
There is little question that telehealth has been a benefit to fragile patients who can receive care in their homes.
You can tell the homeowners have put some thought and effort into their light display, as well as money and organization. And then there are houses like ours.
Minnesota’s farmers are the backbone of our state’s agricultural heritage. They deserve fewer barriers and less bureaucracy, not more."
My mother’s childhood is one of my greatest mysteries. It can be difficult to picture a time where she was once a teenager, just like me, who experienced the emotional ups and downs that came with growing up. It becomes even more difficult when the stories of her adolescence are rooted in the deepest parts of herself that she rarely chooses to uncover.


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In recent years, proposals to reform or eliminate it have gained traction.
The House draft Farm Bill undermines states’ rights and puts all Americans at risk. It’s a move to centralize decision-making in a way that benefits only the largest corporate players.
"While it seems our country is unmoored, there are still things that pull us together. Just like a fall church auction on a beautiful, sunlit Sunday afternoon."
We are falling short when it comes to teaching the principles at the heart of the American experiment such as self-government, federalism, or equality and human dignity.
Donald Trump has accelerated the trend of the white working class fleeing the Democrats. Meanwhile, college-educated and suburban voters have moved significantly toward the Democrats.
Bom dia! (BOYN-GEE-ah) A Portuguese term meaning “good morning” is commonly heard among the walls of the Wetter household. But why? My father is from the Midwest and my mother is Malaysian, there’s no reason my family should be greeting each other in Portuguese … besides one *minor* possibility.


I wish that for at least one day, I could experience life without it.
Moderates have been largely squeezed out of political relevance by acrimonious polarization, plus the extreme gerrymandering of congressional and legislative districts in many states.
For Congress, it’s time to get serious about regulating artificial intelligence.