Norsk Epidemiologi 2023-10-23T07:08:04+00:00 Trond Peder Flaten [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Norsk Epidemiologi (The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology) is published by the Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE). The journal is normally published twice a year; each individual issue covers a specific theme and is edited by one or more guest editors. The guest editors invite prospective authors to submit articles within the specific theme, unsolicited articles are generally not accepted. The main aims for the thematic issues are to provide comprehensive scientific overviews of the specific fields, and of the work going on within these fields in Norway, and partly in other countries. The Board of NOFE approves the themes for the specific issues, and appoints guest editors. All members of NOFE can suggest topics and editors.</p> <p>The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is open access, and can be downloaded freely from this website. There is no submission or page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication. The Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology is double-blind peer reviewed and the journal is listed level 1 in the&nbsp;<a href=";bibsys=false&amp;request_locale=en">Norwegian scientific classification system</a>.</p> Innhold 2023-10-06T11:05:43+00:00 - - [email protected] <p>--</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 - - Forord 2023-10-06T11:16:25+00:00 Eva Stensland [email protected] <p><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: 'Noto Sans', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;">Eva Stensland<br />Senter for klinisk dokumentasjon og evaluering (SKDE)<br />Helse Nord RHF</span></p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Stensland Medisinske kvalitetsregistere i Norge 2023-10-06T11:21:03+00:00 Eva Stensland [email protected] Philip Skau [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Stensland , Philip Skau MS-registeret: meget viktig for MS-pasientene og enda viktigere fremover 2023-10-06T11:25:00+00:00 Jan Anders Istad [email protected] Magne Wang Fredriksen [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jan Anders Istad , Magne Wang Fredriksen Et lederperspektiv – nytten av medisinske kvalitetsregistre og hvordan vi bruker disse i forbedringsarbeid og praksisendring 2023-10-06T11:29:39+00:00 Bjørn Egil Vikse [email protected] Panchakulasingam Kandiah [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bjørn Egil Vikse , Panchakulasingam Kandiah The impact of longitudinal surveillance of individuals with cerebral palsy in Norway; a 20-year quality registry and follow-up program perspective 2023-10-06T11:32:57+00:00 Sandra Julsen Hollung [email protected] Reidun Jahnsen [email protected] Gunvor Lilleholt Klevberg [email protected] Nina Kløve [email protected] Guro L. Andersen [email protected] <p>ABSTRACT<br />The Norwegian Quality and Surveillance Registry for Cerebral Palsy (NorCP) has systematically collected<br />data on individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and been a driver of knowledge dissemination for over 20 years.<br />NorCP data have increased the competence of health professionals in both the municipal and specialist<br />healthcare services through publication of multiple scientific articles ranging from risk factors for CP to<br />lifelong interventions, quality improvement projects, and training services. This has led to a streamlined<br />process in the diagnosis and follow-up of children and youths with CP in Norway to ensure that they receive<br />"the right treatment at the right time," regardless of where they live using evidence-based interventions based<br />on needs that are revealed in the registrations.<br />NORSK SAMMENDRAG<br />Norsk kvalitets- og oppfølgingsregister for cerebral parese (NorCP) har systematisk samlet inn data om<br />personer med cerebral parese og vært en pådriver for kunnskapsformidling i over 20 år. NorCP data har økt<br />kompetansen til helsepersonell i både kommune- og spesialisthelsetjenesten gjennom publisering av flere<br />vitenskapelige artikler om risikofaktorer for CP til livslange intervensjoner, kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekter<br />samt kurs og kompetansetjenester. Dette har ført til økt kvalitet på diagnostisering og oppfølging av barn og<br />unge med CP i Norge, som sikrer at de får «riktig behandling til rett tid», uansett hvor de bor i landet med<br />bruk av evidensbaserte intervensjoner basert på behov som avdekkes ved registreringene.</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra Julsen Hollung, Reidun Jahnsen, Gunvor Lilleholt Klevberg, Nina Kløve , Guro L. Andersen Norsk hjertestansregister 2023-10-06T11:38:16+00:00 Ingvild B.M. Tjelmeland [email protected] Kristin Alm-Kruse [email protected] Johannes Nordsteien Svensøy [email protected] Gry Landbø [email protected] Jo Kramer-Johansen [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ingvild B.M. Tjelmeland, Kristin Alm-Kruse, Johannes Nordsteien Svensøy, Gry Landbø , Jo Kramer-Johansen Resultater fra Norsk diabetesregister for voksne 2023-10-06T11:43:24+00:00 Grethe Åstrøm Ueland [email protected] Tone Vonheim Madsen [email protected] Karianne Fjeld Løvaas [email protected] John Graham Cooper [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Grethe Åstrøm Ueland, Tone Vonheim Madsen, Karianne Fjeld Løvaas , John Graham Cooper Norsk register for analinkontinens NRA – registeret for de tause pasientene 2023-10-06T11:49:44+00:00 Tone Prøsch-Bilden [email protected] Stig Norderval [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Tone Prøsch-Bilden , Stig Norderval Nasjonalt register for gastrokirurgi (NORGAST): noen tanker etter ti år 2023-10-06T11:52:24+00:00 Stig Norderval [email protected] Kjerstin Havnes [email protected] Kristoffer Lassen [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Stig Norderval, Kjerstin Havnes , Kristoffer Lassen Norsk Parkinsonregister og biobank 2023-10-06T11:55:35+00:00 Kenn Freddy Pedersen [email protected] Johannes Lange [email protected] Eldbjørg Fiske [email protected] <p>SAMMENDRAG<br />Norsk Parkinsonregister og biobank fikk status som nasjonalt medisinsk kvalitetsregister av Helsedirektoratet<br />i 2016 og startet datainnsamling fra pasienter med Parkinsons sykdom og atypisk nevrodegenerativ<br />parkinsonisme i desember 2018. Registerets hovedmål er å sikre kvalitet og enhetlig diagnostikk, behandling<br />og oppfølging av pasientgruppen. Dette gjøres ved å samle inn kliniske data, gjennomføre kvalitetsforbedring<br />av behandlingstilbudet og drive forskning på årsaksforhold og sykdomsmekanismer ved å kombinere<br />registerdata og biobankmateriale. Registeret har i løpet av de første fire årene med datainnsamling møtt på<br />en rekke utfordringer knyttet til koronapandemi og ressursknapphet i helsetjenesten. Flere tiltak har blitt<br />gjennomført for å løse dette og vi ser nå tydelig effekt av disse. Ved utgangen av 2022 hadde registeret en<br />dekningsgrad på nesten 22 %.<br />ENGLISH SUMMARY<br />The Norwegian Parkinson’s Registry and Biobank was granted status as a National Quality Registry by the<br />Norwegian Directorate of Health in 2016 and startet registration of patients with Parkinson’s disease and<br />atypical neurodegenerative parkinsonism in December 2018. The main aim of the registry is to ensure quality<br />and uniform diagnostics, treatment and follow-up of the patient group by collecting clinical data, implementing<br />quality offers of treatment and conducting research into causal relationships and disease mechanisms by<br />combining registry data and biobank material. During the first four years of data collection, the Parkinson’s<br />Registry has encountered a number of challenges related to coronavirus pandemic and resource scarcity in<br />the health service. Several measures have been implemented to solve these challenges, and we are now<br />starting to see the effect of these measures. At the end of 2022, a coverage rate of nearly 22 % was achieved. </p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kenn Freddy Pedersen, Johannes Lange , Eldbjørg Fiske Realizing the potentials of a National Spinal Cord Injury Registry – 10 years of experiences 2023-10-06T11:59:22+00:00 Annette Halvorsen [email protected] Ann Louise Pettersen [email protected] Sara Rise Langlo [email protected] Horn Siv Anita [email protected] Rekand Tiina [email protected] <p>The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry is a national quality registry that just celebrated its 10-year anniversary. The registry contributes to quality improvement in spinal cord injury care in Norway and other Nordic countries. The continuous improvement in clinical practice goes hand-in-hand with the further registry development. Data from the registry are furthermore used in different kinds of research projects. This article aims to provide an overview of how the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Registry was established, to share our experiences, insights, lessons learned during its development and ten years in operation, and to highlight its potential.</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Annette Halvorsen, Ann Louise Pettersen, Sara Rise Langlo, Eldbjørg Fiske I starten var det Hofteregisteret – så ble vi flere 2023-10-06T12:03:37+00:00 Ove Furnes [email protected] Jan-Erik Gjertsen [email protected] Eivind Inderhaug [email protected] Trude Gundersen [email protected] Anne Marie Fenstad [email protected] Stein Atle Lie [email protected] Geir Hallan [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ove Furnes, Jan-Erik Gjertsen, Eivind Inderhaug, Trude Gundersen Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for melanom bidrar til å styrke kvaliteten på helsehjelpen som gis til melanompasienter 2023-10-06T12:08:03+00:00 Hilde Hedemann Brenn [email protected] Trude Eid Robsahm [email protected] Liv Marit Dørum [email protected] Henrik Løvendahl Svendsen [email protected] <p>Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for melanom (heretter Melanomregisteret) skal bidra til å sikre at utredning og<br />behandling av melanompasienter skjer i henhold til anbefalte retningslinjer og er av så høy kvalitet som mulig,<br />uavhengig av hvor i landet man bor. Melanomregisteret er derfor avhengig av innrapporterte data fra sykehusenhetene<br />som utreder og behandler melanompasientene for å kunne måle kvaliteten på helsehjelpen som gis.<br />Dette, sammen med data fra flere kilder, gir grunnlag for målinger som blir presentert som kvalitetsindikatorer<br />bestemt av fagrådet, sammenfattet i en årlig rapport. Hensikten med årsrapportene er at sykehusene bruker<br />resultatene som bakgrunn for å iverksette kvalitetsforbedrende tiltak slik at utredning- og behandlingstilbudet<br />til pasienter med melanom blir så godt som mulig. Melanomregisteret inneholder også pasientrapporterte data<br />siden 2021. Vi ser frem til å få ytterligere kunnskap om hvordan kreftsykdommen og behandlingen påvirker<br />helse og livskvalitet over tid, sammen med pasientenes egne erfaringer med helsetjenesten</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hilde Hedemann Brenn, Trude Eid Robsahm, Liv Marit Dørum , Henrik Løvendahl Svendsen Hjerneslag i Norge 2015-16 – behandling og resultater 2023-10-06T12:23:20+00:00 Torunn Varmdal [email protected] Bent Indredavik [email protected] Ailan Phan [email protected] Hild Fjærtoft [email protected] <p>The following paper is reprinted with permission from Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening </p> <p>Publisert: 27. januar 2020. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0246 </p> <p>Publisert under åpen tilgang CC BY-ND. Lastet ned fra 4. juni 2023. </p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Torunn Varmdal, Bent Indredavik, Ailan Phan, Hild Fjærtoft Kvalitetsregistre innen fagområdene psykisk helsevern og rusbehandling 2023-10-06T13:15:45+00:00 Inge Joa m. flere [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Inge Joa Coverage uncertainty range: A new method for calculating uncertainty around summary statistics in healthcare quality indicators 2023-10-06T13:18:01+00:00 Kari Krizak Halle [email protected] Tormod Aarlott Digre [email protected] Ragna Elise Støre [email protected] Torunn Varmdal [email protected] <p>Data from clinical health registries, such as medical quality registries, are often used as basis for healthcare<br />quality indicators (QI). To aid the interpretation of quality indicators and support decisions, it is important<br />to quantify the uncertainty around the QI summary statistics. In this paper we suggest a novel method for<br />quantifying such uncertainty: the Coverage uncertainty range. The method is based on the size of the<br />population present in the register relative to the total relevant population and does not make any assumptions<br />about the sampling strategy or the value of the summary statistic. Furthermore, using both simulated data<br />and real-life data from a Norwegian medical quality registry, we illustrate why using confidence intervals<br />when presenting healthcare quality indicators may lead to erroneous conclusions.</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kari Krizak Halle, Tormod Aarlott Digre, Ragna Elise Støre , Torunn Varmdal External validation of SAPS II score reported to the Norwegian Intensive Care and Pandemic Registry (NIPaR) 2023-10-06T13:23:30+00:00 Eirik Alnes Buanes [email protected] Øyvind Bruserud [email protected] Sergio Carracedo Huroz [email protected] Andreas Barratt-Due [email protected] Hans Flaatten [email protected] Reidar Kvåle [email protected] <p>Background: Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II) is a mortality prediction model widely used<br />to compensate for differences between intensive care units (ICU) in benchmarking and research. Accuracy<br />of SAPS II is sparsely documented. We investigate accuracy by comparing patient journal SAPS II values<br />with registry SAPS II values in the Norwegian Intensive Care and Pandemic Registry (NIPaR).<br />Method: NIPaR personnel collected data from the patient journal during visitations to ICUs in ten different<br />hospitals between 2017 and 2022 while blinded for registry SAPS II data. The patient journal SAPS II values<br />were subsequently compared with the registry SAPS II values.<br />Results: Difference of means for SAPS II score between patient journal and registry data was 5.2 points<br />(95% CI 2.8–7.6; p &lt; 0.001). SAPS II score depended significantly on ICU (p &lt; 0.001) and data origin (p =<br />0.006), whereas the interaction term for these two variables was not significant.<br />Conclusion: We find low accuracy of SAPS II score in a registry setting.</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eirik Alnes Buanes, Øyvind Bruserud, Sergio Carracedo Huroz Medisinsk koding til besvær 2023-10-06T13:27:50+00:00 Marianne Aardal Grytaas [email protected] Lars Breivik [email protected] Anders Palmstrøm Jørgensen [email protected] Trine Elisabeth Finnes [email protected] Lena Adriana Denstad Skavlan [email protected] Robert Wiik [email protected] Knut Ivar Johansen [email protected] Eystein Sverre Husebye [email protected] <p>The following paper is reprinted with permission from Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening</p> <p>Publisert: 7. oktober 2020. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0541</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Marianne Aardal Grytaas, Lars Breivik Previous obstetrical history does not impact short-term mid-urethral sling outcomes 2023-10-06T13:31:05+00:00 Ole Aleksander Dyrkorn [email protected] Anne Cathrine Staff [email protected] Sigurd Kulseng-Hanssen [email protected] Rune Svenningsen [email protected] <p>The following paper is reprinted from the International Urogynecology Journal<br />International Urogynecology Journal (2021) 32:1733–1743<br /></p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ole Aleksander Dyrkorn, Anne Cathrine Staff 6 min walk test is a strong independent predictor of death in outpatients with heart failure 2023-10-06T13:36:20+00:00 Morten Grundtvig [email protected] Torfinn Eriksen-Volnes [email protected] Stein Ørn [email protected] Eva Kjøl Slind [email protected] Lars Gullestad [email protected] <p>The following paper is reprinted from ESC Heart Failure </p> <p>ESC Heart Failure 2020; 7: 2904–2911<br />Published online 17 July 2020 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.12900</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Morten Grundtvig, Torfinn Eriksen-Volnes Full Issue 1-2(2023) 2023-10-23T07:08:04+00:00 - - [email protected] <p>-</p> 2023-10-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023