost all men who have been distinguished as artists, writers or men of science have in boyhood been objects of derision and contempt to their schoolfellows; and only too often the teachers have sided with the herd, because it annoyed them that the boy should be odd.

Dummying-down of individuals has fashioned populations that, despite their relative affluence and access to information, display the apathy, ignorance and navet of children - they have been retarded in their development. Nothing matters unless it directly and immediately affects their well-being, which is held within a comfortable state of inebriated hedonism and unsettling uncertainty. A controlled mixture of stress and ennui.
Necessity is the constant scourge of the lower classes, ennui of the higher ones.Arthur Schopenhauer

The most important goal is to be just like everyone else, to never speak contrary to public opinion and to never confront common beliefs or insult common sentiment. No honesty is allowed, unless it pretends or mirrors commonly held standards. If you speak the truth make sure it agrees with the popular one or hold your tongue and swallow your words. Social graciousness prohibits anything beyond formalities and pretentious boastfulness, meant to compensate for hidden inadequacies and unacknowledged personal compromises. What often passes as intimacy is but the play of fools, repeating their commonly held ideals, as if to convince themselves of them, and offering comfort for failures and dissatisfied appetites.



To be mediocre, in the end, entails a great degree of exaggeration. Hyper-affectations for a hyper-real world. Core beliefs, ingrained within the average human being from birth, remain self-evident and unquestioned certainties. Intellectual exploration consists in mental masturbation where ideas are sterilized, injected with enhancing flamboyance and then packaged and sold, just like vegetables and meats at the market, all pristine and lush, with not a speck of rot to blemish the perfect skins. All hints of reality, cleansed away. Nature perfected, according to human preferences. Philosophy, also, has turned into a game of imagination with no consequence and so void of passion and purpose. A game played by teenagers with no notion of the severity of what they casually utter, as a means of socializing. Has not political discourse, as well, been made dispassionate and ineffectual? Nothing changes because nothing is allowed to, unless it adheres to some systemic interest.

The danger inherit in competition is eliminated.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde

The emergence of the aloof sophist, that presents his anaesthetized disassociation as evidence of his cool reasoning, comes to usher in the degradation of thinking. The thought is made infertile and no mind is impregnated with its pragmatism. The idea becomes just that: an idea not applicable in a world that has already decided its philosophical stance - it has inherited it - and defiance is only for show and a momentary display of adolescent bravado before the cold hard practical needs burry the man under mature concessions. Realpolitik for the already empty of all principles, including dignity, except for the principle of instant gratification the animalistic immediacy.



Social selection has taken over from where natural selection ends. In the west socialization/institutionalization/domestication has taken a more insidious approach, to maintain the illusion of freedom and individuality. Edward Bernays puts it this way:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.

Unlike the more direct and obvious controlling practices of other civilizations, past and present, it is more difficult to always perceive where and how we, in the west, have been manipulated into thinking and behaving

in prescribed ways. For many the current state of affairs is taken to be the epitome of human achievement, the height of human development and the worthy successor of an intellectual revolution that began on the rocky Aegean shores of ancient Greece and has reached, after a brief disappearance and re-emergence during the Renaissance, for the distant Martian plateaus. They neglect to consider the true spirit of this ancient stance towards life and only judge it from its crumbling monuments and our modern conceited perspectives on it.
The governing idea of Hellenism is spontaneity of consciousness; that of Hebraism, strictness of conscience. - Matthew Arnold

This Hellenic legacy is a western one a distinctly masculine approach which is now all but gone, except for this dying, diseased, caricature, infected by grovelling Judeo-Christian nihilistic sentimentalities, and eastern world-denouncements, promising relief from suffering. Evidence of how western ideals have been subverted can be found in how we, at present, perceive the world around us and from where we accept our personal self-worth and meanings. Jewish servility has brought eastern nihilism, as a cancerous tumour, to the western heart and we, like them, consider this world a travesty; hiding a selfdeprecating core or a betrothed paradise, we expect our escape, after offering our very soul to the unknown as a bribe, and we plead beneath absurdity, asking only to retain our infantile hopes. Some few, driven by an abundance of undisciplined ego, opt for the more distracting hedonistic escapes. That which pleases, is true. It must be made to be, as if the universe gives a damn about human felicity. Need/Suffering, the very consciousness of existence, has been made into a disease avoidance can cure; better worlds are imagined as hiding behind the faade of appearances; death being made into lifes glorification. What can be more damaging to the human spirit than to despise existence so much as to seek to never be born again?

What can be more awkward than to preach that death is a doorway into a better existence because this one disappoints us? What can be more limiting and self-contradicting than to preach unthinking as the way towards a deeper awareness?
The craving to change the world is perhaps a reflection of the craving to change ourselves. - Hoffer, Eric

When this occurs the individual is made vulnerable to anything that promises denial. Determinism is dismissed and the products of sheltering human environments are protected from the awareness that they are allowed to exist because they are useful and not because they have earned their existence or possess some intrinsic value.



In the absence of self-esteem the mind finds it through substitutes; representational trinkets of social viability. Many of us in the west, influenced by marketing practices from childhood, find it obvious that certain product name-brands are associated with particular feelings and thoughts. The acquisition of certain products and the image constructed to go along with them, or the mere consumption of products and services, is of the utmost importance. Their relevance is found in the means by which we express our own self-worth and quality to the world. They become indicative of our usefulness and so of our loyalty to the system - our goodness. Owning a BMW or a Mercedes or a Versace or a Rolex, for example, is how we exhibit our social status, as accomplished consumers, and it is how we try to attract others to our genetic potency dictated, in this case, not by natural markers but by socioeconomic and cultural symbols evoking emotions that have been trained into us.
Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. - George Orwell

Guided by an idea, imposed upon us at birth, we buy into the scheme and we accept whatever identity it offers us as recompense for the one weve given up. It is our offering of faith. The quality of the products we own and consume must, supposedly, signify our personal quality, whether it is actually present or not. Objects become our standards and we bury our appearances behind constructs and purchased regalia. How can we not when our very existence is owed to the system that defends us from our own decrepitude, and then offers us rights to replace our lost independence? Would we even be alive without its dominion over mans actions? But why these particular products of human ingenuity, no different than many others, are associated with a specific image, is for most of us unrecognizable and just a matter of common sense. We lose our ability to follow back the strands of our references. The system denies us access to anything outside its simulations and we find ourselves sampling older cultural creations in an endless game of smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile nature sits on the outside unaffected by our contrivances, exacting a price, no matter how much we try to avoid it. Reality cannot be evaded, it can only be ignored, and suffering can only be postponed.
If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it. Edward Bernays

We have been manipulated and not without our own participation - into believing that mercantile quality is equal or a fair substitute for substantive quality. We have been manipulated into believing that external objects can fill in for an inner void or, at least, hide it behind the glitter.

The current popularity of mysticism and the rediscovery of past spiritualism, particularly amongst urban populations where the distance between man and nature is the greatest, the symptoms of spiritual decay are more evident. One indication of this systematic, capitalistic redefinition through abstraction of value and self-worth is this intuited feeling that something is missing, that something is wrong; like a splinter in the minds eye. This is what fuels the ovens of modern economies, and maintains a constant state of tentative hopefulness for material wealth. Most of us do not question the ideals of our chosen values but only discipline ourselves to their premises and, in true feminine fashion, we become simple mirrors of the world around us, analyzing only as a way of integrating ourselves within it mellifluously; rarely questioning it, rarely denying it, rarely challenging it. Material wealth, that was meant to epitomize the quality of an individual by his access to resources, has now come to display the total obedience and compliance of said individual to a dominating Will an external masculine power abstracted into an institution. An individual is rewarded, with material riches, for his/her submission for his absence of individuality; this becoming the new definition for independence and identity. An independence to choose between different methods of capitulation, or to choose your own demise as the only other alternative.



In a world where materialism prevails, consumerism reigns and where the preservation of already acquired status is desired, wealth and privilege is most often inherited than earned. The State abhors change and only allows it as a means of ensuring further stability. It is human kinds consciousness that makes this systemic compromise necessary. An unnecessary compromise when dealing with less sophisticated social organisms.

Awareness is the problem. The compromise presents itself as permissible ambition and social climbing, maintaining this hope as a counterweight to stress and ennui. In the rare occasions when wealth and privileged is earned {self-made}, rather than inherited, it is frequently at the price of an entire lifetimes toil, making the enjoyment of the consequent privileges, once again, a matter of inheritance. As is often the case inheritance produces generations that can never fully appreciate what they themselves have not earned and therefore do not deserve the irony of unwarranted expectation that breeds further expectation. Capitalism fails in this regard.
A gambler is nothing but a man who makes his living out of hope. - William Bolitho

Sometimes affluence comes at the price of great risk to the individual, who must surrender all future possibilities to this one opportunityknocking. Either play by the rules and roll the dice or suffer the consequences.



Enlightened people seldom or never possess a sense of responsibility. - George Orwell

Nihilism is more than a product of this process of re-education, but it is also a result of unjustifiable safety, leisure and the ensuing ennui this leads to. Life loses substance when all have a right to it, just as love loses value when all deserve it. Modern man has lost all pride in himself and in his true nature. He is made to feel ashamed of being fully human. He is told to try to be the socially prescribed Man the good man, the selfless man, the spiritual man with no ego. Now, he substitutes the cavernous barrenness in his soul with ideals of dubious certainty. Even the personal names man associates himself with become a generic stamp shared by many; a label of belonging with no other, more intimate, significance.

In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality. - Karl Marx

The methods by which man is shaped and sculpted within social environments contain natural instinctive drives and manmade imaginative institutional inventions that either take advantage of aforesaid drives or totally subvert and suppress them. One of these human inclinations is the sexual instinct. The evolution of sex has one and only one purpose: The replication of genes, based on their fitness, and their recombination into a new form. In time sexual activity takes on additional roles, within social organisms. The fundamental human compulsion is to mate. This biological standard of personal success is still in man, despite his self-asserted progress beyond primitiveness, the major intuitive source of acquiring self-esteem and purpose. It is also the means by which nature has shaped our behaviours in the past and still maintains a dominant grip on our psyche in the present, no matter how much social manipulations strive to subvert it. That a man exists and a woman exists, constitutes evidence that they carry the necessity of their biological past, as a sexual designation. This biological imperative may have manifested itself to varying degrees within each individual or may have been warped along its progression, but this does not negate the sexual identity it is in reference to. Sexuality is a method of reproduction and the sexual types it makes necessary are indispensable elements of its original primary function. Any further adaptations of this primary function occurred when interceding conditions gradually diverted it with new functions. With mankind these additional function were mainly social ones. Because of this, sexuality is the major motivating factor behind all human actions and creations. We may say that mankind is obsessed with sex because the human species is a social one and because it, like all life, is constantly preoccupied with its own mortality, making life merely a constant struggle against death - a resistance to it.

Sexuality is the central focus of all individual thought and the activities this thought brings about, whether we know it or not. It plays an important part in how mankind is guided and moulded, not only by nature, but by cultures and civilizations that now use and manipulate it to their advantage. Because this method of reproduction evolves as a more efficient way for more complicated organisms to arise, its need is not immediate or a matter of individual survival, such as the need for food, for water, or for oxygen, for instance. The need for sex is of a secondary nature. A secondary need that relies on hormonal effects to force particular, often, counterintuitive behaviours, by inhibiting primordial instinctive reactions, such as fight/flight responses. Overcoming these pre-existing primal reactions is achieved with the aid of a naturally induced chemical inebriation that facilitates the endurance of the hazards involved in copulation. This intoxication is described, most often, as love or lust: The obstinate compulsion towards sexual gratification. In this game of sexuality, played by mortal beings, the basic participants of male and female archetypes are rudimentary and worth analysing further, for it is through this interrelation and dance of seduction that man comes to be and his quality and nature is determined.

The significant position sex holds in the human psyche can only be attributed to its role as a reaction to mortality, the natural limitations to cellular replication and to the adaptive superiority genetic diversity offers. Its added significance is also due to its consequent development as a social lubricant and as a source of self-identification. The two sexual types emerge, distinctly, only in reference to the need for reproduction, and then merge to replicate themselves in unison. Any ensuing functions they serve, as was already mentioned, must be considered as a later development of this basic obligation.

Death, and life as a resistance to it, is the metaphysical foundation of sexual intercourse. We can say that underneath this reigning compulsion to procreate lies the spectre of oblivion. Heterosexual reproductions primary role is to replicate, in part, the individuals participating in it and through this amalgamation of genetic materials into new combinations, to ensure the ongoing adaptation of life, by nurturing or inhibiting mutations, in reaction to constantly altering conditions. Its success as a replicating and adaptive mechanism eventually results in its own alteration, as sex then takes on the additional objectives of establishing individual cooperative relationships, maintaining personal ties with others in its group and of reinforcing hierarchies through displays. The original biological imperative evolves along with the organisms using it, but the primary traits it originally produced as essential to the primary intent remain and are passed on from parent to offspring - a genetic code that imposes upon individual organisms limitations and decides their overall qualities. These particular codified traits manifest themselves in physiological and psychological tendencies which imbue the particular individual, belonging to a sexual type, with varying intensities of predispositions. Variations result in the individuals potency as a representation of that particular types nature, and it determines, in unison with environmental factors, its successes and its failures. This thesis attempts to deal with how these sexual types become integrated and are translated into social functions, and how human interventions, upon natural processes, affect these sexual varieties and cause them to mutate, by socially selecting certain traits and allowing them to flourish, while repressing others, causing them to wither.



The act of heterosexual copulation can be thought of as a later improvement to simple cellular division.

The latter being the original reproductive method, with many limitations. As a later evolutionary development heterosexual replication had to overcome many already established survival mechanisms, and it had to override their effect on the more primitive parts of the organisms nervous system. For instance, the response of fight/flight, imposed a hindrance on copulation that had to be dealt with in order to make sexual intercourse possible. The fundamental instincts of the organism, as entrenched modes of efficient reactivity, had to be subdued so as to make possible the proximity necessary for intercourse and so as to then make it possible for the organism, the female in this case, to endure the invasion of an alien organism within its physical space. This intrusion is not a trivial one, since it demands the overcoming of a deep-seated instinctive impulse for self-preservation and the fear of the unknown other. The immune system is geared to combat alien invasions and repel what threatens an organisms cohesive unity. As a reflection of this the basic instinctive concern of the organism is to maintain its stability by preventing external properties from infecting it with their disruptive presence. What has not been reshaped and integrated within the whole is expelled as unwanted. Fertilization, itself, consists in the acceptance of an alien particle, the male sperm, within a unitys domain and its subsequent protection from the bodys natural defence mechanisms. The genetically foreign sperm and the subsequent semi-alien foetus it produces, had to be protected against the bodys immune system. There are instances where the genetic combination is so alien to the body that it rejects it, causing miscarriages. With human medical intervention the foetus can eventually be made acceptable, but this also exposes how human meddling imposes an outcome, that nature denies, with unforeseeable long-term repercussions. As an evolutionary progression this represents a considerable adaptation without which heterosexual reproduction would be unlikely and larger brained organisms would be improbable.

The mechanism employed to facilitate this tolerance and this resistance to the intuitive drive to flee or fight, was a chemical one. Lust, as a self-numbing coercion, not only provided the intoxicating effect necessary to repress primal reactions, but eventually developed into what we call love, as the essential ingredient that made social interactions possible.

Of all the worldly passions, lust is the most intense. All other worldly passions seem to follow in its train. Buddha

Lust can be linked to the intrinsic act of feeding or assimilating the other within ones own wilful control a powerful drive that resembles hunger not by chance. The one lusting feels like devouring the object of his desires; wanting to absorb it within its very being. This is how the sensation of oneness, the sexual act often produces, comes about. Lusting and consuming stem from a common need to assimilate, through the act of feeding, and so they often imply a destructive, violent component that may manifest itself in various ways when the sexual drive is thwarted and repressed for too long. Lovers are involved in a push/pull struggle - literally and figuratively - a desire and repulsion, consummated in a moment of furious aggression; a desire to unite with the other, to lose ones self within this foreign unity, but also a rejection of this unity, as a desire to preserve ones self. This is the madness of instinct overriding reason, or another instinct, and becoming palatable when passion reaches a climax of revulsion coupled, simultaneously, with attraction. The organisms imitate the cellular amalgamation as two alien beings are combined into something other than, as a desperate reaffirmation of life.
Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust. Marquis De Sade

Love, then, becomes a modality of lust, as it has already consumed the other, or has been consumed by the other, by associating the other with self and so integrating, assimilating, this otherness within the conception of self a broadening of the sensation, of the idea of self, felt as a relief from the burden of solitary responsibility and the isolation its discrimination enforces. The mother-child relationship is based on no more than this. The metaphysical vantage point of it all is that of an emerging unity, resisting and desiring the flux all at once; wanting to return back to its original state of unconsciousness and its reunification with the endless flow of time while still clinging onto the unity that makes this option possible; a paroxysm of self-denial wishing to disintegrate into mindlessness, all the while clinging to the very thing that makes consciousness possible.



Love can take on two forms: One by finding in the other what one most lacks and, therefore, what is most unlike it a method of self-completion commonly produced in a mind that feels insecure with its own conception of I. The second by finding in the other what is most alike with ones own conceptions of self - a recognition of self in the other commonly produced in those who feel more secure and possess more self-esteem and so love themselves, even more, through this otherness altruism and compassion of self redirected/reflected through the otherness. Both, of course, determined by the level of self-awareness each mind has reached.
"To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia." - H.L. Mencken

For this reason a confusion between lust and love still remains, and the sexual undertones of even the parent/child relationship, are neglected as being too disturbing to be considered. Disturbing in a world where love has acquired a position of reverence and of mystical, sacred importance, purified from any other influences. Freud knew of this all too well.

The aversion to incest can only be traced back to a natural disinclination towards reproducing genetic copies that can prove to be maladjusted for a continuously changing environment; a rejection of uniformity. It contains a high risk and a superfluous one, considering that heterosexual reproduction was meant to facilitate the production of variety. Here, too, the natural aversion to oneness, to sameness, and a striving for diversity and multiplicity is made clear. Only mankinds Will, guided by fear and immature delusions, can even hope for the inversion of reality.



One is very crazy when in love. - Sigmund Freud

The description of love, and lust, as a kind of madness is not far from the truth. The loss of reason and self-control is part of its technique, as no thinking mind would willingly subjugate itself to the risks and the penalties it entails, if it were not driven by a sort of irrational frenzy. Moreover sexual penetration has a distinctly domineering significance that cannot be denied. The one penetrating is literally invading the others boundaries and imposing its essence within anothers private domain. The one being penetrated is left in a vulnerable position and is literally accepting, either wilfully or not, the intrusion. Just this factor alone explains a lot about the psychological types that consequently evolve out of this basic sexual dynamic. Hence, in a feminized world, it is normal to find love holding such a place of veneration. It has turned from a description of God, Himself, into an idea defining the very spiritual core of humanism. The progression from religious nihilism to political and ideological nihilism is inevitable. Love, in fact, is not in the possession of the individual, not an expression of selfThe individual must offer it indiscriminately to one and all, because it is the glue that holds the systems fragile pretexts together and the masks in place.

As an expression of self, of selfishness, love is no longer acceptableit must be cleansed of all sense of self and made selfless; void of any connection to the individual, to the ego; a mere right the system bestows upon its members as an endowment. Choice, once again, is eliminated and only maintained as an chimera. As such, loves emotional antagonist hatred, must be made into a pariahan undesirable expression of rejection, of discriminationand so an unwanted emotion. Only love must permeate the inner workings of the superorganism and hatred directed towards what is outside its precincts, as a description of the alien. Where love is sacred then hatred is the profane a cancer in the body politic. In fact, all emotions that confront social stability must be demonized or twisted into motives for production. Greed must be productive or else vile; envy turned into a social motivator; hatred slandered unless it is directed towards the foreign; lust only accepted if it produces viable healthy reproductions of the desired.



Without the lubricant of love the patience and deference required to tolerate otherness would be problematic. As populations swell the domesticating requirement becomes more and more pressing, forcing a more and more docile demeanour and making the elation of love a divine sentiment only Dionysus would ascribe as a remedy for the dis-ease of consciousnessother than death itself, s Silenus urges. Humanitarianism was but a slight adjustment to earlier spiritual dogmas, because globalization made it unavoidable that heterogeneous populations would find themselves mingling and coexisting. Previous religious dogmas and political ideologies, preaching a more discerning sense of identification within a more homogenous grouping, quickly became obstructing, ineffective and then obsolete then considered primitive.

Environmental conditions had to adapt ideals and ideas to include diversity and harmonize it within a whole. Conformity and uniformity were relabelled and sold as religious and humanitarian values, making surrender more palatable to the average mind that had less to lose and more to gain from this surrender. The concepts of liberty and individuality were then redefined so as to accommodate these newly emerging social requirements. This meant a more basic identification had to be found that would be more inclusive and less resistant to the alien. Humanitarianism has turned out to be such a value system in our modern world. Its ease of inclusion is made possible by teaching a counter-intuitive identification with the term human, and then reaching for the more basic identification with life or thought. I am alive and then I am human; ergo I am one with all that is alive and/or human. A statement that does not explain the necessity for multiplicity, as a real phenomenon. All designations that challenged this basic identity with a whole are now considered detrimental to cohesion and so evil or consequences of dysfunction. Multiplicity is easily denied reality or ignored as a natural necessity, and the road towards uniformity is made all the more flat.



The modern man, the current man, is in harmony with geographical and historical trends. He is normal, if my normal we mean common, given that it has no other real meaning. The discriminating function of consciousness must now be turned into an insult, redefined as prejudice, and blindness. Less refined tastes are, now, marketed as states of spiritual illumination. The tongue, like the mind, must be made numb so as to be unable to discern between flavours.

The idea of discriminating between wines, for example, must be uncivilized. The idea of judging wine by the grapes they come from, from their smell and color and texture, iswrong. The modern civilized man is highly unrefined a tasteless, block of wood, that only does what it is made to do and no more. In Buddhism the state of meditative thoughtlessness, producing a relief from the awareness of existence, was sold as a waya way out of mind and out of body. The epitome of the death wish where a person is obliterated, while still clinging, ironically, onto existence, and where the escape from suffering is considered a good enough return for sacrificing the world to illusion, and the I to emptiness.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? - King James Bible

The answer to the previous rhetorical question: It shall profit a man that he shall gain the WORLD!!!! The real world, rather than some imagined soul. The concrete over the ethereal the actual over the hypothetical. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the hypothetical, imagined, ambiguity of an eternal soul, and lose the real world?!!



Resistance is futile or, at least evidence of illness usually called anti-social behaviour. The natural masculine rejection of all this mythology is called a disease, to which femininity stands as a healthy alternativean ease. The path-of-least-resistance. What else would a mind be that rejected the absurd idea that life was not worth living and not worth suffering for, as a natural part of the awareness of existence, and that could be avoided through self-induced hypnosis?

What else would a mind be that rejected mythological rhetoric and accepted existence as it is, rather than how it can, hypothetically, be, in some imagined perfect dimension? Ill, of course. Ill, as a designation of what is contrary to popularity, to the norm. Ill, as what is different than the commonly labelled healthy. Where stupidity is ubiquitous and preferable, what else could intelligence and awareness be but a dis-ease? Better to sleep than to be awake in this world; better to die, before ones death, rather than endure this sensation of life; better to get drunk on the nectar of the gods than remain lucid; better to deny reality than live in accordance with its vicious, uncaring ways. No, a new way had to be foundThe Way. A Way that, coincidentally, also produced docile, manageable, thoughtless, retarded attitudes. Nihilism became a salve to heal the wound of existence, in a world where weakness flourished and had to be protected against the vulgarity of natural selection. What else, but unwell, would a mind be that does not willingly surrender to this comforting idealization of humanity and life, even if nature contradicts its premises as delusional? What else, but driven by an ulterior motive, would a mind be that rejects the helping hand of self-denial and the replacement of ego with the abstraction of a universal ego, with God or Humanity, or made shameful through Buddhist Emptiness? Nature suggests a world where life feeds upon life and multiplicity rejects otherness as an aspect of its essence. Once again the commonality between love and feeding comes to light as one loves humanity, as an abstraction, and is consumed by it - torn to pieces. The system farms you, feeds on your energies, sucks you dry and then discards you as done with. Then you must be grateful for what it offered you in return. What small compromises were eventually made to old age and to more dignified living conditions came as a modern deception of husbandry.

Modern-day farming practices with cattle are well-informed by the insight that even cows produce more when they are kept happy. Whether this ideal Man is given the conservative characteristics of productive, consuming automaton, his offspring being just another one of those useful, to the system, products, or whether this ideal man is given new characteristics, more liberal, secular, and so more inclusive, traits, that adapt him to newer conditions, is of minimal importance. What remains constant is the idealization of the concept of Man the worship of Man as a replacement for the worship of an absent God the worldly veneration of the concept of Man. Individual man does not matter, all are but imperfect representations of the ideal and so they are expendable facsimiles. The good citizen, the pious one, the useful, productive one is the only thing that matters. Service to the sacred is all that matters. Service to the ideal. Service to the One. Paradise is knocked off its heavenly pedestal and placed squarely within the empirical world, as a desirable possibility. It is brought back down to Earth, so to speak. Individuation is obliterated into a ghost; a spook, as Stirner called it. More precisely he says:
Look out near and far, a ghostly world surrounds you everywhere; you are always having apparitions or visions. Everything that appears to you is only a phantasm of an indwelling spirit, is a ghostly apparition; the world is to you only a world of appearances behind which the spirit walks. You see spirits.

But to you the whole world is spiritualized, and has become an enigmatical ghost; therefore don to wonder if you likewise find in yourself nothing but a spook. Is not your body haunted by your spirit, and is not the latter alone the true and real, the former only the transitory, naught or a semblance? Are we not all ghosts, uncanny beings that wait for deliverance to wit, spirits?

--Has not sex lost all relevance?


Is it not now but a trivial characteristic within a world that only desires discipline and harmony? Under these circumstances the designations of male and female has become secondary ones. Mutations, once unfit and serving a supportive role, now enter the mainstream as just another acceptable life-style. They are acceptable, as alternatives, because they do not challenge the status quo they, in fact, support it. The elimination of the male/female designations as relevant, has also to do with the technological alterations to natural processes. Human interventions upon natural processes pushes nature back to the margins of importance and man constructs artificial environments, sanitized and sterilized against any natural infections that stain the preferred human ideals. Our supermarkets are full of produce that exhibits a flawless perfection that does not correspond to anything in the natural worldto anything real. Our meats come parceled and packaged with no blood in sight; our fruits spotless andseedless - our pets spade and neutered. Nothing must confront our westernized sensibilities. All is an illusion that gives off the wrong impression: The misapprehension that we exist in some pristine, disinfected world and that we are but innocent, childlike organisms whose existence does not rely on the exploitation and death of other organismsincluding other human beings. In such an environment it is easy to remain an adolescent, forever surprised by the sudden cruelty that slips through the pristine faade of civilization, forever disappointed by its inability to have reality meet its expectations eye-to-eye. In time nature is forgotten or only accessible through protective mediums, and mans reality becomes a self-referential simulation with little left of the authentic.
"[I]t is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built upon a renunciation of instinct, how much it presupposes precisely the non-satisfaction of powerful instincts.

This 'cultural frustration' dominates the large field of social relationships between human beings."- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Civilization and Its Discontents

Human environments change at a fast pace. Faster than any organism can adapt to them through natural processes. The discrepancy between social change and evolutionary adaptation is another source of stress and confusion. It is what produces neurosis.

The game of sexual attraction is an intricate dance of flirtation and insinuation that hides a deeper practical motivation. Steven W. Gangstad PhD said on the matter:
Flirting is a negotiation process that takes place after there has been initial attraction.

And just like in all negotiations a fair amount of lies and posturing is involved. For women the game of sexual attraction has additional considerations. For her the implications and consequences of a sexual relationship will have far reaching results for her and her progeny. This makes her decision a more complicated affair. All this is relevant, of course, only if she wishes to have children, because in this day and age this is not always the case. In an era of pseudoindividuality, the reproductive ambition is secondary to the primary one of serving the system and through that service find purpose, a sense of self and the wealth this servitude is rewarded with. A redirected libido. Innovations in birth-control facilitate this practice.



A heterosexual females instinctive inclinations attract her to the primal heterosexual male, since the instinct has evolved within primordial

environments as a pre-programmed reaction to stimuli, inducing particular behaviours. In comparison modern environments are a recent development and are only now beginning to affect behaviour on a visceral level. The physical and mental strengths, the male possesses and that will be inherited by the child through her and in combination with her own, makes these natural male attributes precious and irresistible. Despite thousands of years of civilization a females, as well as a males, sexual desires are still dictated my more primeval considerations, as they have evolved through millions of years. A further consideration, of being impregnated by a male with access to material resources, is also at play here. A consideration that will increase the probabilities that her long gestation will be safe and comfortable and the following years of caring for a helpless infant will turn out to be successful. This added concern is a remnant of ages with more austere and demanding conditions, that still exact their charge upon the human psyche. Contrary to the previous, in modern times genetic prowess does not necessarily automatically translate into access to resources, as the alteration of environmental conditions has not allowed enough time for a genetic adaptation to take place in response to it. The balancing act between finding a male that possesses the, still, attractive markers of fitness, and of finding a mate that possesses the appropriate cultural markers of social robustness, as well, , as well as one that is willing to remain a loyal supportive element in the childs upbringing, results in a female torn amid conflicting ideals, because one does not necessarily presuppose the other. In fact we might say that social fitness can be the result of compensating for genetic inferiority, and that many masculine traits, can inhibit social success. This results in a contradiction between genetic ideals and mimetic ones, as the previous are mostly denied expression within average social situations. The intelligent male will find it difficult to accept the norms on principle and not on facts. In opposition the docile, dull male will accept whatever norms are present and reap the rewards for his readiness to accept them.



In more natural environments the physical and mental prowess of a male went hand-in-hand with his access to survivals essentials, whereas in our modern world this is not always the case. Within artificial environments it is the masculine abstraction of the State, or of the system, that controls all resources. Access to them is disseminated amongst those that show the proper amounts of deference and loyalty to it, as wealth and property or as status and title. Currently, resources represent this submission to systemic power which, often, contradicts masculine character traits, such a rejection of all authority and a challenging spirit. Material wealth is mostly given to the ones with a more conforming, more docile, predisposition; those that have been easily assimilated within the cultural frameworks and that have adopted the ideals and beliefs of their society, even if this is, sometimes, a hypocritical submission. Nevertheless, whether actual or faked, the demanded submission to systemic rule confronts the normal masculine disposition, and it forcefully coerces men, or it seduces them, to conform to its power and to adopt more feminine attitudes and behaviours. This, often faked, female demeanour has enabled many males to pay the precious price, of both time and effort, so as to reach goals, often imposed upon them by the same external sources that restrict the tactics to be used to achieve them. Not only are the goals set, but the rules governing how one realizes these goals is also set.
After all, every murderer when he kills runs the risk of the most dreadful of deaths, whereas those who kill him risk nothing except promotion. - Albert Camus

This is more evident in crucial positions of social status, such as political posts or positions through which information and therefore systemic propaganda is disseminated, such as the media and the entertainment industry.

Within these organizations we can find the promotion of individuals that more closely reflect the ideologies of the governing elite or the morality and value systems of the powers that be. Using the mechanism of promotion, bad apples are weeded out of the whole and prevented from reaching positions where they may cause a disturbance. Those promoted, having proven their agreeable conformity, are then the ones that will promote the next generation of bureaucrats and technocrats and will be the ones that will be asked to support the ascendancy of those that will serve as representatives of State and institutional power. The political process is a case in point. By the time the vote is given to the people - a people already imbued with common beliefs and values, from birth - the candidate has gone through many stages of endorsements and confirmations. Then, and only then, is the candidate allowed to run for office, by convincing the citizenry, this time, that he is like them, that he shares their values and will defend them when in power, and that he will not abuse or overstep the boundaries of the institutions responsibilities. What little dissent is allowed, is condoned as a way of defusing stresses and as a way of depressurizing repressed instincts. {I shall delve deeper into this in the ongoing analysis, and particularly in the Entertaining Ramification segment.} Tested and approved of individuals then acquire access to symbolic positions of power and influence and are rewarded with affluence and privilege as a compensation for their sacrifices, whereas those diverging from the acceptable norm or exhibiting any free-thought and opposition to the norms, or a mere resistance to prescribed authority, are conspicuously left behind, eradicated, defamed and/or ignored. Censorship and discrimination takes on a increasingly subtle form, and control need not use force, except in response to exceptional circumstances. Nothing is ever overtly demonstrated and the one ascending to representative power prefers to believe that his success is exclusively the result of his or her credentials, hard work, ambition, and unique talents, rather than anything else.

In the media the reporter is never openly told to conceal the truth or to slant his reports in one way or another. Having been placed/promoted into a position where (s)he can influence a vast, and mostly nave and impressionable, audience, and having previously proven that (s)he shares in the common national beliefs, has been adequately indoctrinated within cultural norms, posing no observable threat to the system itself, (s)he is expected to do nothing more than express this shared conformity and parrot the prevailing socioeconomic truisms and cultural myths. These are instances where censorship occurs before the fact, rather than after it.
Be careful in dealing with a man who cares nothing for comfort or promotion, but is simply determined to do what he believes to be right. He is a dangerous uncomfortable enemy, because his body, which you can always conquer, gives you little purchase upon his soul. - Gilbert Murray

Furthermore, the demands of social progression exact such a high price on the individual - the male in particular - as to make any dedication to physical and mental development, impossible or rare. Men and women are so stressed and occupied with daily concerns with economic survival, consumerism and social ascension that the self, the only thing that truly matters, is profusely neglected. Man begins associating himself with the group, and in so doing finds comfort in the loss of responsibility and the absence of free-will. His life has become a dedication to service, with momentary breaks to replenish his energies, before he returns to his job rejuvenated and more productive. His production is his value; his consumption is his reward; his identity is his work. He or she would rather discuss trifling things that to confront this reality. A dedication to specifics, as they are fed to them from reliable sources become preferable to any form of free-thinking. Such practices can lead to discomfortsand discomfort is one thing the pampered mind will not, and can not, deal with. In modern societies, where physicality and intellectual power is not as relevant to survival and where, inversely, it is a weak and impressionable

mind that enables success, the sexual selection, demanded from women, is made even more perplexing. Her femininity is still fascinated by masculinity and all the attributes that go along with it, but from a practical point of view she must take into consideration her mates social status, wealth and conventionality, so as to ensure the well-being of her future offspring. Her maturation or awakening, as was noted, is simply her growing acceptance of all the concessions she must make to the powers that bind her.

Man is defined as a human being and a woman as a female - whenever she behaves as a human being she is said to imitate the male - Simone de Beauvoir

To say that women are the weaker sex is to not do justice to their actual sexual potency. Such a simplistic perspective ignores the true power women possess within social groups and the decisive effect, upon human destiny, her sexual choices and activities have. In fact a womans place within a social group is a privileged one, as we will see further on, and it has been mans intervention and imposition of authoritarian, paternalistic socio-political systems that has stripped women of the full extent of their innate power - Paternalism. A power fully expressed through female sexual selection and the feminine ease with the unobtrusive mirroring of cultural norms. By subjugating them to cultural and religious dogmas males sought to control this power and direct it towards socially useful goals, just as males sought to control all aspects of nature. In many ways females became representations of unbridled instincts and unreasoned actions; a personification of nature because nature is symbolized as a feminine concept the metaphorical mother nature that male reason and masculine will had to dominate and direct in order to createorder. This male/female dichotomy became a figurative way of expressing the often contradictory forces that pulled mankind in, sometimes, opposite directions: instinct/intellect, rationality/irrationality, emotion/reason, order/disorder.

The Apollonian/Dionysian conceptualization of the human condition.



Left to her natural devises, a woman plays the part of genetic gatekeeper and memetic filter that propagates the ideals and values of a group, and weeds out undesirable physical, mental, social, cultural, religious and/or psychological traits. This feminine role is a direct continuation of natural processes. In natural environments a womans sexual choices are guided by genetic, subconsciously rooted, instinctive motivations, whereas in cultural (social/economic/cultural/religious) environments a womans sexual choice is further complicated by diverging considerations that battle with the preexisting natural ones for domination over her conscious and unconscious deliberations. It is the ease with which a female is integrated within any social and cultural unity and the ease with which she accepts and adopts ideas and ideals, that make her such a precious natural resource and such a perfect representation of unconscious natural processes. Through a womans choices, and how these choices are focused and determined by natural inclinations and social upbringings, a woman acts as an instrument of selectivity that dictates the future of mankind. For this reason, alone, a womans options had to be curbed and directed. She had to be tamed and domesticated. Control this female sexual power and you control mankind.

Social Dependence
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. - Thomas Jefferson

A woman is nothing outside a group. Her entire self-worth and value is derived through her participation and her status within a collective. Her self-

esteem and self-worth is determined by how desirable and appealing she becomes to the other and, as a consequence, by how she becomes a willing and capable social and cultural agent. Her will is completely dedicated to satisfying and adapting to the will of anotherpreferably a superior other. She finds purpose in how effectively she can be used as an implement, an object, and a means to an end. She willingly offers herself to this task and enthusiastically performs her duties in its name. She evolves to be this way by her role as the crucial reproductive entity of a species with demanding genetic requirements. As such, her power is achieved by how well she understands, manipulates, conforms and reflects the morals, values and beliefs of the group she participates in, and in how close to the popular physical aesthetic ideal she reaches; an ideal that exposes her fertility and genetic history but also her adherence to common practices. She completely and willingly makes of herself an tool of power and, through this, finds value through association. She follows fashion trends, political movements, ideologies, social direction, as she is exposed to them, with ease and with little doubt, and she remains loyal only as long as they appear to be more powerful than any other alternative. She is attracted to abstracted, theoretical, ideological memetic power in the same way she is attracted to the appearance of physical, mental genetic powerand she is just as quickly disillusioned by its authenticity, if ever she becomes aware of it. Her devotions, on average, like her understanding is shallow and quick to change, because it is rarely based on a deeper appreciation of actuality and so her intellectual event horizon, and her reflection upon it, is short and fleeting. In this the effete, feminized, adolescent, retarded male is no different. A woman, in fact, has a weak sense of individuality - a product of selfconsciousness - but plays any part she deems is attractive and necessary to achieve her goal of belonging and reproducing. Her highest reward is being appreciated by the other(s).

It is for this reason that women are often at the forefront of social trends and tend to look down upon males who often resist or exhibit a more timeless sensitivity, a longer event horizon, which challenges contemporary convictions. She judges these males as being inadequate for the times at hand a woman is always practical in her considerations - even if she may find herself attracted to their indifferent power, despite herself; a power she wishes she can pass onto her offspring. The memetic/genetic conflict on a subconscious level. Any male that possesses a character out of sync with existing trends will be considered undesirable or too great a risk to even consider as a potential mate. A males appeal, for a woman, is in the immediate.



The natural propensity of females to grab upon new leadership is based, primarily, on their biology and, subsequent, sexual roles. Resistance to new authority would be detrimental to their biological function, therefore they accept new things, new fashions and cultural trends, more easily as their main interest is to belong to the ones promising the most potential for dominance. Her judgments are always based on potentials. This makes females natural followersbut not very dependable ones. They quickly change allegiance when new powers inspire their confidences, and their loyalties and loves are about as profound and dependable as their comprehension. Their intelligence is dedicated, primarily, in determining who or what is more promising, and on how they can integrate themselves within a group, and increase the communal esteem directed their way. This does, necessarily, have to be conscious but can be intuited as an innate reaction to specific sensual stimulations, they need not be entirely aware of. For this reason women are often at a loss to explain how or why they acted as they did or they think as they do. They, simply, feel the truth, many times with surprising accuracy, but can rarely explain it.



Feminine power is one founded on association(s) and so they seek out to associate with the many and/or the most powerful quantity/quality. Her Will-to-Power is indirect and so her tactics are, often, insidious and cunning - plausible deniability is how a female maintains the air of openminded reasoning and knowledge, accompanied with accolades and diplomas, are her proof that she is a free-thinker, equal to any man. Her best tool is her innate ability to read others, perceive their needs, their strengths, and, primarily, their weaknesses, and then use this insight to her advantage. You cannot successfully integrate into a group without the ability to read others and adapt to their personalities.
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde

Sexual Selection
It is with our passions, as it is with fire and water, they are good servants but bad masters. - Aesop

A female possesses the most valuable part of an ephemeral human existence; she produces and controls the human ovum which ensures and directs the propagation of the species. Where men can produce billions of sperm in a lifetime and impregnate thousands of women, women produce, in comparison, a scant amount of eggs and can only gestate a minimal amount of offspring in the course of a lifetime. A females window of fertility is a small one in comparison to a males. This forces women to be more selective with whom they have intercourse with, under normal circumstances, and makes them more anxious about the issues dealing with children and family. In species where there is a specific season when females are fertile, this is not so much an issue, but in the human species, where a females fertility

ebbs and flows along a monthly cycle throughout the year, sexual selectivity becomes fundamental. Through her sexual selectivity she ensures the continuance of specific traits and characteristics while she condemns others to eventual extinction. In her mind a woman believes she is making a logical, free-willed choice, based on well thought out reasons and/or personal tastes, when she chooses a mate. In fact, she is merely following her genetic drive, her intuitive instinctive motivations and her cultures prejudiced beliefs. She only becomes disconcerted when previous, evolved, sexual preferences, contradict current socially established man-made ones. Then she finds herself thinking one way while behaving in a manner which contradicts it. Herein lies the source of male confusion when dealing with modern-day females. The average male is perplexed by the fact that women can say one thing, in accordance with a civilizations norms, and then act in antithesis to it, in accordance with primordial norms. The meme/gene conflict, produced by the fact that human environmental conditions change faster than humans can adapt to them. Instinctive inclinations linger well after they have been labelled obsolete and/or undesirable and this, in turn, results in social and mental problems, caused by the stress these inner conflicts and confusions cause. In most cases it isnt that women are purposefully trying to be duplicitous but that they, themselves, cannot conceptually harmonize their instincts with their ideals. The former is a result of millions of yeas of natural selection whereas the latter is the result of a few thousand years of social selection.



There's a little bit of hooker in every woman. A little bit of hooker and a little bit of God. - Sarah Miles

This much is obvious to even the most idealistic feminist. It is this female ovum that males fight to control and to inseminate and through this control to ensure their own legacy.

This is one of the fundamental principles of evolutionary mechanics. It is, therefore, a womans aesthetic appeal that reveals her physical health, her fertility and her mental faculties to bear and raise capable offspring. It is this physical appeal that men find irresistible and makes their devotion and, often extravagant sacrifices towards women, possible. It is also through this physical appeal and the ends to which men will go to acquire access to a healthy, fertile ovum, where women find their greatest source of empowerment and how they construct the tactics with which they manage to control men of often higher mental and physical strength than themselves. Hip to waist ratios, skin and hair textures and a variety of other sensual cues give off the signals of healthy fertility, known as beauty. Nothing inner about it; nothing mystical. Simple mathematics instinctively perceived and evaluated. But in this western world, where even beauty must be eliminated as a distinguishing marker, women, as well as men, can claim that it is all skindeep or in the eye of the beholder and then clamour to possess it and agree on its attraction. Billions of dollars are spent yearly on the beauty industry, while men and women pay lip-service to the cultural mythology that beauty, and appearance in general, is irrelevant. We can see it clearly, in this case, how action often contradicts ideology and how genes still dominate over memes.



The female propensity to willingly and completely adopt the value systems she finds herself in, and in her overall control over who she will be impregnated by, makes her a custodian of social conformity and a tool of genetic manipulation. In the exceptions to this rule one must seek out sexual dysfunction or an infection by alternative ideals which she has had contact with, in the course of her early life and has been seduced by.

"Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution." Bertrand Russell

But a womans choice isnt as easy as it first may appear. If she isnt a part of a culture where her choice is taken away, taken for granted or restricted by male dominance, she is further troubled by two forces battling over her attentions: 1} Intellectually, and if sufficiently indoctrinated within a cultural framework, she is pulled to the socially acceptable and upwardly mobile male who, like her, has adopted and completely conformed to the social/cultural/religious norm and, by doing so, has ensured his social success and his access to some portion of the resources available. These resources are essential for women that are forced to endure a long gestation and weaning period, making them more helpless than they would normally be. 2} Physically and instinctually she is still bound to her genetic predispositions and still instinctually attracted to the natural male ideal. An ideal which, due to his natural inclinations, may appear violent, vulgar, arrogant, proud, confrontational, and unyielding when judged according to our modern standards and when compared to the more effeminate, docile, socially indoctrinated, tolerant and passive modern male. In this mix we must include the distinctive differences in sexual selection between older and younger females. This is often attributed to an increase in awareness; the older female that now knows what she wants. In fact the truth lies elsewhere: The younger female is not inhibited, as much, by social and economic conventions and so her behaviour is all the more authentic, whereas an older female must balance her instinctive natural desires with increasingly vital, to her, practical considerations. This practicality has been romanticized so as to make it more virtuous and less of the concession, that it is less of a settling down and a settling for. What is often meant by maturity is a gradual acceptance of limitations that cannot be avoided and the conscious acceptance of what is probable, rather than what is not, given the circumstances and ones growing awareness of ones self, in relation to the world and its workings.

We are finally driven to monogamy not by morality but by exhaustion. - Erica Jong

By all means the cultural ideal of the monogamous relationship must be sheltered against reality, even when it inevitably turns into forbearance based on dwindling personal potentials and comfortable habituation. It must be sheltered against it not only because of the, aforementioned, forced compromises brought about by maturity, but also because of the unavoidable disparity between nave overestimated expectations and a maturing cynical awareness of reality. As is often the case, the imagination exceeds the worlds premises, influenced by ignorance as well, and the mind is surprised and, often, disappointed by a universe that remains indifferent to human hopes and romantic ideals. This is progressively more the case when a mind is never allowed to grow up, and is stunted into a perpetual state of adolescence, by remaining protected by parental and/or institutional powers. This form of mental and psychological retardation can be useful to the system when it promotes a constant, irrational, struggle to find an ideal, as it has been marketed by the system itself. An ideal which is nowhere to be found, simply because it has no reference to reality and only exists as an icon a spectacular star.
60- Media stars are spectacular representations of living human beings, distilling the essence of the spectacles banality into images of possible roles. Stardom is a diversification in the semblance of life the object of an identification with mere appearance which is intended to compensate for the crumbling of directly experienced diversifications of productive activity. Celebrities figure various styles of life and various views of society which anyone is supposedly free to embrace and pursue in a global manner. Themselves incarnations of the inaccessible results of social labour, they mimic by-products of that labour, and project these above labour so that they appear as its goal. The by-products in question are power and leisure the power to decide and the leisure to consume which are the alpha and the omega of a process that is never questioned. In the former case, government power assumes the personified form of the pseudo-star; in the second, stars of consumption canvas for votes as pseudo-power over life lived. But, just as none of these celestial activities are truly global, neither do they offer any real choices. Guy Debord {The Society of the Spectacle}

This discontentment enhances the already present state of dissatisfaction, which is inherit in existence, and maintains a steady level of anxious

frustration which makes the individual even more vulnerable to psychological manipulation.



The previously mentioned female sexual considerations are what play a part in the misunderstanding and incomprehensibility of women to the average male that cannot reconcile what women say and what they often do in contradiction to what they have said. It is this that is the cause of this supposed female mystique. A womans mental superiority can be found only in how she establishes and maintains relationships and in her practical application of knowledge and experiences. She is a master at this. A male mind is less practical in that it concerns itself less with the immediate and more with the universal. For this reason the constant analysis of males is a matter of greater importance to females than the constant analysis of females is to males. It isnt, so much, that women are smarter than men when it comes to psychology and social relationships but that they devote more of their brainpower and time to these concerns. It is for this reason that females develop faster, in a general social context, and acquire better communication skills early on. The quickness by which a female reaches child-bearing maturity makes her precious, as a commodity, and her skill in linguistic expression and understanding allows her to evaluate the underlying social currents and the methods of adapting to them which establishes her social positioning. But the total devotion of a female mind to the immediately perceptible and practical gives them an added advantage in social matters. A woman is subconsciously adept in understanding body language and in interpreting psychological states through the perception of external details and subliminal messages. They call this womans intuition.

Because a females consciousness is engaged far less than a males, it clouds her subconscious evaluations to a lesser degree than it does in male thinking. She is unburdened by having to explain it, but only has to trust in her intuitions and put them to instant use. Subsequently, the average female is always a step ahead of males in pickingup and interpreting the minutiae of physical information, freely given off by all of us, as a manifestation of our essence. Her total commitment to appearances also makes her adept in reading and deducing the historical and experiential influences found within all appearances. Her world is immediate and simple. Her event horizon broad, but shallow. Her awareness is contained within the particular geographical and temporal spheres she is born within. Her thinking is rarely timeless; she exists more in the moment, than the average man does, because her imagination is rarely engaged in projecting into the distance the assessments of her immanent presence. In order for men to fully comprehend females they must have the propensity to think as they do. They must possess the gift of empathy, a direct result of imagination. This discrepancy between mans longer but more narrowly focused conscious horizon, and a womans more broader, thinly spread, but shallower one, can explain the many differences between male and female perceptions and intellectual, psychological tendencies. It may also serve as an explanation for divergent male/female performances in the arts, in the sciences, in philosophy and in all other human mental and physical disciplines. A myriad of excuses have been offered to account for the fact that women perform so poorly, with some notable exceptions, in certain areas of human interest, such as philosophy and science and in art, for that matterbut none of them can account for the centuries that have past and for the billions, upon billions, of women that have come and gone with not as much as a hint of intellectual contribution that goes beyond the exceptional norm and into the extraordinary, and with not so much as a single thought outside the social cultural box or past pre-established, prescribed methods and theories.

Not a single revolutionary thinker from that sex, when their numbers as graduating students are increasing and they consistently produce contributions to already established theories and enhancements to already present disciplines. Women are ideally suited for being contributors and supporters, but not for challenging the self-evident and leading the way towards ground-breaking perspectives. The idea that females have been held back by paternalism or that they were thwarted from their full creative potentials by childrearing does not explain why men, under similar circumstances of slavery, totalitarian regimes and also burdened with the responsibilities of providing for the very children women, supposedly, reared on their own, often excelled in all of these areas. At best, women have proven to be respectable supportive elements and capable enhancers and promoters of established methodologies and ideas, but not one of them can be compared to some of the greatest and most influential minds in human history. Minds who just happen to be all male. If there are one or two exceptions to the rule then this only serves to prove a pattern does exist. A pattern which should not be dismissed by invoking some flattering justification that is rooted in the mythology of equal potentials and humanitarian ideals. Nature herself, shows us that her methods are based on a division of labour and on unequal potentials competing their way into gene pools. Nature is frugal and does not create diversity, as a superficial aesthetic marker with no actual importance. Multiplicity, as a universal phenomenon, is not a triviality, a grand practical joke or some method of testing our faculties. If it is, then one must ask: Why and for what purpose are we so fooled? Whom has cast this veil of illusion over us? How and why have our senses evolved if they only serve to trick us and divert us from reality? That which appears is not other than what is, unless one wishes to fall back on duality to support failed reasoning. Our awareness and interpretations of what appears may be partial and/or flawed but the appearance itself is not hiding from us a deeper immutable core.

To think that it does is to only hypothesize based on nothing that exists; it is the to base a deduction on the inversion of the existent. It takes multiplicity and imagined the opposite, uniformity or oneness, in classic dualistic thinking. It takes change and imagines the static absolute. It takes inequality and imagines equality. It takes mortality and imagines immortality. In essence it takes what exists and imagines the opposite, that which does not exist. The notion that the senses evolve to fool us, rather than aid us, is ludicrous, and based on a self-serving presupposition. It is man trying to integrate reality into his utopian ideals and comfort himself. That there are differentiations, not only between men and women, but between men and men and, most obviously, between one species and another, is not only a superficial aesthetic phenomenon. The differentiation signifies a divergence in general potentials. Granted the differences between a male and a female of the same species are slight and, many times, a female may display a superiority in what is considered a male attribute, but this does not negate the fact that divergence exists, and it exists for a reason. A chimpanzees genetic makeup may be slightly different than a human beings, but this slight difference creates an undisputed great effect. Furthermore the idea that there are discrepancies in individual potentials, determined by climatic and geographical influences, genetic isolations, mutations, and sexual roles, does not mean that the environmental conditions will always nurture these potentials to their fullest fruition. The interplay between nurture and nature is a subtle one, best clarified when one keeps in mind that nature is really the sum of all past nurturing.

I have a hammer! I can put things together! I can knock things apart! I can alter my environment at will and make an incredible din all the while! Ah, it's great to be male! Bill Watterson

A mans role within a social group is a more precarious one. He is both expendable and an intrinsic part of the health of the whole; he can be a definer of what it means to be human or be a mere failed attempt at it; he can be the epitome of greatness or a symbol of degradation; he can be a leader and teacher of a group or relegated to a peripheral role or excluded altogether; he can be the personification of the ideal or of the error. The demands upon the male intellect, because of the aforementioned, are greater than in females. He must be flexible and stringent, disciplined and free-willed, strong and compassionate, proud and humble, in a delicate balance dictated by the structure of the group he wishes to become a successful, respected member and/or leader of, and dictated, as well, by the environment he is forced to exist within - he must prove himself worthy, when his value is yet to be determined, when a females is intrinsically linked to her nature. A mans mind is divided between the necessary perception of appearances and the need to find advantage by evaluating and perceiving the nonperceptible, through the abstract. A socially successful male must, in fact, possess a perfect combination of masculine and feminine traits. If the balance tips either way then he either turns too effete or too disturbing to social stability to be acceptable.



If intelligence is the defining characteristic of a homo sapient and the one attribute that sets mankind apart from all other animals, then the male is the highest representation of it. His potential, in this regard, being the epitome of what it means to be a human being, or what it means to be a failed human being. We can say that a woman is the purchaser of genetic potential, and so her awareness is geared towards determining value, in relation to existing standards, and a man is inevitably the vendor and as such possesses the creativity, imagination, and mental flexibility of one that must consistently

prove his value to the whole, and/or retain his control over it, in order to ensure his relevance and importance. That, in this regard, a male has also proven to be a creator of the standards of evaluation, is one more testimony to his innovating potential standards that, ironically, females then use to evaluate his kind. These necessary characteristics of a successful male, of masculinity as a psychological type, are also the source of mankinds domination. A more precise definition of what intelligence is follows. It sheds some light on how it functions and why it has become so effective as a survival tool. It also exposes the differences between female and male intellectual qualities. Intelligence: The innate, inherited and cultivated or allowed to atrophy, ability to perceive patterns, integrating them into cohesive mental models (abstractions) - the quality of the models determined by the amount of details successfully integrated within them - and their projection, using the imagination, into the unknown {Temporality (Time) <> Possibility (Space)} so as to preempt future occurrences, phenomena, prepare for them and/or more efficiently focus energies (Will) upon them. In the process these mental projections must adhere to perceptible phenomena, by gathering sensual stimulations and translating them into models (empiricism) of type and category, as determined by the patterns perceived. The mind must take care not to be distorted into error, by emotional and selfinterested influences subjectivity so as to produce successful strategies using them. The success and failure of this process, towards any purpose and driven by any motivation, ambition and need, determines the intelligence of the mind utilizing it. Given the aforementioned, the breadth and depth of the event horizon of a mind, its timelessness or its thinking beyond the immediate cultural and/or social and environmental conditions, determines its intelligence. In a sense intelligence is the ability to perceive possibilities (space), accurately evaluate the cost/benefit probabilities and then formulate and carry out a strategy of accomplishing a desirable outcome, by adjusting it to any subsequent unforeseeable variables (flexibility).

In this regard females have proven to be wanting in that they display an ability to successfully integrate their thinking within the established, and to effectively play the role of a helpful, enhancing element, but reveal a relative inadequacy to think beyond the immediate, or outside the social and cultural norms and/or popular beliefs. To use the same metaphor Ive been usingTheir event horizon is wide but not long, therefore, they cannot produce anything that usurps conventional human understanding and power balances; they can only offer sustenance to what has already been established as a common "truth", working within the frameworks she is born within and which she accepts with little resistance. She is a nurturer of what already exists; a metaphorical acceptor of the past with little desire to alter it, but only a desire to enhance its already present condition. She is reluctant to challenge authority or what dominates, choosing only to contribute to its completion and stability. She thrives as a contributing member or as a team player, for this is her natural milieu and is unable to stand apart from the group, on her own. The male psyche, on the other hand, is one of dispute and rejection. For a masculine psychology the past is to be destroyed for the sake of a diametrically different tomorrow. This is what produces the scientific and philosophical mind. Not to bow to reality, evoking some omnipotent authority, but to confront it, know it and overcome it to challenge the norms, usurp power, destroy and rebuild according to his own whimsto want to know himself not so as to accept and settle for what is but so as to reinvent it anew, by recombining its pieces. His event horizon may be less wide, than a females, but is far greater in length....deeper...more timeless, and so, often, less immediately practical. Reflecting the sexual act, a man, in reference to the world, is penetrating, domineering, rejecting, resisting, aggressive, arrogant, rebellious, intrusive, where a female is accepting, tolerating, humble, slavish, convenient, conventional, submissive. The average woman - allowing for variations on the rule and/or exceptions to it - perceives more spatially...more possibilities within her shorter event horizon.

She does not perceive as much depth, but more breadth. Her thinking is more superficial but multifarious. The male mind is more focused and more interested in timeless ideas, rather than the immediate ones, because it competes to outmaneuver its competitors by foreseeing what others fail to see at all. This is how the male seeks an advantage and it is this, very, advantage that mankind has over other species. Of course, as was noted, the masculine and feminine temperament is found in both biological males and females, to varying degrees, and it is only the sexual function, the reason why the sexual differentiation evolves, at all, which establishes a higher or lower potential for either or. It is, consequently, not a rarity, particularly in this world of unchecked reproduction and increasing unfit mutations that are never culled out of the gene pool, to find biological females who are far more masculine in thinking and demeanor than the average biological male. But, again, this masculine temperament is tempered by all the aforementioned social and cultural factors, and oftentimes are only symbolic and superficial compensations for a disappearing masculine type. Within a world of feminized populations the difference between the common male and the common female is becoming more and more difficult to discern. Uniformity at work.



The male must be an outsider so as to hope to dominate. You cannot expect to control what you are controlled by, and you cannot expect to govern what you have submitted to. Just as consciousness is a part of a whole observing itself, separating and distancing, so as to perceive and clarify by discriminating, so too is man a resisting entity towards what is a rejection so as to see, know and then, hopefully, rule over. From a metaphysical perspective what is being rejected and denied authority is entropy, to which life, and especially the male type, stands in opposition, as the negating of negation ordering within disordering.

The movement may appear to be away from nothingness, the absolute nil (emptiness, nihilism), and towards somethingness, the absolute thing(God, Man, Ideal), but this is a mistake. When both the concepts of nothing and something are but variation of the concept of an Absolute, or that which does not exist, the absent and the, oftentimes, desirable inert state of completion, then the masculine rejection is of this non-existent ideal state. It is a resistance to non-existence (death, stagnation) and a life-affirming preference for the turmoil and uncertainty of a universe in flux the very essence of existence. The masculine mind opposes the One, uniformity, the return to the proverbial core, and chooses multiplicity as what makes consciousness and life possible and necessary; he embraces need/suffering as the inevitable price of awareness. The tautology of power with indifference is here elucidated, and the true nature of consciousness, as a discriminating tool of choice, is here made most obvious. From the previous definition of consciousness we may say that selfconsciousness, is a piece of consciousness separating from the whole so as to observe or become aware of the rest. As such, self-consciousness, like consciousness, is never completed. This incompleteness makes it mysterious and it offers the opportunity for ignorance and emotionalism to allow for the mystical to enter as an explanation a mystical explanation offering existential relief.



A mans natural inclination is, undoubtedly, to inseminate as many females as he possibly can and then guide them, and his offspring, with his strength and wisdom. His genes urge him to leave behind as many copies of them as he possibly can, even if he may not be consciously aware of it and, possibly, averse to the very idea. Much of the mechanics of nature occur on an unconscious level where a mind can be totally unaware of them and, oftentimes, totally surprised by them. It is possible to think in one way and act in a manner that contradicts

it, just as it is possible to be shocked by your own actions when they confront conscious moral and social values and beliefs and what your selfawareness. Very few minds are fully aware of their own authenticity and actually know themselves with any degree of accuracy. Self-consciousness may be a universal human trait but not all possess equal measures of it and fewer, still, have the courage to explore themselves fully and honestly. But more will be said about this compartmentalization later on. Modern day practices, redefining a male as a caretaker and homemaker, are the direct result of mans feminization where he has submitted to authorities more powerful than himself and accepted a certain, contemporary, mode of behaviour. A behaviour that is expected of him, even though it may go against his very nature. Males, in our modern era, have been urged to become mere variations of the feminine type. He must nurture his feminine attributes so as to become acceptable within an environment that does not tolerate masculine antagonists to systemic power. The earlier role as head of the family or as leader of the tribe has steadily been made obsolete - proportionally to how the significance of brute strength has slowly been replaced with technologies.



MALE, n. A member of the unconsidered, or negligible sex. The male of the human race is commonly known (to the female) as Mere Man. The genus has two varieties: good providers and bad providers. - Ambrose Bierce

The male type is obsessed by his need to control, to possess, and to be independent and self-reliant; he is a natural sceptic and adversary of all that binds him, restricts him or attempts to dominate him. It is this unyielding, bold, male attitude that has lead to human dominion over nature and to mankinds unquestionable successes throughout history. With war and competitive struggle man has risen above the mud and pronounced himself king of his world.

It is this spirit that has opened up frontiers for human exploitation and has resulted in philosophical and scientific insight. Ironically it is also this success that has made maleness expendable and unwanted within growing social systems where a more disciplinable, humble, demure, malleable type is more desirable. The absence of accessible frontiers has exacerbated the process. Contained environments lead to contained instincts. Where there are uncharted, unconquered worlds, men become vital, but where there is an absence of inquisitiveness and a presence of limitations, imposed upon human action and thought, men become dangerous and garish; primitive remnants of a bygone era insufferable. Unlike females, males are not just born into value and importance, by just being a member of their sex, they must earn any respect and privilege they enjoy or perish in the effort. Sperm is so abundant that the male is more expendable. It is this that drives men to higher and higher levels of mental and physical perfection, and it is this drive that has stretched human existence to such a breadth that it now threatens to separate him from his roots and through this proliferation has thinned out his spirit. Man, alone, is responsible for the condition of his species, since women will go along with any moral or spiritual decision that dominates the minds of men. Because of this he becomes the creator of his own demise. Feminization is, paradoxically, of a masculine design. Nihilism is a male issue. Extinction is a male challenge. Is the male type a primitive expression of the human condition destined to be lost or marginalized? That remains to be seen. One thing is for certain, where masculinity is extinguished so is the spark of individuality, creativity, personality and un-harnessed curiosity.

In many species the male has been completely eradicated from the social group and only plays a provisional role of seasonal inseminator. Afterwards the males are destroyed and/or expelled, from the hive or the colony, to preserve the more controllable, usable, malleable, submissive, female, maternal, socially stable environment [Ants, bees, termites, wasps etc.]. Interesting also that where female dominance reigns, such as in the before mentioned species, an absence of individuality and an instinctive mindlessness, a lower grade consciousness, is the prevailing characteristic. In all social species the males are either eradicated, emasculated, to some degree or another, or expelled from the group. Only one dominant masculine entity monopolizes the groups tolerance. In this respect masculinity is always solitary and cannot openly coexist, within the same vicinity, with one of his own kind. Bad-Boy Factor
I want a bad boy in public, and a pussy cat at home! - Christina Aguilera

It is well known that confidence is a very attractive attribute, especially in males, but few really comprehend why this is so. The foundation of confidence is indifference to particulars and a poise derived by the, relative, certainty that eventual success is attainable. For example, when attempting to find a job confidence is founded in the sense of self-assurance that a job, if not this particular one, will be found eventually, despite any ensuing failures. Confidence is dashed, when and if it already exists, when repeated failures make one begin to doubt this hypothetical certainty of success. When confidence has not been produced, at all, it is usually due to a lack of experiences that would nurture the sense of certainty. The young are almost always lacking in self-confidence. As a rule anxiety is the preliminary sensation of a mind confronting an uncertain world with no experiences to lean on for support.

Fear is the primary emotion, because it is the first sensation of a conscious mind when awakening to its reality, and all the unknown uncertainties it entails. Emotion, as a survival tool, can be considered the nexus where mind/body awareness connect and are made compatible and integrated within a unity of consciousness. When we also take into account the fact that sensuality is outwardly focused, we must come to the conclusion that an organism reaching a certain level of sophistication, first is made aware of otherness, the unknown, before the level is reached where self is made conscious by this reflection upon otherness. This can only mean that anxiety and fear is the primary sensation, since it is the one immediately linked to the awareness of the alien unknown, and a first emotion that offers the most direct primary survival benefitssuch as the fight/flight reaction. Based on this, we can only assume that confidence or the overcoming of this primitive reaction to the unknown and uncertain, is a development dependent on the individual itself. This confidence, in turn, is translated into physical composure, mental focus and efficiency of movement, which desperation and anxiety lacks. Self-confidence can also come across as grace, poise or elegance in movement or in words. In fact it is power exhibiting itself through indifference and control. This self-assurance is, in fact, a degree of empowerment based on experiential data or a self-conscious evaluation of ones own value in relation to the other. It may be, and often is, distorted by an overestimation or underestimation of personal potential which may not correspond to actuality but, nevertheless, it still produces, whether accurate or not, the same air of self-reliant, fearlessness. This distinction between false or correct estimation of possibilities, that breeds certainty or uncertainty, is no different than the distinction between bravery based on ignorance as opposed to bravery based on gnosis the former being a similitude dependent on the observers ignorance concerning the actors awareness of the dangers involved, and the latter being actual

courage based on a deeper awareness of the dangers, whether this is recognized, by an observer, or not. For instance, reservations may be a product of a cognition while unreserved gregariousness may be a product of crassness and an absence of selfconsciousness, coming forth as gallant extroversion. Within a social context shyness is, most often, a result of self-consciousness - the propensity to perceive ones self as if through the eyes of another, and be affected by it as an unknown factor, an alien judgment, upon ones wellbeing. An uncertain factor that stresses the mind. In this case confidence can either be a result of being indifferent to this perspective, through understanding, or, as is most often the case, a result of being totally oblivious to it, lacking the imagination to project ones self to this extent or being totally ignorant of all the possible repercussions of the others judgment upon ones own well-being. If reticence can be interpreted as a kind of fear of the others judgment then the unabashed can be explained as being too uninformed to even consider another judgment or, in the best case scenario, a consequence of having overcome caring about it being independent from it. The two should not be mistaken as being alike, even if their outward manifestations may appear similar.



That confidence relies on indifference may be a difficult concept to accept, for some, especially in matters of sexual intimacy where love, compassion, trust, respect and interdependence are considered to be the romantic ideal, but nevertheless I believe evidence abounds as to its veracity. The bad-boy factor is a case in point. It is evident, to all that understand the sexual and social connotations of the bad-boy and his seductive appeal. The brash, swaggering and often abusive confidence, that makes these males irresistible to females, is rooted in a general apathy caused by an overabundance of sexual options. For

certain men, that can have their pick of women, the specific woman becomes irrelevant, making them confident and arrogant enough to display their uninhibited character and individual personality with little regard as to the consequences. In this category we must also include the male that is indifferent to sex, altogether, with similar results. For females, that are genetically predisposed to seek out resources and genetic health, this aspect of maleness becomes magnetic, because it also reveals a males marketability and desirability. When a male has multiple sexual options then he must be an asset worth considering; whereas when he has limited choices then his obsession with a particular female, far from remaining flattering, becomes unattractive and even repulsive. His need repels as anything that reaches displays a need that contradicts its power the master/slave relationship. True power is detached from those that are drawn to it. This will also explain a peculiar aspect of adultery where males, that are married or attached somehow, become more attractive to females just because they are taken. The attraction of weakness to strength is, often, incomprehensible when one studies it from the objective distance of a non-involved bystander. It is ironic that women find men attractive who are, relatively, uninterested in them as individuals, and find men unappealing that are infatuated with them - the nice guy they want to remain friends with but have no actual sexual interest in. The nice guy makes himself constantly available as an alterative, a second choice, a settling, or as a device. His utility stems from his reliability. He is a womans last option, her compromise, and he consciously, or not, accepts this as his only hope. It is no different than the role subordinate males play within other mammalian social groups. The primary strategy of these inferior males is to offer themselves up as useful allies or supporting elements in exchange for sexual favours. The function of intercourse is given an additional dimension within this social context.

This confuses the difference between intercourse as a result of sexual attraction, based on genetic predispositions, and that of intercourse that is necessitated by social dynamics and represents a necessary compromise practicality. It is also noteworthy to mention that in a more general application of the indifference rule, our success is inversely proportional to our need. The absence of anxiety, concerning the outcome, offers the benefit of increasing ones focus on the action itself. It is also called, in reference to sporting performances, the zone. A state of heightened concentration. Life itself, when the matter of death is overcome and a general indifference to mortality is achieved, becomes more enjoyable and rewarding. When we frantically deny death and find clever ways to ensure immortality through religion, for example, we display the desperation and uneasy strain that restricts life and limits our existence.
Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient. - Aristotle

To not care does not mean to not value but it does mean to be independent from all evaluations but your own. This independence displays itself in confidence, pride, self-reliance and an overall contentment that others will perceive intuitively and, wishing to share in it, be drawn to its alluring power. Nice Guys Last
Win any way as long as you can get away with it. Nice guys finish last.- Durocher

From the start we must admit that the idea of nice is a subjective term. Its definition reliant on personal tastes and interests. But because social unities and cultures, in particular, formulate and mould both interests {interests being inter-relations based on mutual benefit and within the context of learned value systems} and perspectives {perspective also being taught and promoted within the context of particular ideals and ideas} then we can conclude that nice can be a culturally and socially defined term which can then be shared, like a communal truism, by all those indoctrinated within the ideals and ideas of the social system and of the

culture. We must conclude, then, that all individuals will tend to become, whether willingly and consciously or not, a valued and normal member of a group, by submitting to the group's rules and value systems. Those that cannot or will not, suffer the consequences of group ostracizing, expulsion and/or quarantine. Isolation and peer pressure play their part. For the purposes of this thesis the concept of niceness will be taken as a socially imposed ideal of conformity and assimilation. Conformity to a common ideal and to a shared evaluation of what is communally beneficial and based on an assimilation of the individual within shared value judgments and prejudices as they are produced by the sheltering effect of unification.



It is evident that not all men are created equal, meaning that in each individual there can be found similar drives, talents, characteristics and dispositions, commonly found within a particular species, but always in unequal degrees and with a dissimilar intensity. The intensity is determined by genetic backgrounds (nature - potential) and environmental conditions that decide how much of this genetic potential is allowed or manages to flourish (nurture possibility). This delineation creates the multiplicity of individual personalities we often associate with individuality. From this we can assume that each individual will react differently, in scale, to a given social/cultural environment, and in association with his/her own predispositions. Consequently we are lead to the proposition that one male, a hypothetical one, will exhibit a more pronounced or less controlled resistance or willingness to submit to an authority and/or to an environmental limitation than another.

This degree of resistance will establish how harmonious or troublesome his incorporation within the environment will be, but also on what level he will understand and become conscious of it, because curiosity is a form of resistance to what is not known. If he is gifted by nature, exhibiting the correct attributes for the particular environment, and has the good fortune to develop these gifts adequately, then his adaptation will be easy and the environment will reward him without restraint. In the area of sex, particularly, (s)he will need very little effort to become successful and to remain satisfied. This ease will make him/her positively inclined towards the environment and not too deeply involved in it or interested in the mechanics underlying it. Necessity being the mother of all invention. Because sex, as was stated, is an integral part of the human condition, it is obvious that sex, and all its connecting mutations, becomes a very important part of what humans call happiness. But let us turn now to the less fortunate and less genetically endowed. Here things become more complicating because the individual must not only deal with and overcome his own deficiencies but do this within the limitations, restrictions and rules the environment places in front of him. In this area intelligence becomes decisive. Adaptation to the social/cultural environments is benefited by understanding and a conscious strategy, if it is coupled with self-awareness and selfdiscipline that can result in success. Duplicity and imitation being tactics most favored by self-consciousness that finds itself unable to fully express itself. An individual may express an agreement with the status quo as a method of reaching its goals when this agreement may not be actual or honest, and merely selective and incomplete. If very little intelligence is present in the individual, either due to a genetic past or the absence of an environment to produce and cultivate it, the individual is forced to completely submit to the environmental conditions by

adopting its premises intuitively and by accepting a subordinate role without question and even less resistance. There is no resistance because there is no awareness of an alternative derived either through imagination projecting into the future the probabilities of personal preferences or by discovering and projecting into the future an idealized past or inherited principles. The absence of imagination - intelligence - becomes crucial. In this case an agreement with the norm will be complete, and not duplicitous, and the individual will use it as evidence of its social fitness and desirability as a full participant in the group, then called health or functionality or normality. Submission will often act upon the psyche as a self-regulating force which requires no observer to keep the mind disciplined to established premises. The individual will act in accordance to its adopted ideals and will remain loyal to them even when there is nobody there to witness unfaithfulness. This is an autonomous social mechanism. When the individual mind is totally taken over by social and cultural conventions very little regulatory control is necessary. The mind becomes its own judge and jury and will, often, suffer from pangs of guilt or shame, if it ever submits to the repressed instincts that linger on the background. In the area of feminism, especially in modern western cultures, such males will display a total agreement with the egalitarian values represented through them and which mirror general systemic morals. Men will consider these principles self-evident and they may become an even more fervent defender of them than women who benefit from them more directly. In a way this fervor will become a display of memetic fitness and a personal agreement with popular beliefs which may benefit his chances of reproductive success. How all this plays out and how a male finds his place within an environment that restricts and controls his natural male character traits and how this produces the culturally defined nice guy follows from the before mentioned. Few males will have access or gain access to female sexual acquiescence in

a world where females regain their natural sexual powers. Males will either be fortunate enough to display the markers of genetic quality, which, despite false piety, few women can ignore, or they will try to develop what fitness markers they already possess to their fullest. The vast majority, lacking these genetic markers to any noteworthy degree, will opt, instead, to develop social/cultural markers of memetic fitness to compensate. A very few will try to combine both tactics to increase their odds. If wealth is such a compensating marker of memetic fitness, then the pursuit of money becomes a self-identifying, surrogate method of attaining sexual desirability. The male will, either consciously or subconsciously, exhibit his social value through displays of prosperity that represent his access to resources. This access to resources becomes attractive to women concerned with their offsprings health and viability within a given environment. This is more evident in more mature females who must place their immediate sexual preferences in the background and focus more on practical considerations that entail an element of compromise. Here we can witness the female conflict between instinctive attraction to a natural ideal and her realistic considerations added to her total assimilation within manmade social/cultural environments; a conflict that often confuses males. Most females, of course, remain oblivious to the nature of their own inner conflict, simply feeling it and, perhaps, only intuitively understanding it. Under these conditions the less fortunate, genetically inferior male is forced by circumstance to become more accessible, more understanding, more polite and moral and tolerant and politically-correct and nice. Nice being an expression of a non-threatening and easy-going pleasant demeanor. We consider positively what most benefits us within a given context and we, accordingly, label it.



Just as civility is forced upon the individual through the threat/reward and indoctrination/education mechanisms of culture and society, so do inferior males avoid conflict with those they cannot compete against by repressing

the parts in them that will result in such conflicts and inevitable defeats. This happens usually by conveniently redefining such raw competitions as uncivilized or as being beneath the morays of a modern man. The inferior will adopt more indirect, insidious and duplicitous strategies in other words, more feminine ones. If the repression is total and consistent over a long period of time then his more passive demeanor becomes part of his identity and is passed onto his offspring as an example to be imitated. Here the inferior attempts to survive by becoming useful, or seemingly so, to those who dominate and are in positions of authority or from whom he needs something in return. The well-adapted, submissive, more tolerant, nice guy becomes the example of complete surrender to systemic authority and so he gains socially what he lacks naturally. Society and all its supportive elements become, for this reason, of paramount importance to him. He wants to retain the premises and circumstances that offer him a chance for reproductive success and for genetic fulfillment, and so he will become a staunch supported of his nation, his culture, his religion or any institution participating in the maintenance of his environment. His stability and dependability both being social virtues for obvious reasons make him attractive to more mature females who having sewn their instinctive seeds in youth and experiencing a hormonal decline and an energy decrease in their later years, are more prone to now consider practical considerations rather than instinctive ones. Sexual animal attraction and lust is replaced by thankfulness or appreciation which is subsequently translated into agape and the nice guy male becomes like a friend the woman shares sexual intimacy and comfort with, as a secondary concern which can result in additional offspring - this being the reward to the subservient male for all his efforts. And so genetic weakness is propagated. All this is obviously based on how particular social systems develop. In current western cultures the decline of the extensive family has made the dependence on friends and sexual mates all the more important.

In more natural environments the female's offspring were guaranteed some protection by the group, the tribe as a whole, and so she was less reliant on her mates direct involvement. The group became a protective umbrella against the other or against nature, but who will defend her and her children against the members of the group itself? Natural threats, such as predators and climate, have become less relevant and only the threat imposed by the others of ones own group are all the more immediately pertinent.



Interrelationships and group dynamics produce alliances and sub-groupings within the social group and with the exclusion of nature and otherness from immediate consideration the otherness of the alien unknown is replaced by the otherness of the known. This results in social fragmentation where as group sizes increase and no external threat forces community loyalties there occurs an internal splintering. With the fragmentation of social and, sometimes, institutionalized relationships - such as the extended family - the female becomes more dependent on close relatives and a mate for support, if she lacks other supportive relationships. Thusly in cultural environments where extended families are in decline - not to mention nuclear ones - and where grandparents and parents are often excluded from the circle of intimate supportive elements, the individual female, wanting children, becomes more reliant on the male mate who also serves as a second mother and friend. If and when this relationship falls apart she quickly seeks to replace him with a surrogate, good enough alternative - a nice guy that will provide both sustenance and a stable, safe, consistent environment for her children. The divorce rates can be attributed to the female's instinctual attraction to males that are the least able to conform to social and cultural ideals especially in youth with its pure nave, instinctive thoughtlessness. This

because egalitarianism produces a type of female more demanding and, due to the sheltering effect of institutional power, more confident and less respectful. She expects a type of socially and culturally ideal male that goes against masculine instincts and primordial predispositions and the system supports her in this because it also satisfies its needs. Combined families are a result of this. As divorce rates increase, and due to the systemic pressure to consume and to produce, the individual seeks a mutually beneficial compromise - a partnership based on practical economic considerations.

Every male that sniffed a female was reported as sex, while anal intercourse with orgasm between males was only revolving around dominance, competition or greetings. - Bagemihl, Bruce

As a social phenomenon, homosexuality can only be considered a naturally occurring mutation adapted into social behaviour and hierarchical sexual dynamics a genetic alteration that finds a place within human groups, and so manages to survive, as a supportive ingredient to heterosexual reproduction. Hormonal imbalances may account for a tendency that is then nurtured into fruition by the right conditions; a consequence of pre-existing factors activated by existing factors. One additional existing factor, besides the ones described in this thesis, is the increase of hormones in food and water supplies, such as the ones being measured in our modern world. We can define the attraction to ones own sexual type and the, subsequent, copulation of same-sex couples as a parasitic sexual mutation, because it relies on heterosexuality, and the subsequent unfit mutations this may produce, to come into being. It has no way of replicating itself independently. In fact, its very essence is a contradiction to the very purpose of sexual reproduction a genetic dead-end. Some have taken the existence of homosexual displays in other social species as an indication of its viability and respectability.

They neglect to consider the fact that in these displays no penetration actually occurs, as it does in many homosexual encounters between human males and, with the usage of devices, amongst homosexual females. These homosexual simulations of heterosexual intercourse, amongst other species, are mostly stress relieving activities meant to diffuse conflicts within the group by reasserting communal balances through harmless power exhibitions. It is a rarity that these symbolic homosexual couplings, between members of other social organisms, are exclusive. At the very most we can only say that there is a bisexuality observed. A bisexuality which appears to be part of the normal rituals of social encounters and group dynamics. But beyond these points the most obvious is that when we discuss social behaviours, we are not excluding other species from our analysis and we must include all social behaviour in our conclusions. The same demands placed upon a member of a human group must be considered to hold true for any other social creature, even though the complexity of the human mind and, subsequently, the relationships created with human interactions are of a different quality and so are much more elaborate. Nevertheless, we can safely say that there is no alternative life style present, when we are talking about homosexuality in other species or in most similar human encounters; the act itself is not really an expression of sexual attraction. It is an expression of dominance and submission, and a reassuring demonstration that continuously reappraises group dynamics, thusly avoiding more costly physical conflicts. When the previous does not hold true, then the exception must be explained as being the consequence of hormonal imbalances and genetic mutations triggered by particular environmental conditions, such as the ones being discussed.



History shows that male homosexuality, which like prostitution flourishes with urbanization and soon becomes predictably ritualized, always tends toward decadence. Camille Paglia

It is scientifically verified that males dominated by another male suffer a decrease in testosterone levels and that otherwise monogamous species are made to abandon their mates if injected with this potent hormone. We can only imagine what this means within male populations that are pressured to submit to the dominion of institutional authorities, often projected through representatives with uniforms, the appropriate, socially sanctioned, credentials and mountains of bureaucratic paperwork. The consequences of a prolonged emasculation, and sense of helplessness have not been appropriately or thoroughly investigated. The possible reasons for this oversight or the incomplete analysis concerning all the factors involved, are not difficult to comprehend. Any exploration of anything that confronts common mythologies or contradicts systemic norms, risking peace and stability not to mention the careers of anyone who dares to challenge political-correct mythology and existing power brokers - would be highly unlikely to be anything anyone would bother with, or would gain any attention or any funding, if (s)he so chose to accept the costs. Particularly in an age of pseudo-individuality, the chances of any such occurrence diminish. Science, becoming more and more dependent on grants and on external sources of funding, loses its free-thinking edge, and only focuses on socially useful money-making innovations, and on insights that steer clear of anything that contradicts communal cohesion and the superstitions and prejudices that glue a nation-state together.



Feminization begins at an early age when boys, as well as girls, are taught, beginning with preschool, that certain types of innate behaviours are undesirable and punishable. Classes are not segregated giving off the impression that these two different biological types do not require dissimilar handling due to dissimilar energies and attitudes. Reversely, the social myth that it is femininity and masculinity which is taught in schools and by parents, and that these behaviours are learned rather than innate, comes to be the communal tale that reinforces the absurdity that

sexuality and gender roles are something which must be trained into a mind, when the opposite is true. By fabricating this error and then promoting it through pop-culture and constant repetition, the idea that all of nature, all of the past, can be overcome by denying it, becomes a way of erasing all sense of identity which is not directly connected to systemic utility. And so, natural occurring behaviours, unable to be repressed totally, are redirected into alternatives where some forms of it are allowed, within strictly controlled conditions. In this way the child awakens to the fact that its will is not totally free and that some of its natural tendencies will result in a reprimand or, if allowed some expression, will be watched over by referees that will make sure a certain line of culturally established acceptability is never crossed no taste of blood is offered to a domesticated dog used to protect the herd. In systems using more refined methods of population control and guided by an equalization agenda, such as modern day western ones, the training/education of young boys and girls becomes increasingly desegregated, thusly constructing a more uniform behavioural standard which further blurs the natural sexual behavioural distinctions and potentials under mounds of compulsory standards of etiquette and politicalcorrectness. When, in the past, sexual roles were directed towards different, from the present, social symbolisms and activities that benefited the system of that time, today the symbolisms alter and any differentiation, along those lines are curbed as not useful and so primitive. Uniformity is the goal here, and so the underlying premise is that nurturing brings out the authentic self, whereas nature represents the artificially produced element. A dualistic fabrication concluding in the error that nurture is other than nature and that nature can be corrected within one lifespan and by simply denying its effect upon the mind. When the effects seeped through the culturally fabricated defences, they are called disease and/or dysfunction. The premise, purposefully, promoted is that a mind comes into being as a clean slate, Lockes erroneous tabula rasa, void of all pre-existing

determinations and of all functions. A premise that satisfies the systemic need for self-repression, where any divergence has to be made into something one must feel ashamed about. Generations of children being raised to feel guilty for being human and for being as they are and as their heritage made them to be. Hebrew shame that is supposed to make man bow to some perfect idealized Man-God, before which they are motivated to feel like nothing and to try to make amends for it, as their way into the promised land. As a result males begin acting and thinking as females and females as males, as these roles are prescribed and defined in accordance with cultural ideals. Then the culturally enforced commonalities in behaviour and performances are presented as evidence of the non-existence of naturally occurring sexual discrepancies and these commonalities are called moral and/or civilized. Here is how this trick works: Gender roles are defined by cultural needs, giving them symbolisms and limitations.then altering morays point to these past repressed fabrications and symbolisms as artificial which they partially are - and present replacement symbols and roles as pure.conveniently neglecting to explain how the original social gender roles came to be and implying that anything that places a limit on individual potential is a cultural fabrication. This is a memetic self-referential process which tries to exclude, once again, nature and/or prehistory from the analysis. The goal here is to produce the illusion of self-determination which can then be exploited to create the ideal citizen. For most, the vast majority in fact, this is an attractive notion, since nature is never just and natural selection is not c concerned with individual feelings and hopes. In a world where weakness flourishes, it is logical, that anything that offers a relief from the awareness of this unavoidable weakness would serve as a way of placating the masses and relieving their existential anxieties.



In later years the sufficiently indoctrinated male is forced to whine and complain, when he is insulted or even challenged by a mere child, just as any other child or female would. The eradication of all his inherited advantages is made complete, as he is forced, by the rule of law or some moral imperative or some ethical standard, to behave within acceptable social normsthe illusion of uniformity is established as options are limited to a few and then presented as proof of equal potentials. A males only option is to go through the correct procedures, use the right authorities to find justice, to protect his self-esteem, self-interests, and/or his pride - an emasculating affair to say the least. His status within the group is one of equal standing and so his particular traits and strengths and talents do not matter unless they can be put into use for the benefit of the whole and so garner acknowledgments and the, subsequent, benefits this entails. His distinction is only possible in reference to and in deference of the system he belongs to as a member.
The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The civilized man is man with no distinction. His greatest attribute is that he remains tolerable to his fellow human beings and keeps within his communitys customs and comfort zones. Under these strictly enforced conditions the male becomes a proxy female and so homosexuality turns into another exhibition of this sexual uniformity where the differences between a male and a female, as produced by natural necessity, are denied relevance and full expression. This emasculation may account for the hormonal effects that increase homosexual inclinations.



What's the point of being a lesbian if a woman is going to look and act like an imitation man? - Rita Mae Brown

The phenomenon of female homosexuality is no different than that of male homosexuality, only here any display of increased masculinity is never consummated or allowed to exceed, again, a certain limit. The imitation is superficial and only allowed a sexually ineffective role a symbolic role as in the case of heterosexual adult males. A female homosexual may dress, walk, talk, and behave as a male, but she will not, necessarily, think like one. The same restrictions apply to her, as they do for heterosexual males. Her surrender to the dominant male entity is never in doubt. Her masculinity is trivial, even if she may be attracted and may engage in sexual activities with members of her own sex, and exaggerated, at times. The sex act, as was noted, has lost its severity and original purpose, and so how it is used is of little consequence to the system. As such, a homosexual female will be similar to an emasculated heterosexual male in many ways in other words she will be no different than the vast majority of effeminate males - uniformity. They are all, similarly, superficially male. Their masculinity will be pretentious, a play using imagery and carefully maintained masks, while the actor remains unseen, oppressed, covered up and lost in the role (s)he has been taught to play; directed and given lines to mouth as his own; a shallow manhood based on the simple assumption that a male is only in reference to whom he is attracted to sexually, just as a negro is assumed to be a simple reference to skin coloration. Masculinity is reduced to a facsimile. Engorged muscles and swollen penises used as allegorical references to what is no longer there or not allowed to express itself fully. This simplification of a concept, besides serving as a way of demeaning it, is meant to reduce it to its most base elements so as to make it easily reproducible. Thusly the idea of race is reduced to its most obvious marker, that of skin color, and/or external appearance, which is easily reproducible. It is then demeaned, as unimportant, even if it does constitute a component exposing a heritage where genetic isolation had occurred, and is indicative

of a period where ones ancestors experienced a variance in environmental conditioning. Similarly the concept of masculinity is reduced down to its base external manifestations which can be replicated and imitated by just about anyone. The hereditary, biological elements are discarded as social constructs, and repressed, and so the entire process of avoidance depends on dualistic thinking, selective reasoning and the overemphasis of nurturing effects. A conscious will imposes itself upon the authenticity and directness of an appearance, the apparent, and it paints it over with layers of fabricated symbolisms, training it into consistent and continuous imitation a caricature. Then to add insult to harm, it calls the original appearance, the one painted over and suppressed, the inauthentic self, the primitive self, and all the man-made additives, the modern inventions it labels the purest representation of identityand a Brave New World is constructed.



In a world where reproduction does not face the same natural limitations of fitness, but is guaranteed as a right and as a reward for remaining loyal to the idea and the ideal of the institution, genetic mutations increase proportionally to population growth and as the consequences of genetic unfitness being sheltered and helped to flourish. It is logical to assume that along with all other kinds of harmless, to the system, mutations, homosexuality or the genetic predispositions to it, would increase exponentially and would find fertile ground to take root in an environment where sexuality becomes an unwanted identification trait from a past which is to be replaced with modern human ideals the primal man being replaced by the civilized manthe idea of man. Since the sexual roles have become relatively unimportant and are now only allowed symbolic significance within a world that demands ubiquitous submission to its newly formed values, it is evident that the biological sex of the individual is secondary to what part (s)he chooses to play, as the only thing mandatory is that the Systems stability is never at risk.

Consequently the sexual activities of an individual are insignificant to the system, as long as its premises remain unchallenged. It is, actually, more beneficial to the cohesion of the System that this biological category be done away with, as the only source of distinction allowed comes through the Systems necessities.



Feminization does not only affect male behaviours. The modern day female has been similarly feminized, in that pampering and over-protective environments, coupled with social preferences for the ideal feminine type, have produced in her an exaggerated prissiness and inflated delicacy; her helplessness becomes her mating call and her spoiled demanding expectations become her price. A females obsession with her look is cultivated as her only avenue towards empowerment. Sex, for her, becomes a tool for social ascension, because it has lost all gravity.
Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze. Eleanor Glyn

The finicky genteelness of hyper-femininity is a symptom of this social process, an exaggerated remnant of a Romantic Age, just as Metrosexuality and Hyper-Masculinity is in men a product of this Modern Age. Metrosexuality confuses things further. Males living in urban settings lose all contact with nature, particularly their own nature, and pressured by changing female preferences themselves the product of social conditioning adopt the adolescent, self-indulgent personas of urbanites. Beauty becomes important when all you have left of your masculinity is the look; all the outer regalia with none of the inner qualities. In aesthetics a gradual shift is occurring. The ideal male appearance is one of clear adolescence, almost girlish, form a man-child. An ideal worshiped by fashion gurus and marketed as the perfect hermaphroditic figure.

All indications of a primitive past are deemed pass and uncouth. Too noticeable to be tolerated. Chest hair gives way to the clean boyish look of a smooth, immature teenagerjust as produce at the market is cleansed and shined to take on this pristine look of unblemished, by reality, perfection. The semblance of uniformity is established.
Myths which are believed in tend to become true. - George Orwell

Mediocrity increases when certain thoughts are forbidden or never allowed to intrude upon the peaceful duplicity of social graces. This is levelling at its best. When behaviours and thoughts are rebuked when they exceed a social limit, the individual walks a tight-rope between social conventions and personal drives. The contrived behaviour is often mistaken as genuine, even by the individual who has played the part for so long, has been thoroughly indoctrinated within the culture, has forgotten or repressed himself to such a degree, that the act itself, his social persona, becomes his authentic identity the only identity (s)he knows and is permitted to play. The environment has shaped the mind, by nurturing certain attributes and allowing others to atrophy from neglect. But these withering traits are not, yet, gone; they come forth in many subtle, and not so subtle ways. In dreams, gestures, tones, and various psychosomatic effects, the inner turmoil bubbles to the surface and many a man begin to wonder what its all about.
The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime. - Max Stirner

Males having been turned into a substitute females, in all ways but one, must now also play the part convincingly.



The homosexual subculture based on brief, barren assignations is, in part, a dark mirror of the sex-obsessed majority culture. - George F. Will

Homosexuality becomes much more understandable when one takes the previous into consideration. The social utility of this representational action can be witnessed amongst such social species as the Bonobo ape. Even though penetration may not occur, as it does not in any other species expect for man, the symbolic mounting of another establishes a power relationship where one states his position over another and the one being mounted either accepts this statement of intent or resists it. The stress relieving benefits of these mock acts of intercourse are produced as an after-effect of this reassertion of power balances and power alliances within a troop or a tribe, thusly avoiding the more dangerous and socially unsettling actions of physical violence, and moderating the anxiety generating uncertainty which all interactions bring about.
It's about time we all faced up to the truth. If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family. - Alan Keyes

As in Bonobo social structures the role of sex, as an allegorical reference point, becomes so important that individuals become obsessed with it. The society becomes fixated with sex and sexuality. When sex becomes paramount matriarchy takes over, as sex is the only source of power a female has. Make love not war. A recipe for blissful stagnation. When patriarchy is abstracted and removed from the internal workings of the whole, femininity takes over. No conflict will be tolerated. All are consigned to female demeanours and activities and so all become female in behaviour and thinking and only remain male in biologyin appearancein the external symbolisms. The connection between appearance and essence becomes warped through human intervention when memes enforce an aesthetic artificiality and the gene lags behind in trying to adapt to the altering circumstances. Given enough time and with undisturbed consistency and the pretence, the repression, begins altering genetics to fit into memetic effects feminization is this slow adaptation of genes to memes that depend on feminine attitudes.



The homosexual agenda pushes the normality angle, trying to acquire the same institutional support of marriage so as to garner the same benefits of enforced respectability, normalcy and equal rights. This alternative lifestyle is no alternative at all. It is an attempt to harmonize a genetic sexual mutation within social uniformity. Evidence of this is that the homosexual community does not try to present itself as an other than but pushes the agenda that they too are just as normal, just as average, as everyone else and not different in essence from anybody else. Mediocrity turns into an ideal to be emulated. The goal is not differentiation but uniformity; standardization where sex is made out to be a result of a particular taste, such as a preference of apples over oranges, with nothing more to it than that. Sex is made into nothing more than a product the masses have divergent tastes for one more commodity to be bought and sold.

System (from Latin systma, in turn from Greek systma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole. The concept of an "integrated whole" can also be stated in terms of a system embodying a set of relationships which are differentiated from relationships of the set to other elements, and from relationships between an element of the set and elements not a part of the relational regime. Wikepedia

A system is a self-organizing emerging unity, attempting to stabilize and complete itself within a universe in constant flow; a resistance to attrition, the endless flow of temporality (change), establishing porous boundaries and attempting to close them off (discriminate and isolate) so as to stabilize itself against what threatens its cohesion and internal harmony.

An organism is but an example of such a systemand a superorganism, the State or a Nation, is a continuance of the same founded on the assimilation of the failed previous. In the first case information stored and passed on as a genetic code, that then establishes an inherited mode of self-organizing and of acting, represents the essence of what an organism is. In the second case information stored and passed on as memetic code, as language and ideas, morays and ideals, represent the essence of what a superorganism is. The organism known as homo sapient is its fodder. Like with all systems, a social system has its own habits by which it meets its needs and creates the suitable, for it, participants that will ensure its health. An organization of this kind creates its own logic and has its own language, its own interests, its own values and its own methods, which it shields against external infections by creating the aforementioned porous boundaries - its proverbial skin. In doing so each union, organic or not, replaces or mutates past structures and refocuses and redefines their premises, integrating them into its own or dismissing them altogether feeding/excreting: such is the cycle of life. A superorganism, like any organism, distinguishes itself from the other, or what is outside its wilful control through this restructuring of what is available to it (resources) into preferred types; it discriminates between what is and what is not useful to its primary goal of self-preservation, and then to its secondary goal of self-growth, empowerment, self-expansion, as a product of its excess energies. This, too, mirrors the natural process of consumption and assimilation creation/destruction - dominance/submission.



The economys triumph as an independent power inevitably spells its doom, for it has unleashed forces that must eventually destroy the economic necessity that was the unchanging basis of earlier societies. Replacing that necessity by the necessity of boundless economic development can only mean replacing the satisfaction of primary human needs, now met in the most summary manner, by a ceaseless manufacture of

pseudo-needs, all of which come down in the end to just one namely, the pseudo-need for the reign of an autonomous economy to continue. Such an economy irrevocably breaks all ties with authentic needs to the precise degree that it emerges from a social unconscious that was dependent on it without knowing it. Whatever is conscious wears out. Once freed, however, surely this too must fall into ruins? (Freud) - Guy Debord {The society of the Spectacle}

All systems have as their primary concern their own survival. It is the reason why a centralized nervous system, a mind, evolves, and why its abstracted counterpart, the institution, comes to be. Everything outside this original primary need to preserve self, is of a secondary concern and so is a derivative of an excess of energies directed towards an object/objective which promises an indirect or eventual survival benefit. For example, once survival is ensured, for a period, the system, the emerging unity, attempts to grow, to increase its power the dominion of its wilful control, by focusing the energies in excess of what is required for its primary concern. These secondary concerns offer a long-term potential benefit and so can be thought of as investments in possibilities, as these possibilities are dictated by the present conditions and as they are perceived and understood by the mind involved. We can say that the only difference between primary and secondary interests is one of immediacy and the compromises forced upon the unitys presence, as dictated by its temporal character. The awareness of the organism need not be engaged since many drives are ingrained within the organism, or superorganism, as innate qualities based on their previous success, and they are then passed on as instinctive behaviours that do not have to be rationalized or understood. Therefore, the motherly instinct, can be a formidable drive that overcomes a powerful survival instinct, because it has a longer event-horizon as its motivation. A mother may sacrifice herself for her child as a result of this instinctual inebriation, overcoming, in this way, the immediate selfpreservation instinct; a metaphysical compromise due to the inevitability of death and the shortcomings of cellular replication and cloning.

She is, in essence, increasing her partial long-term survivability by sacrificing her immediate survival, and becomes an agent of life, by giving it up. This is made possible, on a conscious level, by broadening the sense of self. The mother associates the child with her self and it represents, for her, an extension of her identity, and a continuance after death her partial rebirth into new possibilities. This sense of broadening self-identification also makes the association of self with God or with a Nation State or with a Race or with an Idea/Ideal. It is the premise by which humanism comes to be, replacing the more stringent previous sources of identifying with a larger Self. The mind is trained to overcome the original sense of identity with the immediate self, the ego, the physical mental process of individuality, and is taught to associate itself with a broader abstraction of Self, that does not face the same immediate limitations. The sensation is one of relief and casually referred to as enlightenment, as it brightens the personal prospects by integrating it into a more long-lasting and less critical concept. The responsibilities, the costs and the risks associated with individual survival are decreased in this shared identity where the death of the one does not necessarily entail the death of the greater Self. A sense of immortality is induced, and the absence of self-responsibility, as the abstractions takes on all critical responsibilities, imbues the mind with a feeling of well-being. In this case fear, thinking and sensing is deferred to the community of individuals and the one becomes childlike under the supervision of the parental entity of the Otherness. The parent, the father/mother, in this case the State or God or the Ideal Man, lives vicariously through its offspring; its multifarious, expendable, representations of its Identity. Here we see the parallel but differing methods of self-preservation. The parent, genetically, survives through the child, as the System, mimetically, survives through its uniform individuations.

The replacement of genetic identifications, natural ones, with memetic identifications, artificial ones, is finalized and made possible through this degradation of all previous markers of fitness or of biological identification. The sensation of relief is accompanied with a sense of enhanced possibilities as the mind, using the denial offered, perceives itself as being unaffected by what was, feeling like it has overcome it, and now feels free to choose on its own. Granted that the choices are offered by the very system that takes them away and circumscribes them, in accordance with its own self-serving needs. The sensation is a false one, as nothing can be overcome by simply ignoring its determining effects upon us, and the choices available are unavoidably connected to social utility. The practice consists in using psychology to produce self-repression and eliminate the more inefficient external repression, or force, to control the minds of a very unruly species, such as the human one. Once the past has been sufficiently slandered, degraded, ridiculed, sold as primitive and debunked, and once the psychological sensation of relief has been adequately exploited and directed, as is also done through many religious dogmas, the mind is opened up to suggestion. Its instinctive sense of I has been nullified and the void left behind begs for certainty, fulfilment and guidance. It has, now, been primed for reprogramming. Specialization
Much literary criticism comes from people for whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave cerebral inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a much cherished aspect of academic freedom. - John Kenneth Galbraith

By trying to replace or restrict the influence of past natural environmental affects upon man each system reshapes its parts into particular types, experts, surrogate authorities, credentials and all, perfect for the given groups fitness.

In many ways the expert can be considered the mouthpiece of established ideals and truths, based on commonly accepted practices and sources of reliable information and direction. By positing the products of its own values as authorities on all and everything, the system, in fact, redirects intellectual exploration back upon itself and makes itself the reference point upon which all perspectives must be measured. This is what can be called specialization, or domestication when it comes to alien organisms. It is the end product of indoctrination, institutionalization and the compartmentalization of thinking. As domestication is the science of breeding species to produce more efficiently and effectively a particular product necessary to the farmer, so too is specialization a breeding of a particularly dedicated kind of mind to more efficiently and effectively carry out a specific task or produce a particular product, necessary to the system. The individual is taught to contain and to deny certain impulses while enhancing selective knowledge and awareness. The mind is trained to be completely dedicated to carrying out a specific task, and it is made to be interested in little else that does not add to the carrying out of its duties. It only cares about whatever promotes it in the eyes of others and what offers it the opportunity to advance in importance and usefulness to the group the group being the totality of individuals completely dedicated to serving the system in accordance to the systems values. Because the individual now acquires its self-worth and identity from the system directly its utility becomes a matter of great importance, as dependence grows and survival becomes inexorably linked to the whole. This devoted occupation is then rewarded according to market demand, and market demand is directed by systemic forces and established institutional requirements. The job becomes a replacement for the self that has been lost or degraded and shamed. The association between the individuals productivity or service to the whole and his sense of self is completed.

The personality of the individual is now linked to its service, and access to resources is its ultimate compensation for work and unbending discipline.
The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation. - Charles Horton Cooley

As systems grow their parts are forced into increasingly dedicated functions and are, in this way, made even more dispensable. Efficiency demands a cap on redundancy. The value of the particular individual decreases when its only importance is in how well it can perform one single task and make itself useful to the organization. The scientist rigorously defends his right to be ignorant of almost everything except his
specialty. Marshall McLuhan

This focus entails a certain degree of favoured ignorance concerning the general or whatever does not contribute to the minds usefulness. In many ways a greater awareness, a longer and broader event-horizon, would inhibit its single-minded dedication and may lower the individuals productivity. The immediate must be held as paramount, so as to ensure quick reaction times and predictable loyalties. The mind is made animalistic in its concerns, materialistic and hedonistic, with no thought of a postponed gratification or an investment on possibilities that may demand some immediate suffering. The specialists mind must be held firm by work and not be allowed to stray outside the boundaries that make him useful. Leisure time is kept at a minimum, as Idle hands are the Devils tools, and the fires of ambition, especially the socioeconomic kind, are stoked, motivating the individual into a constant state of activity and social participation. Resistance to this evenness is chastised using such epithets as: lazy or antisocial or dysfunctional. Peer pressure is utilized, as well as many other psychological means, to force socially beneficial activities in individuals that are uninspired by conventions.

Because the individual is now dependent on the system to acquire his/her sense of self and self-worth, any detachment from communal goals and ideals is accompanied with a sense of worthlessness and/or the horror and solitude of self-realization and independence.
For no continuity of social act is possible without a corresponding social status and the many different kinds of act required in an industrial state, with its high degree of specialization, make for corresponding classification of status. - Kenneth Burke

There is no greater crime than to stand between a man and his development; to take any law or institution and put it around him like a collar, and fasten it there, so that as he grows and enlarges, he presses against it till he suffocates and dies. - Henry Ward Beecher

Institutionalization consists in the centralized regimentation of life and of the organisms that participate in an association. Individuality is lowered to the concept of a number, and time, another division based on numerical values, is given a standard and a symbol. Under these conditions temporality, the very essence of existence, is strictly organized and given a value by the institution evaluating and measuring it using the standard Good/Bad survival dualism. The institutionalized mind is being trained to stick to timetables and schedules and quotas. The natural circadian rhythms are displaced and the equinox positioned within an economic grid work of human daylight savings time. Leisure is restricted and only begrudgingly allowed as a compromise to biological limitations the flesh has yet to surmount. The institutionalized mind is given a language, a code, a standard by which it is expected to judge its progress and its significance. The outside world is fenced-off, pushed to the perimeters, and made out to be a source of anxiety and depravity. Every aspect of the living experience is now dominated by the usual institutional structures. Every surface, every symbol, every stimulation and every reference point is fabricated, painted over, redefined and redirected.

Anyone who has first-hand experience of the more obvious institutionalizing formats of prison and/or the armed forces, different only in subtlety, will find an even more faint difference between all kinds of similar organizations, and their methods. The only difference between a prison, lets say, and a social system is that in the former the dominion of the Systemic Will over the individual will is direct and it is, purposefully, made overt, whereas in society the illusion of liberty is cultivated as a way of maintaining intractable discipline and the control is concealed beneath pretences.
But certainly for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to the essenceillusion is only sacred, truth profane. Nay, sacredness is held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion comes to be the highest degree of sacredness. Feuerbach, Preface to the second edition of The Essence of Christianity

Just as with all institutionalized minds, its habituation to the comforting safety of a controlled environment makes them reluctant, in time, to leave its premises and venture out into the uncertainty of a world that follows no manmade rules and knows of no justice. Ownership This obsession with materialism, particularly in the west, has come at the expense of all other human endeavours and, serving the demands of a particular system, has resulted in a loss of human distinctiveness, spirituality and natural interconnectedness. No longer do men relate to each other as honest, thinking, feeling human beings, connected with all of creation intimately, they relate to each other more as indistinguishable consuming gluttons, protective maintainers of that which is owned, and as duplicitous misers. In this world of affluent superfluity human beings relate to each other as mere numbers, graphs, statistics. They respect their neighbours or love them, not because they know them or care to do so, but because they are told that this is the right thing to do and that this will guarantee the others reciprocity. Nature and our direct engagement with it falls further back.

Land: A part of the earth's surface, considered as property. The theory that land is property subject to private ownership and control is the foundation of modern society, and is eminently worthy of the superstructure. - Ambrose Bierce

The very concept of possession, that results in this prosperous worthlessness, is based upon an exploitation that produces these hierarchies of exclusivity. Monogamy, itself, is an extension of this mythology of exclusive rights that is founded upon the exploitation of human sexual energies. All rights being ensured by the system itself and having no relevance outside it. This guarantee of exclusive rights, over a properties, resources and/or over other human being, is provided by the organization that uses it to bind individuals to its power. Only with these assured rights can power be pooled and then passed on, as a birthright. In nature there is no such thing as guaranteed possession. Not even life is truly owned by an individual but is only leased, metaphorically speaking, and temporarily experienced. In the end all must be returned to the primordial soup from which new creations will spring forth and new unions will take place. Reality is a work in progress with no final destination, making the very idea of tenure a ridiculous farce only the very simple and needy would buy into. The reward to the faithful. Life, as we know it, is an aggressive act of will, an active process, that reacts and maintains itself tenuously and consistently over a brief period before it fragments into parts and is reabsorbed back into the endless flow. No reassurances or guarantees. The progeny may inherit the material and characteristics that proves effective, but are not granted as a birthright that automatically ensures its well-being and power. Like all manmade concepts, tenure and the delusion of entitlement suffer from the desire to usurp universal rules, for practical and psychological reasons, and so require a redefinition of reality. This is where control over resources turns vital.

By controlling resources the system makes of itself a monopoly the individual must surrender to before (s)he can be rewarded with the necessities for life. Resources and access to them is, for this reason, strictly controlled. Possession is turned into a method of rule by proxy. The Biblical Ten Commandments are, basically, a reinforcement of the rules concerning ownership and of the rules concerning respect towards the authority that defends these rules.
1) Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. 3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5) Honor thy father and thy mother. 6) Thou shalt not kill. 7) Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8) Thou shalt not steal. 9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,.....nor anything that is thy neighbor's. Exodus 20:1- 17

No resource is allowed to be freely accessible. Nature is blocked off and parceled. Using this technique, of allotting privileges and accessibility to resources, the individual is bonded within the dominance of the system that controls and offers these resources as a compensation for good behaviour and desirable contribution. The individual is now unable to eat or drink without the permission of the state, which offers titles of value only to those that submit to its dominion and its monopolizing masculinity. The resources can be available and the individual may need them, but (s)he is prohibited, by a moral and state law or by a principle, to partake of them, unless the proper conduct and procedures are followed. All procedures being rituals of compliance and loyalty.

The innate desire to survive makes every mind easily swayed by anything that promises its own continuance, either in the short term or, as in religious promises for eternal life, in the long term. Thusly, the training of the mind, which is already of questionable value, due to rampant reproduction, becomes an easy affair.



The irony of it being that it is, today, possible to be amongst so much and still be at risk of perishing from need. From this sense of disconnection from the available, the political forces of revolution and social upheaval cry out for justice and the liberal screams for compassion. But the system, as was said, has its own logic and giving in to the needs of one would entail risking the needs of the system itself, upon which so many are dependent and have already surrendered to. Their sacrifice of free-will would be insulted if anything were to be given away for free or without the prerequisite of some form of recompense, such as grovelling. Pretences must be maintained and the illusion of liberty demands that all play along with the rules of the game that makes liberty a farce. All, that is, except the institutions the system is founded upon. For them special consideration must me provided, in the eventuality of failure, because all are dependent on their successes, despite the fact that the system, the capitalist one in particular, pretends to be founded upon free-markets and friendly competitiveness. The welfare state has not died, it has merely been denied to the expendable monad, and freely offered to an ailing corporation or a failed association. Compartmentalization Using different standards within different contexts satisfies a psychology that is driven by fear and wishes to believe in what offers it the greatest relief.

Compartmentalization is the self-serving mechanism by which a mind refuses to incorporate abstractions into one single logical whole, instead choosing to use one set of rules in some instances while retaining the possibility of using an entirely different set of rules in another - in accordance with its changing self-interests. It is another coping mechanism.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. - George Orwell

Compartmentalization is a necessary part of institutionalization, as a mind is often asked to hold onto cultural beliefs and social ideals that contradict natural inclinations. For instance, the modern need to eliminate all designations that do not stem from systemic sources and that results in some form of unwanted discrimination teaches human beings that beauty, amongst other things, is superficial and that appearances, in general, are not related, in any way, to quality or to essence, whereas instinctively the mind is attracted to beauty and uses appearances daily to evaluate others and phenomena as a method of evaluating them. The implication of the self-serving idea that all appearances are superficial and not connected, in any way, to quality or essence or heritage, is that the senses evolve for no other reason than to trick us away from reality, rather than aid us in deciphering it. This, in turn, implies a wilful, external motive or a reason which is never clarified, except by constructing the concept of God or Spinozas Deus. This psychological phenomenon of rational selectivity is also obvious in the Christian ability to exhibit reasoning and scepticism in all areas but the one where it would prove disastrous to mental health. Faith in a God, no matter how absurdly it is defended, promising eternity and offering the feeling of empowerment through association, remains intact no matter how many arguments are confronting it and exposing its simplicity, whereas the slightest hint of doubt in all other contexts, is good enough to dissuade the average Christian from investing too much credit on its validity. In one instance logic and reason is applied effectively in evaluating probability, and in another it is completely discarded as inapplicable, when

the probabilities it exposes do not support an attractive belief in a premise that provides so much unwarranted hope. The sheer arrogance underlying the conviction that one, somehow, deserves eternal life or is worthy of special consideration, just for being born and for submitting to an irrational dogma, is only partially masked by the deception of humility. Even a seemingly selfless act hides a selfish motive, and in this case the selfishness beneath this faked selflessness is crystal clear to all but the ones comforted by the idea that selfless acts are possible at all. The anxiety connected to otherness, and the need to turn this unpredictable, unknowable, consciousness into a benevolent force or, at least, into an unthreatening ally, is what makes these convenient religious tricks so acceptable to minds that suffer from an inability to cope with reality, as it is, and that feel vulnerable because of this. The notion that an alien consciousness, caring for its own well-being above all else, would be automatically and positively inclined towards us and our own well-being, is blatantly contradicted by natural selection and the experience of existence. All things considered, we can only conclude, beyond the benefit of the doubt, that consciousness evolves to aid the organism, and all actions are manifestations of self, and so selfish by definition. Any self-sacrificing activities have already been given an explanation and how and why they occur must be dealt with using reason and a courageous, objective spirit, unconcerned with the outcome or with the implications of its honest investigations. A difficult thing to do, given that all actions, including thinking, are selfish and motivated by what the mind finds advantageous within the contexts it is aware of and within the horizons of awareness it is capable to perceive. As such the simple mind, driven by a short-sightedness, will opt for the solution that offers it the most immediate gratification and thus will choose to remain delusional when it suits it. This is the easy solution. To be objective a mind must be capable of perceiving more long-sighted ramifications and choose truth, no matter how immediately distressing and unflattering it may be, so as to retain the potential of being able to use this insight to gain a more long-lasting and profound contentment. A more demanding solution.

Of course, to distract awareness away from the underlying anxiety driving many popular absurdities forward, as common truths, anyone challenging their self-serving childishness is accused of being motivated by fear and anxiety, or just of being hateful and ill. The height of irony, intending to defend the indefensible with a pre-emptive accusation. We can witness this affect on human behaviour by studying the specific systemic types created within different cultures throughout history. How each directs sexuality, human nature and psychology defines the particular characteristics of each cultures ideal man. The idea that no ideology can be judged by its failures is like claiming that no man can be judged by his. In fact, when we consider that the ideal is unattainable, then the only way to judge a man and an ideal is by the products of its principles.



The usage of direct threats and force, a staple in the days of old, has given way, in modern times, to more subtle methods of population control. The maintenance of a subtle, yet constant, state of psychological unease and the method of indoctrinating the mind, from an early age, are part of this strategy. A nervous mind is an unthinking mind. The Christian tradition goes as far as to baptize a child shortly after birth well before it has any choice in the matter and any ability to reason on its own imbuing it with the ideas of shame and sin that will burden it for the rest of its life; modern day education consists in utilizing authoritarianism, consistent repetition and peer pressures to infect young impressionable minds with common prejudices and cultural mythologies that are meant to keep it in step, for the rest of its life, with communal interests. Free thinking is discouraged, unless it is dedicated towards a better assimilation or towards something innocuous. How can science then claim to be completely objective and void of any social and cultural considerations, when even how one posits a question, or

that one asks at all the particular question, influences the answers one receives or implies that an answer is required? How can science claim to be completely objective when science has become completely dependent on funding, when research is controlled by external sources with their own motives, and when the personal repercussions to anyone that dares ignore convention often result in self-censorship? Where the theoretical separation of Church from State, those old allies in power, is considered a modern day accomplishment, the separation of Science from State is not yet considered problematic.



Using insights into primal human desires and how they are affected by cultural conditions, modern methods of mass control have made the usage of overt force a thing of the past, and a last resort. Making the slave believe he is the master, or that he can be the master, is just the current way authority imposes itself on the feebleminded. Social mobility is but a compromise to human nature and it often demands a higher cost than what it promises as a return. Many, in due course, find the goals they were told were the highest to be less fulfilling than they had imagined, and their aspirations but fabrications meant to drive them into action, as a mule is driven by a whip, a carrot and a whistle.

Sexual Revolution
We must not allow ourselves to be deflected by the feminists who are anxious to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position and worth - Sigmund Freud

The emancipation of women from the need for a male intermediary has had, when one adds to it all the technological advances in reproductive controls, some interesting social effects. Males are now forced to compete, as they once did, for sexual satisfaction and reproductive access, whereas they were guaranteed it, to an extent, with the establishment of exclusive sexual partnerships.

The institution has gradually withdrawn its support until men find themselves in a vacuum of uncertainty. If we take into account all that has been said thus far then we are lead to the realization that when the position of alpha-male is taken over by the institution, whether this is the King or Government or Church, then all males become, de facto, subordinate(d) males. Subordinate males that vie for female attention and compete for female sexual favors, as they once did, by making themselves as useful, to them, as possible or as close to the cultural ideal as possible. Controlled competition between loyal subjects is what produces progress within the system, and so rivalry over the females ovum becomes one more human inclination to be exploited. Modern methods of population control have made the old techniques of integrating males into the fold and disrupting their normal sexual competitions, a thing of the past. No such unrefined methods of forceful domination are required when the same results can be produced with more subtle manipulations of the human psyche. The old ways are surpassed, not because they are regressive, but because they are less shrewd and more disruptive. What is overcome is the methodology of crowd control, not the necessity of it. Edward Bernays, the father of modern day marketing and propaganda puts it this way:
"Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses. Is this government by propaganda? Call it, if you prefer, government by education. But education, in the academic sense of the word, is not sufficient. It must be enlightened expert propaganda through the creation of circumstances, through the high-spotting of significant events, and the dramatization of important issues. The statesman of the future will thus be enabled to focus the public mind on crucial points of policy and regiment a vast, heterogeneous mass of voters to clear understanding and intelligent action."

"Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet. They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure.

Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons - a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million [USA 1920s] - who understand the mental processes and mental patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world."



Taking it all for granted is now at an end as females, released from their previous sexual bonds, like any domesticated creature is released from its harness, unleash the full force of their subdued instincts, necessitating an equal adaptation in males who wish to win their favors. The cruelty of genetic and social selection ensues and the female becomes the instrument that best represents natures ways. Dionysian madness is reborn, but this kind is harnessed to Apollos chariot. Once more the few, gifted ones, will be chosen, as the many will wait their turn, patiently trying to make themselves useful or valuable allies within any social dynamic, and so procure some sexual access in this manner; compensation is the logical alternative for those that fail to immediately succeed, and sacrifices are part of the price. This return to past sexual dynamics will be referred to as progress amongst the socially libertarian sects. Progress being a liberal expression describing anything that confronts the conservative status quo but that never really threatens its fundamental principles.
Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image, because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be. Marshall, McLuhan

The foundational power structures of the system remain unaffected by this conflict between preservation and innovation. All challenges are made under the auspices of self-evident truths that cannot, and will not, be questioned because both challenger and challenged benefit from them - holy truths that should never be questioned. Every four years, or so, the personification of power is replaced, offering the illusion of change, when the powers that be are never confronted or even

known. The system wears a new face, takes on a slightly different demeanor, pretending that corrections have been made to earlier mismanagements and carries on as it was and will be, until it implodes under the strains of its own decadence. The distinction between liberal and conservative is that of champion and contender. The process itself is never denied, and anyone that dares to do so is labeled a dysfunctional, sycophant, an infidel that cannot really hope to compete and so excuses himself from the arena, or an eccentric spewing out conspiracy theories and making a fool of himself. It is a taunt that is meant to dismiss or to entice participation by using shame and peer pressures. Max Stirner comments on it thusly:
Political liberty means that the polis, the State, is free; freedom of religion that religion is free, as freedom of conscience signifies that conscience is free; not, therefore, that I am free from the State, from religion, from conscience, or that I am a power that rules and subjugates me; it means that one of my despots, like State, religion, conscience, is free. State, religion, conscience, these despots, make me a slave, and their liberty is my slavery. That in this they necessarily follow principle, the end hallows the means, is self-evident. If the welfare of the State is the end, war is a hallowed means; if justice is the sacred name, execution; the sacred State hallows everything that is serviceable to it.

and thusly
But, if the deserving count as the free (for what does the comfortable commoner, the faithful office-holder, lack of that freedom that his heart desires?), then the servants are the free. The obedient servant is the free man!!! What glaring nonsense!



Most will fail in this sexual game where women stand as judge and jurors, as they have since time immemorial. The compensation for failure may take on an overstated gaudiness that will clarify the original inadequacies and come across as desperation. The needy man will make of himself a fool or a servile imbecile, dancing about to draw

attention and prostrating himself before the object of his sexual desires to be stepped upon. His composure may not be attractive to a female but she will adjust her preferences to meet her newfound wants. Some few will succeed, using this overcompensation, as the caricature will reflect a hyper-masculine cultural ideal, with all the requisite symbolic paraphernalia of social resourcefulness and privileged accessibility. The effeminate male becomes a useful alternative when no other is permitted. A practical concession. In the absence of actual male role models, young males will imitate the cartoon idols of pop-art and marketing schemes. Muscles and penises will be inflated, chests and wallets puffed out, as the effeminate nurture the symbols of their lost manhood with parodies of what is not there. The female regains her relevance, as her sexual compliance is no longer guaranteed, and so the male is forced to devote much more time and effort in seducing her. He does so by meeting her culturally determined expectations and her muted genetically determined desires. He makes of himself her puppet, and she but the unconscious hand of systemic supremacy. The househusband is born. A miasma of incongruent components, wearing different guises, and threading a fine line of deceitful ludicrousness. Buying her consent is the best way, when resources are the best indication of fitness within any environment and, in particular, in a capitalistic system where wealth becomes an indicator of loyalty to the State and so a reward that proffers access to the best resource of all: female sexuality.



Culture has now become more and more sexually obsessed, and all aspects of human interest are taken over by seduction and copulation. The act, itself, is partially made irrelevant, as its consummation does not, necessarily, result in a product.

It is now, mostly, a psychological pacifier; a method of stress relief and of reaffirming self-worth and social status. The masculine ideal is partially preserved by simplifying it into the act of penetration. The masculine character is abolished as controversial and disturbing and men become uniform actors following a social script, directed by female sexual promise. Social usefulness takes over; more symbolic that practical. Its fruitfulness is emotional, more than it is actual. It is a promise that may or may not be kept. One must work to maintain the hope it offers. Work being the main concept.
Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. - Voltaire

The chains are forged, and the work ethic turns into a desirable quality. If nothing else the male must be productive and so must be ambitious, within the parameters of the cultural milieu. His sexual desirability is defined by it. Masculinity has, now, become entirely devoted to the feminine. Intercourse having lost all consequences for the female - for even the social stigma concerning promiscuity is diminishing under new progressive ethical rules sex now turns into another device to be used and abused. All males are judged by her standards, and his measurements and performances become her playthings; tidbits gossiped over coffee manhood is now a numerical value; a score given by the social tastes of submissiveness, from females who have become State property and, in this way, systemic mouthpieces. She intuits her power and relishes it. The consequence is an increasing pugnacious feminine sexual attitude. Males cower under its crudity. Having no significant repercussions, even her promiscuity slowly turning into a display of her newfound power, she wields her sexuality relentlessly

and every man, who is dependent upon her ruling, is exonerated or condemned by her decree. His fitness, in this case both his genetic and, most importantly, his social fitness, is decided by her. She is the bearer of social judgment, as a willing instrument of power.



Feminization is reaching its apex when mens minds are no longer free to explore reality, but must be increasingly devoted to satisfying their primal needs, by competing, with each other, for prized resources. Technology and civilization was supposed to free mankind from the constant preoccupation with basic survival this was heralded as the coming of a Rational Age. It, partially, has. The increased leisure time birthed science and philosophy, but it also eventually resulted in ennui and nihilistic despair, as all those freed did not possess the intellectual sensitivities to focus this excess energy upon higher tasks and more noble creations. Instead they turned back into primal concerns and distracted themselves from life using hedonism or escapism. These many emancipated beasts had to be restrained from unleashing all that contained, unfocused, energy, upon the group. They required guidance and a moral leash because they lacked all substance and all backbone, and would crumble at the slightest weight without it. They needed a productive distraction: work.
Work is the refuge of people who have nothing better to do. - Oscar Wilde

Entertainment was devised, no less, for this reason, and labor was made into an asset so as to keep these idle minds preoccupied, weary, stressed, and, thusly, harmless. The concept of labor, like marriage, was another one of those technological innovations that controlled, repressed, and carefully managed, these growing masses of humanity, so as to turn them from destructive into constructive forces and from free into servile entities.

Both depended upon the promotion of their importance as unavoidable the unavoidable cost of civilization. Adultery and laziness, became synonymous with indecency and idleness another profanity. Mans aspirations could now be turned into a social advantage. The average mind was inculcated with goals and manufactured volitions that directed his natural instincts, when they could not be silenced. The human was made upwardly mobile and ambition was made into a sacred value, most prized amongst the group who found identity through its direction. Appetite had to be industrious; productivity was its measurement and consumption was its justice. Like all domesticated animals, humankind had to be managed and this brought about innovations in herd management. Husbandry turned into a political science; propaganda became its apparatus.
By avarice and selfishness, and a groveling habit, from which none of us is free, of regarding the soil as property, or the means of acquiring property chiefly, the landscape is deformed, husbandry is degraded with us, and the farmer leads the meanest of lives. He knows Nature but as a robber. - Henry David Thoreau



Fertilization is not as crucial or dependent on copulation, as it used to be. The number of technical fertilizations are on the rise, as environmental conditions are making infertility another consequence of human degradation. Female hormones are not only infecting our thoughts but are in the water supply and in our foods, as well. We are inundated with femininity. Mankinds activities are now becoming decisive. He is beginning to affect his own destiny through his own actions, and the collateral effects this is provoking. This is artificiality. The self referencing simulation turns into a fantastic construct of human imagination, with a life of its own.

The very definition of the real becomes: that of which it is possible to give an equivalent reproduction. The real is not only what can be reproduced, but that which is always already reproduced. The hyper real. - Jean Baudrillard

What better way to reduce resistance into compliance than by social selection, guided by an ideal, and the slow deterioration of guaranteed fecundity? Here is where a female becomes vital, not only as an instrument of culling but as an example of the ideal to be emulated. She is now the sole role model. A man must now use her as a proxy towards institutional power. Adapt or perish.
The liberated man is not the one who is freed in his ideal reality, his inner truth, or his transparency; he is the man who changes spaces, who circulates, who changes sex, clothes, and habits according to fashion, rather than morality, and who changes opinions not as his conscience dictates but in response to opinion polls. - Jean Baudrillard

This observable increase in promiscuity, in our time, as well as the deterioration of the traditional family as a social institution, is to account for the amplification of sexual imagery in our daily lives. Every aspect of our surroundings is dominated by some form of sexual innuendo, as unleashed libidos and frustrated sexual appetites are manipulated to buy and to sell, to work, as a means of attainment, to continuously be preoccupied with fucking. Sex as a consumer product.
At the heart of pornography is sexuality haunted by its own disappearance. - Jean Baudrillard

This world is a females playground, where even a plain Jane is raised to the height Aphrodite a womans world. Only the childish find their meaning here. It all becomes about copulation and about the currently avoidable products of copulation. Children, so increasingly rare as to be considered sacred, precious commodities that must be given rights. The environment of the teenage schoolyard.

Art, no less, is taken over by these themes and the entire social structure is kept running on the fevered pitches of hormones seeking satiation. Mankind is abstracted along with everything else, and loses significance as a specificity. Max Stirner says:
Dropping out of personal concern, one gets into philanthropism, friendliness to man, which is usually misunderstood as if it was a love to men, to each individual, while it is nothing but a love of Man, the unreal concept, the spook. It is not , man, but , Man, that the philanthropist carries in his heart. To be sure, he cares for each individual, but only because he wants to see his beloved ideal realized everywhere. So there is nothing said here of care for me, you, us; that would be personal interest, and belongs under the head of worldly love. Philanthropism is heavenly, spiritual, a priestly love. Man must be restored in us, even if thereby we poor devils should come to grief. It is the same priestly principle as that famous fiat justitia, pereat mundus; man and justice are ideas, ghosts, for love of which everything is sacrificed; therefore, the priestly spirits are the self-sacrificing ones. He who is infatuated with Man leaves persons out of account so far as the infatuation extends, and floats in an ideal, a spook.

Because revolutionary priests or schoolmasters served Man, they cut off the heads of men. The revolutionary laymen, those outside the sacred circle, did not feel any greater horror of cutting off heads, but were less anxious about the rights of Man than their own.

The self-annihilating alliance of the secular progressive libertarian and the Christian conservative is exposed. On the altar of controlling the individual man, all his distinguishing attributes are cut off and he is castrated.



To what depths will men not stoop to worship this holiest of holly grails? To what self-abasing, depravity will not males lower themselves to taste that restricted fruit? Still a forbidden fruit, but not by law or by moral judgment, anymore, but by the woman herself, an unconscious agent of institutional control. The right is returned to her and her sexual power is restored.

She is now the voice of Godor State; she the priestess of Dionysus hysterics follow. Females bask in all the attention, taking it all as evidence of their unappreciated value and as proof of their never openly admitted sexual dominance over males. Insecurity often compensates in that way. If they are innately humble they take it all as evidence of their equality; an equality under the auspices of state dominion. They are no longer second rate citizens but fully integrated productive members of society. Their submissions and total acceptance of authorities is, now, rewarded directly. She has achieved parity with the emasculated maleand is unremarkably disappointed by it. She refuses to admit it, openly, even if she becomes aware of it. And for good reason. When a man hungers he may lose all sense of dignity and self-control in pursuit of fulfillment. He may even feed on excrement or on the flesh of his loved ones. So too, the basic average male will slither in the dirt if there is the slightest hope of satisfying his sexual appetitesespecially when all others are taken care of. Who wouldnt take advantage of such decrepit, needy, creatures when they offer themselves up as willing victims to be exploited? When, in the not to distant cultural past, most males did not have to exhibit their vulgar nature to gratify their wanton primitive desires, having a guaranteed mate available to them, now they come forth as byproducts of unregulated reproduction and show themselves as what they truly are: weaklings. Generations of human filth replicating itself and passing on their inferiorities, finally crashes upon a denial of entrance. The shock is devastating. A reality check. The dream is over.
The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who Is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost invariably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and

intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And if he is not romantic personally, he is apt to spread discontent among those who are. - Henry Louis Mencken

Where men once placed females on a pedestal, to keep them away from the groping hands of barbarians and swine, and to ensure that their favors were far more costly to be given away for trivial gains and momentary pleasures, now sex has returned to being, candidly, a tool of feminine manipulation. She gives herself openly to the highest bidder, and calls this her liberation from paternalism. Its all about pay equity, after all. The secret liaison of the deprived instinct finding release away from the prying eyes of cultural control, is now unmasked as another human farce. The lovers are uncovered and their shocking activities revealed. Romanticism is dead, as is God, and behind both the notions of vulgarity and shame follow the end of sin and guilt, towards the gallows of depravity. So much for the mystique. Mankind is given back his shamelessness.



The emancipation of females, became more advantageous than disruptive to social harmony. Another untapped resource fifty percent of the population, in fact - to be put into production. Female emancipation was, of course, not actual but only symbolic. What was freed was female sexual choice from surrogate authority figures. She was freed from having to settle for sub-standard males and from the constraints of monogamous concessions, that had produced the notion of sexual shame, and the distinction between slut, whore and lady. Finally a woman is unveiled as no lady at all. She no longer had to play the virgin or submit to the controls of lesser males she found beneath her and not worthy of her surrender. Her pretence was made proudly obvious and her choice was her pitiless verdict.

In this New Age, the full power of feminine utility is untied from its male cart and it is made the direct apparatus of the structure the State. Her value is precisely her femininity and so, even in her quest to abolish gender roles, she holds onto the identity they sprang from, tooth and nail. She reinvents the social adaptation of her sexuality and calls it authentic. Who needs a man in such times, when even his physicality is impotent and he is but a sketch of ancient history? A living joke representing a dead age of archaic ideals. He is laughed at on T.V. sit-coms. The dumbfounded, misguided, garish, dolt, with a heart of gold, still clinging onto outdated artifacts of a dead age, and playing with his boyish toys. He is rehabilitated weekly in half-hour installments while sitting in his favorite sofa. He is given his purity back; his boyish charm; his harmlessness. Cue in the laugh-track. His denigration is finalized. The outcome of this charade leaves even a woman with a nagging sensation of dissatisfaction. Her attraction is diminished by the resulting adolescent product. She ascribes it to chemistry or falling out of love meaning falling out of lust because she cannot explain it otherwise. In juxtaposition to this lovable dolt stands the liberated modern woman. Clever, capable, stern and forever patient with her mates immaturity. She is the image of a coming agea better age; modern, current and adult in her pragmatic reasoning. Her sexual aggression springs out of this, trying to fill in a gap. The role reversal is complete. When real men are absent, it is she who takes on the caricatured role, reinforcing the illusion of equalization or masculinization. A females sexual promise, and her socially determined judgment, has now become the instrument by which men are assimilated and kept in line. No force required, just gentle chastising, frequent treats and a calm assertiveness. The same methods used in training dogs.

Submit or be excluded, ostracized and humiliated as not being adequate enough to be appreciated by the whole; a loser, a failure, a lost causeill as in ill at easediseased. If he is adaptive enough, he, through the females he has managed to convince {seduce} is appreciated as a worthy specimen. He is a good man. Welcome to servility. Feminism
"Feminism is a recognition of the domination of men over women and attempts by women to end male privilege.... It is a theory, a method, and a practice which seeks to transform human relations." - Cynthia Orozco

The very idea of feminism isnt an original one. It is a direct consequence of male innovation that produced the JudeoChristian, Democratic and then Humanitarian flattening ideals that sought to annihilate all preexisting identifications so as to replace them with new ones - an evolution of religious and previous political ideals. Heterogeneous social unities, as has been already mentioned, make the more discriminating past methods less effective in retaining social stability. When populations come from diverse backgrounds, worshiping different gods and following dissimilar traditions, the least common denominator for all is their humanity their identification with the organic category of species. All other designations are swept under the proverbial carpet and taught to be ignored, as a matter of fact. The usefulness of this practice should not be underestimated. Proof can be ascertained by the fact that the current major religious and political dogmas that permeate our New World Order make use of some form of this method of indoctrination. The underlying methodology is to selectively degrade the apparent, by limiting the natural discriminating function of consciousness, and by suggesting that immediate nurturing conditions override all previous ones.

Consciousness, denied its full breadth, the mind cleansed of all previous determinations, is taught to believe that it too can find its authenticity by denying the past and repressing all aspects of the human condition that are derivatives of it. And so all natural manifestations, such as sex, race, beauty, height, weight, form, materiality, multiplicity are taught to be considered superficial, where an implied, yet invisible, core remains unvarying and unaffected by historical and genetic effects. The dualistic positioning is obvious. The human embryo must be taken as a tabula rasa, possessing no preexisting limitations or dispositions. A clean slate awaiting cultural programming. What can be more leveling than the idea of emptiness?



Contrary to popular opinion feminism was not invented by women but adopted by them, as they adopt any social trend, no matter how degrading or absurd it might be, that offers them an advantage or that is taught as part of the prevailing standard. The idea that all men are created equal is now directing itself towards a regularity that includes all life under its sanctimonious premises. It is now reaching the extreme pinnacle of foolishness, where the concept of speciesm is presented as the logical continuance of an ideal that uses the emotionally laden labels of racism and/or sexism as a means of dismissing an antithetical perspective and enforcing silence upon those that hold it to be true. By using cultural stigma and by associating ideas with other more ludicrous ones, in an attempt to equate them and ridicule them through association, arguments are replaced by psychological tricks and certain ideals are presented as self-evident, not requiring rational justification. Some over exuberant representatives of this trend towards self-deprecating leveling are now convinced that feeding upon another organisms flesh is wrong and that animals deserve, simply for having been born, equal rights and considerations as any human being does a very moralistic assumption based on nothing more than emotional criteria.

Life is consecrated so as to automatically characterize all who dare to step upon its hallowed premises as blasphemous and evil, deserving only pity and contempt, but no attention.



The leveling process continues as all designations that are not directly in reference to cultural and social utility are eradicated and denigrated as being remnants of primitive thinking, that have been dealt with, overcome and then dismissed. Ego is the primary obstacle to total submission and so its vilification is a matter of faith in this coming age of enlightenment; this better age, where suffering is lessened by eliminating its sources. When the sanctity of life is deemed self-evident, possessing the additional benefit of being self-serving, and all are offered rights, then there isnt a long way to go from there towards its logical conclusion that all life is holy and that the reliance of life on other life depicted by the serpent eating its own tail - is evidence of mans sinfulness and his fall from grace, for which he must make amends. We are all sinners and should feel ashamed, simply for being born, carrying, as we are, the burden of the inherited sins of our fathers and the embarrassment of our own existence. Man must be returned to his purity, his civilized authenticity, which comes miraculously after thousands of years of natural selection, after he has repented for being born into such a state of moral and physical decrepitude. Nihilism is planted as a seed of self-hatred. The fundamental frameworks of nihilistic humanism and religious dogmatism are installed as obvious and the denigration of man is set in motion. All faiths that teach a denigration of reality, illusion or as a testing phase, and that then promise a better one, a deliverance from its baseness, are exposed as being nihilistic to the core of their duplicitous self-righteousness and faked enlightened piety.

Self-hatred and the denial of existence, seeps through their perfumed frocks, like the smell of rotwearing the sanctimonious smile and numb calmness of the obliviously blissful. The congruence between conservative and liberal ideologies is most evident here, in this cesspool of self-annihilation donning the masks of altruism, and their collusion uncovers the insincerity behind their, supposed, enmity. Mankinds past will be denied, must be, as nurture will take precedence over nature and the individual will be asked to receive his identity, as a sacrament, directly from the system that protects him and offers him rights. The State did not separate from Churchbut the two merged into oneand God was reborn as an Ideal Man which the system holds up as a holy grail and an idol to be emulated, worshiped and never attained. Under these circumstances feminism isnt so difficult to accept as one of the repercussions of environmental necessity. Females, as an untapped social resource, are offered access, and the rewards that go along with it, for their total capitulation and usefulness to the system. Their justice is their direct attainment of symbolic power; once reserved only for males, due to their superior usefulness in times of technological inadequacy. They become the preferred priestesses for this coming age. Marriage
Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership. - Andrea Dworkin

The institution of marriage was a fundamental necessity in the emergence of cultures. The integration of males within a group makes it crucial that the natural feminine sexual predispositions be curtailed and controlled so as to prevent male strife and stop the marginalization of masses of unfit males, and females, who would then become disruptive to social cohesion.

The promotion of monogamy, using tradition and morality, has been a fundamental facet of social unity. Polygamy is but a variation of the basic principle by which a male and a female are prohibited from unleashing their natural sexual promiscuity, placing a cap, so to speak, upon the amounts of sexual relationship one can indulge in. Lust must be curbed no less than greed and aggression, and regulations have to be put in place to force self-discipline where none exists.
"Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed." - Albert Einstein

The man, with his traditional leadership over a family unit, also becomes an integral part in spreading his cultures ideals and is held (or was held) accountable for his familys welfare and conduct. He is forcefully harnessed, through responsibility, to the products of his deeds. Along with a womans, a mans libido is blocked and then guided, like one dams a river and then releases it along select paths, utilizing its pressurized force. In homogeneous societies a male becomes a representative of the monopolizing male authority, which the institution symbolizes. He is the surrogate embodiment of the King/Queen or of God or of government and state, and he passes on to his offspring his own heritage as it reflects the common one. But this function becomes damaging to social unity within heterogeneous societies. As societies grow into global systems they must integrate populations with diverse backgrounds and with often incompatible ideals and beliefs. Because of this, all heritage must be degraded in importance and the authority of the male over his family becomes a threat to the systems control. The need for a common denominator results in the slow deterioration of distinction in search for a common thread all can relate to and feel comfortable within. Mediocrity is the natural product of this requirement.

The child must be influenced and trained only by one authority, teaching particular morals and ideals, and so all competing sources of knowledge, principles and identity have to be made secondary or eliminated altogether if they pose a threat to this course of action. We see here why the current deterioration of the family unity as well as an increase in feminism go hand in hand, as symptoms of the same process. The State becomes a guardian of all children and a mate to all women. It, as an abstraction of masculinity, risks no rivals and tolerates no challengers. None of its children will be harmed or punished, unless it is by its hand, and no woman will be violated or dominated, unless it is sanctioned by its authority. The female and the effeminate male, being a more docile and easily indoctrinated member of a social group, is more apt to pass on the teachings, ethics and beliefs of the system to its offspring, as they, most likely, will not possess any thought or desire to challenge its dominion or its values. The male must follow suit or be excluded from the possibility of reproducing his genes. Not even his offspring are really his own, as he merely represents the system that has ultimate custody over all. It will educate them, shape their behaviour, teach them values and direct their activities. The human parent is but a deputy of the systems Will.



Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. - Oscar Wilde

The abstracted masculine institution, being but a symbol of the male archetype, just as money is an abstraction of value and/or resources, makes it possible for anyone to purchase the position of institutional representative, figurehead, since the sex of the individual only matters due to primal psychological factors. Factors, quickly being programmed out of human psychology. That males have been traditionally the symbols of this masculine institutional power is due to this:

It is normal that any progression would be rooted in the past and that, early on, it would reflect its origins more prominently. The abstraction of male authority through the institution, being a continuance of natural phenomena, would obviously exhibit this immediate connection. Males are therefore the sole acceptable representations, in more primitive social groups where the abstraction has not reached a certain level of sophistication and man has not altogether detached himself from nature, to the extent that later social unities have. The psychological, biological bonds with our origins make it, even today, difficult to accept a woman in these symbolic posts although habituation, coupled with effective training/educating, is quickly making this resistance to human intervention less forceful - the relative primitive state of technologies would still maintain more primal balances and relationships intact, whereas with the progression of technology the obsolescence of these primal balances eliminates even this necessity. For instance, the need for warriors with brute muscle power to defend and expand the influence of a group made the maintenance of males as dominant over females essential to the health of the group. With the later progression of technologies this need diminishes, making it pointless for males to hold even symbolic authority over females or over the family. This essentially makes the family an obsolete human invention and it eventually results in the emancipation of women not from masculine authority, since the institution still remains the sole masculine entity allowed, but from the secondary symbolic roles males have played as representatives of this singular masculine authority. Max Stirner again:
What has the individual now become? A political Protestant, for he has come into immediate connection with his God, the State. He was no longer, as an aristocrat, in the monarchy of the nobility; as a mechanic, in the monarchy of the guild; but he, like all, recognized and acknowledged only one lord, the State, as whose servants they all received the equal title of honor, citizen.

Feminism is basically the female political drive to eliminate males, emasculated males, as an intermediate symbol. Their Will to Power

manifesting itself as a social movement seeking the attainment of a direct contact with the, unchallenged, institutional master, allowing them to gain the possibility of becoming a symbolic representation of its unchallenged authority themselves. It is the taking away of even the pretence of masculinity from biological males, who are now relegated to equal status with women, as feminine/effeminate subjects of the system. With equal rights come equal roles, and the differentiation fades and is lost in civil etiquette. As a consequence the social phenomenon of hyper-masculinity emerges as a reaction to this collective trend. Emasculated males, trying to save the pretence of maleness, exhibit exaggerated displays of manly prowess, often using the very abstractions the system provides them with and the values and ideals the system has indoctrinated them with. In their haste to prove themselves worthy of procreation, the modern male uses the symbolisms of his own submission and displays himself by using the very evidence of his obvious capitulation. The entire sexual game then becomes an act of female compromises and male duplicity. A by-product of these trends is the gradual modification of the definition and function of marriage. Its heterosexual purpose, which was meant to guarantee sexual exclusivity to both females and males, is under social pressure to be renewed. This is where the battle lines between the socially conservative and liberal political forces are drawn anew, but neither of them dares to attack the institution itself, as outdated, and expose it as just another method of husbandry. Here these, supposed rivals remain allied in their silence, as they do on many other issues. The political arena is basically a venue of competing positions over the speed of social change and systemic adaptations. One side rejects the complete overhauling of socioeconomic and cultural dynamics, preferring to maintain the establishment where they have, or hope to have, many successes, and so more privileged positions.

The other side wishes a radical change in the socioeconomic and cultural dynamics so as to eliminate this need for intervening power brokers, allowing the individual to make of himself/herself a direct representation of State power. The struggle is not substantive but only over symbolisms and rates of allowable change. The power itself is never challenged. Here both sides are in agreement and their submission to it is total. There is no question over the freedom of the individuality; the only questions allowed is in how the illusion of independence be maintained and what form dependence will take individuality redefined in relation to its, presumed, submission to an external will. This becomes more evident when the, hypothetical, free-press, in the west, never really challenges the establishment but only questions its superficial displays and official accounts. The mass media is, in fact, part of the establishment and so it has an invested interest in protecting it from anything that threatens its premises.
Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media. Noam, Chomsky

Its only function, now, is to serve as a deceitful pretence of democratic regulation over institutional power. It provides a comforting illusion that the citizen matters and is supervising governmental activities, through the mass media, in a system where no individuality is, really, accepted and mass media is owned by the very power brokers that participate in government.



It is noteworthy to mention that in traditional marital unions it is mostly the woman that is asked to change families, adopt a new clan and the name that goes along with it; it is, mostly, the woman who is expected to change her religious and cultural designation. In the past females were regularly seized and integrated within the structures of the males that captured them. At times they were also exchanged as goods, between tribes and/or families.

Alliances were forged by offering a prized daughter to another family, establishing blood-ties. In times of war, men and boys were killed, whereas women and girls were spared and carried away as plunder. No doubt, some resistance was offered, but most surrendered to their new masters, gave him children and were slowly integrated into their new tribe. If the practice were not so successful it would not have been so common. The only analogous practice is that of abducting male children, as was done by the Turks during their Ottoman reign, and then assimilating them into a new culture, often turning them into ferocious warriors on behalf of their new masters. But this is only possible when the child is still young enough to not have been sufficiently inculcated with its own cultural identity, and so offering little or no resistance to a new one. Unlike a man, a woman does not fully carry the tag of her genetic history but this tag can be traded and swapped between different clans or tribes or cultures, like a valuable commodity; a practice she submits to, sometimes, willingly or with little contention due to her temperament. A man, conversely, is forever associated with his original national, racial, tribal or cultural identity and is forever a representative of his creed, since he can only function as a reproducer of his own kind. This, in itself, makes the integration of males that come from alien cultures, problematic. It is why globalization, that has to integrate many individuals from different cultural backgrounds, makes of the institution of family a remnant of a primitive past that has to be redefined or completely obliterated. The only battle against this trend is offered by the conservative mindset, that desires to maintain the pre-existing social morays and social dynamics. The liberal, mindset, on the other hand, welcomes the rearrangements of cultural balances, as a way of enhancing harmony. By integrating as many individuals into the fold and offering them the semblance of equality and equal rights, the masses, no matter their background, are assimilated into a new conception of a whole.

For this reason, alone, the concept of the family had to be redefined to accept diverse sexual relationships and behaviours, as they were produced and then nurtured by the system itself. The family, now, ceases to be a heterosexual reproductive union and becomes a social unity, approved by the state by providing rights to it. Reproduction ceases to be its primary function in an overpopulated world. The only requirement is that it fulfills the systems demands and is productive and disciplined to it.



In the case of arranged marriages, as practices in bygone times and in other cultural traditions, is it indicative that the importance of family alliances is not left up to the instinctual whims of immature wills. The crucial decision as to whom will marry whom, and so what family will be indefinitely linked with another through blood ties, is not, indiscriminately, given over to the inexperienced intellects of those involved, but is planned and guided by more rational thinking. How revealing that these same undesirable, by western standards, forced unions seem to stand the test of time. One more indication that a decision undertaken under duress or under the influence of instinctive and emotional factors, is not, necessarily, the most wise.



The foundation of the family is, unavoidably, the woman, whos loyalty to the man and the offspring this union will bring about, determines the power of the relationship and the males investment in the health and prosperity of the institutions that ensure it.
The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman. - Mexican Proverb

Her role, in the past, was to be impregnated and to pass on the males ideals, as he was a agent of communal ideals. In modern times this secondary

function has been replaced by being, herself, a version of communal ideals, without having to rely on a male as the intermediary. In fact, her success is determined by how thoroughly she takes on the characteristics of the culturally ideal female role, and by how successfully she reproduces the ideals and ideas of her group. Her intelligence is focused on how well she can predict which power will dominate and how well she can integrate herself within it. In this willingness to accept unquestioningly and completely any dominant power, finding in her belonging to it her highest achievement, women become the tools of indoctrination and social engineering. A females current equality is one in relation to the emasculated male. She is no longer subservient to the more useful, to the system, male but has come to her own, by being just as useful, if not more so, than the more uncontrollable male even if he may be ineffectual. She is now the ideal member of the social system that is benefited more by total submission to its authority, and no longer requires the muscle and less controllable males sexual drives to survive. Technology, the very tools that men used to compensate for weakness, has now made them obsolete. Females profit from this loss. Family No doubt the topic of family and family values is an intricate one; a topic that is sure to raise contentious subject matter and to engage a multitude of socio-economic, cultural, historical, psychological, political, and sexual issues which are sure to force disagreements and heated debate. Nevertheless, the only thing we can hopefully agree upon is that the institution of family, as we know it, is currently in decline in the west and quickly becoming an antiquated part of the past. The fact that in many other parts of the world it is still holding on to its intended function can lead us to consider the possibility that the causes for this decline might be found in our ongoing modern western reality.

Growing divorce rates and the emergence of single-parent families, as the new norm, exposes growing strain-fissures upon the structure of an old and weathered tradition which may be becoming outmoded even though it has served as a successful method of integration and harmonization for social unities in the past. The tribal unit, the village, soon turned to the extended family, then to the nuclear family and is now quickly deteriorating to a single-parent accommodation not to mention the emerging trend of same-sex marriages and the creation of homosexual family units as well as a variety of hybrids such as combined family units. Most of these are meant to take advantage of the economic benefits the system provides families, as a way of preserving their viability. It is one of the reasons why the concept of a family is currently under pressure to modernize and redefine itself so as to integrate the products of the modern sheltering system within its character.



Like all human organizations, the structure of the family is dependant on a hierarchy and a division of labor. It imitates all systems in that it strives for a more efficient organization, in reference to the environment it has to maintain itself within. In the west, as in most cultures, the man became the head and the administrative leader of an institutionalized tradition that was meant to assimilate as many human beings as possible within the social structure and make them invested participants within it. As king of his castle the male became a conduit of cultural ideals and the one responsible for keeping his family in tune with acceptable collective practices. The male was a representation of his groups shared spirit, within unities consisting of homogenous populations. Present multicultural environments and racially and religiously diverse social superstructures is necessitating a further deconstruction of the family into its individual parts because this representative is no longer required and actually inhibits a more harmonious integration of the members under his symbolic dominance.

The institution of the family is a continuance of a primal male domination over females, asserting certain sexual and instinctual limitations to ensure that each man became the honorary alpha-male of his own small faction of relatives and blood ties, over which the system or the true ruler maintained the watchful and critical eye of absolute maleness. The true ruler has gone through many changes over the centuries, from tribal leader to king and more recently to the abstraction of the institution. This is what feminists today call Paternalism.



The family unit, in all its forms, represented an ally of systemic power along with religion and education, ensuring the production of disciplined members and their easy assimilation within cultural ideals. Because of this family values are part of the conservative arsenal, usually coming forth as a preserving drive to maintain the status quo and the existing power balances. Yet, the institution of the family often finds itself at odds with systemic power; in our modern multicultural world. It is a place where seditious ideas are often nurtured and secretly taught, in contradiction to cultural doctrine, and where the male is tempted to stretch what minimal power he possesses over a larger and larger group using the promotion of often alien, to the norm, ideals and/or where individuals find the support to overcome established cultural power balances and peer pressures. This is why homosexuals find the need to participate in a tradition that was originally meant for heterosexual integration. The family structure often served as a counter-balance to peer pressures and cultural ideals, ensuring that the individual was given an alternative and a safe-harbor away from an often threatening world. Also, the emerging global connectivity and multiculturalism makes family units the havens of often divisive world-views. For these reasons along, the family is now considered inhibiting to social integration and so is slowly being reinvented, allowing a more direct

manipulation of individuals without the need for intermediating representatives. This more direct systemic control takes on the faade of individuality, in an age of me, when what it really consists of is a more direct taking of custody over mankinds fate by cutting individuals away from their support systems and making them more vulnerable to centralized organization. The Renewable Resource It is posted on billboards, transmitted through the airwaves, integrated within every artistic expression, in the most garish manner. No talent required. A primitive drum beat accompanied by simplistic lyrics containing no vagueness and then a voice filtered through computer software and made to sound as more than it is. All the really matters is the image. Raw sexuality, pulsating to rhythms that mirror physical ones, designed to cause a predictable reaction. The decreasing flexibility of the average human mind makes any more complicated creativity lost in translation. No, sex must be obvious, these days, and the promise must be made clear. The mediocre mind cannot fathom anything beyond this level of primordial need. Subtlety is lost on it. Only the vulgar registers as declining abilities to concentrate demand a more exaggerated shock to be focused. When instincts are denied expression this pornographic directness provides an essential outlet of defusing repressed energies and the culture of no culture utilizes any means necessary to satisfy its stabilizing uniformity. The entire culture is now preoccupied with fucking, because it is no longer a given, for malesand some females. It has become another luxury to be earned. Our everyday senses are continuously assaulted by sexual overtones. Children witness it everyday through every information venue, until they become desensitized to its effect.

Tits and ass are not to be avoided; everything conspires to arouse you in every way possible and make you act - force you to be active. Your libido agitated and then directed, as one directs cattle in a farm, with hyper-inflated shocks to overcome this growing desensitization. Do you want this? Then actbe active, be productive, buy. The vagina at the service of socioeconomic forces. It is the gateway to the promised land. A man lowered to the level of his basic desire to release his sexual energy. Inactivity is laziness and laziness is unproductive. All must be kindled into fiery tumescence and agitated into spasmodic reactions. All must be made vulnerable to external stimulations.
When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression. - Sheila Jeffrys

Body parts are exposed everywhere; marketing ploys of productivity. Females play the part of exploited victims when this is their preferred element; outside sex they become irrelevant and easily ignored they do not matter. If feminists had tried to distance themselves from sex, altogether, then they would be more respectable and their message would be more logicalas things stand they are nothing more than adolescent minds attempting to procure, through state sanctioned rights, what they cannot earn through deeds. They do not reject sex and sexuality, because therein lies the only source of female relevance, but they embrace sex, wishing to change the rules, and in the process accept the very premises they want to deny as being determining. Then, in a twist of irony, they call this reinvention a newfound purity. Their, preferred, excuse for their glaringly obvious historical absence being that they have not been give, GIVEN you see, the opportunities to prove themselves as being more than what is determined by their biological function; every day that passes, a renunciation of this transparent subterfuge.

They can deny this using words but their actions speak louder political rhetoric. Quickly they revert to sexual allusions when they find themselves cornered by wit emasculated males are no different, in this, as all men are forced to use feminine tactics where all others are forbidden.



The feminization of man has made sexual distinction more difficult just as globalization has made racial and national distinctions more ambiguous. Distinction is muddled in commingling amalgamations and communal imitations. A mans world? Increasingly not so. A womans world isnt devoid of violence and exploitation, it is lacking the reasoning for violence and exploitation; an emotional world of intuited vulgarity; a world retaining its plausible deniability; a world of innocent brutality and ignorant irresponsibility. The notion that females can do better than men have, is laughable when one considers nature objectively and if one thinks about metaphysics void of human ideals and emotional arguments. In a world governed by the struggle for survival, by an ongoing war against death, where is this promised land of milk and honey and endless peaceful coexistence in sunny meadows of luscious fields of gold? Only a nave dolt could fall for such tripe. What can be more vicious and obscene than an action pretending to be righteous and struggling to find reasons for its indecorousness? Better at what? Better at pretending, at hiding, at playing the blameless, never responsible for anything, victim? A woman can walk into a room full of men wearing nothing but a pushup bra and a miniskirt up to her ass, and then act insulted by having these men ogle at her; she can cruelly discriminate and then pretend its all about chemistry andLord have mercyabout love!!!

An emotional world where the emotions presented as emancipating are about as fleeting as our shallow understanding of them! Reason be damned!! There is no longer any reason for reason. In this feminized world, sex is turned into another commodity to be bought and sold materialism at its best love is for all and all deserve it. Nothing escapes marketing and consumerism. What do you lack: pride, self-esteem, integrity, friends, love, sexual appeal, relevance? Buy it. Young girls dreaming of being fashion models or, more sincerely, porn-stars. Why not? In a childish world, where nothing is determined, all is possible and all is permissible. Like with Negroes and their unceasing usage of their past slavery and victimization, their relevance begins and ends with their references to their own emancipation and the ideals these are constructed upon; ideals they had no hand in producing themselves but were merely the innocent beneficiaries of historical forces they do not entirely comprehend, just as they were the innocent victims of these earlier ones. Pawns in a game they have no contribution to. Merchandise, still, now finding wealth in entertaining those they once served, and finding self-worth in gaudy displays of marketable representation. The weak are always an exploitable resource for the powerful. This is an uncomfortable fact. Their freedoms and enslavements mere products of forces they have no hand in. Constitutions were never guarantees of individual rights. They were documents enacting a new age in human herd management. Individual opinions were no more respected now, than they were in the past; they were manufactured and sold as commodities that offered the grand illusion that the individual himself had come to them on his own. Are not political ideologies another product to be marketed and sold by convincing the consumer that they want itthat they need it?

All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume. - Noam Chomsky

Every part of modern culture is penetrated by a feminine seduction. Products as banal as frozen dinners are advertised using sexual innuendo. The average male is made helpless under these circumstances, as his primitive nature takes over where his reason fails, and he is made into a mindless erect penis, begging for entrance into the restricted and finding self-esteem in the permission. In this feminized world the male is taken over by the desire to prove himself worthy of his identity. Here is where the female reigns supreme.
The orgasm has replaced the cross as the focus of longing and fulfillment. - Malcolm Muggeridge

Do you wish to entice this female, impregnated with social and cultural norms? Then live up to her ideals, as theyve been seeded there by the very system you wish to resist become the corporeal extension of this ideals spiritual power and make your penis its penis, and your sperm its seed. A compromise is made crucial. Play the game or be excluded; lower yourself to lothario or be labeled a loser.

Entertaining Ramifications
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumble-puppy. Neil Postman

The amount of time a species dedicates to play is proportional to its overall intelligence.

It appears that the intelligence that enables a species to survive and to become successful, also endows it with a mind that needs more qualitative and quantitative stimuli to maintain its mental health but also, through its success, it then awards it with more free time to spend trying to distract itself from boredom, due to its ability to sustain itself with relatively minimal effort. Furthermore, heightened brainpower makes play not only a diversion but a necessary aspect of growth and training that prepares the individual being for the upcoming demands on its mind. This double-edged sword of intelligence, that bestows superiority but also the burden of demanding constant stimulation to escape tedium, is more pronounced in man, the highest and most successful of all earthly beasts. Man need only spend a fraction of his time and effort on matters of survival but must then find outlets for his leftover intellectual energies. Play, therefore, has become for man, not only essential but an important participant in his mental and physical well-being. But more than this, play has ceased to be merely entertainment through action and participation and has evolved into a passive voyeuristic pastime where an individual vicariously involves himself in distraction through third parties and through their extraordinary athletic and/or creative abilities. This vicarious, passive distraction and the extent to which mankind indulges in it, appears to be a distinctive characteristic of mankinds existence and how it has evolved, in time, to meet, not only mankinds natural requirements in a modern civilization, but mostly mankinds social and cultural ones. Where play once served as a training function, a productive diversion and a display of excessive virility, it now, in our modern civilized times, has also taken up the role of an indoctrination tool and a pressure release mechanism for mans more subversive and socially destructive natural inclinations. Entertainment as an Institution
Creativity is discontent translated into arts. - Eric Hoffer

Modern governments, as in past times, regularly use distractions to alleviate the pressure of scrutiny and criticism; theres nothing like a war, for instance, to take a populations thoughts away from economic hardships, and athletic events or the theatre are often used as substitutes for real action, something the Romans and the Greeks knew all too well. As such the entertainment industry in any nation serves as a pacifier for discontentment and a method of taking the focus off national problems and personal dissatisfactions. With the advent of recent technological means of communication, entertainments has also acquired the power to coerce, control, distract and direct entire populations and has established itself as one more institution with its own, authority and impetus. Hollywood, in the U.S., is in fact a major power-player within the political and social framework, whos voice is never underestimated or ignored, and the music industry one more lucrative businesses that can impose its cultural messages upon millions of young or not-so-young listeners and export cultural ideals around the world. Only the Indian equivalent to Hollywood, Bollywood as it is referred to, stands as a notable second example. But where entertainment has achieved its greatest strength and power is through television broadcasting and its accessibility, by millions, from the privacy of their own homes. We, in fact, live in the age of the television, quickly being replaced by the internet. There is no home that does not have one - in most cases more than two - and there are few individuals that do not share the common culture of T.V. experiences, now becoming on-line experiences, no matter what their national backgrounds or social status. Knowledge is disseminated through these corporately controlled medias, opinions are offered and shaped, information and disinformation dispersed and minds are insidiously and subliminally coerced to buy or to believe or to behave in specified ways. The cultural norms are often expressed using subtle methods of psychological manipulation, all under the premise of being amused, where the mind is inculcated with favoured thinking using the effects of constant repetition and subliminal imagery.

For instance, in the North American pop-art markets the image of that goofy, chauvinistic, yet salvageable, male caricature or the uneducated, yet harmless, homophobe or the misguided, ugly, yet only wanting love, racist, as part of its ongoing message. These personality sketches are presented as the personification of uncivilized and uncultured traits, against which are juxtaposed the more attractive cultivated ones. Ridicule becomes a powerful tool in expressing distaste without actually doing so directly, and the positive or negative outcomes of these educating skits induce a desire to imitate or a not the traits and/or beliefs depicted as socially good or bad. In classic sit-com scenarios the message is repeatedly passed-on that the particular traits theatrically illustrated are not only destructive but also foolish and rooted in childish psychological needs, such a need for attention or validation. A patronizing angle is used to imply what is never openly stated. Of course no insulting inferences, as these, are made about the more acceptable dispositions. Here no underlying motive is implied, but only the serene, healthy disposition of a socially adapted individual is offered as the only other option. Impressionable children, and adults, by using the power of relentless suggestion, are unconsciously trained to have a positive or a negative reaction towards certain ideas and behaviours. Then, for a lifetime they will vehemently defend positions they have not thoroughly thought through, but only feel them as being right or wrong in their gut. Just as product placement has turned out to be a successful way of ensuring brand recognition and a sense of habituation which increases positive reactions (path of least resistance) to them, so too is the greatest product of all, the cultural ideal, promoted and marketed using inconspicuous methods of mind programming, ensuring loyal customers for life. The association of happiness with a particular brand or the association of freedom with the actual choice between brands, becomes ingrained within the mind to such an extent that it is considered self-evident, and anything that contradicts it becomes associated with illness and/or dysfunction.

In this way racism, sexism and, in the U.S. liberalism, are now tainted with a stigma thats supposed to result in self-censorships and shame. Best way to prevent a thought, without overtly banning it, is to make it embarrassing.



What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. - W. H. Auden

The line between entertainment and seriousness has blurred to such an extent that news shows are marginally different from entertainment shows, and pseudo-documentaries, often proposing paranormal superstitions, cannot be distinguished from real documentaries offering real insights based on scientific methodology. In this respect commercialism puts on the pretence of information and the faade leaves the mind feeling enlightened and certain. This blurring is not accidental as convention is best served by equating all ideas that come from communally recognized sources and by degrading reason, so as to enable absurdity to infect the human mind and keep it from distinguishing one from another. Confusion is preferable to awareness and the flooding of the information highways with endless streams of questionable knowledge only prevents a consciousness from being able to discriminate between what is more and what is less likely. In Neil Postmans Amusing Ourselves to Death he proposes that this constant drive to entertain and to be amused, not only takes away from our focus on important, life threatening or enhancing interests, but the very method of entertainment and the means by which it is presented, is creating a type of mind that is unable to deal with deeper more difficult ideas, and a type of mind that increasingly relies on images and small, superficial pieces of information, because it cannot focus its attention on any specific item for any period of time over the duration of a typical T.V. commercial. He says:
To say it still another way: Entertainment is the supra-ideology of all discourse on television. No matter what is depicted or from what point of view, the overarching presumption is that it is there for our amusement and pleasure.

In his view this metamorphosis from a, what he calls, typographical mind, that thinks and deals with ideas using metaphorical language and imagination, into a television-mind, that suffers from attention deficit disorder, ignorance and an inability to comprehend ideas other than in a piecemeal, superficial way and that requires any subject to be chaperoned and submerged in hefty amounts of mind-numbing amusement. Postman goes on:
America is, in fact, the leading case in point of what may be thought of as the third great crisis in western education. The first occurred in the fifth century B.C. when Athens underwent a change from an oral culture to an alphabet-writing culture. To understand what this meant, we must read Plato. The second occurred in the sixteenth century, when Europe underwent a radical transformation as a result of the printing press. To understand what this meant, we must read John Locke. The third is happening now, in America, as a result of the electronic revolution, particularly the invention of television. To understand what this means, we must read Marshall Mcluhan.

We have reached a point where news reporters cannot be distinguished from entertainers and where presidential candidates are judged by their T.V. personalities and their photogenic qualities and not, so much, by their opinions and mental qualities. Looking at our modern western world we see how, overindulgence in entertainment, has created people dependant on it and unable to occupy themselves with anything of importance if it does not contain some aspect of amusement. This dependence makes the entertainment industry a very powerful instrument of mass control, equal if not superior to religious dogma, and an educator of massive proportions. But let us dissect the utilities of mass entertainment and see how they play a part in directing and forming psychologies and mental qualities.
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either. - Marshall McLuhan

Utilities of Entertainment Due to the complex demands of the human mind and the necessities of a complicated modern existence within civilization, entertainment has acquired multiple uses, which all coexist and work in unison, to create

specific human drives and to divert others into useful avenues or suppress them into neurosis. I have categorized the utilities of entertainment into three main groups, each containing in itself multiple sub-categories with common routes and goals.
Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness. Marshall McLuhan

Distraction This primary and most primitive of entertainment utilities remains the driving force behind it all and has lead to unforeseen consequences through the arts. The essence of entertainment is inspired by mankinds propensity to become bored and to require a diversion for the minds restlessness. But, where once we were the creators of our own amusements, we are now more willing to allow others to distract us, giving rise to the entertainer, the artist, the professional athlete, that indulges his own creative or physical talents in play and allows us to participate, as passive observers, vicariously acting through him/her.



The amount of distracting a being requires is inversely proportional to the amount of time it requires to meet its physical needs and social responsibilities. The need to be distracted, may also expose a deeper discontent with the real world or with the beings overall ability to express itself within it. This limitation on its choice of action may demand an escape from reality into an alternate one where its repressed side can find some relief from what it cannot deal with. There are many, socially allowable, ways to distract oneself.

Starting from the original participatory ones, of playing or creating oneself in athletic competition or through artistic expressions, and ending with the non-participatory ones, made obligatory by economic or social restrictions, including being a passive observer of anothers athletic or creative pastime and going as far as escaping reality through anothers imagination: as in movies, books etc. The difference between the two being the difference between creator/producer and distracted/consumer.
Television is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome. - T. S. Eliot

In our modern western world the active distraction option has been exceeded by the more passive, non-active one. We find, in our age, such a degree of stressful demands on our time, that a further active element is made practically impossible. In its place the passive element has come to dominate and is made feasible through technological outlets and through proxy experts. Just as thinking has been institutionalized, and modern man finds himself only being able to think through the mind of another, a mediator, approved by the system and popularly acknowledge as a reliable source or a specialist, so has entertainment met a similar fate. Man, today, is more likely to sit on his couch watching how others play, create and even live than do so himself. He substitutes his own life with those of others - with the ideal and preferred other - whether real or mythical, and he lives a thousand experiences through them. The obliteration of the distinction between I and other is furthered through this vivid association of ones self with that of the other. Man no longer lives but experiences living, like a detached observer; he no longer participates in reality but is a voyeur in a hypothetical, superlative hyper-reality where his nature finds an outlet and his instincts are defused so that he can remain a simple, automaton in a faceless system - a mere statistic with no distinguishing personality or relevance a number predictable, manageable and totally dependent. And so, sports teams become extensions of his family, his tribe, celebrities become intimate friends, idols and mentors to be fantasized and emulated,

singers become echoers of his voice, movies and books become new realities to replace the one he is forced to exist in. Man can no longer be autonomous. He is totally immersed in otherness. Indoctrination The indoctrinating element of mass-entertainment should not be underestimated. It is through subliminal consistency that rules are established, opinions guided and moral attitudes maintained. Something as simple as a joke in a movie, a commercial with a particular image, an anchor on a news show using a specific word instead of another, may appear as harmless, but when repeated continuously over a period of time and from diverse sources, it becomes a deciding factor as to what is considered true and what a lie, what is good and what evil, what is real and what fantasy. On T.V. channels that are supposedly dedicated to documentaries and/or history there are regularly interspersed advertising segments, pretending to be news shows and paranormal, pseudo-historical segments that deal with fantastic theories in the similar manner employed by legitimate scientific documentaries. This muddies the distinction between fantasy and fact or respectable and unrespectable ideas and the mind begins associating the source with the truth rather than the idea described through it. With the constant bombardment of information from multiple sources the difference between legitimate and illegitimate, genuine and disingenuous becomes hard for the mind to filter through and memories based on real events and fictitious ones becomes a matter of personal tastes and immediate self-interests.
One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There's always more than you can cope with. Marshall McLuhan

The amount of information sources in modern, western society is not proof of accessibility to diverse opinions since most information centers are controlled by a few corporate entities with common interests and common goals. The few individuals that have access to mass audiences must go through the same outlets, in other words they must first be chosen, supported, endorsed and bankrolled by them they must sell themselves as being a good investment. They are all, on top of that, the end result of the same social environment and so share the same influences of religious and cultural institutions. The few bad apples and the few dangerous opinions that may get through can be censored and slowly be allowed to perish through indifference. The latter are deemed to have no audience, since audience tastes are shaped through institutions, and so they inevitably lack market value, as the usual excuse that preserves the semblance of free-speech, and so they never have access to mass audiences. On the internet they are lost in the cascade of information overload and low attention spans. Within the jumble few manage to discern, or have the time to try to do so, between what is reliable and what is not.
Television is altering the meaning of being informed by creating a species of information that might properly be called disinformation. Disinformation does not mean false information. It means misleading information - misplaced, irrelevant, fragmented or superficial information - information that creates the illusion of knowing something, but which in fact leads one away from knowing. Neil Postman

It may be argued that no direct control is exacted upon the disseminators and facilitators of mass mind manipulation and that they are allowed to function freely with only popularity and profit as the guiding standard; this neglects to consider the indirect control exacted by those owning the entertainment outlets and how they choose which artist, which reporter, which musician will be allowed to roam freely within their realm. A knowledge of human psychology the same being denied as being present within some pseudo-intellectual circles - goes a long way in producing a desirable outcome. Where no market exists, one is created by stimulating the right instinctive nerves and by constructing the appropriate associations.

On radio broadcasts particular songs and artists get airtime, when they appropriate moneys are exchanged and the right backing is there, while others are lost in the shuffle and disappear in anonymity. How much greatness has vanished in this way? One can only wonder.
"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." Edward Bernays

Censorship is rarely obvious, in modern systems. It is conducted during the choosing process, behind closed doors, which allows for the illusion that free expression is endorsed by the system, that all opinions are tolerated equally and that popular tastes are the deciding factor as to what gets produced and offered-up for mass consumption. But who gets promoted to the top, within these institutions, if not the one who possesses the right talents and beliefs, attitudes and, most of all, the right image? In fact popular tastes and values are themselves coerced by the disseminators of entertainment and not judged by the general tendencies of the masses. The people are conditioned to have particular drives or to have particular needs to express their natural inclinations, either through the entertainment industry itself or through other religious, social and cultural institutions such as the education system. Then they are given the very thing they were coerced into wanting, or are offered an alternative to substitute a need that cannot be erased but also cannot be accepted as it is.
A single factory, potentially capable of supplying a whole continent with its particular product, cannot afford to wait until the public asks for its product; it must maintain constant touch, through advertising and propaganda, with the vast public in order to assure itself the continuous demand which alone will make its costly plant profitable. Edward, Bernays

Even when subversive ideas are allowed to be expressed, it is in such a way as to diffuse their power and to minimize their effect. It is not surprising that those opinions that contradict the popular, official, position are exposed in fantasy scenarios, in humiliating simplicity, or are associated with other, more juvenile, theories and labelled conspiracies. This devalues them, as a possibility, and takes away the necessity for an explanation and a response.

Madison Avenue is a very powerful aggression against private consciousness. A demand that you yield your private consciousness to public manipulation. Marshall McLuhan

Venting Another use for the entertainment industry can be found in how it provides society with a venting, pressure release outlet, by which many of the species more undesirable natural inclinations are allowed to flow through and so made innocuous. Through the method of passive participation man lets loose some socially unwanted energies and enables him to remain disciplined and malleable in his other, more socially desirable, activities. As such -Sexual promiscuity is undesirable so pornography comes in to allow some release for a creature that is, by nature, licentious. Furthermore, through sexual entertainment, some more mischievous, aggressive and culturally unacceptable sexual behaviours are allowed to vent their energies. -Violence is undesirable so entertainment comes in to allow a passive experience that allows for any level of violence to be explored and represented for a creature that is, by nature, violent, in order to maintain the standard of lawfulness and peace that makes civilization possible. In the process some more personal vindictive, destructive characteristics are allowed to be expunged and cleansed. Many other such human, culturally undesirable, predispositions are deflated and freed from the constrains of the human subconscious and thus prevented from becoming pressurized and explosive, in this manner. Adventurism, rebelliousness, destructiveness, aggressiveness, egotism, arrogance, laziness, free-thought, unwanted creativity, confrontational political ideals, and a multitude of various other unacceptable expressions of individuality and uniqueness are given an avenue to be articulated and forgotten. Here is where entertainment serves as a pressure valve through which most of the human natural heat is vented and rendered null, for the benefit of the social norm.

The very fact that these entertainment outlets exist speaks more as to the real nature of the homo sapient and how it has been manipulated and mutated to fit into idealized systems of its own creation.



Evidently the demands of civilization limit man and his actions and impose an added boredom to the natural one stemming from an overactive mind; the success of our species and the overpopulation this has lead to also detaches man from direct attachment to his creations, his work and his fellow human beings and dehumanizes him into an abstraction, a number, a simple consumer statistic. This manipulation of individualism and natural drives is achieved through many institutions, of which, the entertainment industry is only one. It is not only the subject matter of entertainment but the mode by which it is offered in that plays an important part in how we think, what we think and why we think it.
Art at its most significant is a Distant Early Warning System that can always be relied on to tell the old culture what is beginning to happen to it. Marshall McLuhan



Life imitates art far more than art imitates life. - Oscar Wilde

No other institution displays its nature more readily than the business of show business. The self-referential sampling where music repeats its melodies and individuals impersonate fantasy pop-culture caricatures, leaving reality on the periphery, cannot be denied here. No more does man mirror nature in using parody and allegory, but man imitates man using parody and allegory. We have now entered into the realm of the surreal, where artifice is taken as authentic and creation consists in experimenting with the creations of anotherand he on anotheralong the long dark path towards a beginning that is forgotten in the haze of historical references.

The entire thing is more than a burlesque play, it is a parody of a parody where the participants have forgotten that they are caricaturing another caricature, to the point where it all becomes a staged event, depicting a staged event, with no actual importance. The looping effect closes the circle and the cocoon of artificiality tries to seal its porous membrane against external infections.
When we begin relying on the Internet for all of our news and information we will turn into a nation of zombies. - Neil Postman

The superorganism struggles to self-complete like any other living organism. Its parts, lacking the ability to survive independently from the main body, are cut-off, protected, assimilated, organized (institutionalization) and armoured against any external effects. The world is engaged through the refraction of the diaphanous film covering the outer layers of community. No light is allowed to enter and nothing is allowed out, unless expelled as unusable excrement, without the mitigating judgment of the centralized nervous system that decides what is usable and what is detrimental to communal harmony. No other judgment is permitted within, unless it is guided by acceptable standards.

- Noun
1. Total rejection of established laws and institutions 2. Anarchy, terrorism, or other revolutionary activity. 3. Total and absolute destructiveness, esp. toward the world at large and including oneself: the power-mad nihilism that marked Hitler's last years. Philosophy. 4. a. An extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth. b. nothingness or nonexistence. 5. (sometimes initial capital letter ) The principles of a Russian revolutionary group, active in the latter half of the 19th century, holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures, including terrorism and assassination.

6. annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, esp. as an aspect of mystical experience.

As a philosophical force, nihilism has a distinctly masculine attitude. Without a feminine counterbalance it may result in total destruction of all and everything the absolute end of extreme resistance, by the obliteration of all resistance. A denial of life itself. The monopolizing masculine entity of the state, takes on the form if this destructive energy, as all is laid bear before it. Only it can yield this hammer. Behind it is left a flat terrain of evenly distributed dust.
The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foot-hold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism. - Albert Camus

The promotion of self-deprecating ideologies and dogmas is part of this machinery of leveling. Distinction is a hindrance to uniformity and discrimination is a resistance to absolute control. The systems parts must be made to comply with its power and so diversity is not permitted, unless it is associated with service to the whole. Specialization and the rewards of accessibility and proscribed privilege are the only acceptable modes of distinction, and this only because they provide an inspiration and an example to be emulated the spark of socially acceptable ambition.



As a religious and political movement nihilism takes on many configurations. Some are upfront and honest while others are deceitful and vague. Most of the major religious and political canons of our time are profoundly, if not directly, nihilistic in their strategies. The elimination of all sense of self, of ego, of identity; the shaming of selfishness and of specific socially unwanted ideas; the eradication and degradation of consciousness and its discriminating purpose; the denigration

of reality and the world at large are all indicative of this insidious drive to eradicate all forms of opposition to systemic control. In this war, manhood becomes the first casualty. In slow succession many of the human traits, we take for granted, are exterminated or forced to flee into the subconscious, as a final refuge, where all relics linger for a time. The systems nihilistic motive may or may not be resisted by the individual, as the rejection of his own obsolescence - the negation of negation - as a sign of resistance to this all encompassing absolute. The demise of intelligence is not far behind. Awareness is detrimental to blind acceptance and anything that distinguishes, and by distinguishing can choose, is redundant if peaceful coexistence is to be made possible. Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Communism, Democracy, Equalitarianism, Humanitarianism, are all manifestations of this staged obliteration of individuation and the consciousness that maintains it as a distinct entity. A direct assault against multiplicity, as the very essence of existence. All these new age and old hack dogmas preach some form of self-denial, forced respect, love for one and all, unbound tolerance, and the denunciation of distinction. In this fight, feminine psychologies, of both the male and female biological kind, fall into line behind one type of nihilistic despair or another they surrender to it. In its promise they find a relief from the responsibility of self and the price of existence They find an intoxication against the dis-ease of need/suffering. If the eradication of self is part of their salvation and if unconsciousness is what it takes, then they are all for it. There is nothing weakness will not sacrifice to find some form of power. In what they are told to give up they, mindlessly, place the absurd hope of an incorporeal consciousness, a mind beyond the flesh, a universal consciousness, or they dream of their non-birth, like a slave dreams of his freedom by death.

Metaphysical arguments take effect and the parts are taught that they are not distinct at all, or that distinction is wrong and can only prolong suffering. This is essential to uniformity, since it attempts to completely destroy the very sense of individuation or the very idea of multiplicity. The world, we are told, is an illusion or a passageway, a step, towards a higher stage; a better world. A staging area, testing faith. Spiritual purgatory for those that lack all spirit or can even define what spirit means without resorting to mysticism. Nothing is worth striving for, except total abandonment, and so nothing is striven for, unless it is abandonment. The individual is now readied for full assimilation. He no longer acknowledges the self and so becomes a malleable, dull, particle, capable of fitting in anywhere. Thoughtlessness is turned into a mystical experienced and called: meditation. Stupidity is turned into a necessary salvation.



When the sense of self is totally taken over by external wills and identity is rerouted through institutional wellsprings, the individual senses his dilution as a relief and his identity is completely taken over by organizations and external wills. The sensation of release from the responsibilities and burdens of individuality takes on a spiritual nature and the mind feels its association with a larger whole as a broadening of its consciousness a metaphysical orgasm. The stunted mind feels at one with Godand at peace.



Self-examination is not flattering to all. Very few can fully appreciate or accept what this examination uncoversor is unable to uncover.

The phenomenon of nihilism is not a rarity, as many would like to think, but it underlies most of todays major spiritual and political dogmas. What is admonished is only the honest expression of nihilistic despair. The pretences must be maintained, or else reality, once more, is exposed, and reality is exactly what is being denied. The preaching of self-hatred is often masked behind love, just as the eradication of individuality is often purported by those pretending to be defenders of it. The duplicity of civilization is the underlying current of conformity; the promise far exceeding the real.

Most people would die sooner than think; in fact, they do. - Bertrand Russell

Stupidity is turning into this ages defining individual asset. A necessary ingredient for a more normal, modern, life-style where your achievement is ordained by your willingness to accept what is given without doubting its validity or wavering before its demands. The benefits of thoughtlessness are celebrated, nay, worshiped in our culture, as charming adolescent buffoonery and fashionable defiance; celebrated in a world that is obsessed with nave youthfulness and with the ostentation of uniqueness.
There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mindfulness, on the other hand, is vituperated as being un-cool and snobbish, or as a killjoy to the endless pursuit for elusive happiness and enthralling distraction. The thoughtful one is dubbed arrogant if (s)he is unable to accept absurdity as possible and if (s)he cannot show respect towards what is beneath its reasoning. All deserve the benefit of the doubt, and no less will be permitted, if all are to remain assured that, no matter how stupid and childish their opinions are, they too must be appreciated.

A simplistic Perspectivism is employed to allude to probability where little is justifiable by those lacking the ability to defend positions with no merit. Weakness and its intellectual counterpart stupidity must be defended against anything that threatens to expose is as what it isan unfit element protected within a system that depends on it for its own survival.



Thinking too much can only lead you into more worries, more despair, whereas the dumb, enjoy the blissful cheerfulness of mental retardation. All that matters is immediate gratification and hedonistic escapism, in a system that sells it with ostentatious abundance. The western superorganismss life blood, capital flow, thrives on the rejuvenating injections of unfulfilled expectation and exaggerated promise. What else is life good for, for the nihilistic mind that has lost all sense of self and now finds it in consumption and momentary orgasmic releases of repressed energies? Happiness is this cultures mythology: A hazy oasis in the distant hot sands, shimmering with voluptuous promise, but never delivering the goods. What else could it have been, in a universe that exhibits no static state and life is etched in unceasing degrees of dissatisfaction? Would not total satiation deliver an end to action? Yes, ungratified need is the driving force of life; its conscious interpretation of its own nature. But all of this is only possible when there exists a paternalistic system, an omnipresent parent, protecting little girls and boys against the more dire consequences of their own errors and their endearing gullibility. The system becomes parent to its citizenry and this only amplifies the conditions that maintain the populace in a perpetual state of adolescence. Common sense practices, like living within ones means, or not risking too much in harebrain activities and get-rich-quick schemes, have to be taught to, hypothetical, adults who exhibit the credulity of infants high on sugar. The idea that if something sounds too good to be true it is, most likely, not true, escapes their pampered dispositions and inflated hopes.

Their anxiety laden hopefulness will have none of this dose of icy pragmatism. They could not cope, on these hot desert sands, without its cooling mirage. Thousands of self-help books, sold to those that have to be told that spending more than you earn is a recipe for disaster and the only way to lose weight is to take in less calories than you burn, earn millions of dollars for those clever few that can exploit stupidity within the boundaries of economic rules. Television programming is now offering daily updates on how to deal with the disastrous repercussions of what it has previously promoted, as part of the system it serves; moderation, communicated by the very instrument of raging consumerism; millions of mindless automatons given advice by the same experts that sunk them in the quagmire they now try to crawl out of. The same products that resulted in disaster have been repackaged and are now being resold to the same idiots that bought them in the first place. They call it consumer confidence. The same system that lives and breathes endless consumption is now advocating self-restraint, postponed gratification and self-discipline capitalism momentarily accepting socialism so as to survive from the consequences of its own unbridled methods. The height of tragic comedy played out in real time. But what do you expect when the system has stripped the individual of all self-respect and sheltered it from a reality it has little experience with? Government steps in to protect its citizenry from its own idiocy, by providing social safety-nets and enforcing rules that are meant to place limits to witless activities. The herd must be exploited but not to the point of debilitating exhaustion. The system self-corrects, as its greed and hunger is pulled back, for a moment, and some respite is given to the cattle it bleeds dry.



Immediate gratification is what rules these fabricated lush surroundings, and what is stupidity but an inability to foresee or postpone gratification for the hope of a better return? The cultivation of idiocy and the maintenance of the population in a state of childish inexperience with any degree of suffering, only serves to enhance this short-term perspective where the immediate supersedes anything exceeding the minds ability to calculate and so to foresee and understand. The capital, inevitably, flows and the masses are directed with manufactured desires and inflated expectations, until the bubble burst, as it always does, and the moron is cast into despair where he becomes even more malleable.



Anyone who has studied the history of technology knows that technological change is always a Faustian bargain: Technology giveth and technology taketh away, and not always in equal measure. A new technology sometimes creates more than it destroys. Sometimes, it destroys more than it creates. But it is never one-sided. The invention of the printing press is an excellent example. Printing fostered the modern idea of individuality but it destroyed the medieval sense of community and social integration. Printing created prose but made poetry into an exotic and elitist form of expression. Printing made modern science possible but transformed religious sensibility into an exercise in superstition. Printing assisted in the growth of the nation-state but, in so doing, made patriotism into a sordid if not a murderous emotion. Neil Postman

In this age of technological wonders the printing press has given way to the television and to the computer, and the word has given way to the image and to short sound-bites, returning man back to his primal mental state of visual and ocular reactivity. In a world of abstractions the minds cultivated are unable to grasp abstraction and thus become victims of it. The image takes over where concepts cannot be formulated and human discourse turns into an exchange of verbal grunts and semantic acrobatics. Our environment, in the west, is permeated with imagery, with idols and celebrities, and accompanying them all a few choice words imposing an emotional text upon us and demanding the same responses. The perfect ass, a lush grapefruit, a shiny automobile, giving-off the illusion of health and virility when it is founded on a cesspool of lies and rotting duplicity.

A faade of splendor over petty dullness, and the image in place of substance. Stupidity finds its place here and with ferocity defends its right to ignorance.



The sheltering effect of the system does not only result in the absence of any experience with discomfort, making the individual more vulnerable to any slight degree of it, but it also eradicates the worse consequences of error and so promotes a more brassy unjustifiably arrogant personality, thinking of itself as invulnerable in a world it has a paltry comprehension of. A personality that conveniently, also, serves the states need for mindless, obedient, reckless participants.
Stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of ignorance. - William Gaddis

Manipulation is guaranteed when dependence is cemented. Once the full extent of reality is excluded, fear made into an anathema, and need is easily satisfied, the mind loses all habituation with the indifferent frugality of nature. It can no longer tolerate anything above a certain level of discomfort and with the slow maintenance of anxiety it is made malleable to external influence. Where fear causes cautious efficiency, within natural environments, in manmade ones its, relative, absence results in imprudent incompetence and flamboyant posturing. Children raised taking for granted their own safety and well-being, become convinced that this is due to some intrinsic quality they possess, some transcending privilege they have a right to, rather than it being given to them by a community that will demand its investment back tenfold, at a later time. Children are raised to feel invulnerable and fearless. They are told that there are no barriers to what they can accomplish, no predetermined limitations to their qualities, as long as they adhere to communal rules. A dearth in self-discipline and respect, is the result.

Where there is no great cost, there is no great fear. Where there is no fear there is no caution. Where there is no caution there is no respect. But the world cares not about such human contrivances. In the end a cruel awakening awaits these eternal children, as disillusionment ensues when reality fails to concern itself with their inflated hopes and exaggerated dreams.
As if there were safety in stupidity alone. - Henry David Thoreau

At this point, they are ripe for the picking. Dejected and defeated they await the slightest glimmer of hope to latch onto and offer themselves to, like desperate whores.



If, as we have said, intelligence is a projection of self into the unknown, a preemptive assessment that prepares and more efficiently focuses energies, then stupidity is the mental equivalent of shortsightedness - consciousness contained within a not too distant event horizon, where anything beyond it does not affect its peace because it is simply not perceived. Information overload, certainly makes it stressful to deal with all the probabilities awareness opens up. Especially in this day and age with its abundance of information, bombarding consciousness constantly, the mind is hard-pressed to distinguish relevant from irrelevant knowledge and reliable from unreliable sources. The normal recourse is to run from it, into the comforting embrace of ignorance. A self-inflicted blindness.
Stupidity often saves a man from going mad. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

But this, in itself, is no response to its challenge. Denial and ignorance can only save you from the knowledge of the inevitable, but not from it.

In the eastern traditions this mindlessness has been raised to the status of holy communion with the essence of existence. The self-hypnotized brain senses its own temporality, with no substantive core, as a return to a source, and an escape from the consciousness of its own existence. If consciousness is a discriminating, rejecting and resisting method of distinguishing self amongst multiplicity, unconsciousness becomes a release from the continual effort this entails. In that moment of thoughtlessness the mind is partially unburdened from its sense of existence and feels the unconscious flow it has sprang from. The relief is addictive and rejuvenating. Abandoning self and denying reality, surrenders the mind to the inevitable end; accepting it as unavoidable. The empowering lucidity of indifference but, in this case, an indifference built on obliviousness. The ego and the world that has made it possible is annihilated with a simple act of denial a twist in perspective. But the effect is imaginary. A perspective cannot alter reality, unless it first perceives it accurately, accepts it as what it is, and then engages it actively, utilizing this understanding to manipulate it. The devout denier is still maintained and only the consciousness of reality is inebriated into numbness. Being unaware of a danger does not make one immune to it. In fact, it makes one all the more susceptible. The selfless one reaffirms the self and the world, with every breathe, every heartbeat and with every acceptance of nourishment and hydration. His essence is continually resisting disintegration, fighting off external threats and maintaining its boundaries, while it spews out words of condemnation and ascetic overindulgence. Words are exposed as duplicitous when actions contradict them. The enlightened ones refutation is hypocritical if not plainly ineffectual. The very denunciation of ego is an act of ego, as the very act of selflessness is an act of self the self manifesting itself in the time/space continuum as will.

Choice is only possible through this temporal process of congruent energies. The denial of self is, ironically, possible by the emergence of self. Without it choice is superfluous. The only thing really denied is awareness, consciousness, which can only increase care and the stress this results in. The mind is, merely, denied its fullness. It is rendered partially comatose to avoid the ramifications of awakening. The objective of this spiritual compulsion is to dilute the sense of self back into the flux. To return back to the state before birth and degrade existence as a counterfeit interlude. Nihilism permeates from these premises, as a desirable death-wish. Stupidity is made into a spiritual awakening; a rebirth. Many flock to it for salvation. They were never meant to survive, and their inability to cope validates this uncomfortable truth. They only live because the system permits them to.

Path of Least Resistance

The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it. - Edgar Watson Howe

The path-of-least-resistance is the path all unconsciousness follows. Rivers flow along it, winds are directed through it, mountains crumble because of it, predators hunt within its grounds. The basic principle here is one of interactions and relationship: ephemerally congruent energy interacting and flowing towards the direction that offers the least reaction to its unavoidable action; in the flowing towards the being, the becoming, is determined by these interactions and reactions. When dealing with living organism with a central nervous system, which have evolved to more efficiently direct actions, or focus energies {Will}, towards a direction {object/objective}, then the path-of-least-resistance can

also be characterized as a constant cost/benefit analysis where both the potential costs and benefits to an action are judged in accordance with the minds abilities and inclinations {genetic inheritance}, and its successes determined by the accuracy of these judgments {experiences}. Only a conscious mind, and a sophisticated one at that, can choose a pathof-most {or more}-resistance with the prospect of superior gains in the future. In this case the organism chooses a more risky action in the hopes of a more valuable benefit. Consequently, the ability of the mind to project itself, using the imagination, comes into play and intelligence presents itself as a formidable tool of pre-emption and preparation - efficiency. Nevertheless, in nature risks are kept at a minimum and powerful predators hunt for the weakest prey or the one that will offer the most nutritional return for its expenditure of energy and the risks to life and limb. Existing, alone, is risky enough, without adding to it. Even a simple act contains some element of danger, and so the natural inclination is one of minimizing the probabilities of chance upon existence. The conscious mind seeks order as a matter of self-preservation and only a mind suffering from some psychological overriding motive goes against this basic purpose. Chance being a euphemism for the unknown factor; order being its minimization. The majestic lion, when it hunts, pursues the easiest prey. It, too, does not push its luck, when a mere fracture can mean its end.



In all activities movement, activity, is governed by this flow towards least resistance - where resistance is measured in relation to what is acting. With life, and the evolution of consciousness, this activity is made more powerful, through the aforementioned synergetic effect, and so more resistance to it is required to thwart its purpose. Efficiency is, thusly, achieved and the organism, this emerging self-ordering unity, increases its survivability or its potential for completion, its spatial possibilities, by increasing its power.

With the addition of memory and the storage of experiential data, on top of the genetic code which is determined by previously successful activities, the organism gains an advantage over all other unities and over the unconscious flux. This can be referred to as an increase in power/strength or possibilities, from a metaphysical standpoint. Using this stored genetic code {natural inclination, predisposition} and experiences/knowledge {nurture} as the only way to override the effects of these pre-programmed activities and pre-established directions and modes of conduct, the organism can overcome its own attraction towards what offers least effort and least resistance and opt to take a harder path so as to gain an advantage over others by thinking further ahead, with a longer event horizon, and by, hopefully, pre-empting their pre-emptive projections. This turns into a battle of intellectual forces a chess match. In such a case the risks increase not only in the immediate assumption of amplified effort but in the long-term, by assuming an outcome and/or its value before it is made certain. The evolutionary superiority of intelligence is, here, most evident. The cost/benefit analysis of potential burdens to potential returns is affected by the minds ability to accurately determine what potential burdens and costs will be involved and what potential benefits will reward the taking on of these burdens. But, also, they will be determined by the minds ability to evaluate the value of these costs and benefits to the particular individual self-consciousness, since all value is based on comparisons and all comparisons are relative. As is often the case, the simpler mind overestimates the benefits and underestimates the costs and so is always, partly, disappointed by the outcome; its energy incorrectly spent. From the previous we can see how simpler minds can be manipulate and guided into activities that are not beneficial to them, or into activities that demand too high a cost in relation to the possible benefits. This is feasible by manipulating the judgment of the minds in relation to the both the cost and to the benefit.

Overstating the benefits or understating the costs is a method of ensuring desirable activities, and both these manipulations are possible when little self-awareness is present. When the system infuses the young mind with ideals and ideas that determine value judgments or when the environmental conditions, such as human societies, impose a comparison, because all value judgments are such comparisons, between self and the average other, then the system in the one that defines the value of the object/objective, while protecting the individual from the full extent of the costs, and thusly ensures a certain preferred activity.
The falling rate of use value, which is a constant of the capitalist economy, gives rise to a new form of privation within the realm of augmented survival; this is not to say that this realm is emancipated from the old poverty: on the contrary, it requires the vast majority to take part as wage workers in the unending pursuit of its ends a requirement which, as everyone knows, one must either submit or die. It is the reality of this situation the fact that, even in its most impoverished form (food, shelter), use value has no existence outside the illusory riches of augmented survival that is the real basis for the general acceptance of illusion in the consumption of modern commodities. The real consumer thus becomes a consumer of illusion. The commodity is this illusion, which is in fact real, and the spectacle is its most general term. Guy Debord {The Society of the Spectacle}

--Risk Factor


Natures more impecunious environments demands a more cautious temperament. It is only in the safe, sheltering, superfluous environmental conditions of manmade systems where risk-taking is considered a venerated activity, and this only because these environments depend on constant capital overturn and the constant and consistent mindless activities of its members. Yet, risk taking is part of natural selection. When risk is undertaken in nature it is at a high price. A price, often, demanded by the impact of the libido upon the mind that becomes possessed by its madness - an unconscious compromise towards the inevitability of death.

The seasonal head-butting competitions of mountain goats can go on for days on end, forcing the male to neglect his, much needed, nourishment, in preparation for the coming winter conditions. The male peacock carries a conspicuous burdensome display of its prowess, increasing its vulnerability. All this due to the agitation of the procreative impulse and the necessity of proving genetic worthiness to the opposite sex. No reasonable mind would endure such hardships or forsake its own short future for the sake of a momentary release or for the uncertain rewards of posterity. The entire act, in fact, is highly irrational.
Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrowshouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor poetry, nor the plastic arts do they possess any real feeling of receptivity: if they affect to do so, it is merely mimicry in service of their effort to please. Arthur Schopenhauer

Only by keeping this in mind can the frequency and the exaltation of risk takers, in our culture, can be more fully appreciated. The underlying motive is one of sexual fulfilment, even when the male is attached to a female by holy matrimony. But not all is so cut and dry. There is an alternative motive for the capitalistic system, in particular, to promote risk-takers and gamblers. Without them the flow of capital would dwindle to a drizzle, where downpours are desired. Reflecting existence, the system depends on the constant flow of capital, and capital, money, is no more than the abstraction of resources energy. Promoting the sexiness of go-getters, through pop-culture, and playing upon the intrinsic procreative and empowering aspects of ambition, the system ensures a steady stream of players. The allowance of upward economic mobility is like the publication of lottery winners who, against great odds, are marketed as proof that the system works and that anyone can win.

The gambler ignores the odds and uses those few instances of publicized wins to maintain his obsession with the game. But the gambler rarely leaves a winner, in the end. Even when he does win he does not stop playing the game, ensuring a future loss. The odds are stacked against him because the house never losesand without the house there is no game.
The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. - Ambrose Bierce

But things are not as dire as all that. Where in the wild a slight mistake, a risk unsuccessfully taken, a foolhardy endeavor, can spell death, here the risk taker is not really at risk and he is not as bold as he pretends to be. The fighter that enters into the rink knows that, no matter what, theres an entire structure waiting to take care of him, win or lose. He may fail, he may lose, but it is highly unlikely that he will pay the ultimate price for his gamble: death, as the end of all choice. The, supposedly, audacious investor, as well, risks what he can afford to lose, knowing that even if all goes to hell, he will not go without food or water or shelter. In such a case the sheltered individual can put on an air of courage, when his/her survival is protected and theres a meal and shelter awaiting, no matter what the results are. This behavior is all for show, usually practiced in staged events under controlled conditions. Motivated by censored libido or by the ennui sheltering environments produce in abundance, the individual enters into activities that offer the imitation of natures unpredictable brutality, seeking a reconnection with something more real more profound. These surrogate methods are meant to offer a platform for the mind to unleash its full potential, to maintain its sharpness, when safe trivial predictability has blunted its wits; it is meant to give a particular action a weightiness it lacks in everyday life, where even sex has lost its original substance. It is a melodramatic overindulgence, meant to imitate the finality of natural selection.

Finally, the display of hyper-masculine machismo is really a display of sheltered certainty. These same children, trying to prove their prowess, would not dare even to think about doing what they do, without the knowledge that theres a system there to take care of them and cushion their fall if all goes wrong. Without it they would either excuse themselves or perish, like the idiots that they are.

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan, Thomas

Given all that has been said, so far, it is relatively clear that the perfect type of social participant is the feminine one, along with all of the traits that go with it as a condition of its necessity.

It is clear that the increasing need to integrate heterogeneous, multifarious, populations into one cohesive, malleable, and stable whole makes it necessary to diminish the aspects of individuation that confronts conformity as insufferable and as an affront on individual dignity and the free expression of self. That the other threatens us or challenges us or causes us distress, is not a convenient justification to dismiss it as evil or as unnecessary. Truth knows of no wants but only demands an acknowledgment of its presence. Truth is not stringent but must remain as flexible as the world purports it to be; truth that challenges us to keep-up or fall-back as its fatality. The imposition of a rigid ideal is not realistic but a hopeful projection of our own desirable ending to an existential process that exhibits no such end and no such purpose. Our charge, if we are to accept one, is to keep up with its recalcitrant presence and our individual interpretations, our perspectives, are to be judges by how well they adhere to its obdurate provocation. Perspectivism is not an argument to preserve our own established beliefs, it is a trial we must present ourselves as worthy of. The underlying premise, throughout this essay, is that the world does not bend to our will, unless we first perceive our own place within it and admit to our own misgivings; it is unaffected by declarations and simplistic denials, based on hope rather than an honest assessment of reality. All gains entail a loss as all losses entail a gain. To ignore what is given up so as to justify what is acquired is not a rational desire but an emotional one, that wishes to bury under lies and ignorance what is unflattering or troubling to immediate gratification. The world exists before our emergence and continues after our downfall. It is unconcerned with our preferences and our dismissals, but only submits to our relentless and clear resolve, when we fully comprehend it and use this understanding to bend it to our will.

Human ideals represent direction, vague signposts that define our character but are never, ever, attained. The sequential effects determining the substance of our expectations and the viability of our hopes. My motive is not to hurt anyone or to cause anyone distress; I am not out for cheap attention by using controversy to garner underserved consideration. My motive is only towards a reality I am ignorant of and that I explore, as a matter concerning my own self-interests. In presenting my views publicly there is no desire to be followed or to be accepted as a teacher, a leader, or an authority, replacing pre-existing ones, but there is a desire to test myself against the perceptions of others and to offer my thoughts to the edifying examination of scepticism. In my haste my style may seem uncompromising or insufficient but this is of a secondary concern. What cannot be doubted is that my words are honest and director that they are my own, no matter what resemblances or agreement they may find in the opinions of others. They have not been constructed through imitation, but only through inspiration, and not through regurgitation, but only through quotation as a supportive element to my own deliberations.



The idea that ideals and ideas are only as good as their rhetoric or their hypothetical promises, is ludicrous and nave. How perfection applies theoretically is rarely how it is practiced pragmatically. The component of the human condition is, almost, always absent from any speculative application of theory to practice. How we wish human beings should or could behave is different from how they, actually, are behaving, despite words paying lip-service to romantic hopes. A test to objectivity: If your expectations are consistently dumbfounded and your visions, surprised by reality, then you should not seek the reason in the imperfection of the world, but in the imperfection of your interpretations and expectations of the world.

If you find yourself constantly readjusting your opinions to your altering self-interests or to your forced adaptation to a reality that does not easily yield to your wants, then you should not take this as evidence of your openmindedness and objectivity, but as evidence of your continuing error in successfully deciphering your own sensual translations of the world as it is, rather than as you hope it would be. An error produced, if by northing else, by your own emotional reactions to a world that does not care about them. The bottom-line is that our perspectives are only as good as their ability to explain the world around us and offer us insights as to predict its patterns, rather than by how well their reflect our own desires and how they make us feel. Using this decisive factor my own perspectives should be judged as useful or not. Their adherence to modern, popular myths and feel-good opinions should not be used to determine their validity. An opinion is either timeless, in that it holds true across cultural and temporal conditions, or it is not, and so it is only relevant within the context of current mythologies and cultural movements, as they are shaped by environmental conditions.



Unavoidably sex must be discarded as primal or else one must submit to the premises that make sexual behaviour pleasurable. One cannot selectively throw away the aspects that are unflattering or undesirable, while retaining the aspects that are flattering and desirable, without admitting to the influence of subjective thinking and emotion. What constitutes sexual intercourse as gratifying must, also, be considered as being responsible for our displeasures and as a factor in ingratitude. The strategy of differentiating between appearance and essence is a metaphysical standpoint that not only relies on duality but that, also, offers a comforting appeasement to our existential angst.



Within this melee of continuous struggle to maintain presence, resistance to fragmentation, and the desire to increase power, the individual finds himself/herself lost in a sea of confusion. The self is first sought as a starting point, from where all else may follow. To this end I offer my own views. The levelling of mankind continues.

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