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Imp Objective For Assistant Engineer Electrical by Uppcl

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The energy stored in the capacitor is

Model Paper with answer

(a) 0.004J (b) 0.0016J (c) 0.008 J (d) None of these Q11 A conductor carries a current of 100A at right angle to a magnetic field having density of 0.5 T. The force on per unit lengh of the conductor is (a) 50N (b) 500N (c) 150N (d) 5.0N Q12 A magnetic flux of 200wb passing through a coil of 1200 turns is reversed in 0.2sec.The induced emf in the coil is (a) 12V (b) 2.4V (c) 2.2V (d) 1.2V Q13 The value of 1/(0 0) is equal to

Q1 Which of the following has high electrical resistivity

(a) Copper (b) Gold (c) Carbon (d) Silver Q2 The resistance of 200 m. long circular copper wire is 21.If its thickness is 0.44mm,What is the resistivity(ohm-m) of the copper is (a) 1.597*10-8 (b) 2.507*10-8 (c) 5.597*10-6 (d) None of these Q3 Metals have temperature coefficient of resistance (a) Positive (b) negative (c) May be positive or Negative (d) None of these Q4 The resistance of two wire is 25 when connected in series and 6 when connected in parallel.The resistance of each wire is (a) 12 &13 (b) 15&10 (c) 20& 5 (d) 24&1 Q5 A current of 3A flows through 10 resistor. The energy dissipated in 5sec.is (a) 450J (b) 150J (c) 250J (d) None of these Q6 Ideal current source has its internal resistance equal to (a)1. (b)2. (c) 0 (d) Infinite Q7 If resistance of all three branches of star connected load is 1 each, then the resistance of each branch of equivalent delta load would be (a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 0.3 (d) 1/3 Q8 A p.d. of 300V is maintained across the terminals of the capacitor. The electric field strength(kV/m) between the plate gap of (0.3mm) is (a) 1000 (b) 2000 (c) 3000 (d) 4000 Q9 An 8micro-farad capacitor is connected in series with 0.5M resistor. The time constant of the RC circuit is (a) 16sec. (b) 6sec (c) 5sec (d) 4sec Q10 An 8micro-farad capacitor is charged from a 100V

(a) Speed of light (b) 1/ Speed of light (c) (Speed of light )2 (d) None of these

(a) N/I (b) NI/ (c) I /N (d) None of these Q15 A coil of 200 turns is wound on a nonmagnetic circular core of area 500mm2& the mean circumference of 400mm.The inductance of coil is (a) 628H (b) 6.28H (c ) 62.8H (d) None of these Q16 An alternating voltage is given by the equation v = 200Sin 314t the rms value of the voltage is (a) 141.42V (b) 282.82V (c) 14.142V (d) None of these Q17 In a transformer the induced emf in the winding is given by (notation used have their usual meaning) (a) E = 1.11 N f m (b) E = 2.22 N f m (c) E = 4.44 N f m (d) None of these Q18 A dc motor takes an armature current of 10A at 220V.The armature resistance of the machine is 0.2, flux per pole is .01wb, the no of poles are 6,and the armature has wave wound 480 conductors. The torque developed in armature is (a) 100Nm (b) 25Nm (c) 44Nm (d) 22.91Nm Q19 A,3-phase, synchronous generator has 4 pairs of pole is running with the speed of 900 rpm.The frequency of the supply would be (a) 50Hz (b) 60Hz (c) 25Hz (d) 150Hz Q20 The advantage of permanent magnet moving coil(PMMC) instrument is

(a)Low power consumption (b) No hysteresis loss (c) Efficient eddy current damping (d) All of the above Q21 The majority charge carrier in ptype semiconductor are (a) Electrons (b) Holes (c) Both Electrons and Holes (d) None of these Q22 An n-type semiconductor as a whole is (a) Electrically +ve (b) Electrically ve (c) Electrically neutral (d) None of these Q23 The out put of the logic gate is one, only when all the inputs are one. Then logic gate is (a) AND (b) OR (c) NAND (d) NOR Q24 In a transistor which of the following region is very lightly doped (a) Emitter (b) Collector (c) Base (d) None of these Answers 1c 2

3a 4b 5a 6d 7a 8 9d 10 d 11 a 12 d 13 a 14 a 15 16 a 17 c 18 d 19 b 20 21 b 22 c 23 a 24 c

No. General Knowledge Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was

Answer Mujibur Rehman

The longest river in the world is Nile the The longest highway in the world is the The longest highway in the world has a length of The highest mountain in the world is the Trans-Canada About 8000 km Mount Everest

The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak Myanmar production of the world is The biggest desert in the world is the The largest coffee growing country in the world is The country also known as "country of copper" is Sahara desert Brazil Zambia

The name given to the border 10 which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is The river Volga flows out into 11 the

Durand line Caspian sea

31 Mount Everest was named after 32 33

Sir George Everest

The volcano Vesuvius is located Italy in The country known as the Sugar Cuba Bowl of the world is 162.5 kilometers The coastal area of Dead sea

Verkoyansk 12 The coldest place on the earth is in Siberia 13 The country which ranks second Canada in terms of land area is Sicily Dead sea

34 The length of the Suez Canal is 35 The lowest point on earth is The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of

The largest Island in the 14 Mediterranean sea is 15 16 17 18 19 The river Jordan flows out into the

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


The biggest delta in the world is Ganges Delta the The capital city that stands on the river Danube is The Japanese call their country as The length of the English channel is Belgrade Nippon 564 kilometres

The largest ocean of the Pacific ocean world is the The largest bell in the world is the The biggest stadium in the world is the The world's largest diamond producing country is Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow Strahov Stadium, Prague South Africa

20 The world's oldest known city is Damascus The city which is also known as 21 Venice the City of Canals is 22 23 The country in which river Wangchu flows is The biggest island of the world is Myanmar Greenland Detroit, USA 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Japan 52

Australia was discovered James Cook by The first Governor General of Pakistan is Dublin is situated at the mouth of river Mohammed Ali Jinnah Liffey

The city which is the biggest 24 centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is

The earlier name of New New Amsterdam York city was The Eiffel tower was built by The Red Cross was founded by The country which has the greatest population density is The national flower of Britain is Niagara Falls was discovered by The national flower of Italy is The national flower of China is The permanent Alexander Eiffel Jean Henri Durant Monaco Rose Louis Hennepin Lily Narcissus Kathmandu

The country which is the largest China & South 25 producer of manganese in the Africa world is The country which is the largest 26 producer of rubber in the world Malaysia is 27 The country which is the largest China producer of tin in the world is

The river which carries 28 maximum quantity of water into Amazon River the sea is the The city which was once called 29 Peking the `Forbidden City' was The country called the Land of 30 Rising Sun is

secretariat of the SAARC is located at 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 The gateway to the Gulf Strait of Hormuz of Iran is The first Industrial England Revolution took place in World Environment Day 5th June is observed on The first Republican President of America was The country famous for Samba dance is Abraham Lincoln Brazil 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 73 74 75 76 77

Italy is World literacy day is celebrated on The founder of modern Germany is 8th September Bismarck

The country known as the land of the midnight Norway sun is The place known as the Roof of the world is The founder of the Chinese Republic was The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Tibet San Yat Sen Abdul Salam Margaret Thatcher

The name of Alexander's Beucephalus horse was Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles

The famous British oneNelson eyed Admiral was The earlier name of Sri Lanka was Ceylon

The first Secretary Trygve Lie General of the UNO was The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was The port of Baku is situated in John F Kennedy was assassinated by The largest river in France is The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was Frederick Auguste Bartholdi Azerbaijan Lee Harvey Oswald Loire Catherine of Aragon

The UNO was formed in 1945 the year UNO stands for The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on United Nations Organization 15th August

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Michelangelo Italian painter named Paradise Regained was written by The first President of Egypt was The first man to reach North Pole was The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was John Milton Mohammed Nequib


The first black person to Ralph Johnson be awarded the Nobel Bunche Peace Prize was The first British University to admit women for degree courses was The principal export of Jamaica is New York is popularly known as the city of London University

87 Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary 88 Guermica 89 90 91

Sugar Skyscrapers

The primary producer of Canada newsprint in the world is The first explorer to Cap. Ronald reach the South Pole was Amundson The person who is called G.Garibaldi the father of modern

Madagascar is popularly Cloves known as the Island of The country known as the Land of White Elephant is Thailand


The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is

Kingdom? Korea Who won Men's Singles 111 title in French Open Rafael Nadal (Spain) 2010? Who won Women's 112 Singles title in French Open 2010? Who won Men's 113 Doubles title in French Open 2010? Who won Women's 114 Doubles title in French Open 2010? Francesca Schiavone (Italy) Daniel Nestor (Canada) & Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia) Serena & Venus Williams (USA)

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103


The highest waterfalls in Salto Angel Falls, the world is the Venezuela United States Library The largest library in the of Congress, world is the Washington DC The author of Harry Potter Books is JK Rowling

Nickname of New York Big Apple city is What do you call a group of sheep? In which sport do players take long and short corners? Who was the youngest President of the USA? How many legs do butterflies have? Who invented the Nintendo Wii? A Flock of Sheep Hockey Theodore Roosevelt 6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings Kashi Kabushiki
(1) Instrument is a device for determining (a) the magnitude of a quantity (b) the physics of a variable (c) either of the above (d) both (a) and (b) (2) Electronic instruments are preferred because they have (a) no indicating part (b) low resistance in parallel circuit (c) very fast response (d) high resistance in series circuit (e) no passive elements. (3) A DC wattmeter essentially consist of (a) two ammeters (b) two voltmeters (c) a voltmeter and an ammeter (d) a current and potential transformer (4) Decibel is a unit of (a) power (b) impedance (c) frequency (d) power ratio (5) A dc voltmeter may be used directly to measure (a) frequency (b) polarity (c) power factor (d)power (6) An accurate voltmeter must have an internal impedance of (a) very low value (b) low value (c) medium value (d) very high value (7) The insulation resistance of a transformer winding can be easily measured with

What year does the Late 2006 Nintendo Wii come out? Humphry Davy James King Alva Fisher

Who invented the Light 104 Bulb? 105 Who invented the washing machine?

Who invented the first 106 electric washing machine? 107 108 109

Who invented the safety Walter Hunt pin? Who invented the Vacuum Cleaner? Who won the Football World Cup in 2006? Hubert Booth Italy Germany David Cameron

Which country hosted 110 the Football World Cup in 2006? 110 Who is the new Prime Minister of the United

(a) Wheatstone bridge (b) megger (c) Kelvin bridge (d) voltmeter (8) A 100 V voltmeter has full-scale accuracy of 5%. At its reading of 50 V it will give an error of (a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 2.5% (d) 1.25% (9) You are required to check the p. f. of an electric load. No p.f. meter is available. You would use: (a) a wattmeter (b) a ammeter, a voltmeter and a wattmeter (c) a voltmeter and a ammeter (d) a kWh meter (10) The resistance of a field coil may be correctly measured by using (a) a voltmeter and an ammeter (b) Schering bridge (c) a Kelvin double bridge (d) a Maxwell bridge (11) An analog instrument has output (a) Pulsating in nature (b) Sinusoidal in nature (c) Which is continuous function of time and bears a constant relation to its input (d) Independent of the input quantity (12) Basic charge measuring instrument is (a) Duddel's oscillograph (b) Cathode ray oscillograph (c) Vibration Galvanometer (d) Bailastic Galvanometer (e) Battery Charging equipment (13) A.C. voltage can be measured (using a d.c. instrument) as a value obtained (a) by subtracting the d.c. reading from it's a.c. reading. (b) Using the output function of the multimeter (c) By using a suitable inductor in series with it (d) By using a parallel capacitor with it (e) None of the above (14) A moving coil permanent magnet ammeter can be used to measure (a) D. C. current only (b) A. C. current only (c) A. C. and D. C. currents (d) voltage by incorporating a shunt resistance (e) none of these (15) Select the wrong statement (a) the internal resistance of the voltmeter must be high (b) the internal resistance of ammeter must be low (c) the poor overload capacity is the main disadvantage of hot wires instrument (d) the check continuity with multimeter, the highest range should be used. (e) In moving iron voltmeter, frequency compensation is achieved by connecting a capacitor across its fixed coil.

(16) Which of the following instrument is suitable for measuring both a.c. and d.c. quantities. (a) permanent magnet moving coil ammeter. (b) Induction type ammeter. (c) Quadrant electrometer. (d) Moving iron repulsion type ammeter. (e) Moving iron attraction type voltmeter. (17) Swamping resistance is used in moving coil instruments to reduce error due to (a) thermal EMF (b) temperature (c) power taken by the instrument (d) galvanometer sensitivity. (18) A power factor meter is based on the principle of (a) electrostatic instrument b) Electrodynamometer instrument (c) Electro thermo type instrument (d) Rectifier type instrument. (19) A potentiometer recorder is used for (a) AC singles (b) DC signals (c) both (a) and (b) (d) time varying signals (e) none of these. (20) Transformers used in conjunction with measuring instruments for measuring purposes are called (a) Measuring transformers (b) transformer meters (c) power transformers (d) instrument transformers (e) pulse transformers. (21) Leakage flux in an electrical machine is measure by (a) Ballistic galvanometer (b) Flux meter (c) Either (a) or (b) (d) Vibration galvanometer (e) CRO (22) A C.R.O. is used to indicate (a) supply waveform (b) magnitude of the applied voltage (c) B.H. loop (d) all of these (e) Magnitude of the current flowing in it. (23) An oscillator is a (a) an amplifier having feedback network (b) a high gain amplifier (c) a wide band amplifier (d) a untuned amplifier (e) None of these (24) Distortion can be measured by (a) Wave meter (b) Digital filters (c) Wein bridge circuit (d) Bridge T filter circuit

(25) Series connected Q- meter is preferable for measurement of components having (a) high impedance (b) low impedance (c) both (a) and (b) (d) high frequency (e) low capacitance (26) A potentiometer is (a) an active transducer (b) a passive transducer (c) a secondary transducer (d) a digital transducer (e) a current sensing transducer (27) The basic components of a digital voltmeter are: (a) A/D converter and a counter (b) A/D converted and a rectifier (c) D/A converter and a counter (d) Ramp generator and counter (e) Comparator (28) Which of the following electrical equipment cannot convert ac into dc (a) diode (b) converter (c) transformer (d) mercury arc rectifier (29) Voltage measurement are often taken by using either a voltmeter or (a) an ammeter (b) an ohmmeter (c) an oscillator (d) a watt-meter (30)The electric device which blocks DC but allows AC is called: (a) capacitance (b) inductor (c) an oscilloscope (d) a watt-meter (31 ) The range of an ammeter can be extended by using a (a) shunt in series (b) shunt in parallel (c) multiplier in series (d) multiplier in parallel (32)A device that changes one form of energy to another is called (a) rheostat (b) oscillator (c) transducer (d) varicap (33) Aquadag is used in CRO to collect (a) primary electron (b) secondary electron (c) both primary and secondary (d) none of above (34) A vertical amplifier for CRO can be designed for (a) only a high gain (b) only a broad bandwidth

(c) a constant gain time bandwidth product (d)all of the above (35) One of the following is active transducer (a) Strain gauge (b) Selsyn (c) Photovoltic cell (d) Photo emissive cell (36) The dynamic characteristics of capacitive transducer are similar to those of (a) low pass filter (b) high pass filter (c) band pass filter (d) band stop filter (37) Thermocouples are (a) passive transducers (b) active transducers (c) both active and passive transducers (d) output transducers (38) The size of air cored transducers as compare to iron core counter part are (a) bigger (b) smaller (c) same (39) From the point of view of safety, the resistance of earthing electrode should be: (a) low (b) high (c) medium (d) the value of resistance of electrode does not effect the safety (40) In CRT the focusing anode is located (a) between pre accelerating and accelerating anodes (b) after accelerating anodes (c) before pre accelerating anodes (d) none of above (41) Which transducer converts heat energy into electrical energy (a) I. V. D. T. (b) thermocouple (c) photoconductor (d) none of the above (42) Which of photoelectric transducer is used for production of electric energy by converting solar energy (a) photo emission cell (b) photo diode (c) photo transistor (d) both (b) and (c) (43) Which of the following instruments consumes maximum power during measurement? (a) induction instruments (b) hot wire instruments (c) thermocouple instruments (d) electrodynamometer instruments (44) Which of the following meters has the best accurancy (a) moving iron meter

(b) moving coil meter (c) rectifier type meter (d) thermocouple meter (45) The function of the safety resistor in ohm meter is to (a) limit the current in the coil (b) increase the voltage drop across the coil (c) increase the current in the coil (d) protect the battery (46) Which of the following instruments is free from hysteresis and eddy current losses? (a) M.l. instrument (b) electrostatic instrument (c) electrodynamometer type instrument (d)all of these (47) The dielectric loss of a capacitance can be measured by (a) Wien bridge (b) Owen bridge (c) Schering bridge (d) Maxwell bridge (48) Reed frequency meter is essentially a (a) recording system (b) deflection measuring system (c) vibration measuring system (d) oscillatory measuring system (49) In measurements made using a Q meter, high impedance elements should preferably be connected in (a) star (b) delta (c) series (d) parallel (50) A digital voltmeter measures (a) peak value (b) peak-to-peak value (c) rms value (d) average value

(C) in series with two impedances (D) in parallel with two impedances

3. The internal resistance of ammeter is

(A) very small (B) very high (C) infinite (D) zero

4. Hay bridge is used mainly for the measurement of

(A) resistance (B) inductance (C) conductance (D) capacitance

5. Which of the following is true about series resonance

(A) The reactance becomes zero and impedance becomes equal to resistance (B) The current in the circuit becomes maximum (C) The voltage drop across inductance and capacitance cancels each other (D) All of the above statements are correct

6. A 3-, 4 wire, 400/230 v feeder supplies 3-phase motor and an unbalanced lighting load. In this system
(A) all four wires will carry equal current (B) neutral wire will carry no current (C) neutral wire will carry both motor current and lighting load current (D) neutral wire will carry current only when lighting load is switched on

7. Equalizing connections are required when paralleling two

(A) alternators (B) compound generators (C) series generators (D) both (B) and (C)

8. An ideal transformer is one which

(A) has a common core for its primary and secondary windings (B) has no losses and magnetic leakage (C) has core of stainless steel and windings of pure copper metal (D) has interleaved primary and secondary windings

1. In order for a 30 volt, 90 watt lamp to work properly in a 120 volt supply the required series resister in ohm is
(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 40

9. The principle of operation of a 3phase induction motor is most similar to that of a

(A) synchronous motor (B) repulsion-start induction motor (C) transformer with a shorted secondary (D) capacitor-start, induction-run motor

2. According to Theremins theorem, any linear active network can be replaced by a single voltage source
(A) in series with a single impedance (B) in parallel with a single impedance

10. In the forward region of its characteristic, a diode appears as

(A) an OFF switch (B) a high resistance (C) a capacitor (D) an ON switch

(A) is a sequential logic device (B) is a combinational logic device (C) remembers what was previously stored in it (D) both (A) and (C)

19. An operational amplifier

(A) can be used to sum two or more signals (B) can be used to subtract two or more signals (C) uses to principle of feed back (D) all of the above

11. The common-emitter forward amplification factor dc is given by

(A) IC/IE (B) IC/Ib (C) IE/IC (D) IB/IF

20. TTL logic is preferred to DRL logic because

(A) greater fan-out is possible (B) greater logic levels are possible (C) greater fan-in is possible (D) less power consumption is possible An electron rising through a potential of 250 V will acquire an energy of : (A) 250 eV (B) 800 eV (C) 250 J (D) 800 J If the amount of impurity, either donor type or acceptor type added to the intrinsic semiconductor is controlled to 1 part in one million, the conductivity of the sample : (A) increases by a factor 103 (B) reduces by a factor 103 (C) increases by a factor 106 (D) reduces by a factor 106

12. A common emitter amplifier is characterized by

(A) low voltage gain (B) moderate power gain (C) signal phase reversal (D) very high output impedance

13. After VDS reaches pinch-off value VP in a JFET, drain current IO becomes
(A) zero (B) low (C) saturated (D) reversed

14. An electronic oscillator

(A) needs an external input (B) provides its own input (C) is nothing but an amplifier (D) is just a dc/ac converter

15. In an SCR, the function of the gate is to

(A) switch it off (B) control its firing (C) make it unidirectional (D) reduce forward breakdown voltage

16. NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates primarily because they
(A) are available everywhere (B) are widely used in IC packages (C) can be combined to produce AND, OR and NOT gates (D) are the easiest to manufacture

4. Laplace transform and Fourier integrals are related through : (A) frequency domain (B) time domain (C) both frequency and time domain (D) none
A clamper circuit : (i) adds or subtracts a dc voltage to or from a waveform (ii) does not change the shape of the waveform (iii) amplifies the waveform (A) (i) and (ii) are correct (B) (i) and (iii) are correct (C) (ii) and (iii) are correct (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct A ring counter consisting of five flip flop will have : (A) 5 states (B) 10 states (C) 32 states (D) infinite states Which one of the following can be used as parallel to series converter ?

17. Registers and counters are similar in the sense that they both
(A) count pulses (B) store binary information (C) are made from an array of flip-flops and gates integrated on a single chip (D) are in fact shift register

18. A flip-flop

(A) Decoder (B) Encoder (C) Digital counter (D) Multiplexer An interrupt in which the external device supplies its address as well as the interrupt request, is known as : (A) vectored interrupt (B) maskable interrupt (C) polled interrupt (D) non-maskable interrupt An instruction that can be recognized and used without translation must be written in : (A) Source code (B) Machine code (C) Basic language (D) Assembly code The angle for which there is no reflection and the incident wave is vertically polarized is known as : (A) Steradian angle (B) Reflection angle (C) Brewsters angle (D) Critical angle A PLL can be used to demodulate : (A) PAM signals (B) PCM signals (C) PM signals (D) DSB-SC signals The main function of balanced modulator is to : (A) produce balanced modulation of a carrier wave (B) produce 100 percent modulation (C) suppress carrier signal in order to create a single side band or double side band (D) limit noise picked up a receiver An SCR can be termed as : (A) DC switch (B) AC switch (C) Both DC and AC switch (D) Square wave switch Fiber optics communication offers the largest bandwidth in the range of : (A) 1010 Hz (B) 106 Hz (C) 1014 Hz (D) 1020 Hz Silicon photosensors have their maximum spectral response in the : (A) infrared region (B) ultraviolet region

(C) visible region (D) X-ray region

Question Bank on Control Systems

1. An open loop control system has its (a) control action independent of the output or desired quantity (b) controlling action, depending upon human judgment (c) internal system changes automatically taken care of (d) both (a) and (b) (e) all (a),(b) and (c) 2. A servo system must have (a) feedback system (b) power amplifier to amplify error (c) capacity to control position or its derivative (d) all of these (e) none of these 3. The major disadvantage of a feedback system may be (a) Inaccuracy (b) inefficiency (c) Unreliability (d) instability (e) Insensitivity 4. Properties of a transfer function (a) It is ratio of two polynomials is S and assumes zero initial conditions (b) It depends on system elements and not input and output of the system (c) Coefficients of the powers of S in denominator and numerator are all real constant. The order of denominator is usually greater than or equal to the order of numerator (d) All of these (e) It is a function which transfer one physical system into another physical system. 5. The classical analogous of a simple lever is (a) Capacitor bridge (b) transformer (c) mutual inductor (d) either of these 6. Two blocks G1(s) and G2(s) can be cascaded to get resultant transfer function as (a) G1(s) + G2(s) (b) G1(s) / G2(s) (c) G1(s) G2(s) (d) 1+G1(s) G2(s) (e) 1-G1(s)G2(s) (f) two blocks cannot be cascaded 7. The principles of homogeneity and super position can be applied to (a) linear time invariant system (b) non-linear time invariant system (c) digital control system (d) both (a) and (b)

8. Pick up the nonlinear system (a) automatic voltage regulator (b) d.c. servomotor with high field excitation (c) temperature control of a furnaces using thermistor (d) speed control using SCR (e) all of these 9. Signal flow graph (SFG) is a (a) polar graph (b) semi log graph (c) log log graph (d) a special type of graph for analyzing modem control system (e) a topological representation of a set of differential equations 10. Disadvantages of magnetic amplifier (a) time lag, less flexible, non-sinusoidal waveform (b) low power consumption and isolation of the active circuit (c) saturation of the core (d) all of these 11. Pick up false statement regarding magnetic amplifiers (a) The gate coil of an ideal magnetic amplifier has either zero or infinite inductance (b) Resistance of control and gate winding is very small (c) Magnetic amplifier gas dropping load characteristics (d) Magnetic amplifiers are not used to control the speed of d.c. shunt motor (e) Magnetic amplifiers can be used in automatic control of electric drivers of higher rating. 12. High power amplification is achieved by using (a) push pull amplifier (b) amplidyne (c) magnetic amplifier (d) DC amplifier (e) D.C. generator 13. Pick up false statement regarding servomotors (a) The d.c. servomotors are lighter than equivalent a.c. servomotors (b) The d.c. servomotors develops higher starting and reversing torque than equivalent a.c. servomotor. (c) A drag cup a.c. servomotor has one windings on stator and other on rotor (d) Output power of servomotors varies from 1/20 W to 100 W 14. To reduce steady state error (a) decrease natural frequency (b) decrease damping (c) increase damped frequency (d) increase time constant (f) increase gain constant of the system 15. A good factor for Mp should be (a) less than 1 (b) lying between 1.1 and 1.5 (c) more than 2.2 (d) zero (e) infinity 16. Pick up false statement. Routh-Hurwitz criterion

(a) is used for determining stability of a system (b) is an algebraic procedure (c) gives the exact location of roots of the characteristic equation (d) does not indicate relative degree of stability or instability 17. Which of the following is the time domain method of determining stability of a control system (a) Bode plot (b) Nyquist plot (c) Nicholos chart (d) Routh-Hurwitz array (e) Constant M and (fy) locus (f) Root locus technique 18. The technique which gives transient response quickly as well as stability information is (a) Nyquist plot (b) Routh-Hurwitz criteria (c) Bode plot (d) Root locus plot (e) Nichols plot 19. The bandwidth can be increased by use of (a) phase lag network (b) phase lead network (c) both (a) and (b) in cascade (d) both (a) and (b) in parallel (e) none of these 20. Nyquist plot is drawn on (a) semi log graph paper (b) log log graph paper (c) polar graph paper (d) centimeter graph paper 21. If the gain margin is positive and the phase margin is negative the system is (a) stable (b) unstable (c) indeterminist 22. The Bode plot is applicable to (a) all phase network (b) minimum phase network (c) maximum phase network (d) lag lead network (e) none of these 23. The valid relation between setting time ts and rise time tr is (a) tr>ts (b) ts>tr (c) ts=tr

(d) none of these 24. As a root moves further away from imaginary axis the stability (a) increases (b) decreases (c) not affected (d) none of these 25. Flat frequency response means that the magnitude ratio of output to input over the bandwidth is (a) variable

30. Transfer function of a system is defined as the ratio of output to input in (a) Laplace transform (b) Z-transform (c) Fourier transform (d) Simple algebraic form 31. Introduction of feedback decreases the effect of (a) disturbances (b) noise signals (c) error signals

(b) zero (d) all the above (c) constant (d) none of above 26. How many octaves are between 200 Hz and 800 Hz (a) Two octave (b) One octave (c) Four octave (d) None of above 27. Human system can be considered as (a) open loop system (b) close loop system with single feedback (c) close loop system with multivariable feedback (d) none of these 28. In a feedback system the transient response (a) Decays at constant rate (b) gets magnified (c) decays slowly (d) decays more quickly 29. Transfer function of a system is used to calculate (a) the steady state gain (b) the main constant (c) the order of system (d) the output for any given input (e) all of the above 32. The system response of a system can be best tested with (a) unit impulse input signal (b) ramp input signal (c) sinusoidal input signal (d) exponentially decaying input signal 33. Which of the following is a closed loop system (a) electric switch (b) car starter (c) de generator (d) auto-pilot for an aircraft 34. Which of the following is used as an error detector (a) potentiometer (b) field controlled ac motor (c) amplidyne (d) armature controlled ac motor 35. The break away point of root loci are (a) open loop poles (b) closed loop poles (c) open loop zeros (d) closed loop zeros 36. Noise in a control system can be kept low by (a) reducing the bandwidth

(a) low pass system (b) attenuating such frequencies at which external signals get coupled into the system (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these 37. Main cause of absolute instability in the control system is (a) parameters of controlling system (b) parameters of controlled system (c) parameters of feedback system (d) error detector where the two signals are compared 38. Basically a controller is (a) a amplifier (b) a clipper (c) a comparator (d) a summer 39. A system with gain margin close to unity or a phase margin close to zero is (a) highly stable (b) highly oscillatory (c) relatively stable (d) none of these 40. Which of following elements is not used in an automatic control system (a) sensor (b) error detector (c) oscillator (d) final control element 41. AC systems are usually preferred to the DC systems in control applications because (a) AC systems are cheaper (b) AC systems are more stable (c) AC systems have better performance characteristics and smaller in size (d) all of these 48. Saturation in a stable control system can cause 42. A system has the transfer function (1-s)/(1+s); It is known as (a) conditional stability (b) high pass system (c) all pass system (d) none of the above 43. In control systems, excessive bandwidth should be avoided because (a) noise is proportional to bandwidth (b) it leads to low relative stability (c) it leads to slow speed of response (d) none of these 44. In most systems, an increase in gain leads to (a) larger damping ratio (b) smaller damping ratio (c) constant damping ratio (d) none of these 45. A step function is applied to the input of a system and output is of the form y = t, the system is (a) stable (b) unstable (c) not necessarily stable (d) conditionally stable 46. Which of the following can be magnified by magnetic amplifier (a) voltage (b) current (c) power (d) none of above 47. The inductance is not used in lag network because of (a) big size (b) time delay and hysteresis losses (c) high reactance (d) none of these

(b) over damping (c) low level oscillations

(d) high level oscillations 49. Excessive noise in control systems can cause (a) reduction in bandwidth (b) reduction in gain (c) saturation in amplifying stages (d) oscillations 50. The type-0 system has (a) net pole at the origin (b) no pole at the origin (c) simple at one origin (d) two poles at the origin

What was the name of the Addams Family butler?



Who directed the 1995 flm Heat, Michael which starred Al Pacino? Mann Absolute zero

Which theoretical temperature 13. corresponds to minus 273.15 degrees on the Celsius scale? 14.

Which seven-a-side ball game is Water polo played in a swimming pool?

Which Roman Catholic 15. organization takes its name from Opus Dei the Latin for God's work? 16. Bamboozled is a flm by which controversial US director? Spike Lee

Which word meaning rebirth describes the period in European 17. Renaissance history which began in the 14th century? Answer Cook Strait Venice Jim Carrey Michael Campbell Africa Gene Loves Jezebel Taxidermy Who starred opposite Pierce 18. Brosnan in the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair? Rene Russo

No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

General Knowledge Question Which strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand? In which city is the Doges Palace? Who plays Johnny Depps uncle in the 1993 flm Arizona Dream? Which New Zealand golfer won the 2000 Australian Masters in Melbourne? Which continent has the larger land mass: Africa or North America? Aston, Aston, Rizzo, Stevenson, Gilvear: which 1980s group? What name is given to the art of preparing, stuffng and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike models?

Of which French overseas region French 19. in South America is Cayenne the Guiana capital? In which year did David Koresh and the Branch Davidians 20. Christian cult hold a siege in Waco, Texas? 21. Who wrote Bleak House? 22. Which actors real name was Marion Michael Morrison? 1993 Charles Dickens John Wayne Fruits & Vegetables Renee Zellweger

5. 6.

23. What would a costermonger sell? Which actress played the title 24. role in the flm adaptation of Bridget Joness Diary? 25.


George is an informal name for Automatic which feature of an aircraft? Pilot

8. 9.

Which artist was appointed court painter to Charles IV of Spain in Goya 1786? The name of which Roman god means shining father' in Latin? Jupiter

26. 27.

Who wrote The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner? How is Sarah Michelle Gellar better known to millions?

Alan Sillitoe Buffy Jupiter

What is the name of the dog in 10. Punch and Judy shows?


28. Ganymede is a satellite of

which planet? What nationality was the 29. composer Wolfgang Amadeus Austrian Mozart? For which element is Co the 30. chemical symbol? The German port of Hamburg 31. lies near the mouth of which major European river? Cobalt 48. Elbe

2000 album 'Holy Wood' (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)? 47. Which was the frst element to be created artifcially?



In which European capital city Paris is the Institut Pasteur based? Acquired Immune Defciency Syndrome

Wind-formed In Arctic regions, what kind of 32. patterns in ice features are sastrugi? and snow 33. In the Americas, what is a mesa? Flat-topped mountain London (circa 1811) 5 Agra

Which condition does the 49. acronym AIDS stand for?

Integrated In computing, what does ISDN 50. Services Digital stand for? Network

Which city was the frst in the 34. world to have a population of more than one million? 35. 36. The Taj Mahal is located near to which Indian city?

St Michaels Mount lies off the Cornwall coast of which English county? Moon

To where would you have to 37. travel in order to stand by the Marsh of Decay? What is the English name for 38. the Bayern region of Germany?


In Lord of the Rings, what was 39. the name of Gandalfs white Shadowfax horse? Which famous Nazi-hunter 40. died in Vienna in 2005, aged 96? The 1956 film 'Reach for the 41. Sky' is based on whose life story? 42. Simon Wiesenthal Douglas Bader

Who voiced Stinky Pete in the Kelsey flm 'Toy Story 2'? Grammer Five Ice hockey Sophie Ellis Bextor Marilyn

How many times did Bobby 43. Jones win the US Amateur Championship in golf? 44. In which sport is the 'Conn Smythe Trophy' awarded?

Which female singer recorded 45. the 2001 album Read My Lips? 46. Which singer recorded the

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