Portrait of Sergio Peçanha

Sergio Peçanha

Sergio Peçanha is a graphics editor based in New York. He joined The Times in 2008 and has produced visual stories on a range of international issues, including natural disasters, the wars in Syria and Iraq and the escalation of tensions in the Korean Peninsula. He is a native of Rio de Janeiro and is fluent in Portuguese and Spanish.



    Underground Lives: The Sunless World of Immigrants in Queens

    The basements of Queens are the open secret of a literal underground economy, driven by a steady influx of immigrants and the need for affordable housing.

    By Nikita Stewart, Ryan Christopher Jones, Sergio Peçanha, Jeffrey Furticella and Josh Williams


    Will Sudan’s Revolution Succeed?

    "We’ve been ruled by military dictatorships for over 50 years. We cannot accept another one," said one protester who spent 98 days in jail.

    Xinjiang Dispatch

    How China Turned a City Into a Prison

    Children are interrogated. Neighbors become informants. Mosques are monitored. Cameras are everywhere.

    By Chris Buckley, Paul Mozur and Austin Ramzy


    Brumadinho Dam Collapse: A Tidal Wave of Mud

    A mining dam collapsed and buried more than 150 people. Now Brazil is casting an anxious eye on dozens of dams like it.

    By Shasta Darlington, James Glanz, Manuela Andreoni, Matthew Bloch, Sergio Peçanha, Anjali Singhvi and Troy Griggs

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