University of Hartford

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 11:06

Congratulations to the 2024 A&S First-Year Seminar Symposium Winners

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences presented their First-Year Seminar (FYS100P) projects for the Annual FYS Symposium in the Gengras Student Union on Friday, December 6. A&S alumni and faculty judged the students' collaborative presentations.

All first-year A&S students are required to take the FYS course to help develop and enhance writing, speaking, teamwork, and critical thinking skills. Students select an FYS course that interests them from a list of diverse topics; all FYS courses are led by engaged full-time faculty members.

Here are this year's winning presentations:

Best Demonstration of Creative Thinking

World War II in American Literature and Film, with Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies and History Amy Weiss

Judged by: Lauren Cook, Susan Cardillo, Susan Grantham, Ben Grossberg

Best Demonstration of Critical Thinking

Social Media: Boosting or Busting Society? With Applied Associate Professor of Communication Adam Chiara

Judged by: Adam Silver, Andy Koob, Kelly McGeever, Michelle Rabideau

Most Interdisciplinary Presentation

The Voyager's Journal, with Professor of Politics, Economics, and International Studies Kat Owens

Judged by: Margaret Tarampi, Ayelet Brinn, Judy Wyman, Tatum Krause

Most Professional Presentation

Self Care for Success, with Associate Professor of Biology Paola Sacchetti

Judged by alumni: Eric Litsky, Olaleye Onikuyide, Janel MacDermot, Paul Stigliano

Inclusive Excellence and Belonging Award

Pop Culture, Identity, and You, with Professor of Communications Jack Banks

Judged by: Cindy Thomas-Charles, Shivangi Nangia, Anastasiia Minenkova, Keven Beck

Student Choice Award

Speed Jigsaw Puzzling with Assistant Professor of Psychology EB Caron

Voted on by FYS100P students

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