Clouds and snow showers for Wednesday
Road Conditions
A forecast is scientific, but weather is highly dynamic and not easy to measure and this causes imprecision.
Highs in the 30s look to stick around for the foreseeable future.
Notice how the sun rises in the southeast and then follows a path along the southern sky before setting in the southwest, never getting very high in the sky during the day.
Cloudy skies will linger on for much of the region early on today, and by the afternoon most of southeast Minnesota will look to have rain moving on through into tonight.
Tambora, in 1815, resulted in the deaths of more than 100,000 people directly from the blast, and tens of millions due to world famine and disease.
Highs stay in the low 50s for most of southeast Minnesota again today, with more sunshine in the afternoon.
It is perfectly fine to show that there is a chance of some sort of storm so that people can begin to take notice and follow forecast trends.
Clouds will slide on throughout the region today, with temperatures staying in the 50s for both today and tomorrow.
John Wheeler
Lydia Blume
Jesse Ritka
Robert Poynter
Dillon Vogt
Charles Pekar
Robert Daley