Nursing Care Plan Acute Pain
Nursing Care Plan Acute Pain
Nursing Care Plan Acute Pain
Mrs. Lundahl underwent abdominal surgery approximately 6 hours ago. 1. What conclusions, if any, can be drawn about Mrs. Lundahl’s pain
She has a 15-cm midline incision that is covered with a dry and intact status?
surgical dressing. Upon assessing Mrs. Lundahl you note that she is per- 2. Does Mrs. Lundahl’s rating her pain as 5 mean that she is not ex-
spiring, lying in a rigid position, holding her abdomen, and grimacing. periencing pain severe enough to warrant intervention?
Her blood pressure is 150/90, heart rate 100, and respiratory rate 32. 3. What type of pain is Mrs. Lundahl experiencing?
When asked to rate her pain on a scale of 0 to 10, Mrs. Lundahl rates 4. What interventions, in addition to pain medication, may be use-
her pain as 5 as long as she remains perfectly still. There is a sharp area ful in reducing Mrs. Lundahl’s pain?
of pain at her incision; however, the most bothersome pain is crampy 5. How will you know if your interventions have been effective in
and dull, like she was “kicked in the stomach” with severe exacerbations reducing Mrs. Lundahl’s pain?
that come in unpredictable waves.
See Critical Thinking Possibilities in Appendix A.
Perform a comprehensive assessment of pain to include location, Pain is a subjective experience and must be described by the
characteristics, onset, duration, frequency, quality, intensity or client in order to plan effective treatment.
severity, and precipitating factors of pain.
Consider cultural influences on pain response (e.g., cultural beliefs Each person experiences and expresses pain in an individual
about pain may result in a stoic attitude). manner using a variety of sociocultural adaptation techniques.
Reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate or increase Mr. C.’s Personal factors can influence pain and pain tolerance. Factors
pain experience (e.g., fear, fatigue, monotony, and lack of that may be precipitating or augmenting pain should be reduced
knowledge). or eliminated to enhance the overall pain management program.
Teach the use of nonpharmacologic techniques (e.g., relaxation, The use of noninvasive pain relief measures can increase the re-
guided imagery, music therapy, distraction, and massage) before, lease of endorphins and enhance the therapeutic effects of pain
after, and if possible during painful activities; before pain occurs or relief medications.
increases; and along with other pain relief measures.
Provide Mr. C. optimal pain relief with prescribed analgesics. Each client has a right to expect maximum pain relief. Optimal
pain relief using analgesics includes determining the preferred
route, drug, dosage, and frequency for each individual. Medica-
tions ordered on a prn basis should be offered to the client at
the interval when the next dose is available.
Medicate before an activity to increase participation, but evaluate Turning and ambulation activities will be enhanced if pain is con-
the hazard of sedation. trolled or tolerable. Assessing level of sedation should precede the
activity to ensure necessary safety precautions are put in place.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the pain control measures used Research shows that the most common reason for unrelieved
through ongoing assessment of Mr. C.’s pain experience. pain is failure to routinely assess pain and pain relief. Many
clients silently tolerate pain if not specifically asked about it.
Instruct Mr. C. to request prn pain medication before the pain is Severe pain is more difficult to control and increases the client’s
severe. anxiety and fatigue. The preventive approach to pain manage-
ment can reduce the total 24-hour analgesic dose.
Evaluate the effectiveness of analgesic at regular, frequent inter- The analgesic dose may not be adequate to raise the client’s
vals after each administration and especially after the initial doses, pain threshold or may be causing intolerable or dangerous side
also observing for any signs and symptoms of untoward effects effects or both. Ongoing evaluation will assist in making neces-
(e.g., respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, and sary adjustments for effective pain management.
Document Mr. C.’s response to analgesics and any untoward effects. Documentation facilitates pain management by communicating
effective and noneffective pain management strategies to the
entire health care team.
Implement actions to decrease untoward effects of analgesics Constipation is a common side effect of opioid narcotics, and a
(e.g., constipation and gastric irritation). treatment plan to prevent occurrence should be instituted at the
beginning of analgesic therapy. For Mr. C., constipation could re-
sult from his primary condition or his analgesia. Assess for overall
GI functioning, possible complications of surgery (e.g., ileus), as
well as opioid-induced constipation or NSAID-induced gastritis.
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Outcomes partially met. The client verbalizes pain and discomfort, requesting analgesics at onset of pain. States “the pain is a 2” (on a
scale of 0–10) 30 minutes after a parenteral analgesic administration. Requests analgesic 30 minutes before ambulation. States willing-
ness to try relaxation techniques; however, has not attempted to do so.
*The NOC # for desired outcomes and the NIC # for nursing interventions are listed in brackets following the appropriate outcome or intervention.
Outcomes, indicators, interventions, and activities selected are only a sample of those suggested by NOC and NIC and should be further individu-
alized for each client.