Material No.: 1.6582 Former brand name: Monix 15 International steel grades: BS: AFNOR: SAE: 817M40, 816M40 34CrNiMo8, 35NCD6 4337, 4340
Heat treatable steel for high strained automotive and motor construction components with a typical tensile strength range of 1000 - 1300 N/mm.
1100 - 850C 850 - 880C/air 650 - 680C/furnace 830 - 860C/oil 540 - 660C/air See condition A max. 248 HB
Mechanical Properties:
Treated for cold shearability +S: Soft annealed +A: Quenched and tempered, +QT:
Diameter d [mm] Thickness t [mm] 0,2% proof stress Rp0,2 [N/mm] Tensile strength Rm [N/mm] Fracture elongation A5 [%] Reduction of area Z [%] Notch impact energy ISO-V [J]
>40 100 20<t<60 min. 800 1000 - 1200 min. 11 min. 50 min. 45
>100 160 60<t<100 min. 700 900 - 1100 min. 12 min. 55 min. 45
>160 250 100<t<160 min. 600 800 - 950 min. 13 min. 55 min. 45