6 Days Creation

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The Six Days of Creation



The Bible Principle is: Psalm 90:4 "For a thousand years in thy [God's] sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night [meaning, they swap over like changing watches: or, as we would say, "... and vice versa"]." 2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Explanation of the Bible Principle: 1000 human years, once they have passed, correspond to one day in God's time, AND vice versa, i.e. each single human day of that period corresponds to 1000 years in God's time. That means, God's experience of time is the opposite of man's: a long time (1000 years) is a short time (one day), and a short time (one day) is a long time (1000 years). Isaiah 55:8: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." The days of Creation in Genesis 1 are God's days, because no human being existed at that time. That means each day of Creation lasted 1000 human years. Furthermore, God experienced each and every day of each 1000 year-period as 1000 human years and did 1000 years-worth of creative work in it. In the original Biblical calendar there were 360 days in a year. So each of the 360 days in each year of the 1000 years, lasted 1000 years. The total number of years in one Creation day was therefore 360 x 1000 x 1000 = 360,000,000 years. This period is the time it takes for the outer edge of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, to complete one full revolution. God's Creation day is equivalent to a Galactic day. The First Day of Creation The First Day of Creation was 1000 years long, one day in God's time, and 360,000,000 years long in relative or geological time. The word "relative" means here, as reckoned in terms of the creative work performed within it, and the word "geological," as observed and measured by geologists. The First Day of Creation was 6 Creation days prior to the present point in time, which is near the dawning of the 7th day Millennium Rest. Excursus on the Present Point of Time Near the Dawning of the 7th Day Hebrews 4:3-11 "3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. 5 And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. 6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: 7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said,

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The Six Days of Creation

To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. 9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." Genesis describes the 7th day as a past event. Paul explains that that is from God's eternal point of view, and that faith enters right now into that eternal rest of God through the world of time (the latter part of the present 6th day of Creation), in which God still works: John 5:16-17: "16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day. 17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." The commission given to man on the 6th day of Creation was to have dominion over the earth and the creatures of the earth. That is yet to be fulfilled, it having proved necessary for man to be crowned with that dominion only after testing and trial through suffering. Jesus Himself was the first of many brethren to be thus crowned: Hebrews 2:6-10: "6 But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? 7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." The inherent weakness of man was demonstrated in the Fall of Adam and Eve. Hence the absolute necessity for the mediatorship of the Redeemer, the perfect Man, Who won the crown for us, Jesus Christ. Genesis 2:7ff. takes up the account where Genesis 1:31 left it, on the 6th Day of Creation, i.e. within the last 360,000,000 years in geological time, with the formation of Man from the dust of the earth. The account of the Fall follows in Genesis 3:1-7. Then is described how God encountered the fallen pair, Adam and Eve, as they hid after the Fall. The event is described as having occurred "in the cool [literally, breeze] of the day" (Gen. 3:8). This is a special Hebrew term designating the early evening just before sunset, when cooler breezes begin to blow. No other Day having been mentioned in the interval, we understand by the use of this term that the 6th Day of Creation was now about to close and a new Day to commence, as it did in the Hebrew system, at sunset. The Fall of Man and the rest of human history up to the present is therefore datable to the very end of the last cycle of 360,000,000 years, in geological time, the 6th Day of Creation. End of Excursus The First Day of Creation lasted the first 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 2,160,000,000 to 1,800,000,000 years ago in geological time. During that day light appeared through the darkness which shrouded the desolate, water-covered, earth. The Second Day of Creation The Second Day of Creation lasted the next 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 1,800,000,000 to 1,440,000,000 years ago in geological time. During that day the absorption of light by prokaryotic cells, already present in the earth from the original Creation of heaven and earth before the first day, produced, through photosynthesis, a pulse (Heb. raqi'a, lit. "something beaten out") of oxygen which formed a primitive atmosphere. God called this atmosphere "heaven."

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The Six Days of Creation

The Third Day of Creation The Third Day of Creation lasted the next 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 1,440,000,000 to 1,080,000,000 years ago in geological time. On this day eukaryotic cells, of that type "whose seed is in itself," appeared on earth, as dry land now emerged, here and there, from the primeval ocean. These cells were primitive forms of vegetation, lichen and fungi, which reproduced, not like prokaryotic cells by cell division, but by a simple form of sexual reproduction, resulting in similar but not precisely identical offspring, each "after his kind." The Fourth Day of Creation The Fourth Day of Creation lasted the next 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 1,080,000,000 to 720,000,000 years ago in geological time. No new life forms emerged on this day. The atmosphere, however, cleared, to the extent that the patches of light of the primitive atmosphere crystallized into distinct concentrations of light, the sun, the moon and the stars, which produced regular, seasonal variations and fluctuations in the earth's weather-patterns and ecosystem. The Fifth Day of Creation The Fifth Day of Creation lasted the next 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 720,000,000 to 360,000,000 years ago in geological time. On this day a great profusion of life appeared in the oceans, beginning with primitive trilobites and ammonites and similar creatures, and ending with fishes, huge marine animals and flying creatures, the earliest species of insect. The Sixth Day of Creation The Sixth Day of Creation lasted the next 1000 years, or 360,000,000 years, approximately from 360,000,000 years ago in geological time to the modern era. On this day, living creatures appeared on the dry land, first amphibians, later dinosaurs and other reptiles, and birds, and finally mammals and man. At one period of time within this day the land formed a single land-mass, known nowadays as Pangaea, and the waters formed a single ocean, Panthalassa.

Six Days of Creation Chart

This Chart was adapted from one found on the web. The dating system, with minor corrections, and scientific terms have been retained from the original. Evolutionist terminology has been removed and the Biblical chronology added.

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The Six Days of Creation

1st Day = approx. 2,160,000,000 1,800,000,000 years BP in geological time 2nd Day = approx. 1,800,000,000 1,440,000,000 years BP in geological time 3rd Day = approx. 1,440,000,000 1,080,000,000 years BP in geological time 4th Day = approx. 1,080,000,000 720,000,000 years BP in geological time 5th Day = approx. 720,000,000 360,000,000 years BP in geological time 6th Day = approx. 360,000,000 BP in geological time to present


Taxon, Geological Age, etc.


First (mya) appearance

(cosmology) universe created at the big bang



(cosmology) (cosmology)

milky way sun

our galaxy our star, a.k.a., sol, created via the condensation of a large cloud of mostly hydrogen gas our planet formed by accretion our sister planet, formed upon the collision of a Mars-size body with early planet earth the movement of continents ~4600

(?) (?)

earth moon

~4600 ~4000


plate tectonics

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The Six Days of Creation

across the face of the earth (species?) --cellular root prokaryotes "oxygen begins accumulating in atmosphere" ~3500

First Oxygen Pulse

2200-1800 LIGHT results in photosynthesis, which produces oxygen _____________

primitive atmosphere formed by c. 1800 -1500 Domain


EUKARYOTES - organisms with nuclei; 67% of Earth's history is already over eight-kingdom kingdom of eukaryotes lacking mitochondria ancestor of endosymbiotic bacteria protozoa, single-celled eukaryotes (etc.) in fivekingdom system endosymbiont-containing eukaryotes

~1500 ditto


(domain) (kingdom)

Eubacteria Protista

(?) (kingdom)

mitochondrial eucaryotes


protozoa, non-Chromista,
non-Plantae, single-celled mitochondrial eucaryotes (eight-kingdom system)




a.k.a., zooflagelata and mastigophora; flagellated mitochondrial protists protist, possible animal (and fungi) ancestor



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The Six Days of Creation

(?) Kingdom

crown eucaryotes

animals, fungi, plants, etc.

Eumetazoa second oxygen pulse Bilataria coelomates deuterostomes Paleozoic Chordata Cambrian Craniata Hyperotreti

true body tissues

~700 ?

(subkingdom) --(?) (?) (?) era Phylum period (?)

"oxygen begins accumulating in ~600 atmosphere" animals with bilateral symmetry, triploblastic true body cavities; not true clade? animals with derived mouths Cambrian explosion; 87.5% of Earth's history is already over tunicates, lancelets, fish "origin of most invertebrate phyla; diverse algae" animals with skulls: hagfish and vertebrates hagfish (primitive craniate) "first vertebrates (jawless fishes); marine algae abundant" lampreys and jawed vertebrates extinct jawless vertebrates vertebrates with jaws mouth terminal in position, narrow-based braincase, three otoliths in ear ? ? ? ? ?

570 >530 570

period Subphylum (super class) (?) (?)

Ordovician Vertebrata Ostracoderms Gnathostomata Teleostomi




"diversity of jawless 439 vertebrates; colonization of land by plants and arthropods; origin of vascular plants" bony fish [transition from primitive fish to bony fish] fleshy-finned fish (lobe-finned & lung fish) lobe-finned fishes

(class) (subclass) (order)

Osteichthyes Sarcopterygii Crossopterygii

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The Six Days of Creation

(order) period (species) (?)

Rhipidistians Devonian >??? tetrapods

ancestral lobe-finned fish "diversification of bony fishes; first amphibians and insects" footprints through muddy shallows on four feet terrestrial vertebrates (amphibians onward) [transition from primitive bony fish to amphibian] ??? "extensive forests of vascular plants; first seed plants;

408.5 365 ?

(?) period




origin of reptiles; amphibians and insects"

(?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) period Amniota Synapsida Eupelycosauria Sphenacodontia Sphenacodontoidea Therapsida Permian rise of mammals [transition from reptiles to mammals] ??? ??? ??? mammals and extinct relatives "radiation of reptiles; origins of mammal-like reptiles and most modern orders of insects; extinction of many marine vertebrates" begins after Permian extinction "gymnosperms dominate landscape; first dinosaurs and mammals"

reptiles and onward [transition ? from amphibians to amniotes]


era period

Mesozoic Triassic

248.2 248.2

(dinosaurs) Class period Mammalia Jurrassic hair and mammary glands "gymnosperms continue as dominant plants; dinosaurs dominant; first birds"

227.4 ~220 205.7

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The Six Days of Creation



"flowering plants (angiosperms) 144.2 appear; dinosaurs and many groups of organisms become extinct at end of period." placental mammals Some think the primates have similarities to the rodents. nails, grasping digits, binocular vision begins after Cretaceous "crisis;" mass extinction, meteor ~80 to ~100

(?) (?) Order era period epoch (?) (suborder) Suborder epoch

Eutheria primate-rodent complex primates Cenozoic Tertiary Paleocene plesiadapids Prosimians Anthropoidea Eocene

65 65

"major radiation of mammals, birds, and pollinating insects" "primate-like mammals " premonkey primates monkeys and apes "angiosperm dominance increases; further increases in mammalian diversity" "origins of most modern mammalian orders, including apes" apes "continued radiation of mammals and angiosperms" origin of apes chimpanzee-gorillaorangutan-gibbon origins

? ? ?





Superfamily epoch (species) (species) (genus) (species) (genus) (species) (species)

Hominoidea Miocene
Proconsul africanus

? ?


later ape possibly related to the ? great apes chimpanzee-gorillaorangutan development rise of the African great apes chimpanzee-gorilla development post-gorilla development ~15? ~16? 6 to 8 ?


??? Kenyapithecus wickeri

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The Six Days of Creation

(species) (?)


chimpanzee development (synonymous with Family Hominidae?) includes the following genera: Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo, Paranthropus, and Praeanthropus ( Australopithecus afarensis)

6 to 8

(species) Family epoch (?) (genus)

Ardipithecus ramidus Hominidae upright-walking apes; "apelike/human-like creatures appear" small-brained, uprightwalking apes; may include genus Paranthropus as well as early Homo; many if not all members were likely more arboreal than members of genus Homo (excluding H. habilis and H. rudolfensis) Lucy and her kin; a.k.a., Praeanthropus africanus similar to A. afarensis and H. habilis H. habilis and H. rudolfensis handy man; may not have been first tool users; along with H. rudolfensis (2.4-1.8 mya), may not even be a legitimate member of genus Homo; extinct by 1.6 mya large-brained, uprightwalking apes; minimally includes H. ergaster, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, H. sapiens and their variants possible alternative to H. erectus as post-H. habilis; extinct 1.5 mya

? 5 to 4

Praeanthropus Australopithecus


? ~5

(species) (species) (species) (?) (species)

A. anamensis

5 to 4 ~4? 3 to 2 2.4 2.3-1.9?

A. afarensis
A. garhi

early Homo H. habilis





H. ergaster


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The Six Days of Creation



H. erectus

fire, expanded tool kit, spread kind throughout world; extinct by 0.2 mya


period epoch (species) (?)

Quaternary Pleistocene
H. antecessor

"ice ages; humans appear" post-H. erectus / ergaster potentially more than one species. The pre-fall Serpent the most advanced premodern hominid.

~1.0 ~0.5

H. sapiens archaic

(?) (?)

H. sapiens early moderns



sapiens --H. sapiens CroMagnon

Mitochondrial Eve
us burial of dead anatomically modern H. sapiens

0.4 to 0.1 c. 120,000 years BP

Species culture species?

human pop. ~0.1 size


~0.1 ~0.05

THE NEPHILIM culture --The City of Enoch, a.k.a. Atlantis, the Atlantic seaboard culture, cave art, and proto-writing civilization writing ??? ~0.03+

epoch culture

Holocene Atlantic (Mild Climate Phase)

5 million ???


Beginning of SubBoreal (Cooler Climate Phase)




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The Six Days of Creation


culture culture culture culture

1215 Magna Carta

~250 million 450 million LUTHER THE 500 million REFORMATION WESLEY HOLINESS MOVEMENT Declaration of Independence 800 million (1750)

~0.002 ~0.001 ~0.0004 ~0.0002

culture culture culture culture

1825 1903 1927

--heavier-than-air aircraft --BROTHER W. M. BRANHAM WWII & atomic bomb PENTECOSTAL CHARISMATIC REVIVAL

1 billion 1.6 billion 2 billion 2.3 billion (1945) ~0.00006 ~0.0001

culture culture culture culture culture culture

1954 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s space travel hand-held calculators personal computers www/internet

2.6 billion 3 billion (1960) 4 billion (1975) 5 billion (1985) 6 billion (1999)

~0.00005 ~0.00004 ~0.00003 ~0.00002 ~0.00001 ~0.00000

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


The Prediluvian World and the Flood

The Biblical account of the Flood is the record of a climatic catastrophe which overwhelmed the ancient world in the middle of the third millennium BC. It has been misunderstood in the past because of loose reading of the Biblical text and misdating both of the pre-diluvian civilization described in Genesis and of the post-diluvian dynasties of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt discovered by archaeologists. Critics have gone so far as to deny that any such event happened. This investigation will demonstrate how the Biblical account matches precisely the factual evidence (as opposed to the evolutionist interpretations of the evidence) revealed in recent years concerning the early history of the human race and how it elucidates humanity's response to the drastic changes in climate which molded that history.

The Pre-Adamic Nephilim Gen. 6:1-8:

Translation: Genesis 6:1 "1 As events unfolded, and when man began to multiply on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God [males of the divine order] noticed that the daughters of man [females of the human order] were beautiful and they took women for themselves from whomever they chose. 3 And the LORD said, 'My Spirit will not continue till the end of an eon striving for supremacy in Adam [Man], because he is also flesh, so his days, calculated in years, will number one hundred and twenty.' 4 The Nephilim [lit. fallen ones] were on earth in those days and also at a later period when the sons of God commingled with the daughters of man, and the latter bore these offspring to them. They were the mighty ones from a remote time in the eon's past, men whose name went down in history. 5 And the LORD saw that the wickedness of Adam [Man] had multiplied on the earth, and that every formulation of his mind was only and always wicked. 6 And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth and He was grieved at His heart. 7 And the LORD said, 'I shall wipe man whom I created off the surface of the ground, and along with man, beast and crawling creature, and winged creature of the sky, because I regret that I made them.' 8 But Noah found favor with the LORD." It can be seen here how the subject changes from man, the collective, to Man, Adam, the particular: "...

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The Six Days of Creation


when man began to multiply ... and daughters were born to them [plural, i.e. man, collective] ...." and "My Spirit shall not continue till the end of an eon striving for supremacy in Adam [Man], because he [singular, i.e. Man particular, Adam himself] is also flesh ...." This is an important difference, because the foreshortening to a total of one hundred and twenty of the days of Adam is what is in view in verse 3, not the days of the whole of mankind. God says here Adam will not live till the end of an eon, but his "days" will now be one hundred and twenty only. Since it is God speaking, we know these days correspond to 1000 human years each. Thus, Adam's lifespan was curtailed from the eonic scale he would have continued to enjoy, if he had never fallen, to a shorter span of 120,000 years. This is only said to have applied to Adam, and not to the rest of humanity. Adam and Eve were unique in every sense. The first day in Adam's life was the day of his formation from the dust of the ground by God Himself in the latter part of the Sixth Day of Creation. Eve was created by divine genetic engineering from the side of Adam, likewise in the latter part of the Sixth Day of Creation. That was on the eonic scale of 360,000,000 years in geological time. Adam lived many tens of thousands of years on that eonic scale, as the first man created by the hand of God. Here, however, in Genesis 6, God now ordains an end to the life of Adam at 120,000 years precisely. From the point in time when God foreshortened its span, Adam's life was reckoned in normal human years: the preceding thousands of years within the Sixth Day made up merely the first day of his life, since Hebrew time reckoning was based on the principle of pars pro toto, i.e. a part of a day (here, part of the Sixth Day of Creation) counts as a whole day for the purpose of computing periods of time. So the human genealogy of Adam now begins (Gen. 5), with a special mention at the beginning of the divine or eonic Day on which he was created, and Adam begets Seth, and Seth begets Enosh and so on, down to Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Reckoning back from the arrival of Jacob in Egypt in his 130th year in 1853 BC during the reign of the Hyksos king Aphophis, we can count the years by the precise genealogical data given in Genesis to the Flood in 2495 BC and the first (human, non-eonic) year of Adam at 4150 BC. Adam died at 930 (human, non-eonic) years old in 3220 BC. Including the years he lived on the eonic time-scale during his first day, the creation of Adam from the dust of the ground can be dated, therefore, to 3220 BC minus 120,000 = 123,220 BC. Genetic material extracted from the wombs of modern women across the world has shown that all modern humans are descended from a single woman, known by the Biblical name of Eve ("Mitochondrial Eve"), who lived around 120,000 years before the present, according to one of the more favored estimates. This evidence supports the precise Biblical dating proposed here. The date 123,220 BC followed a glacial period, around 150,000 to 130,000 years ago in geological time, when glaciers covered large areas of the earth's surface. The Bible states that Adam was formed from the dust of the earth following a time when the earth was watered by what the Hebrew text calls an "ed" which "went up" and "watered the whole surface of the ground" (Gen. 2:6). "Ed" is a rare word and its meaning is disputed. In the Book of Job (36:27) it denotes frozen water of some kind, ice or frost, and the root from which it is formed means "to surround or press down with a heavy weight." A combination of its use in Job and the root meaning describes a phenomenon matching precisely that which characterized the age preceding Adam's formation: a heavy deposit or mantle of ice, an "ice cap" or "ice sheet," which stood thick above ("went up" from) the surface of the ground and which supplied water at its melting edges. Another characteristic of glacial periods like this one was that the world was not only cooler then it was also more arid. In this case, it is recorded in the Bible (Gen. 2:6) that God, for some unspecified length of time before the formation of Adam, had not caused it to rain on the earth; neither was it possible for water to be channeled onto the dry earth, as commonly in the Biblical Near East, by human irrigation, there being no man to till the earth, so the only source of water was the "ed" or ice

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The Six Days of Creation


sheet. Gen. 2:5-6 reads: "When the LORD God did not cause it to rain on the earth, and there being no man to work the ground, then an ice-sheet would form above [lit. go up from] the earth and water all the surface of the ground." Thereafter during the period around 130,000 to 115,000 years ago in geological time occurred a much milder phase, called the Eemian interglacial, when conditions were generally warmer and moister than at present. This was the Paradisiacal period when God planted the garden in the east of Eden. Adam was formed at that time from the dust of the ground and placed by his Creator in the garden to tend and care for it (Gen. 2:7-15). The imbalance that existed previously between wet, hot, tropical periods and glacial, dry, arid, periods was now addressed by the authorization of Man to be keeper of the garden. Adam's life, to sum up, was divided into two phases: the first lasted 119,070 years within the Sixth Day of Creation, and this period counted as Adam's "first day;" the second lasted 930 years till his death at 3220 BC. The first was the period in which occurred the Fall, the begetting of Cain and Abel, the murder of Abel by Cain and the seven Cainite generations; the second was the period at the end of his life when he produced Abel's replacement, Seth, and other unnamed sons and daughters. At the Fall the human race was debased by the admixture of animal genes through the commingling of the Serpent, the most advanced pre-human hominid, with Eve. The Serpent, as the Bible tells us, was not originally a reptile, but was the most sophisticated animal God had created up to that time (Gen. 3:1), being bettered only by Adam. The word Serpent in Hebrew means "Whisperer of Spells." This hominid was a sorcerer. He could reason, talk (Gen. 3:1-5), and was almost indistinguishable, physically speaking, from the true Adamic homo sapiens sapiens. He was capable of interbreeding with the Adamic species. The Serpent seduced Eve (2 Cor. 11:2-3) to eat of the Tree of the Experience of Moral Extremes (Gen. 3:6), which gave her experience for the first time of sexual shame (Gen. 3:7), and she became pregnant by the Serpent with Cain (I John 3:12, John 8:44). Then Eve induced Adam to eat of the same Tree (Gen. 3:7) and she became pregnant by him with Abel. After this flagrant breach of the divine command, the Serpent was cursed by God and his body changed from its original hominid form to that of the lowest reptile (Gen. 3:14-15). Eve gave birth to two children on the same day, the first, Cain, of mixed animal and human stock, the second, Abel, of pure human, Adamic, stock. These sexually-begotten children of Adam and Eve lived a lifespan of unspecified length, though even in the second phase of Adam's life, after the reduction of his lifespan from its eonic scale, the lifespans of the pure Adamics, at least, as demonstrated by the genealogy in Genesis 5, were of a higher order of magnitude than the norm today by a factor of around 10. The Sumerian King List from Babylonia claimed that the prediluvian kings, their names paralleling those of the Cainites, ruled each for tens of thousands of years. That would seem to be possible, given that they reigned during the eonic phase of Adam's life and may have benefited, biologically speaking, from their near derivation from the divinely-created, original, Adamic stock, through their mother Eve. When they were grown, Cain murdered Abel. Cain thereafter was driven out of the home of Adam and became the founder of a sub-human race. Hence Eve's progeny in the line of Cain, referred to here as the daughters of man, because they inherited human genes through Eve, were yet not pure human stock. They were called the Nephilim, or fallen ones. Another word used to describe the hybrids in the period after the Flood was Rephaim (cp. Num. 13:33 and Deut. 2:11). We have descriptions of the Rephaim or Nephilim in Canaan from the time of Joshua. They were brute men, taller, stouter and more violent than the true human species. Goliath of Gath is said to have been of the stock of the Rephaim (2 Sam. 21:19,22, 1 Chron. 20:5,8). The stature of these specimens gave rise to the translation of the word Nephilim as "giants" (Greek gigantes).

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


This passage in Genesis 6 informs us that the Nephilim were on earth in "those days" (the 120 "days" or 120,000 years of Adam) and also "after that" when the sons of God intermingled with the daughters of man. The genealogy of the Cainites in the Bible (Gen. 4:16-24) precedes the birth of Seth and his genealogy (Gen. 4:25-26, 5:1-32), and unlike the Sethites, the Cainite generations are not dated and no ages are given for them. The whole Cainite history transpired, as it says here, in a "remote time in the eon's past," during the earlier phase of the 120,000 years of Adam, or, as it also describes that era, when man "began to multiply on the surface of the ground." The beginning of the multiplication of man referred to was immediately after the Fall, since it was then that the first sexually-begotten humans, Cain and Abel, were born. Cain's first abode, after he was expelled from the family home, was in the land of Nod, somewhere east of Eden (Gen. 4:16). In the eastern part of Eden itself, which was a large expanse of territory including at least parts of North East Africa and the Near East, was the garden of Eden, and this garden was watered by a single river called Pishon "rising in [lit. going forth from] Eden," which after it left the territory of the garden, split into four arms (Gen. 2:10-14). Havilah, the land "around" which this first river wound its way, was somewhere near Egypt, towards the east, in the direction of Assyria (Gen. 25:18, 1 Sam. 15:7). The mention of its splitting into four arms and its geographical location suggest the Pishon was, as some ancient commentators held, the prehistoric Nile with its famous Delta, perhaps more precisely the Nile seen as a continuation of its eastern branch, the Blue Nile, which rises in the mountains west of Zeila in Somaliland. This town was anciently equated with the Biblical Havilah. The garden, therefore, seems to have been located in present day North East Africa, somewhere along the course of the Blue Nile or, at any rate, the Nile south of the Delta. The second river "rising in Eden" was the Gihon, which is said to have "wound its way round" the whole of Ethiopia. Ethiopia in the Bible is a comprehensive name for the African hinterland south of Egypt. The Gihon, too, was anciently equated with the Nile, and the reference in this case is, presumably, to the prehistoric White Nile, or the Nile south of its junction with the Blue Nile. The more easterly rivers "rising in Eden" were the Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq. If the garden was in North East Africa, yet was in the eastern section of Eden, and Eden stretched towards the east as far as Iraq, we can conclude the territory of Eden spread a vast distance to the west over most of what is today North Africa, and perhaps over other lands as well. Nod, on the other hand, being east of Eden, was somewhere not too far distant from, if not on the banks of, the most easterly rivers which "rose in Eden," the Tigris and Euphrates. Native Mesopotamian sources, recovered by archaeologists from the dust of Iraq, state that the first kingdom before the Flood was located in Ku'ara. This was an early name of the place later known as Eridu, at the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, east (and south) of the ancient mainland courses of the two rivers themselves, in the marshes where they enter the Persian Gulf. The Sumerian word Ku'ara is otherwise translated "Nadu" and "Nadu" is the Mesopotamian equivalent of the Hebrew "Nod." It means the "Place of Wandering." Cain was cursed to be a wanderer and hence the name of the land where he dwelt. Cain can be located firmly, according to this evidence, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf in the earliest phase of his life, after his expulsion. Adam, too, it can be concluded, had been driven from the garden, to till the "ground from which he was taken" (Gen. 3:23), in an easterly direction, since God is said to have placed cherubim at the east of the garden and "the blazing heat of the sword which whirls in all directions" to prevent his access that way to the Tree of Life (Gen. 3:22-24). In Arabic traditions based on early Syriac Christian sources Adam is represented as having dwelt after the Fall in the island of Ceylon on the mountain called Adam's Peak, from where, on occasion, he visited his erring offspring in the plains of the west. This place, too, would be the spot where Adam was taken from the ground, before he was removed to the garden of Eden (Gen. 2:8), since he was banished to till the ground specifically in the location of his formation from the dust.

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


During "those days," i.e. from around 120,000 years BP (Before Present) onwards, we find remains of modern man radiating outwards from an original center of dispersion, and this was precisely in the area of northern and eastern Africa and somewhat later the Near East, where the earliest anatomically modern human specimens have been found. One of the major routes of migration, as the prehistoric centuries rolled on, was westwards along the coast of North Africa and later into Spain, France and the rest of Europe. According to the Bible, Cain eventually built a settlement called Enoch after his son. The name Enoch in Hebrew means "Well Disciplined." The same name translated into Greek is "Atlas," which likewise means "Well Disciplined." The Greeks were told by the Egyptian priests that in a remote period in the past, more than 9,500 years before Christ, Atlas was a king of a settlement named after him, Atlantis. It was located in the coastal regions west of the present seaboard of North Africa, Spain and France, but members of Atlas' line controlled territories on the present African and European mainland, where the names of the Atlantic Ocean and the Atlas mountains still recall their ancient presence. Atlantis clearly is the settlement named after Enoch (Atlas) which is referred to in Genesis. There is known to have been a center of prehistoric culture in that area at that period in prehistory. The caves of Lascaux in France and Altamira in Spain are monuments to the barbaric, superstitious and violent culture modern man ("Cro-Magnon" man) had developed in the period around 40,000 to 20,000 BP precisely on the Atlantic seaboard. The coastal outline was different in those remote ages, because of the ice-sheets which had advanced once again after the disobedience of Adam and covered vast expanses of the continent of Europe. The blazing heat of "the sword which whirls in all directions" placed by God at the east of the garden of Eden had caused a change in the climate back to arid, glacial, conditions worldwide. Areas beneath the Ocean now were then dry land. Plato (in Timaeus and Critias) relates, accordingly, that the settlement of Atlantis itself was located outside of the straits of Gibraltar in the Atlantic Ocean in an area later covered by the sea. He also notes, incidentally, that what he calls "elephants" were abundant in the environs of Atlantis, as Ice Age mammoths actually were in the Cro-Magnon world of the Atlantic seaboard. Earthquakes and great floods terminated the settlement's existence some 9,500 years BC. Historically this was the time the last major Ice Age began to give way to a warmer phase, which involved an increase in precipitation. Coastal flooding was a natural concomitant of this climatic change. The age of Enoch-Atlantis, during the 119,070 years of the first, eonic, phase of Adam's lifespan, was the era of the Nephilim. The Greeks translated Nephilim as gigantes, giants. They believed that in ancient ages the god Heaven (Ouranos) warred with his spouse Earth (Gaia), and that Earth produced at that time monstrous offspring called "giants." These battled against Heaven and the gods his allies in Liguria in the South of France. They raised up huge rocks and tree-trunks to assault Heaven. This myth is a reminiscence of the presence in that area of the ancient Nephilim and of the separation between the two genetic lines of the "sons of God" (the heavenly race) and the "daughters of man" (the earthly race). The stones and tree-trunks are a reference to the megalithic monuments scattered around those regions, which, indeed, date back to the era of the Nephilim. Just before the climate changed and the settlement of Enoch-Atlantis was no more, the people of that prehistoric culture, according to Plato, advanced eastwards in an aggressive fashion, aiming to overwhelm the areas of Europe and Asia still outside their control east of Italy, as well as Egypt east of Libya. They were prevented, however, by what are described as the more enlightened and civilized inhabitants of the Greek mainland. The center of Greek civilization then was the prehistoric city of Athens, which had, according to Plato, a different physical, geographical, layout to that which it had in the historical period. It was founded towards the end of the period when Atlantis reigned supreme, around 9,500 BC, and the city of Sais in Egypt 1000 years later. It is a fact that after 10,000 BC or thereabouts the center of barbaric development shifted east. No longer was the Atlantic seaboard the focus of prehistoric civilization. Primitive, but still quite complex, urban centers began to appear in

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


Turkey (Catal Huyuk and other sites), in the Levant (Jericho) and in Mesopotamia. In the latter area, in Mesopotamia, the Nephilim built cities here and there, and lived out their degraded lives in the bestial fashion they had learnt from their ancestors. It was at this point that they were visited by the divinely-created father of the true human species, Adam. The natural route from Ceylon, where Adam is said to have settled after the Fall, to Mesopotamia is now, and was then, by sea across the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. The Babylonian chronicler Berossus recorded that in the most remote ages, when Mesopotamia was inhabited by groups of various genetic origin who lived "like the beasts," a divine being, half god, half man, as he described him, emerged from the Persian Gulf and taught them the rudiments of true religion and culture. He was called Oannes (U-anna). This was the ancient Babylonian name of Adam. It means "Earth (U) lord (anna)." The second element, anna, literally "high one," is a title commonly found in these early names. Adam likewise means "Earth." Oannes did not eat with the native inhabitants, though he always dealt compassionately with them, and withdrew each night into the waters of the Gulf, returning with the light of day. So he taught them the worship of the True God and the story of creation. After the great interval comprising this era, and 800 years before his death, Adam begot another pure Adamic son by Eve, called Seth. The date of this event was 4020 BC. We know, therefore, that Eve lived till at least this point in history, and also for some time thereafter, as other sons and daughters were born to Adam, it may be presumed by Eve, after Seth (Gen. 5:4). Her life in its earlier phase was on a similar eonic scale to that of Adam. Seth and his sons, down to Enoch in the seventh generation inclusive from Adam, continued Adam's work in Mesopotamia, employing the same methods as their ancient progenitor. They instructed and guided the inhabitants of the land in the knowledge of God. The Babylonians called these patriarchs the "Seven Sages (Babylonian: apkallu) before the Flood." They caused a renaissance of urban culture in Mesopotamia, particularly around the head of the Persian Gulf, which is named the Ubaid culture by archaeologists. It was centered on the city of Eridu. The Sethites were of the higher Adamic breed, the "sons of God." The "sons of God" or "males of the divine order" were the male human spirits made on the Sixth Day of Creation in the spiritual realm before Adam's earthly body had been fashioned. In Isaiah (57:16) these are called the "souls" (Heb. neshamot plural of neshamah, spirit or soul) which God made. God breathed Adam's spirit (Heb. nishmat hayyim, the "spirit of life" or "living spirit," using the same word neshamah) into his physical body once He had created that secondarily out of the dust of the ground towards the end of the Sixth Day (123,220 BC). Each neshamah spirit descended at birth into a physical body. Some of these spirits "descended" (i.e. were born, incarnated in the flesh of Adam's sons in the line of Seth) on Mount Hermon in Syria. The leading spirit of this group is named Shemhazai in the Enoch literature. When he and his compatriots saw the beauty of the daughters of man, females of the Cainite or degraded human stock, they lusted after them and took women indiscriminately from amongst them. Through the female line, the animal gene of the Serpent was thus passed down amongst the Sethites, so that in after times, even when the Flood destroyed the whole race, apart from Seth's descendant Noah and his immediate family, the errant gene survived in the line of Noah's son Ham. Hence its appearance in Canaan in the time of Joshua, as Canaan was a son of Ham. But this gene knew then and knows now no racial boundaries. It is found in the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, Asiatic, Indo-Aryan, Chinese, Slavic, Polynesian, African, Semitic and other races. The House of Judah itself was eventually sown with mixed genetic material, according to Jeremiah 31:27: "Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast." Jesus and John the Baptist called the religious leaders of Israel in their day "offshoots of serpents" (Matt. 3:7;

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


12:34; 23:33; Lk. 3:7) and pointed out clearly to them (Matt. 3:8f., Jn. 8:33-44) that though they might trace physical descent from Abraham, they did not carry the same genetic code as Abraham the fruit of their doings proved they were of the Serpent stock. The gene flourishes, in other words, wherever conditions favor it and is recognized by its fruit in the lives of the individuals who carry it. An examination of the Bible history reveals its characteristic propensity for violence, for accumulation of surplus wealth, for superficial refinement, intellectual sophistry, religious deviation and sexual perversion.

God Instructs Noah: Gen. 6:9-7:4:

Translation Genesis 6:9 "9 This is the history of Noah and his line. Noah, a righteous man, was faultless in all phases of his life. Noah continually communed with God. 10 Now Noah engendered three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. 11 The earth by this time had been reduced to a state of ruin by the punitive action of God. Also the earth was pervaded by violence. 12 As God looked at the earth, He saw that the ruin it had suffered had come about because all material life had ruined His Plan for the earth. 13 Then God spoke to Noah and said, 'The end of all

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


material life is approaching, through My punitive action, because the earth is pervaded by violence wherever their influence is felt, and I am bringing ruin both upon them and upon the earth, as you can see. 14 Construct for yourself a container of wood impregnated with resin. You must construct the container with multiple decks, and coat it inside and out with resin. 15 You must construct it with the following dimensions: the length of the container must be 300 forearms, its breadth 50 forearms, and its height 30 forearms. 16 You must construct a skylight for the container and allocate a measure of one extra forearm on the top for that purpose. The door of the container you must locate in its side. You must construct it with a lower, a second and a third deck. 17 Now I Myself, as you can see, am allowing the water of the Inundation to sweep over the earth, in order to bring ruin upon all material life in which is a living spirit, so that all trace of them disappears from under the sky. Every creature on the earth will become extinct. 18 But I shall establish My Covenant with you. You shall embark on the container, you, your sons, your wife and your sons' wives with you. 19 You must select specimens from amongst all living creatures, from all material life, two of each you must bring with you into the container to ensure their continued existence alongside you; they must be a male and a female. 20 Specimens of winged creatures of each type, animal specimens of each type, specimens of the creatures that crawl on the ground of each type, two of each will come to you to ensure their continued existence. 21 And you yourself must pick eatable items of the various kinds commonly used for food and store them with you to provide provender both for you and for them.' 22 Noah went on to carry out all the instructions that God had given him to the letter. 7:1 Then God said to Noah, 'You and your household must now embark onto the container, because you alone out of this generation have I observed to be a righteous man, by My definition. 2 You shall pick specimens of every cleared animal, seven pairs of them, males and their mates, and specimens of every animal which is not cleared, a single pair, a male and its mate, 3 as well as specimens of every creature that flies in the atmosphere, seven pairs of them, males and females, in order to ensure the continued existence of the germ of life over the surface of the whole earth. 4 This is necessary because in another seven days I am going to cause it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights and I shall wipe out of existence all that remains of that which I made from off the surface of the ground.'"

Noah Acts: Gen. 7:5-16:

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


Translation Genesis 7:5: "5 Noah went on to carry out all the instructions the LORD had given him to the letter. 6 Now Noah was six hundred years old and the Inundation had already caused water to sweep over the earth. 7 Then Noah and his sons and his sons' wives along with him embarked on the container to escape the water of the Inundation. 8 Specimens of cleared animals, and specimens of animals which are not cleared, specimens of winged creatures and of every creature which crawls on the ground, 9 two of each came to Noah onto the container, male and female, just as God had instructed Noah. 10 As events unfolded, and seven days later, water of the Inundation swept over the earth. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that same day, all the supply-sources of the great deep were broken up and the forces in the atmosphere which previously had a restraining effect gave way, 12 and rain poured down on the earth for forty days and forty nights continuously. 13 On that very same day, Noah and Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, Noah's wife and his sons' wives alongside them, embarked onto the container, 14 they and every animal of each kind, every creature of each kind, and every crawling creature which crawls on the ground of each kind, and every flying creature of each kind, every bird, every creature with wings; 15 they came to Noah onto the container, in pairs, specimens out of the total range of material life in which is a living spirit. 16 Those that came came as male and female specimens out of the total range of material life, precisely as God had instructed him. Then the LORD closed the door behind him."

The Flood: Gen. 7:17-8:5:

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation



The Exit from the Ark: Gen. 8:6-14:

The Sacrifice: Gen. 8:15-22:

Christian Hospitality

The Six Days of Creation


The Covenant: Gen. 9:1-19:

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