What Is A KM Project

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Research Note:
What is a Knowledge Management Project?
by David De Long
Tom Davenport
& Mike Beers
The term knowledge management is increasingly finding its way into the
management lexicon as concepts such as knowledge-based competition, knowledge-
intensive businesses and products, and knowledge assets creep into strategy discussions.
There is growing consensus about the importance of knowledge as a basis of competition
and operational effectiveness, but surprisingly little research has been done to understand
what firms are actually doing to identify, capture, and leverage their organizations
The purpose of this paper, which is an interim product of an ongoing research effort by
Ernst & Young, is to describe the knowledge management project, which is the basic unit
of activity that firms use to derive greater value from knowledge assets. Ultimately, the
goal of most of these projects is to create some kind of ongoing process or system for
leveraging knowledge, but very few have reached that stage yet. Drawing from an
examination of more than 20 knowledge management initiatives in 10 companies, we
address key questions for any organization planning a knowledge initiative. For example,
what are the different types of knowledge management projects? What are their business
impacts? What resources are required to begin?
Our study of early adopters in this field reveals that knowledge management is being
approached at two levels in organizations. Some firms like Skandia, Bank of Montreal,
and Dow Chemical are pursuing corporate-wide knowledge management initiatives.
These firms have created new roles, such as director of intellectual capital and chief
knowledge officer, to lead their efforts. But because knowledge is most easily managed in
a local context, the majority of knowledge initiatives are undertaken at the business unit,
function, or operational process level where they have the most immediate impact on
performance. Even some corporate initiatives, such as Dow Chemicals, may be focused
on better management of a functional knowledge resource, e.g. patents generated in the
research and development function.
These knowledge management projects appear in a variety of forms:
A satellite communications company seeks to reduce its cycle time for producing new
satellite launch vehicles by reusing relevant pieces of its existing product designs.
Recognizing that project management is a core competence in Hewlett-Packard, a
group is set up to improve the quality of project management in the firms IT function
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by capturing and sharing best practices, and by facilitating lessons learned sessions
at the conclusion of individual projects.
Threatened by a Japanese competitor that was underpricing them by 50%, a major
auto parts supplier creates a competitive intelligence system that captures information
related to elements in a predefined cost model of the business. The information is
synthesized and interpreted by company analysts and internal experts before being
loaded into a data base which is easily accessed by company managers.
We will elaborate on the different types of knowledge management initiatives
below. First, however, it is important to address the somewhat slippery definitional
issues involved in the concepts of knowledge and information.
Difference Between Knowledge and Information Management
Most managers of knowledge initiatives concede their organizations lack a clear,
widely-shared understanding of what knowledge is and how it can be distinguished from
information. A consensus view is that, while information is defined as a flow of
messages, knowledge is the combining of information and context in a way that makes it
actionable. In reality, most projects we studied are a mixture of knowledge and
information management. But knowledge management projects have several
characteristics that differentiate them from traditional information management or
information systems projects. These characteristics include:
Knowledge Management Project Information Management Project
Goals emphasize value-added for users Goals emphasize delivery and accessibility
of information
Support operational improvement and
Support existing operations
Adds value to content by filtering,
synthesizing, interpreting, pruning content
Delivers available content with little value
Usually requires ongoing user contributions
and feedback
Emphasis on one-way transfer of
Balanced focus on technology and culture
issues in creating impacts
Heavy technology focus
Variance in inputs to system precludes
automating capture process
Assumes information capture can be
Whether they defined the content of their initiatives as knowledge, information, or a
mixture of both, the managers of the initiatives we studied have one characteristic in
common. They are constantly trying to add more value to the content they provide, i.e.,
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to transform it from information into knowledge. They do this through a variety of
means, including filtering the content for timeliness and relevance, adding context and
comparisons, and grouping important information into lists and frameworks. We believe
that these efforts to add value are more important to knowledge initiatives than dwelling
on whether it is knowledge, information, or something else that is being managed.
Types of Knowledge Management Projects
In our research, we found seven different types of knowledge initiatives. Each of these
is described below, along with an example of the business context in which it appears:
Capturing and reusing structured knowledge. Leaders of these projects recognize that
knowledge is often embedded in component parts of organizational outputs, such as
product designs, project proposals and reports, documented implementation procedures,
and software code that can be reused to reduce the time and resources needed to produce
a new output. For example, Skandia, a Swedish-based financial services company, has cut
its start up time for operating units in new countries from seven years to seven months by
packaging its cumulative experience into administrative modules that enable it to reduce
costs while expanding international operations much faster.
Capturing and sharing lessons learned from practice. This type of project captures
softer, more experiential knowledge that must be interpreted and adapted by the user in a
new context. These efforts often involve sharing learning through a data base like Lotus
Notes, and they may also take on a more interpersonal approach, using face-to-face
sharing of stories and experiences. For example, the US Armys Center for Lessons
Learned is now at the heart of an elaborate infrastructure developed for capturing and
sharing new knowledge gained from field operations
Identifying Sources and Networks of Expertise. Instead of trying to capture and deploy
knowledge content, some projects are designed merely to make expertise more visible
and accessible to employees. The underlying strategy here is to facilitate connections
between those people who possess and those who need knowledge. For example,
Teltech, a small firm based in Minneapolis, has created a network of external experts for
clients who seek technical expertise in a specified domain.
Structuring and Mapping Knowledge Needed to Enhance Performance. Another type
of project impacts efforts like new product development or process redesign by making
explicit the specific knowledge needed at particular stages of the initiative. One project at
Hoffman-LaRoche created a knowledge map of the new drug application process. This
map made clear what knowledge would have to be developed and packaged to answer the
questions that customers -- in this case, FDA regulators -- wanted answered before
approving a particular new drug.
Measuring and Managing the Economic Value of Knowledge. Virtually all firms
possess structured intellectual assets, such as patents, copyrights, software licenses, and
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customer data bases. Recognizing that these assets create both revenues and costs for the
firm, another type of project seeks to manage these assets more judiciously. Dow
Chemical, for example, set up an infrastructure to organize and classify its patents to
determine which ones represent strategic advantage, which present revenue opportunities
from licensing, and which patents should be abandoned to reduce the companys tax
Synthesizing and Sharing Knowledge from External Sources. A turbulent business
environment increases the importance of organizational intelligence systems.
Traditionally, these systems have been little more than information delivery clipping
services that routed articles and reports to executives. But the electronic information
avalanche, combined with increasing complexity, specialization, and the speed of market
changes has raised the knowledge component of these systems. External intelligence
systems are an easily overlooked type of knowledge management project. Hewlett-
Packard, for example, is currently developing systems to provide marketing intelligence
for both domestic and international business units. These systems will require editors,
reporters, and analysts to synthesize and provide context to the tremendous volume of
market information available.
Embed Knowledge in Products and Processes. Finally, another type of project seeks to
enhance or create new knowledge-intensive products, services, and processes. By
recognizing the potential market value of knowledge that the firm is generating, the value
of existing offerings can be enhanced or new revenue sources created. For example,
AutoDesk recognized that the engineering designs created by customers using its product
AutoCAD was source of potential design knowledge. It is buying these designs from its
customers and will re-sell them to other firms wanting a head start on designs in similar
areas. In another case, many high technology companies are working together in the
Customer Support Consortium to capture and leverage knowledge in customer support
Business Objectives of Knowledge Management
Deciding which knowledge management opportunities to pursue is largely determined
by the sponsors position in the organization, resources available, and the business
objectives. To be effective these initiatives should be closely linked to a core business
process or critical competency of the firm. We found a number of significant business
impacts in the projects we studied.
Reduced cycle time. Hoffmann-LaRoche is engaged in several knowledge management
projects designed to produce significant reductions in time-to-market for new drugs in an
industry where every days delay can represent $1 million in lost revenues. Hewlett-
Packard has shaved months off the time it takes to implement information systems
projects by sharing project management best practices throughout the IT organization.
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Reduced costs. One initiative at a satellite communications company focused on
reducing the costs of repeated mistakes. (Anything that enables an organization not to
repeat costly errors represents knowledge.) In documenting errors avoided, savings from
the initiative already represent millions of dollars.
More efficient use/reuse of knowledge assets. Ernst & Youngs Center for Business
Knowledge tries to track the number of consulting engagements won where knowledge
captured from previous projects is reused. And one performance dimension for the firms
different consulting practice areas is the amount of reusable knowledge they create.
Enhanced functional effectiveness. The technical support function in one computer
firm undertook a number of knowledge management initiatives that succeeded in
reducing the volume and cost of support calls from the firms dealers. By paying close
attention to the actual problems experienced by dealers as revealed in their phone calls,
the team preempted many potential problems by alerting its customers to most frequently
asked questions and providing solutions through a Lotus Notes database. Dealers have
continued to give the company high ratings for its support services.
Increased organizational adaptability. Knowledge management projects can improve
effectiveness in several ways here. They can be used to support new competitive
strategies or process designs. For example, Astra Merck, a pharmaceutical company, is
attempting to use knowledge to transform its sales process from one involving traditional
sales techniques (e.g., free samples, lunches for physicians) into one in which physicians
view sales professionals and knowledgeable resources on health care management.
Filtering, synthesizing, and interpreting competitive intelligence is another way these
projects can improve a firms ability to react to the marketplace. The auto parts supplier
mentioned earlier was able to use its new insights into the competitions cost structure to
quickly reposition itself in the marketplace in response to this strategic threat.
Increase value of existing products and services. Depending on the market context,
using knowledge to improve existing products and services can significantly differentiate
an offering from its competitors. For example, in a strategy designed to enhance the value
of its generic computer-aided design software, Computervision has begun selling
industry-specific CAD applications for process industries such as energy and chemicals.
Embedding specific industry knowledge into the software promises to reduce design time
for customers. In another example, Kraft, a large manufacturer of dairy and processed
foods, has developed a micro-merchandising system which combines data from
retailers POS systems with Krafts extensive marketing experience to provide
supermarkets with more timely, accurate insights into optimal product mixes and sales
Create new knowledge-intensive products, processes, and services. By managing its
patents more effectively, Dow Chemical saved $4 million in its first year of a review
program, and expects to generate more than $100 million in licensing revenues that might
otherwise have been forgone. Teltech has developed an entire new service business in
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both its expert network business, and in complex data base searches assisted by
knowledge analysts.
Of course, all knowledge management initiatives in commercial firms have the
ultimate objective of making or saving money. Only a small percentage of the projects
we studied, however, have any formal measures of savings or increased revenues.
Resources Required for Knowledge Management Projects
While some of the resources needed for a knowledge management initiative are
context specific, all the of the projects we examined had certain elements that are
necessary for success. These included:
Knowledge project sponsors and managers. As with any project involving
organizational change, these initiatives require a relatively high level management
sponsor who has budgetary control over the resources that will be needed. Finding
sponsors and keeping them committed can be one of the biggest challenges for project
managers because of the abstract nature of knowledge and the difficulty many executives
have in seeing a direct link to bottom line concerns. Knowledge managers must
particularly strive to avoid intellectual arrogance; when managing knowledge we
observed a tendency to begin to feel that one knows more about the domain under
management than anyone else. This syndrome has been called, the dark side of
knowledge management.
New knowledge management roles. Managing knowledge projects demand a
sophisticated set of competencies that include (1) strong interpersonal and facilitation
skills to get people in diverse roles working together; (2) a hard-nosed business
orientation to continually assess the projects value added; and (3) sufficient technical
knowledge to manage the infrastructure development.
Depending on the specific project, managing organizational knowledge can also
require new skills sets not commonly found in organizations. Editors, reporters, analysts,
group facilitators will be needed on many projects as capacities to elicit, interpret, and
synthesize information from a variety of sources, and communicate it in ways that add
value for the end user take on added importance.
Setting up the technological infrastructure. Most of the knowledge management
initiatives we found had an information technology component. The most popular
technologies involved databases, information bases, or knowledge bases that are accessed
by desktop computing and communications infrastructures. For many projects, the choice
of technology to be used is influenced by higher level organizational standards. In other
cases, the project leader must make technological choices that will influence the units
capacity for managing knowledge for some time to come. A very common technical
decision in early 1996 is between Lotus Notes and WorldWideWeb-based intranets for
knowledge capture and distribution.
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Dealing with broader cultural and human issues. While organizations often focus on
technology for knowledge management, it is more frequently cultural and human factors
that differentiate successes from failures. Perhaps the most critical cultural issues involve
creating an organizational climate in which knowledge is valued and shared. Specific
human resource programs, e.g., performance evaluation and incentive programs, can help
in this regard, though they must be consistent with the broader culture. It may also be
necessary to create some level of shared meaning around knowledge categories. Because
of the breadth and depth of efforts necessary to make cultural changes stick, it may be
more effective to undertake them at a level higher than that of an individual project. In
fact, we believe that creating a knowledge-oriented culture is a key responsibility of
corporate-level chief knowledge officers or chief learning officers.
Money. Like virtually all corporate initiatives, knowledge management projects
require financial resources. The costs go for people, technology, the logistics involved in
face-to-face knowledge creation and transfer, and in some cases the purchase of external
information. The costs of the projects we observed ranged from several hundred
thousand dollars to several million dollars. Because of these costs, knowledge initiative
managers should make significant efforts to capture the benefits of their projects.
Its too early to judge the success or failure of most knowledge management projects,
but pioneers in this area do provide some insights into where firms should begin thinking
about leveraging their knowledge, and what business impacts they should expect. Firms
can look to:
(1) Synthesize and distribute knowledge about the competitive environment.
(2) Improve operational performance by sharing existing knowledge (e.g., structured
knowledge, lessons learned) more effectively.
(3) Make knowledge resources and shortages more visible to facilitate use and
increase attention on areas of special need.
(4) Measure intellectual assets to enhance strategic focus.
(5) Create more knowledge intensive products, by either adding value to existing ones
or creating entirely new revenue streams.
The purpose of this paper has been to sketch out different types of knowledge
management projects. As our research continues in this new field, our next paper will
address the problems of implementing these initiatives in more detail, and suggest ways
managers can tackle these emerging issues

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