Life Hacks

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Best Anger Management Advice
Today John, Sam, and Devin explore various dimensions of anger as it arises in the hearts, minds, and actions of men. Have you noticed that anger is everywhere today? We discuss why we experience anger, when it becomes a sin, or when it is just. Anger, rightly understood, can be a positive force in our lives, but it can easily become a downward spiral that creates a toxic living situation for ourselves and those we love. Moreover, we equip you with strategies to control your own anger, use it ri
9 Proven Time Management Methods
Better organize your time with practical and proven time management methods, from time blocking and timeboxing to the 2-minute rule.
How to Get Free WiFi in (Almost) Any Airport
How to Get Free WiFi in Any Airport With These WiFi Hacks
The mathematically correct way to tie your shoes
The mathematically correct way to tie your shoes - Big Think
A guide to meditation for people who think they can’t meditate
How do you meditate? The beginner’s guide to making it work for you. - Vox
100 Tips for a Better Life — LessWrong
(Cross-posted from my blog) The other day I made an advice thread based on Jacobian’s from last year! If you know a source for one of these, shout and I’ll edit it in. Possessions 1. If you want to find out about people’s opinions on a product, google <product> reddit. You’ll get real people arguing, as compared to the SEO’d Google results. 2. Some banks charge you $20 a month for an account, others charge you 0. If you’re with one of the former, have a good explanation for
Everything You Need to Know Before Deleting Yourself From the Internet
What You Should Know Before Deleting Your Social Accounts - InsideHook
The Lie We Tell Ourselves About Going to Bed Early
Fight Revenge Bedtime Procrastination and Sleep Better - The Atlantic
Sacrificing sleep to make time for yourself? Tips to stop ‘revenge bedtime procrastination.’
‘Revenge bedtime procrastination’ rose with the pandemic, as lines between work, home and school were erased.