BMW | Endowed Chair Quantum Computing

BMW has been a strategic partner of RWTH Aachen University since 2017, supported by RWTH Innovation. This intensive collaboration led to the idea of establishing an endowed professorship in the field of quantum computing in 2022. The chair is being held by Prof. Dominique Unruh. More information

Creating competitive advantage & advance application-oriented research
Together with RWTH Aachen as academic partner BMW strives to advance quantum computing into industrial application in an open ecosystem approach

Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
In conjunction to the newly established chair a doctoral school has been founded to foster interdisciplinary projects focussing on industry use cases by BMW

The endowed chair leverages the RWTH Quantum Computing ecosystem and its strong networks beyond the campus borders
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Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem Aachen Arc

Siemens has been a strategic partner of RWTH since 2003. With the establishment of the former Center for Knowledge Interchange (CKI), RWTH was one of a total of eight universities worldwide in Siemens' CKI program. In 2021, the successful cooperation between industry and university was continued under the name Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE). With the Aachen Arc, Siemens and RWTH are expanding the platform for cross-border cooperation to include excellent regional partners such as Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Forschungszentrum Jülich and KU Leuven. RWTH is thus in charge of one of 16 Siemens RIEs worldwide. The management of the cooperation between Siemens and RWTH is carried out by RWTH Innovation.
The aim of the Siemens RIE Aachen Arc is to bring together employees from all Siemens departments with students and researchers from RWTH in order to jointly forge innovations and launch international research projects. To this end, the Siemens RIE Conference is held once a year on changing topics.

Siemens RIE Conference – Exchange between RWTH researchers and industry experts
Once a year, high-ranking RWTH researchers and experienced Siemens executives meet at the Siemens RIE Conference to exchange ideas on changing topics. In tandem keynotes and panel discussions, the participants explore trail-blazing, application-oriented topics with a technical focus, which are then moulded into new concepts for research-industry cooperation in small, interactive discussion rounds. In addition, selected start-ups are given the opportunity to present their business model to Siemens managers in the Pitch Challenge. The main topics in recent years, for example, have been artificial intelligence in mobility and cities, and sustainability in production. More Information

Ford University Alliance

The Ford University Alliance model has long been established in the USA. In 2013, RWTH became the first and so far, only European university to become a so-called "Strategic Alliance Partner" alongside the US universities Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan and Stanford University.
This model is a global research program with its own budget, under which projects are tendered and funded. All “Alliance Universities” can apply for these projects, which generally run for two years.
The Alliance model guarantees all participants greater planning security, more transparency and simplified administrative implementation thanks to the predefined framework agreements. In this context, RWTH Innovation is responsible for the operational implementation of the collaboration between Ford and RWTH.


Katharina Fränken M.Sc.
Head of Industry Relations
+49 241 80 96619