12 July 2024
Explore the evolution of retail markets in Asia-Pacific amidst e-commerce growth, Covid-19, and geopolitical tensions. Despite recent challenges, economic growth, reviving tourism, and a rising middle class offer promising prospects.
The Latest
30 May 2024
Discover new investment opportunities in Seoul's edge data centres, catering to rising demand from e-commerce, AI, and cloud operators.
16 May 2024
India's finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman plans to invest $134 billion in transport infrastructure to support ambitious goals of reaching a $5 trillion GDP by 2025 and a $30 trillion economy by 2047.
9 May 2024
Explore the booming industrial real estate market in Vietnam, an emerging hub for manufacturers globally due to its skilled workforce and cost-effective operations.
17 April 2024
Discover how Hong Kong aims to be a global leader in climate action with its new decarbonisation roadmap, targeting net zero emissions by 2050 and halving carbon emissions by 2035 from 2005 levels.
11 April 2024
Asia Pacific's retail sector shows signs of recovery, with rising rents and positive growth driven by strong economic outlooks, increasing retail sales, and a rebound in tourism.