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The Slowdown

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Quote of the Day: Frictional Games



… considering the sheer number of games that are currently being released, I think the best strategy is to focus on unique experiences. You want to create the type of experience that is not only hard to get elsewhere, but also leaves a mark on those who play it. This is now a core philosophy here at Frictional. I guess we sort of always had it unconsciously, but we have now made it official. Our goal is to create games that are more than forgettable escapism.

–Frictional Games

slowdown?i=IqQHBjuXTkk:BG09glXIxMA:D7DqB2pKExk slowdown?i=IqQHBjuXTkk:BG09glXIxMA:gIN9vFwOqvQ slowdown?i=IqQHBjuXTkk:BG09glXIxMA:V_sGLiPBpWU slowdown?d=qj6IDK7rITs slowdown?d=6et-BrRH4jw


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