
Strange skeleton discovery could rewrite our history of the pyramids

Subtle markings on skeletons have thrown into question what we previously believed about who was buried in pyramids

Scientists (and taxi drivers) may have discovered the secret to beating dementia

Finding the best route to beat Alzheimer's

Here's how to burn more calories when walking

These simple tricks can help you to burn the most calories from a walk

This cholesterol-lowering drug combo could save hundreds of thousands of lives, claim scientists

Scientists are urging doctors to make this the go-to treatment for people across the globe

New issue: How to cut your risk of heart disease

The textbook version of a heart can look flat and motionless, which doesn't really equip us with a proper understanding of how it works. It looks different on an ultrasound scan (also known as an echocardiogram). It's easy to be struck by how tireless it is: contracting and relaxing in a precise rhythm without change. It's hypnotic. But of course, the heart does tire – it just takes a few billion beats for it to happen. And for some of us, years of neglect means that it’s likely to happen a little bit sooner. So, how can we add some extra beats or, at the very least, make life a bit easier on the old ticker? Alongside all the usual advice (get some exercise, eat less bacon and so on) researchers are discovering that some surprising small changes can also significantly lower your risk of heart disease. And the good news is that they add up. In this issue, we share what we’ve uncovered.

10 ingenious inventions about to change our world forever

From nano-medics, to digital twins and space janitors

The mystery of your ‘baby amnesia’ just got even weirder

Scientists are trying to work out why adults don’t remember being babies and it’s all a bit sci-fi.

A massive insect study may have made a huge mistake

The debate over the results of a highly-cited paper raises questions about how biodiversity loss should be measured

This stunning new cosmic map could decode our dark Universe

Millions of galaxies found; billions more await. The Euclid space telescope’s first glimpse into the universe will blow your mind.

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