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Phillyman last won the day on September 21

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About Phillyman

  • Birthday 07/31/1979

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    Alexandria, Virginia
  • Interests
    Video Games, Magazines, Electronic Gadgets, 90's Action Movies, 80's Music
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    Nintendo Switch
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    Super Nintendo
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    Rocket League
  • Video Games Favorites
    Anything from the SNES/PSx era!

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  1. OGM, OOPA and Retromags and any other site that scans magazines COULD host all the files for FREE. He is right on that point. We at Retromags have been approached many times by IA to host our content over there. However this misses a point that IF IA was our hosting provider, that we are no longer in control of said downloads. Those missing scans that kicked off this thread, they would be gone regardless. Also IA is not some free website, OGM asking for $20 to sign up and making it mandatory is because they are not IA with deep pockets and millions of dollars in donations rolling in each year. Now I am not going to invest a ton of time into this, but a quick dirty search looks like $30 million dollars? On comparison Retromags takes about $2000 give or take to run per year. But again, you cant act like if we just dump up to IA that someone, somewhere is not funding those files being available. Retromags trusted Rapidshare and we watched them get shut down, Retromags trusted MegaUpload and we watched them get shut down. IA is in a legal battle over book lending, who knows what will shake out of that, do we want to trust them? I feel better being in control of our content. Now Nirv also mentions hosting via home internet. This is something beyond most people. Most people have a home internet thru Comcast, Verizon or Cox in the USA. All these RESIDENTIAL ISPs usually have terms of service and will shut down your home internet in the blink of an eye if you try to start sharing terabytes of data. Lets look at what Retromags does in a month.... As you can see we fluctuate, but we are about 500GB per day on average. Some days is more some is less, and when we get mentioned somewhere it spikes. If you do this on your home internet and that is the only "good" provider in your area and you get banned for filesharing.....well I am not about to do that and I don't think you should either! But Hey Nirv, if you want to mirror the Retromags collection, be my guest. We will touch on this in a bit. Also Nirv is really downplaying the admin work, yes you can stand up Proxmox on an old Intel NUC or some old Dell PowerEdge server you got off Facebook for $100. But how many of us know or want to sit there and invest 50-100 hours learning how to set up Proxmox as a Hyper-V, buying 20TB hard drives ($300 or so last I checked), oh and you need multiple drives because if they die and you had everything on 1 hard drive, you are up a creek without a paddle. Then you have to learn how to stand up Ubuntu Server, how to patch it, how to secure it, and then whatever that program is that runs on Ubuntu Server to share files. Nirv should really do a Youtube tutorial showing us how to set all this up from scratch. Think Nirv you could inspire dozens, maybe even hundreds of new magazine scanning sites! Teach us!!!! And all of this, still ignores the "running of the project". Sure you can just come to Retromags and download all our Torrents, and you can then go over to OGM and snag all their stuff, and you can drag it into a folder and tada, your done. But are you, now you are on the hook to keep going to all these websites, and there are about 15 of us out there. You need to grab anything new, upload it, convey that to the end users somehow. Should they download the Retromags copy of EGM Issue 34, or the OGM version...etc. Retromags is more than just a file host of a few thousand magazines, I am surprised that Nirv has been around this site for soo many years but still misses the point. We are actively preserving stuff that has not been preserved before! We are closing out full runs of magazines! To that point and let me make it super clear. Retromags is trying to preserve all the USA Gaming magazines! It will take MUCH longer to get to that goal if people do not know where to go to help out. So when people on the internet say .... Oh cool, look IA preserved all the Nintendo Powers! No, no they did not. All IA did was sit back and wait for one of there members to come here and snatch and reupload. We want people to know where the scans originated from, because if someone sees 90% of a magazine run completed and they don't know we are the ones doing it, its not like IA or Nirv's solution will help them accomplish getting the other 10% of that magazine preserved. Each magazine scanning site has different rules, and each of our sites probably looks at the other sites rules as silly. If OGM wants to require an account and $20 to access the files, that is on them. Retromags no longer requires donations to download or to download "unlimited" magazines. You can be banned and still come to Retromags as a guest and download magazines. We have been unlimited downloads for all since I think 2020? But I am not going to have members at Retromags, using this site as a launching pad to try to attack another scan site. If you don't like OGM's required membership or $20 fee, that is well within your right. You can take it to Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Yelp if you want to go public with your anger. Or here is a better thought, create an account over there and complain directly on that site! But do not, bring it here! Don't come to Retromags to bad mouth other scanning sites. That is what Twitter is for, go launch attacks over there as I won't have it here. I also love how Nirv glosses over how Retromags is not paywalled, and we dont even require a membership, hell like 90% of our stuff is on Torrents, how he tangled us up in this is beyond me, its like he thinks Retromags runs all the other scanning sites as well. Nirv, you have my blessing, grab all our torrents and seed them for eternity, and if you ever get a DMCA to your home ISP, I want to see you ignore it (because if $30 million dollar IA pulls down stuff when asked, I don't believe you would be any different)
  2. I made the torrent, I figured it would lessen the burden on you guys of having to click 260 times.....as well as lessen the burden of bandwidth if everyone was seeding
  3. What have I told you about using 32 point scrabble words on Retromags! I don't have time to be Googling these words dammit!
  4. Bumping the topic, I have released all 260 files in the Download Manager! https://www.retromags.com/files/category/486-game-informer/
  5. 205 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  6. 86 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  7. 89 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  8. 84 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  9. 94 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  10. 95 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  11. 85 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  12. 95 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  13. 88 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  14. 82 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
  15. 86 downloads

    Big thanks to @bogusfrank for preserving these! Please make sure to thank him
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