Rituals Magazine

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Come ho trovato il mio scopo: Questa è la storia di Laurien

  • Per Jessy Deans
  • Thu Aug 01 2024
  • 3 min read

La fondatrice di Tiny Miracles, Laurien Meuter, conosce il motivo per cui si trova su questa terra, ma non è stato sempre così. In passato era una dirigente di alto livello, ma un momento ha cambiato la sua vita e l’ha spinta a lasciare il lavoro e avviare una fondazione che aiuta le comunità di Mumbai a uscire dal ciclo della povertà. Ecco la sua storia.  

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Stai auto-sabotando la tua gioia? Ecco come vivere una vita davvero appagante

  • Per Sarah Jane Corfield Smith
  • Wed May 01 2024
  • 3 min read

E se non fosse il tuo conto in banca né le frustrazioni causate dal lavoro a impedirti di condurre una vita davvero felice? Se fossi semplicemente tu?  Sarah-Jane Corfield-Smith analizza il modo in cui, con pochi ma importanti cambiamenti, potrai veramente cambiare la tua vita passando ad un modo di pensare che sia pieno di gioia.

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Il tuo momento di Gratitudine

  • Per Amy Lewis
  • Mon Sep 18 2023
  • 3 min read

In ogni appuntamento con la nostra serie “Il tuo momento di…”, discuteremo di uno dei punti della nostra guida The Art of Soulful Living e condivideremo modi semplici e veloci per applicarla più spesso alla tua vita. Questo mese, ci concentreremo sulla gratitudine.

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La masterclass sulla felicità progettata per trasformare la tua vita in 14 giorni

  • Mon Jul 17 2023
  • 3 min read

Rituals condivide la sua missione con il nostro nuovo ambasciatore della felicità, Mo Gawdat, ex Chief Business Officer di Google [X] e autore di Solve for Happy. Rituals e Mo cercano di avere lo stesso impatto sulla società: Rituals desidera arricchire la vita, offrire una pausa dai ritmi frenetici delle giornate intense, migliorare il benessere e aiutare le persone a scoprire la felicità nelle cose più semplici della vita.

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Cos’è l’energia?

  • Mon Jun 26 2023
  • 3 min read

Il nostro corpo, la nostra mente e il nostro spirito sono tutti uniti da una forza invisibile: l’energia. In quest’articolo esaminiamo le diverse forze dell’energia e perché sono ugualmente importanti, pur diventando molto più efficaci se bilanciate. 

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Perché acquistando una ricarica contribuirai ancora di più a proteggere il pianeta quest’anno

  • Per Jessy Deans
  • Sat Jun 17 2023
  • 3 min read

Lo scorso anno, per celebrare la Settimana della Terra, abbiamo piantato oltre 400.000 alberi. Quest’anno, vogliamo fare le cose in grande, e per questo ci stiamo impegnando a piantare, proteggere o ripristinare 5 milioni di alberi entro la fine del 2022. Allora, qual è il motivo del cambiamento e cosa farai esattamente per il pianeta acquistando una ricarica?

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Il tuo momento di… consapevolezza

  • Per Emma Becque
  • Mon Jan 09 2023
  • 3 min read

La consapevolezza è uno dei punti della nostra guida The Art of Soulful Living. Eppure, ritagliarsi del tempo nella giornata per momenti di consapevolezza può sembrare l’ennesima attività da aggiungere alla lista delle cose da fare. Per questo motivo ti presentiamo dei pratici consigli, facili da provare quando e dove desideri. 

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Cos’è il bakuchiol?

  • Per Amy Lawrenson
  • Mon Jan 02 2023
  • 3 min read

Il bakuchiol è un ingrediente di tendenza nel mondo del beauty per una buona ragione: gli esperti di settore lo indicano come l’alternativa vegetale al retinolo, che è l’anti-age di riferimento.

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Tacos vegani alla birria riscaldanti per le serate più fredde

  • Per Renaud Goigoux
  • Wed Nov 16 2022
  • 3 min read

La birria è un piatto messicano tradizionalmente preparato con carne di capra. Non sorprende che questo delicato stufato speziato sia ancora più gustoso se servito in un taco. Dato che tutti dovrebbero avere la possibilità di provare questa delizia, abbiamo creato una versione vegana. Questa ricetta sostituisce la carne con diversi tipi di funghi per dare consistenza al piatto. Inoltre, lasciandolo stufare per un tempo sufficiente, rilascia un delizioso sapore di umami che te ne farà desiderare sempre di più.

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The Art of Soulful Living: “What is love?” (cioè: Cos’è l’amore?)

  • Per Amy Lawrenson
  • Mon Oct 03 2022
  • 3 min read

La nostra filosofia, The Art of Soulful Living, è rappresentata dalla nostra bussola, che funge da guida al benessere personale.  Questo mese ci concentriamo sull’Amore, il 13° punto che, volutamente, si trova nel cuore della bussola.  Vediamo infatti l'amore sia come fondamento di ogni tema sia come collante, in grado di tenerli tutti insieme

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Ritrova il tuo io autentico e fai un grande passo avanti nel trovare la felicità

  • Mon Jul 11 2022
  • 3 min read

Come gli abissi più profondi dell’oceano, il tuo vero io è qualcosa che, probabilmente, non hai ancora visto per davvero. Se qualcuno chiede “chi sei?” al di là del tuo nome, potresti dire dove vivi, o qual è il tuo lavoro, o se hai figli, potresti elencare i tuoi hobby, i luoghi in cui ami andare in vacanza o i tuoi cibi preferiti. 

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La mia skincare routine consapevole

  • Wed Jan 26 2022
  • 3 min read

Michelangelo una volta disse “toccare significa dare vita”. Aveva sicuramente scoperto qualcosa, ma in questo mondo tormentato dalla pandemia, in cui dobbiamo chiedere ai nostri cari il permesso di dare loro un abbraccio, molti di noi hanno dovuto trovare altri modi per sentirsi tranquilli.

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Heal yourself at home with massage

  • Tue Mar 17 2020
  • 3 min read

There are few things more relaxing than a luxurious massage. But what if you don’t have the time or resources to book an appointment with a professional? No worries—you can take matters into your own hands at home. Read on and discover how.

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Find your centre with the final 3 days of yoga session

  • Per Deborah Quibell
  • Sun Sep 23 2018

Are you hooked on yoga yet? If not, the final day of our 3 Days of Yoga program will get you there. Join expert Deborah for a session that will re-inspire, re-motivate and remind you why we all love yoga: and encourage you to take what you’ve learned in the previous sessions to create your own personal daily routine.

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How to nourish the seed of mindfulness in your children

  • Per Deborah Quibell
  • Mon Jul 23 2018
  • 5 min read

Have you ever seen a young child playing for hours and hours with the same toy? You could argue that children – especially those of a young age – are naturally mindful. As a parent, you have a lot of influence on this matter, according to Deborah Quibell. She shares some tips and advice on how to introduce more mindfulness into your children’s lives.

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Warm up and unwind before your run with this yoga sequence

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun May 27 2018
  • 3 min read

It’s a gorgeous day—what better way to spend it than by going for a run? But before you do, check out this exclusive yoga video featuring our expert Laura and learn this pre-running sequence to start your run off right. Specially designed to warm up your muscles and unwind your mind, this yoga routine is guaranteed to become part of your running ritual.

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Clear your mind with morning yin Flow yoga

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun May 06 2018

Want to have the most productive day possible? Then put down that morning espresso and pick up your yoga mat! This Yin Flow sequence taught by our expert Laura is just what you need to start the day off with a clear mind, making it so much easier to set your daily goals.

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Balance yourself with this full moon yoga routine

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Apr 29 2018

Daily ceremonies enrich your life, but this moon yoga ritual is done just once a month: with the arrival of the full moon. Symbolising the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another, a full moon encourages us to seek more balance. Watch this exclusive video with expert Erica to learn how moon yoga can help you start anew every month.

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Baobab superballs with raw cocoa and matcha

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Apr 20 2018

A snack rolled into little balls that is very easy to make and delicious for any moment of the day. Mix fresh nuts like pistachios and/or almonds with a ripe banana, Medjoul dates, baobab powder and matcha powder. This mixture is then rolled into little balls and coated in raw cacao. Your super snack is ready!

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Enhance your radiance with facial yoga

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Apr 15 2018

Have you ever heard the words, “you look tense?” Then we have the perfect yoga ceremony for you. Watch our exclusive video with expert Erica to learn a facial yoga routine that will have you looking brighter, clearer and more approachable to the people around you.

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Here's how to shave like a pro

  • Per Miguel Gutierrez
  • Mon Mar 19 2018
  • 3 min read

In search of the perfect shave? We asked Miguel Gutierrez, founder and company director of Nomad Barber, for his grooming secrets. Learn the 7 essential steps to the ideal shaving experience, and turn this daily routine into a meaningful moment for yourself. 

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Create a healthy plate with these tips

  • Per Nigel Van Der Horst
  • Fri Mar 16 2018
  • 3 min read

Everybody has to eat to survive, but how conscious are you of what you’re eating? We asked chef, fitness model and author of the book Chef with Lef Nigel van der Horst about the most important things to consider when it comes to mealtime. Keep reading for some unmissable advice about building the perfect plate.

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Start fresh with this cool down meditation

  • Per Deborah Quibell
  • Tue Mar 13 2018
  • 3 min read

A clean slate—who doesn’t need that every now and then? When you’re looking to change direction in life, having some tools to help you cool down and make that transition is key. Watch this video with expert Deborah to learn how meditation can help you let go of negative emotions so you can have a new beginning.

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Wake up with this new yoga sequence

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun Mar 11 2018
  • 3 min read

Having trouble motivating yourself to get out of bed in the morning? We have the solution: and yes, you guessed it—it’s yoga! Let our expert Laura guide you through a morning Hatha yoga routine that will wake you up and energise you for the entire day.

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Eat smart with these professional tips

  • Per Nigel Van Der Horst
  • Thu Mar 08 2018
  • 3 min read

For your body to function optimally, it needs the best fuel. Chef, cookbook author and fitness model Nigel van der Horst shares some important advice about “intelligent eating,” and what it means for your daily life. Read on to discover his expert tips.

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Breathe away your busyness with yoga

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Mar 04 2018

We’re always looking for ways to help you slow down, and this yoga exercise is another great one. Expert Erica takes you through a practice she calls, “a breathing practice for busy people.” Watch her exclusive video and inhale a sense of inner calm.

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Sweet matcha recipes to treat your soul

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Feb 23 2018

Matcha tea is the latest foodie trend—and if you haven’t tried it yet, these recipes are a great introduction to the ingredient. Packed with antioxidants, Matcha tea comes from Japan and has a pleasantly bitter taste. These 3 recipes are definite comfort food—not terribly healthy for the body, but amazing for the soul.

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Embrace silence with meditation expert Erica

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Feb 18 2018

In the hectic pace of modern life, silence is difficult to come by. But spending a few moments in silence each day is incredibly powerful, and benefits body, mind and soul in a variety of ways. Watch this video with expert Erica to learn how a silence meditation can make a major difference in your daily life.

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7 reasons why you should meditate today

  • Mon Feb 12 2018
  • 3 min read

We’re big believers in meditation as a way to positively impact mind, body and soul. And recent evidence suggests that scientists are just beginning to scratch the surface of how beneficial a regular meditation practice can be. Here are some surprising reasons why you should add meditation to your daily routine.

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Your personal beginner’s guide to home yoga

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Fri Feb 02 2018

Are you looking for a workout that is both convenient and effective?  You should try yoga—it not only unites body, mind and soul—it can be done in the ease and convenience of your own home! We’re happy to explain how and why starting a yoga practice at home is the ultimate wellness routine.

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How to boost your detox with yin yoga

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun Jan 28 2018

Have you found yourself indulging a bit too much lately? Now that the holidays are over, detoxing can reboot body and soul—and what better way to do that than with Yin yoga? In this exclusive video, our expert Laura takes you through a sequence dedicated to detoxifying your organs and clearing your mind.  

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A beginner’s guide to the Lotus pose

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun Jan 14 2018

There’s really only one thing you need to do to make 2018 a good year: slow down. As slowing down is a major part of yoga, this video is all about just one pose: The Lotus. Laura tells you everything about getting into this pose, helping you feel grounded, stable and aware.

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Yoga warm-up sequence for winter

  • Per Laura van Ree
  • Sun Jan 07 2018

Especially in the cold winter months, warming up before a workout is essential. Yoga is no different, and in the following video, our expert Laura teaches you a warm up sequence that opens your hips and stretches out your abdomen and chest. Get your Vinyasa flow on to deepen those backbends and get the most out of your yoga routine.

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Meditate your way to forgiveness

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Dec 17 2017

Having trouble letting go of past hurt? It happens to all of us, but this meditation practice designed to inspire forgiveness will teach you to how to release negative emotions and love yourself. In just 20 minutes, our expert Erica teaches you how to soak your heart in the beautiful energy of forgiveness.  

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Here's how to slow down with Yin yoga

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Dec 10 2017

We can all benefit from slowing down the busy pace of our lives. Yin yoga is designed to do just that, thanks to its deliberate focus on breathing. Expert Erica helps you clear your mind and relax your body in this exclusive video introduction to Yin yoga.

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Awaken your chakra system with meditation

  • Per Erica Jago
  • Sun Dec 03 2017

Do you want to take healing into your own hands? Your chakra system, containing seven energy centers, is here to help—all you need to do is awaken it. Our yoga expert Erica teaches you how to do this in an exclusive video that will help you achieve a better energy flow and in turn, give you the tools you need to fulfill your own needs.

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Veggie adventures: an interview with Mirjam-Leslie Pringle

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Tue Nov 21 2017
  • 4 min read

Mirjam Leslie-Pringle is like so many of us: busy with work, family and trying to live her best life. A vegetarian cookbook author, photographer and mother of three, Mirjam spends her days on the beautiful island of Ibiza. There she cooks, writes, takes portraits and is preparing to open a store—in the following interview, she talks about how she combines all of this while still living a full and healthy life.

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Red pepper curry

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Sep 29 2017
  • 3 min read

In search of the perfect curry recipe? Look no further. This delicious vegetarian curry is just spicy enough to make you feel like you’re in India, but still suitable for every palate.

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Why yoga is essential to an Ayurvedic lifestyle

  • Sat Sep 23 2017
  • 3 min read

The ancient practice of Ayurveda is all about the perfect balance between our energies, or doshas. To bring our body and mind into balance, you can even tailor your yoga routines and meditation techniques to suit your dosha. So make yourself comfortable and we'll tell you all about it!

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Baked lima bean salad with walnuts

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Sep 01 2017

If you want to introduce more nutrition into your diet but don’t want to skimp on flavour, this warm salad has you covered. Made with lima beans and walnuts, the dish takes very little time to prepare and the ginger gives it a unique and interesting kick.

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Red beet and red endive salad

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Jun 30 2017

This salad, made with red beets and red endive is not only delicious, it’s also extremely good for your skin. Red and orange coloured fruit and vegetables fight the ageing of the skin and last but not least, it’s also a boost to your immune system. So start eating!  

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Avocado and Dukkah on toast

  • Per Mirjam Leslie-Pringle
  • Fri Jun 16 2017

Dukkah is an Egyptian mix of roasted nuts, seeds and herbs that instantly adds a great Eastern twist to this simple breakfast. Once it’s made, you can keep the golden mixture in a closed, dry container for a long time to enjoy it again with this dish or other ones.

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Personal Routines of yoga Expert Deborah

  • Per Deborah Quibell
  • Mon Jun 05 2017
  • 4 min read

Rituals Magazine is proud to add another expert to advise our readers on how to live more soulfully. Deborah Quibell, PhD, is a writer, healer and yoga expert with a lot to say about connecting to essential parts of ourselves. In the following interview, we get to know Deborah and a bit about the various wisdoms she will share with us.