Life Sciences

Whale Sex: It's All In The Hips

bones themselves for study. However, if all specimens were recorded using Dean and Dines’ system, ...

Article - News Staff - Sep 8 2014 - 9:33am

Right Angles Are All Wrong For Tree Frog Adhesion

Tree frogs have the unique ability to stick to smooth surfaces even when they are tilted well beyond the vertical- some small tree frogs can even adhere when completely upside down. Conversely when walking or jumping they can detach their toe pads easily. ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 2 2007 - 12:08am

Do All Males Lie And Cheat? Yes. In Crayfish, Anyway

Intimidation and threats are common throughout society, whether it’s in the school playground, sporting arena or boardroom. Threatening behaviour is equally widespread among non-human animals. Individuals signal their superior strength to competitors to o ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 2 2007 - 10:24am

What Is The Function Of All Those Proteins?

There are hundreds of thousands of proteins for which amino acid sequence data are available, but whose structure and function remain unknown. Now a research team, led by University of Illinois biochemistry professor John A. Gerlt, has devised a method to ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 14 2007 - 10:45pm

Empathy Is Impetus For Sharing In All Primates, Says Study

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, have shown capuchin monkeys, just like humans, find giving to be a satisfying experience. This finding comes on the coattails of a recent imaging study in humans that documented ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 25 2008 - 4:31pm

Carbon Nanotubes? Spiderman? It's All Gecko To Me

A Gecko's ability to climb sheer walls has long caught the attention of scientists and they've been trying for years to duplicate this strange talent. Major universities such as UC Santa Barbara, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University ...

Article - Ashley Cox - Oct 15 2008 - 2:22am

Gray's Paradox Resolved- Dolphins Can Swim That Fast After All And Here's Why

You've heard it before.   According to the laws of physics, bees can't fly.   Yet fly they do.   And British zoologist Sir James Gray noticed something strange about dolphins in 1936.  He had observed the sea mammals swimming at a swift rate of m ...

Article - News Staff - Nov 24 2008 - 1:49pm

All about eye evolution

The most recent issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach is now available free online. This is a special issue devoted to the evolution of eyes. You may recognize some of the names in the table of contents, as several of these authors are also bloggers. ...

Blog Post - T. Ryan Gregory - Jan 31 2009 - 7:55pm

Human Sex Roles? Male Promiscuity Debunked (And Women Aren't All That Picky Either)

A new study challenges long-standing expectations that men are promiscuous and women tend to be more particular when it comes to choosing a mate. The research in Trends in Ecology and Evolution suggests that human mating strategies are not likely to confor ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 24 2009 - 2:01pm

All Aboard! CendR Cargo Carrying Peptide Delivers Drugs

UC Santa Barbara scientists have revealed what they call a potential new drug delivery system- a biological mechanism for delivery of nanoparticles into tissue. They developed a peptide, a small piece of protein that can carry "cargo" for deliver ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 25 2009 - 11:51am