Yesterday, I drove to Shoreham Harbour - well I thought that's where I was headed to see the ships - and ended up at Shoreham Old Fort as I wanted to test out my other Pentax, the K-1m2 recently purchased with a Pentax 28-105 lens.
But I wasn't disappointed because I actually found some lovely structures to photograph.
Along the wall of an extending arm construction, were some fairly tame birds easy to capture and where I bumped into another camera-bearing hopeful after the same birds. So we got talking cameras, naturally, he discussing his
Panasonic 4/thirds with a lens the length of a baseball bat, and I, proudly waxing lyrical over my
K1. He replied that in his collection he has a couple of Pentaxes and enjoys them hugely.
K1 one is a heavy camera," said I, "but it doesn't bother me."
And he replied
"Because you can always feel a Pentax."
That made me smile and thought I had to share it.
---------- Post added 01-15-24 at 11:42 AM ----------
That certainly is the way we are here in the UK, and the saying I assure my family in Africa with when they ask how we cope with such cold.