Frequently Asked C Programs in Interview
Frequently Asked C Programs in Interview
Frequently Asked C Programs in Interview
1. Write a c program to check given number is perfect number or not. 2. Write a c program to check given number is Armstrong number or not. 3. Write a c program to check given number is prime number or not. 4. Write a c program to check given number is strong number or not. 5. C program to check a number is odd or even. 6. Write a c program to check given number is palindrome number or not. 8. Write a c program to check given string is palindrome number or not. 7. Write a c program to solve quadratic equation. 8. Write a c program to print Fibonacci series of given range. 9. Write a c program to get factorial of given number. 10. Write a c program for Floyds triangle. 11. Write a c program to print Pascal triangle. 12. Write a c program to generate multiplication table. 13. Write a c program to print ASCII value of all characters. 14. C program to print hello world without using semicolon 15. Write a c program which produces its own source code as its output
1. Write a c program to reverse any number. 2. Write a c program to find out sum of digit of given number. 3. Write a c program to find out power of number. 4. Write a c program to add two numbers without using addition operator. 5. Write a c program to subtract two numbers without using subtraction operator. 6. Write a c program to find largest among three numbers using binary minus operator. 7. Write a c program to find largest among three numbers using conditional operator 8. Write a c program to find out generic root of any number. 9. Write a c program to find out prime factor of given number.
10. Write a c program to find out NCR factor of given number. 11. How to convert string to int without using library functions in c 12. Program in c to print 1 to 100 without using loop 13. C program for swapping of two numbers 14. Program to find largest of n numbers in c 15. Split number into digits in c programming 16. C program to count number of digits in a number
1. Write a c program to swap two numbers. 2. Write a c program to swap two numbers without using third variable. 3. Write a c program for swapping of two arrays. 4. Write a c program for swapping of two string.
8. Write a c program to convert hexadecimal number to octal number. 9. Write a c program to convert hexadecimal number to decimal number. 10. Write a c program to convert binary number to octal number. 11. Write a c program to convert binary number to decimal number. 12. Write a c program to convert binary number to hexadecimal number. 13. C program for addition of binary numbers . 14. C program for multiplication of two binary numbers. 15. C program fractional binary conversion from decimal. 16. C program for fractional decimal to binary fraction conversion. 17. C program to convert decimal number to roman. 18. C program to convert roman number to decimal number. 19. C program to convert each digits of a number in words 20. C program to convert currency or number in word.
Conversion ( Unit )
1. C program for unit conversion.
1. Write a c program to convert the string from upper case to lower case. 2. Write a c program to convert the string from lower case to upper case. 3. Write a c program to delete the all consonants from given string. 4. Write a c program to count the different types of characters in given string. 5. Write a c program to sort the characters of a string. 6. Write a c program for concatenation two strings without using string.h header file. 7. Write a c program to find the length of a string using pointer. 8. Write a c program which prints initial of any name. 9. Write a c program to print the string from given character. 10. Write a c program to reverse a string 11. Reverse a string using recursion in c
12. String concatenation in c without using strcat 13. How to compare two strings in c without using strcmp 14. String copy without using strcpy in c 15. Convert a string to ASCII in c
1. Write a c program for addition of two matrices. 2. Write a c program for subtraction of two matrices 3. Write a c program for multiplication of two matrices. 4. Write a c program to find out sum of diagonal element of a matrix. 5. Write a c program to find out transport of a matrix. 6. Write a c program for scalar multiplication of matrix. 7. C program to find inverse of a matrix 8. Lower triangular matrix in c 9. Upper triangular matrix in c 10. Strassen's matrix multiplication program in c 11. C program to find determinant of a matrix
1. Write a c program to open a file and write some text and close its. 2. Write a c program to delete a file. 3. Write a c program to copy a file from one location to other location. 4. Write a c program to copy a data of file to other file. 5. Write a c program which display source code as a output. 6. Write a c program which writes string in the file. 7. Write a c program which reads string from file. 8. Write a c program which writes array in the file. 9. Write a c program which concatenate two file and write it third file. 10. Write a c program to find out size of any file. 11. Write a c program to know type of file. 12. Write a c program to know permission of any file.
13. Write a c program to know last date of modification of any file. 14. Write a c program to find size and drive of any file.
Complex number
1. Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1 + 2 + . + n. 2. Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1^2 + 2^2 + . + n^2. 3. Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1^3 + 2^3 + . + n^3. 4. Write a c program to find out the sum of given A.P. 5. Write a c program to find out the sum of given G.P. 6. Write a c program to find out the sum of given H.P. 7. Write a c program to find out the sum of series 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 to infinity.
1. Write a c program to find out largest element of an array. 2. Write a c program to find out second largest element of an unsorted array. 3. Write a c program to find out second smallest element of an unsorted array. 4. Write a c program which deletes the duplicate element of an array. 5. Write a c program for delete an element at desired position in an array. 6. Write a c program for insert an element at desired position in an array. 7. C program to find largest and smallest number in an array
1. Write a c program for bubble sort. 2. Write a c program for insertion sort. 3. Write a c program for selection sort. 4. Write a c program for quick sort. 5. Write a c program for heap sort. 6. Write a c program for merge sort. 7. Write a c program for shell sort.
1. Write a c program to find factorial of a number using recursion. 2. Write a c program to find GCD of a two numbers using recursion. 3. Write a c program to find out sum digits of a number using recursion. 4. Write a c program to find power of a number using function recursion. 5. Write a c program to reverse any number using recursion.
4. Write a c program to find the size of union without using sizeof operator.
Using pointer
1. Write a c program for concatenation two string using pointer.
1. Write a c program for linear search. 2. Write a c program for binary search.
1. Write a c program to find factorial of 100 or very large numbers 2. Write a c program to multiply the two very large number (larger the long int) 3. Write a c program for division of large number (larger than long int) 4. C code for modular division of large number. 5. C code for division of large number. 6. C code for power of large numbers.
1. C program for ATM transaction. 2. Write a c program which passes one dimension array to function. 3. Write a c program which passes two dimension array to function. 4. Write a c program which takes password from user. 5. Write a scanf function in c which accept sentence from user. 6. Write a scanf function in c which accept paragraph from user. 7. Write a c program to print the all prime numbers between 1 to 300. 8. Write a c program which passes structure to function. 9. Palindrome in c without using string function 10. How to get the ASCII value of a character in c 11. C program to get last two digits of year 12. C program without main function