Please enter a number
Buyer already owns a property
Buyer is a non-UK resident

Stamp Duty To Pay

£35,000Effective Rate: 3.9%

Taxable Sum


Calculation based on:

Tax Band % Taxable Sum Tax
hide 0% £0 £0
£125,001 - £250,000 2% £0 £0
£250,001 - £925,000 5% £0 £0
£925,001 - £1,500,000 10% £0 £0
£1,500,001 + 12% £0 £0
Tax Band %
£0 - 125,000 3%
£125,000 - £250,000 5%
£250,001 - £925,000 8%
£925,001 - £1,500,000 13%
£1,500,001 + 15%
Taxable Sum Tax
£0 £0
£0 £0
£0 £0
£0 £0
£0 £0

Please note, the BTL stamp duty amount that is generated through our calculator should be seen as indicative – the actual buy-to-let stamp duty amount can vary. This calculator applies to residential transactions in England and Northern Ireland only. If all, or part, of your transaction is commercial, agricultural or non-residential, and/or outside of England or Northern Ireland then the rates may differ.


Frequently asked questions -


What are the current buy-to-let stamp duty rates?

The current bands for buy-to-let stamp duty, as laid out by HMRC, are as below




Does being married or in a civil partnership affect BTL stamp duty?

If one spouse owns a property individually, and then they want to buy a second home jointly with their spouse or partner, a higher tax rate applies. This is because for stamp duty purposes, married couples and civil partners are treated as one individual.


Are buy-to-let stamp duty costs present if you are moving house?

When you are simply moving house, additional property stamp duty rates should not apply. If the situation arises where you briefly own two properties between moving homes, when experiencing delays selling your previous home for example, additional property stamp duty surcharges may be applied.

If delays are encountered, so long as your old home is sold within three years of buying your new property, you may be able to claim a refund on the additional property stamp duty surcharge.

In order to claim this refund, you need to apply for it within a 12 month window of selling your previous home. Details on how to apply for this refund, along with the relevant forms are available through HMRC’s official website.


Does buy-to-let stamp duty apply to a property you inherit?

Buy-to-let stamp duty does not initially apply to a property you inherit. However, if you do buy another home before selling the property you have inherited (similarly to when you have delays between buying a new home and selling your previous property), you may need to pay a buy-to-let stamp duty surcharge on the home you are going to be buying.

But, if you inherit less than a 50% share in a property, and buy another one 36 months later, this will not be considered an extra property, and therefore BTL stamp duty does not apply.


Are buy-to-let stamp duty rates different for non-UK residents?

If someone wants to purchase a buy-to-let property in England or Northern Ireland, and are a non-UK resident*, they can expect to pay a 2% surcharge on top of the buy-to-let stamp duty rates.

For example, someone based overseas who is buying a property that has a 15% stamp duty rate, will need to pay 17% BTL stamp duty costs.

*To be classed as a non-UK resident in the lead up to buying a property, you need to have not been present or living in the UK for at least 183 days, during a 12 month period.


Are there any exceptions regarding buy-to-let stamp duty?

There are certain excemptions surrounding BTL stamp duty that include:

  • If the price paid for the property is lower than £40,000
  • If you are buying a caravan, houseboat, or mobile home
  • If you are self-building your home
  • Zero-carbon homes that cost above £500,000


Other types of stamp duty

As well as our buy-to-let stamp duty calculator, you can work out the stamp duty on a range of other property types with our other SDLT calculators. For example, If you are looking at a commercial property purchase, our commercial stamp duty calculator will let you see what non-residential stamp duty you can expect to pay. Conversely, if you are buying a residential home in England or Northern Ireland, you can work out the SDLT through our residential stamp duty calculator, or our LBTT calculator if the property is located in Scotland.