Showing posts with label Slime In Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slime In Space. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Noggin to Debut 'Noggin’s Space Place' During World Space Week 2022

Noggin, Nickelodeon’s standards-aligned media platform that reaches of millions of young children and families, will release Noggin’s Space Place, a collection of animated and live action videos and resources during World Space Week, October 4-12, featuring children’s questions for astronauts in the International Space Station, a special episode of Noggin Knows, and free educator guides to help teachers use the learning media.

In order to address the challenges of today and prepare for the discoveries of tomorrow, the country needs a skilled and diverse space workforce. Noggin’s Space Place will form part of the White House's Interagency Roadmap to Support Space-Related STEM Education and Workforce initiative, and aims to inspire the next generation of the space workforce.

The news was announced by Vice President Kamala Harris today (Sept. 9) at the second convening of the National Space Council. For more information, visit

Stream your favorite Nick Jr. shows on Paramount+ and Noggin! Try Paramount+ for FREE at!

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Friday, June 10, 2022

Universe Expansion | Nick News Breaks | Nickelodeon

NASA says that it has a more accurate measurement of the expansion of the universe thanks to new data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Nick News Breaks answers your questions about the story!

For more information and resources, visit

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Nickelodeon Debuts First Footage of Iconic Green Slime in Space | KCA 2020

As it turns out, what "you can't do (that) on television" on Earth, you can do in outer space.

Nickelodeon, the number-one network for kids that that made green slime its trademark after it was first introduced on the 1980's comedy show You Can't Do That on Television, used its annual Kids' Choice Awards broadcast on Saturday, May 2, 2020 to premiere the first footage of its brightly-hued goo floating in microgravity.

A bag of Nickelodeon green slime floats above Earth inside the Cupola aboard the International Space Station. (Nickelodeon)

Nickelodeon Launches 'Slime In Space: A Virtual Field Trip'

Nickelodeon worked with astronauts to test out slime in space! The result is a virtual field trip complete with activities for teachers and parents to share with their students.

A bag of Nickelodeon green slime floats above Earth inside the Cupola aboard the International Space Station. (Nickelodeon)

What happens when you send Nickelodeon slime to space? That pressing question was exactly what a group of NASA astronauts set out to answer, and now Nickelodeon wants you and your kids to come along for the ride! This free 15-minute virtual field trip will take kids 250 miles above earth to the International Space Station. There, they will learn along with the astronauts as they demonstrate how slime reacts in a microgravity environment compared to how water reacts in the same environment.

Watch the virtual field trip now on - It's truly out of this world and a fantastic (wonderfully messy) way to learn!

You'll see just how far slime will travel when shot out of a giant syringe, and what happens when you pop a slime balloon in an environment where liquids are weightless. Will it float? Will it plop to the ground and make a huge mess? We'll find out! A favorite moment is when the astronauts play ping pong with floating balls of slime! Who doesn't want to watch astronauts play slime ping pong in space?!

Along the way, kids will be introduced to key vocabulary terms like viscosity and hypothesis and learn about non-Newtonian fluids in a way that's easy to understand.

Meanwhile back on Earth, host Nick Uhas, scientist Rihana Mungin, and a group of young students try to reproduce several of the slime demonstrations that the astronauts perform, and compare the two. They learn important scientific concepts and create an awesome green slime mess along the way. Comparing how slime and water squirt out of syringes or the difference between the splat of a water balloon and a slime balloon is science your students will remember!

Who should watch the virtual field trip? Anyone who loves science, space, and slime!

Classroom Resources

Teachers and parents can show the field trip on its own or use the teaching materials and printables available on the resources tab of Nickelodeon's Slime in Space hub. These guides were created with grades 3-5 in mind but are easily adaptable to other ages.

The teacher’s guide to the virtual field trip includes pre- and post-viewing activities for students, relevant scientific terms, and extension ideas. These activities help reinforce the lessons learned in the virtual field trip and help students gain a deeper understanding of the scientific process, microgravity, force, and viscosity.

Teachers can apply for the Slime in Space: A Virtual Field Trip Teaching Guide at

Learn more about the International Space Station by downloading this poster.

Track and view the station from your home by visiting the Spot the Station site.

Organized by the International Space Station (ISS) U.S. National Laboratory, the Slime in Space voyage, or "Non-Newtonian Fluids in Microgravity," project was aimed at creating educational videos and other content to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts to Nickelodeon's target audience, elementary and middle school students.

"Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid, a material in which its viscosity (resistance to flow) changes based on the amount of shear stress applied to it — for example, through squeezing or stirring," explained the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the non-profit organization that manages the National Lab for NASA.

Packaged in its own specially-labeled "Slime Bag," the green fluid launched aboard a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft with other science experiments and supplies for the space station's Expedition 61 crew in July 2019.

Since the early days of human spaceflight, astronauts have reported delight while observing the behavior of liquids in microgravity, from water blobs to quickly-decarbonated soda balls. It has not been all for fun, though, as past experiments have helped improve the design of fuel tanks and microfluidic devices for medical applications.

In addition to filming the slime experiment for Nickelodeon using traditional video cameras, the demonstration was also captured using a virtual reality (VR) 360-degree camera.

Nickelodeon gave viewers a sneak peek of Slime in Space during Kids’ Choice Awards 2020: Celebrate Together on Saturday, May 2.

More Nick: 'The Astronauts' - Nickelodeon Debuts First Trailer for New Live-Action Series Premiering Fall 2020!

Originally published: Tuesday, May 05, 2020 at 21:37 BST.
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The Science of Slime in Space: Examining Liquid Behavior in Microgravity | Nickelodeon

In an aweslime article for the ISS360: The ISS National Lab Blog, Portland State University's Mark Weislogel and Rihana Mungin, who were involved in designing the in-orbit science demonstrations for Nickelodeon’s Slime in Space project onboard the ISS National Lab, talk about sending Nickelodeon's iconic green slime into space!

The Science of Slime in Space: Examining Liquid Behavior in Microgravity

Nickelodeon's Slime in Space in the cupola of the ISS. MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

Mark Weislogel, Portland State University professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Rihana Mungin, Portland State University mechanical engineering graduate research assistant, were involved in designing the in-orbit science demonstrations for Nickelodeon’s Slime in Space project onboard the ISS National Lab.

Nickelodeon wants to do what? Slime an astronaut? On the International Space Station? You know that will take liters of slime, right? You know the slime won’t behave like you expect, right? You know they’re not going to let you make a mess, right?

This was our initial reaction to Nickelodeon’s Slime in Space project onboard the International Space Station (ISS). But then we thought—while the idea of sliming an astronaut in space might be fun, sending such a large amount of highly viscous liquid to the space station is so unique, you’d be nuts not to try to learn as much as you can about it. So behind the scenes, that’s exactly what we tried to do.

Studying Slime in Space

We asked the astronauts on the ISS to perform a variety of demonstrations with the slime that would provide scientific data for comparison with predictions from theories about liquid behavior in a low-gravity environment. We are always looking for “limiting cases” with which to benchmark our numerical and theoretical analyses, and slime establishes a certain “viscous limit.” Fortunately for us, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Drew Morgan and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano were excited about exploring the limits.

European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano does a science demonstration using Nickelodeon's Slime in Space and super-hydrophobic paddles.
MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

Despite working and living in space onboard ISS for nearly 20 years now, our collective understanding of how liquids behave in orbit remains rather limited. Gravity makes handling liquids easy, or maybe we’re just used to it since we’ve had billions of hours of practice. In microgravity, however, liquid management is incredibly difficult. When you take away gravity, bubbles no longer rise, droplets no longer fall, and equipment that involves liquid—such as boilers, condensers, plant watering systems, blenders, or even beakers—do not work.

So how can we keep learning more about liquids in space? Our answer is to play with liquids in space as much as possible. Slime is a liquid, and Nickelodeon sent it to the ISS, so we played with it!

The Science Behind the Slime

Slime and water share similar liquid properties, such as density, contact angle, and surface tension, but the viscosity of the slime sent to the ISS is approximately 20,000 times greater than water. The slime, along with a set of super-hydrophobic ping pong paddles that repel water, were launched to the space station on SpaceX’s 18th commercial resupply services mission last summer.

Density is a measure of a substance’s mass per unit of volume.

Contact angle is the angle at which a liquid meets a solid surface. Contact angle can be used to measure a surface’s wettability (how easily a liquid is deposited on a surface).

Surface tension is the force on the surface of a liquid that causes the surface to act as an elastic layer. Surface tension results from the attraction of the liquid molecules to each other.

Viscosity is a measure of a liquid’s resistance to motion when a force is applied.

At least eight demonstrations were designed for ISS crew members to do to highlight the impact of the slime’s fluid properties and to potentially slime an astronaut. The astronauts videoed the demonstrations for researchers and students back on the ground to learn about slime in space.

1. Slime Blob: The crew dispensed similar amounts of slime and water and observed the behavior of the two as the blobs floated around the ISS cabin.

2. Slime Spin: The crew attempted to spin blobs of water and slime. The water continually oscillated with a high amplitude and frequency unless stopped by the paddle. Whereas the slime’s high viscosity caused it to deform and rotate like a solid, enabling us to determine the slime’s surface tension. When the crew disrupted the rotation, surface tension quickly drew the slime into a sphere.

MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

3. Slime Cutting: The crew attempted to cut the slime using dental floss. The slime didn’t split and quickly recovered its shape. The slime wet the dental floss, which could then be used to move the blobs around in the cabin, like a ball on a string.

4. Slime Bubbles: The crew used a large syringe to inject air into a slime blob to create a thick-film slime bubble.

5. Slime Collision: A slime blob, held conveniently in front of Parmitano, was hit by a jet of slime expelled from a syringe. In the first attempt, the slime jet merged with the blob. In the second attempt, a higher-velocity jet burst through a large slime bubble, creating a donut-shaped slime blob. The slime jet passed straight through—resulting in Parmitano having the honor of being the first astronaut to be slimed in space!

MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

6. Slime Paddleball: Despite the slime having a nearly identical wetting condition (i.e., contact angle) as water, when attempting to manipulate the slime using the super-hydrophobic paddle, the slime appeared to stick to the surface of the paddle, unlike water. The viscosity of the slime overtook inertia when trying to “flick” the slime off the paddle, resulting in remarkable 3D standing waves. The parallel demonstrations Nickelodeon did on the ground showed how gravity overcame viscosity, causing the slime to eventually roll off the paddle without leaving a trace.

MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

7. Slime Jets: An additional high-velocity jet of slime was shot on an angled super-hydrophobic paddle, which redirected the jet, resulting in the sliming of Koch!

8. Slime Balloons: Two balloons filled with different volumes of slime were popped. Depending on the location where the balloon surface was pricked with the pin, the slime inside the behaved differently as the balloons burst. In Nickelodeon’s ground-based demonstrations, gravity pulled the slime down when the balloons were popped, but in space the slime held together.

MEDIA CREDIT: Image courtesy of NASA

9. Bonus—Slime Sandwich: In a spur-of-the-moment demonstration, Parmitano put a large amount of slime between two of the super-hydrophobic paddles and pulled them apart at different speeds. This demonstrated that large-scale viscosity dominated liquid draining and bridge rupture, which incredibly produced symmetrical satellite slime droplets.

Advancing Both Science and STEM Education

These seemingly simple science demonstrations provide valuable scientific data on liquid behavior in low gravity, and we plan to publish and present as much of the results as possible. Such data informs the analysis and design of new space technology and space-based research. This data can also be applied to work around low-gravity droplet production, mitigation, and containment and will help inform continued work concerning general liquid containment and transport, CO2 and wastewater processing, and hydroponic plant watering in space—and much more.

The Slime in Space demonstrations also serve as a powerful education tool. We did not predict everything that happened with the slime in space. Science is fun, and watching astronauts play with slime while doing science demonstrations is a great way to engage millions of kids around the world in important science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. And, of course, everyone enjoys seeing astronauts get slimed in space!

Nickelodeon's educational video "Slime in Space: A Virtual Tour," hosted by Nickelodeon's Nick Uhas and Portland State University mechanical engineering graduate reserach assistant Rihana Mungin, highlights some of the in-orbit demonstrations done by astronauts onboard the ISS National Lab.


More Nick: 'The Astronauts' - Nickelodeon Debuts First Trailer for New Live-Action Series Premiering Fall 2020!
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Thursday, May 07, 2020

SLIME IN SPACE! 🚀 How Slime Moves in Microgravity | Kids' Choice Awards 2020 | Nickelodeon

SLIME IN SPACE! 🚀 How Slime Moves in Microgravity | Kids' Choice Awards 2020 | Nick

What happens when you put slime in SPACE? Without Earth's normal gravity to hold the ooey gooey stuff down, things are about to get weird. Rihana Mungin and Nick Uhas are here to take you to the Slime in Space classroom from the Kids' Choice Awards 2020!

Visit Nickelodeon's Slime In Space: A Virtual Field Trip!

More Nick: 'The Astronauts' - Nickelodeon Debuts First Trailer for New Live-Action Series Premiering Fall 2020!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Slime In Space | First Look During KCA 2020: Celebrate Together | Nickelodeon

Slime is going where it's never gone before - SPACE! Get an exclusive first-look at Nickelodeon’s Slime in Space voyage, as well as a sneak peek of Nick's upcoming series The Astronauts during Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards 2020: Celebrate Together on Saturday, May 2, at 8 p.m. (ET/PT), only on Nickelodeon USA!

Nickelodeon's Slime in Space logo looks like a mission patch.

More Nick: Nickelodeon to Host Virtual 'Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards 2020: Celebrate Together' Special on Saturday, May 2!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards 2020 News and Highlights!