Reviews Roundup – August 2024

We’re always thrilled to see the great reviews that come in for our titles. As a publisher, we know that all our titles are worthy of positive reviews but to see confirmation of that in print is always exciting.

For our authors, these positive reviews are a fantastic reward for their work, validating their research and inspiring them to (hopefully) write their next work.

Discover Peter Lang titles through the eyes of a fellow reader and maybe find one to add to your reading list.

Congratulations to all our reviewed authors, we hope you enjoy reading these reviews as much as we did. We thank those who took the time to read and review our titles.

Review Highlights

Title: Formative Feasting: Practices and Virtue Ethics in Deuteronomy’s Tithe Meal and the Corinthian Lord’s Supper by Michael J. Rhodes

Review by: Gregory Soderberg

“even non-academic readers, who have the patience to wade through the typical academic conventions, will benefit from it and discover key insights and practical implications for preaching, ministry, outreach, and the communal life of local churches”

Featured in: Evangelical Quarterly: An International Review of Bible and Theology, Volume 95, Issue 2 (2024) p 174 – 176


Title: Frank French Feminisms: Sex, Sexuality and the Body in the Work of Ernaux, Huston and Arcan by Polly Galis

Review by: Joëlle Papillon, McMaster University

“That said, what Galis accomplishes is significant. The analyses are compelling and speak well to one another. Although all three writers studied now have considerable scholarship dedicated to them, Frank French Feminisms offers new insights on the works of Ernaux, Huston, and Arcan.”

Featured in: H-France Review Vol. 24 (July 2024), No. 52


Title: Sounds of Apocalypse. Music in Poland Under German Occupation by Katarzyna Naliwajek

Review by: Lesley Hughes, Sam Houston State University

“To my knowledge, her monograph is the first comprehensive, English-language work on the role of music in Poland during the German Occupation, making this topic accessible to a much wider audience. Her study will be a useful resource for historians and musicologists, and the broad scope of her work will doubtless provide many entry points for further research on this topic.”

Featured in: Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association, September 2024


Title : Head Game. Mental Health in Sports Media

Review by: Mahdi Latififard, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

“Emphasizing the control of both favorable and unfavorable consequences stemming from the public disclosure of athletes’ mental health issues through mass and modern media channels, Head Game provides readers with a nuanced perspective on elite athletes’ psychological struggles blending with the context of media outlets.”

Featured in: International Journal of Sport Communication, 2024, 17, 353-354


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