Queer in AI


Join our Community.

Slack: More than 1000 folks are in the Queer in AI slack community. Our slack consists of dedicated channels for research, advice, announcements and discussion of many topics. To join, please email queerinai [at] gmail [dot] com with a small intro and with the subject 'Queer in AI slack join request'. Please follow the exact email subject and send a proper bio, otherwise your request might be declined.

Mailing List: Join our mailing list to get updates about Queer in AI.

Social media: We are on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn!

Sponsor Us

Queer in AI needs monetary support to help with our scholarship programs and event organization. If your company is interested in sponsoring us, please fill in this form here. For more details on sponsoring, please see here.

Donate to Queer in AI

You can provide support to Queer in AI programs by donating to us via Paypal at this link.

Queer in AI Demographic Survey

The responses of this survey are used to identify issues within queer communities and shape the future programs of Queer in AI. The survey link is here.

Join our organizing team

We have open volunteer positions. Fill out this form if you are interested in meeting our awesome team of volunteers and brainstorming with them in our organizers' meetings.

Queer in AI Code of Conduct

Queer in AI is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone and do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. The code of conduct applies to all Queer in AI spaces, including conferences, events, Twitter, Slack, mailing lists, both online and offline. Any person who violates the code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the Queer in AI Safety Team. Our full code of conduct can be found here.

Contact us

To reach out to admins, please email us at queerinai [at] gmail [dot] com. Please don't send event invites, job opportunities and calls to this email. They should be sent to the mailing list or slack instead.

If you want to send event / speaker invites, advertise call for papers or job opportunities, please send them to queerai [at] googlegroups [dot] com. Priority will be given to those organizations who have supported Queer in AI by sponsoring, donating or volunteering.

Our Sponsors