Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Viacom Launches Paramount+ SVOD Service in Hungary; Include Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. Programming

Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) has launched Paramount+ in Hungary, marking the SVOD service’s second release in the region following its recent rollout in Poland.

Paramount+ is now available as a standalone offer on Magyar Telekom’s Moziklub video-on-demand (VOD) platform. It is available to customers through the telco’s set-top boxes, as well as its OTT subscription VOD platform and app TV GO.

Viewers will be able to access a range of content through the Paramount-branded service, including films like Transformers, Forrest Gump and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, and will offer access to the video libraries of Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., MTV Magyarország, Comedy Central and Spike, featuring programmes like SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, School of Rock, Paw Patrol, Catfish, Drunk History, and Bellator.

Commenting on the Hungarian launch, Elena Balmont, Senior Vice President (SVP), interim General Manager (GM), Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) Central and Eastern Europe and Israel, said: “We are delighted to partner with Magyar Telekom for the launch of Paramount+ in Hungary. It’s the perfect complement to our portfolio of channels, offering hundreds of hit movies and TV shows for viewers of all ages and interests. It enriches the range of premium content offered by our distribution partners, while providing flexible access to our wide range of programming content for consumers. An important extension to our linear TV business, this new SVOD service enables us to diversify our footprint and further strengthen Viacom’s market leading position in CEE.”

VIMN launched Paramount+ for the first time in the CEE region in October, debuting the service in Poland (locally titled Paramount Play) with mobile operator Play and cable TV distributor Toya. The Polish offering also offers customers access to the video libraries of Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., MTV Polska and Comedy Central. CEE is the second region to roll out the Paramount-branded entertainment offering, with a version already available in the Nordics.

The news follows Viacom launching the award-winning Nickelodeon Play VOD app in in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in September 2018. The app debuted in Serbia, and will roll-out in more territories in the near future.

In additional Nickelodeon Europe news, Greek mobile network operator Cosmote TV has enriched its over-the-top (OTT) Cosmote TV Go service with the new package Cosmote TV Go Sports Daily Pass which offers access to 13 sports channels, including 9 Cosmote Sport channels for a whole day. At the same time, Cosmote TV Go was expanded with the new Cosmote TV Go Kids and Cosmote TV Go Greek Channels thematic packages, which are only activated in conjunction with the other service packages. Content from the Cosmote TV Go Sports Daily Pass package is available on mobile phones, tablets or laptops through Cosmote.gr and the My Cosmote application. Cosmote TV Go Kids provides access to Nickelodeon HD, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior, Baby TV, Smile TV and the new on-demand platform of the Cartoon Network service. The Cosmote TV Go Greek Channels package provides access to national channels. Customers who choose 2 or more packages are guaranteed a discount of EUR 2.00 per month for each additional package.

Sources: TBI Vision, Broadband TV News; Additional sources: TVBEurope, C21 Media, Wikipedia.

Also, from DTV News:

Paramount+ néven új VOD-szolgáltatást indít a Viacom a Magyar Telekommal

Paramount+ néven új video-on-demand szolgáltatást indított Magyarországon a Viacom – jelentette be a Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) hazai képviselete. A Paramount+ szolgáltatásban a Paramount Studio hollywoodi sikerfilmjei, illetve a Comedy Central, az MTV, a Spike, a Nickelodeon és a Nick Jr. tévécsatornák népszerű sorozatai lesznek korlátlanul megtekinthetőek, egy helyen. Elsőként kizárólag a Magyar Telekom MoziKlub előfizetéssel rendelkező ügyfelei érhetik el a szolgáltatást, amit nem csak a tévékészülékükön, hanem TV GO-val okostelefonon, tableten és laptopon is nézhetnek, bárhol és bármikor.

A Paramount+ VOD-szolgáltatást a Viacom tavaly indította el a skandináv országokban, majd a múlt hónapban Lengyelországban is elérhetővé tette, Paramount Play néven. Magyarország a második ország a közép-kelet-európai régióban, ahol az új szolgáltatást bevezeti a tévétársaság. A Paramount+ egy közös felületen kínálja a Viacomhoz tartozó Paramount filmstúdió sikerfilmjeit, a Comedy Central humorcsatorna sorozatait, az MTV reality műsorait, a Spike MMA küzdősport gáláit, illetve a Nickelodeon és Nick Jr. gyerekműsor-kedvenceit. A szolgáltatás folyamatosan frissülő kínálatában többek között olyan filmek és sorozatok lesznek korlátlanul megtekinthetőek, mint a Transformers, a Beverly Hills-i zsaru, a Forrest Gump, a Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – Az élet bölcsője, a Röhej, a Kamureg, a Tömény történelem vagy a SpongyaBob Kockanadrág, a Tini Nindzsa Teknőcök, a Rocksuli, vagy a Mancs őrjárat.

Harsányi Gábor, a VIMN CEEI magyarországi country managere, terjesztési és tartalommenedzsment alelnöke elmondta: „Örömünkre szolgál, hogy a Magyar Telekommal együttműködve Magyarországon is elindíthatjuk a Paramount+ szolgáltatást. A sokféle nézői érdeklődésnek és korosztálynak több száz filmet és sorozatot kínáló Paramount+ jól kiegészíti a tévécsatorna-portfoliónkat. Műsorterjesztő partnereink így tovább gazdagíthatják a prémium kínálatukat, rugalmas hozzáférést nyújtva a legváltozatosabb szórakoztató tartalmakhoz. Számunkra pedig az új VOD szolgáltatás lehetővé teszi, hogy a lineáris televíziózást kiterjesztve újabb platformokon is megjelenjünk és tovább erősítsük piacvezető szerepünket Kelet-Közép-Európában.”


More Nick: December 2018 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) | Christmas | New Years | The Bureau of Magical Things | Knight Squad | Henry Danger S4 + More!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Hungary and Nick Jr. Magyarország News and Highlights!

Viacom's SpongeBob Keeps Rights To 'Krusty Krab' Restaurant Name [Updated]

Aye, aye, captain: the rights to The Krusty Krab, the fast-food establishment featured in Nickelodeon's hit animated series SpongeBob SquarePants, belong to Viacom Inc. and not to a Texas restaurateur hoping to open a seafood chain with that name.

FILE PHOTO: The SpongeBob SquarePants balloon makes its way down 6th Ave during the 91st Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York, U.S., November 23, 2017. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton/File Photo

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 on Tuesday (22nd May 2018) that Viacom deserves trademark protection for The Krusty Krab, and that IJR Capital Investments LLC and its owner Javier Ramos cannot use it for their restaurants.

Circuit Judge Priscilla Owen wrote that Viacom proved that diners would likely be confused if IJR used the name The Krusty Krab, the restaurant located in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom where SpongeBob works as a fry cook.

She also said while Viacom had not registered “The Krusty Krab” with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the name was important enough to the SpongeBob series to deserve trademark protection, despite not being the title.

Owen said The Krusty Krab has appeared in 166 of 203 SpongeBob episodes since its 1999 premiere on Viacom’s Nickelodeon network, as well as in two feature films.

She said that made it like the Daily Planet, the newspaper that employed Clark Kent in Superman, and the orange General Lee muscle car from The Dukes of Hazzard, both of which received trademark protection in earlier court rulings.

“In the minds of consumers, The Krusty Krab identifies the source of products, which is Viacom, the creator of the SpongeBob SquarePants fictional universe and its inhabitants,” Owen wrote.

A lawyer for IJR and Ramos did not immediately respond to requests for comment by Reuters.

Ramos claimed not to have heard of The Krusty Krab when he began fishing for a name, and chose it after checking Google and finding no restaurants using that name.

Viacom and its lawyers also did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Tuesday’s decision by the New Orleans-based appeals court, which upheld an April 2017 dismissal by U.S. District Judge Gray Miller in Houston.

The case is Viacom International Inc v IJR Capital Investments LLC, 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 17-20334.

Also, from Courthouse News Service:

Fifth Circuit Rules for Viacom in ‘Krusty Krab’ Restaurant Case

(CN) – Viacom has established trademark rights to the fictional restaurant The Krusty Krab where animated chef SpongeBob SquarePants is known for dishing out tasty burgers, the Fifth Circuit affirmed Tuesday, so an aspiring restaurateur cannot use the name for seafood diners.

Viacom executives could never have imagined how successful its “SpongeBob SquarePants” series would become when it debuted on its Nickelodeon network in 1999.

Featuring a hyperactive sponge who lives in a pineapple in the seafloor town of Bikini Bottom with his pet snail Gary, the show has been the most-watched animated TV series for 15 consecutive years, spawned two movies that grossed $470 million at the box office, and inspired an eponymous musical that premiered on Broadway last December.

The Krusty Krab restaurant is central to the show. It appears in more than 80 percent of the episodes and Viacom has made millions of dollars on licensed products that bear the name, mainly aquarium figurines and children’s play sets.

Viacom sued IJR Capital Investment LLC for trademark infringement in Houston federal court in January 2016 when it learned that IJR’s owner Javier Ramos Jr. was planning to open seafood restaurants in Los Angeles and Houston called The Krusty Krab, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office had approved his application to use the name.

Ramos’ attorney Christopher Schaefer, with the Houston firm Knobloch and Tripp, told the Fifth Circuit in February that Ramos got the name from the crust that sticks to crabs when they are put in a seafood boil.

Ramos’ friend Ivan Murillo suggested calling the restaurant Crusted Crab, which evolved into The Krusty Krab, though Ramos testified in a deposition that he saw The Krusty Krab on “SpongeBob SquarePants” during an online search before filing his trademark application.

Ramos assumed he was in the clear because Viacom had not registered the mark, and his research did not locate an actual restaurant that used the mark.

But U.S. District Judge Gray Miller sided with Viacom in January 2017. He cited Fifth Circuit precedent that “ownership of a trademark is established by use, not by registration,” and found IJR’s use of the name “creates a likelihood of confusion” that consumers would believe Viacom had licensed it to IJR.

To win a federal trademark infringement claim, a company must prove it has a protectable ownership interest in the mark and that a defendant’s use of the mark is likely to confuse consumers that there is an affiliation.

IJR appealed to the Fifth Circuit. Schaefer, its attorney, argued at the February appeal hearing that Viacom cannot trademark an ornamental backdrop in a cartoon show.

The litigation stalled Ramos’ business plans, so he had not yet chosen a theme and décor for his restaurants before the February hearing.

Schaefer played up this point. He claimed it would have a chilling effect on business owners if they could be held liable for infringement for doing nothing more than filing an intent-to-use trademark application.

The attorney also lobbied for a jury trial. He said if IJR’s restaurants did not have the same color scheme, or anything at all relating to SpongeBob, nobody would presume that a Krusty Krab restaurant was connected to the TV show.

But the Fifth Circuit on Tuesday affirmed the lower court’s finding of trademark infringement on summary judgment pleadings, precluding the need for a jury trial.

The three-judge panel compared the dispute to Warner Bros. v. Gay Toys Inc., a 1981 ruling in which the Second Circuit held that trademark protection can extend to elements of a successful TV show.

The Second Circuit in that case barred a company from selling toy models of the General Lee, an orange 1969 Dodge Charger with a Confederate flag painted on its roof that was featured in the TV series “Dukes of Hazzard,” which ran on CBS from 1979 to 1985.

Just like the General Lee, The Krusty Krab deserves trademark protection, U.S. Circuit Judge Priscilla Owen wrote for the panel in a unanimous 28-page opinion.

“The mark is integral to ‘SpongeBob SquarePants,’ as it appears in over 80% of episodes, plays a prominent role in the SpongeBob films and musical, and is featured online, in video games and on licensed merchandise,” Owen wrote.

She added, “The Krusty Krab’s central role in the multi-billion dollar SpongeBob franchise is strong evidence that it is recognized in itself an indication of Viacom’s licensed goods and television services.”

Asked if Ramos had chosen another name for his restaurant chain, and how close he is to launching the business, Schaefer said his client is reviewing his legal and business options to decide the best course of action.

“Ramos deserved a chance to defend his unique use of the words ‘Krusty Krab’ as distinct from the fictional cartoon backdrop. However, he could not because he never got the chance to conceive its use,” Schaefer said in a statement.

Viacom praised the order as affirmation of the strength of its trademark.

“We are pleased with the decision to affirm the lower court’s ruling that Viacom’s rights in The Krusty Krab mark are strong and deserve protection from infringement,” its spokesman Alex Rindler said.


Also, from The Hollywood Reporter (via The Silver Telegram)

Viacom's Victory in 'SpongeBob' Restaurant Dispute Upheld by Appeals Court

"The factors lead inescapably to the conclusion that in the minds of consumers, The Krusty Krab identifies the source of products, which is Viacom, the creator of the 'SpongeBob SquarePants' fictional universe and its inhabitants."
If SpongeBob SquarePants' fictional workplace The Krusty Krab ever becomes a real restaurant, it will require the blessing of Nickelodeon's parent company.

A federal appeals court on Tuesday affirmed Viacom's victory in a dispute over the trademark, finding the company owns a legally protectable mark and there is a likelihood of confusion if another seafood restaurant were to use the name.

Viacom in 2016 sued IJR Capital Investments over its efforts to open a real-life Krusty Krab, claiming the Texas company's use of the moniker was likely to confuse consumers.

The media giant prevailed on a motion for summary judgment with regard to its common law trademark infringement and unfair competition claims last June when U.S. District Judge Gray Miller found that cartoon fans could mistakenly believe Viacom had endorsed the restaurant — especially since its subsidiary Paramount Pictures has licensed its Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. marks for a seafood restaurant chain inspired by Forrest Gump.

IJR appealed, arguing that Viacom doesn't have a valid trademark for The Krusty Krab.

A 5th Circuit Court of Appeals panel found, however, that the fictional restaurant's presence in the fictional world and its lucrative licensing record is enough to establish a valid ownership claim.

The court notes that specific elements from within a television show can receive trademark protection, citing examples like The Daily Planet from Superman and the General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard, and that The Krusty Krab is analogous to other protected marks.

"The mark is integral to 'SpongeBob SquarePants,' as it appears in over 80% of episodes, plays a prominent role in the SpongeBob films and musical, and is featured online, in video games, and on licensed merchandise," writes circuit judge Priscilla R. Owen. "The Krusty Krab’s central role in the multi-billion dollar SpongeBob franchise is strong evidence that it is recognized in itself as an indication of origin for Viacom’s licensed goods and television services."

The panel also found that The Krusty Krab mark is distinctive enough to warrant protection. (Read the full decision below.)

"The record clearly shows that The Krusty Krab is a focal point in the 'SpongeBob SquarePants' television series and films, The Krusty Krab has continually been depicted in the advertising and promotion of the franchise over the past eighteen years, and it is used in the sale of products," writes Owen. "The factors lead inescapably to the conclusion that in the minds of consumers, The Krusty Krab identifies the source of products, which is Viacom, the creator of the 'SpongeBob SquarePants' fictional universe and its inhabitants."

The court also found a Krusty Krab restaurant, especially one that uses the unconventional spelling of those words, is likely to confuse consumers — even if that wasn't IJR's intent.

Viacom on Tuesday sent The Hollywood Reporter a statement in response to the decision: “We are pleased with the decision to affirm the lower court’s ruling that Viacom’s rights in The Krusty Krab mark are strong and deserve protection from infringement.”


Update (4/12): In a similar court case in Russia, a Russian court has ruled that a restaurant's name, "Krusty Pizza" ("Красти пицца"), located in Chelyabinsk does not violate Viacom's Krusty Krab trademark.

Originally published: Tuesday, May 22, 2018.

Additional sources: Google Translate, google.co.uk.
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Isa van Uden Crowned Winner of Nickelodeon Benelux's 'De Viral Fabriek' Season 2

Update (2/12) - Nickelodeon Benelux has crowned nine-year-old vlogger Isa van Uden as the winner of De Viral Fabriek season two! Coached by Mark Hoekx, Isa beat seven other teams of young YouTubers to clinch the title. Full details below! Congrats Isa!

Nickelodeon Benelux has once again teamed up with popular YouTube stars for a second season of the networks hit weekly competition series De Viral Fabriek (The Viral Factory), set to premiere at 6:00pm uur on Sunday 7th October 2018 on Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) and Belgium (België; Flanders)! The second season will be presented by Nienke van Dijk and Jasper Publie.

Who doesn't dream of becoming the next big YouTuber, coached along the way by some of today's most popular YouTubers? In Nickelodeon's De Viral Fabriek, eight new teams of young YouTubers will compete with some of the biggest Dutch and Belgian YouTubers!

Following the broadcast of each weeks episode, the battle will continue online, when the contestants place their vlogs on Nickelodeon Nederland's official YouTube channel. Each weeks winner will be determined by the number of likes viewers give each video. The winning kids will then go on to compete against each other in the big live final on Sunday 2nd December 2018, where one lucky winner will win the grand prize: A professional camera package and training from a YouTube professional on how they can build their own successful YouTube channel!

One of the eight teams competing on De Viral Fabriek season two is comprised of Ambachtse Aniek and Ju-lieke, who were selected to compete on the show out from lots of contestant applications.

For the last two weeks, the two young girls from Drechtsteden, in the company of a well-known YouTuber and a Nickelodeon camera crew, we spotted in Drechtsteden. Aniek Groenewout and Ju-lieke Snijders are two enthusiastic vloggers. They continuously film and vlog, but there is still little home-made content produced by them on the internet. Editing the raw film material is something that the girls still find difficult. When Nickelodeon was looking for new contestants for the The Viral Factory season two, the decision to sign up was quickly made. Because how can you learn how to YouTube better than from real YouTubers? The ladies recorded a movie and sent it in. After an selection period, the pair were eventually chosen as one of the 8 participating teams.

De Viral Fabriek has been nominated for a Gouden Stuiver award, the audience prize for the best youth programme. De Viral Fabriek season one was presented by

The Viral Factory is nominated for a Gouden Stuiver for the best youth program.

More information about De Viral Fabriek can be found at http://www.nickelodeon.nl/shows/3723 and http://www.nickelodeon.be/shows/3723.

Update (6/10) - Below is Nickelodeon Benelux's official press release announcing the exciting news, via TVvisie!:

What is Nat Peterson Hiding?! 👀 Bikini Bottom Mysteries Ep. 4 | Nickelodeon

Hidden cash, sabotage, and supernatural abilities?! 👀 Just what is Nat Peterson hiding?

Have you helped Nick solve the first 3 ~fishy~ mysteries? 🐡🔍 You can check out the entire playlist right here: http://po.st/BikiniBottomMysteries

Watch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

More Nick: ‘The SpongeBob Movie: It’s a Wonderful Sponge’ To Be An Origin Story!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

What’s In My Bag? Holiday Edition 🎄 | #TryThis | Nickelodeon

It’s the most festive time of the year! 🎄 Get the inside scoop on your favorite Nick stars' go to items for the holiday season featuring JoJo Siwa, Knight Squad and the cast of the upcoming show Cousins for Life! Catch more of your favorite shows only on Nickelodeon!

Comment below why you are EXCITED for the holidays! 🎁

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Cousins For Life News and Highlights!

Could Danny Phantom Return to Nickelodeon? | Speech Bubble Podcast w/ Butch Hartman

Butch Hartman tells the prospects of whether or not the ghost boy could ever be animated again at Nickelodeon.

Butch Hartman (creator of Fairly OddParents and Danny Phantom on Nickelodeon) hosts ‘Speech Bubble’ with the Robin to his Batman, Jace Diehl! Topics range from cartoons to movies to what Butch had for lunch yesterday. No matter what he talks about, it’s always guaranteed to be awesome!

Butch Hartman (creator of Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy and Bunsen Is a Beast on Nickelodeon) hosts Speech Bubble with the Robin to his Batman, Jace Diehl! Topics range from cartoons to movies to what Butch had for lunch yesterday. No matter what he talks about, it’s always guaranteed to be awesome!

Apple Podcasts: http://apple.co/2g3EGvH
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2xqNIKB
SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/2xrL5IH

Butch Hartman Sketchbook #1: https://www.amazon.com/Butch-Hartman-Sketchbook-Stuff-drawn/dp/1975613392

Check out Butch's brand-new comic The 3 O'Clock Club from Lion Forge Comics, and be sure to like, subscribe, and follow everything of Butch's below:

Butch Hartman - Facebook | Instagram | Butch's Sketchpad On Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @realhartman | YouTube | Speech Bubble | Tumblr | Pinterest

The Noog Network - www.noognetwork.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat: @noognetwork | Tumblr | Pinterest

More Nick: Netflix to Debut 'Pinky Malinky' in 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Danny Phantom News and Highlights!

It’s Almost Christmas!🎄 Sunny Day 2018 Holiday Song Ft. Sunny Day, Blaze, PAW Patrol & more! | Nick Jr.

There’s excitement in the air because Christmas is almost here! Sing and celebrate with your Nick Jr. friends all month long, weekday mornings on Nickelodeon and everywhere you find Nick Jr.! 🎄

This is the season to be merry and celebrate the holidays with Sunny Day and your favorite Nick Jr. friends. Watch cartoon characters Sunny, Blaze, the PAW Patrol pups, Rusty, Nella, and more, deck the halls and spread Christmas cheer. Get ready to sing a Christmas carol that has a lot of flair, thanks to Sunny, Rox, and Blair! This video will have bells ringing and the whole town singing—so sing along and celebrate the holidays all season long with Nick Jr.

Almost Christmas Lyrics
Make it glow, sparkle and flicker.
Big red bows, bring on the glitter.
Oh, it's almost Christmas time
It's cold outside-the perfect weather.
We stay warm cuz we're together.
Oh, it's almost Christmas time.
Yeah, yeah!
Come on, let's string the lights.
We'll make it [GASP] extra bright.
We're gonna celebrate the sweetest holiday.
It's almost Christmas.
It's time for Christmas cheer.
Our friends are with us.
We'll glam it up this year.
And the bells are ringing.
The whole town's singin'.
It's almost Christmas.
It's almost Christmas.
It's almost Christmas here.
Our friends are with us.
It's gonna rock this year.
And the bells are ringing.
The whole town's singin'.
It's almost, almost, almost…

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA Plans Holly Jolly December for Preschool Viewers!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA to Premiere 'Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher' on Tuesday, January 1, 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon Preschool and Nick Jr. News and Highlights!


All good things come to an end... Duhin and the whole YTV family say goodbye to Carlos.

NickALive! wishes Carlos all the best in all his future endeavours. :)

My Guardian Angel 2 | Episodes 1 + 2 | TeenNick | Nickelodeon Israel

המלא השומר שלי 2: פרק 1 המלא | טין ניק

עונה 2, פרק 1: לוסי פרבר | תלמידה חדשה מגיעה לביה"ס. החברים מנסים לזכות באהבתה ומסתכסכים. יניב חושד שהיא לא מה שהיא נראית... אבל בסופו של דבר, החברות חזקה מהכל.

המלאך השומר שלי 2: פרק 2 המלא | טין ניק

עונה 2, פרק 2: פגוש את ההורים | יונה מזמין את ההורים של יניב לשיחה. יניב מנסה להתחמק, אבל בסוף העולם זוכה לביקור מפתיע מאוד של "אימא של יניב". בינתיים, החברים מנסים לפתור חידה כדי לזכות בירושה של מיליארדר.

יותר: https://nick.walla.co.il/tvshow/3092435

יותר ניקלודיאון: Nickelodeon Israel Premieres 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'!

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Israel and My Guardian Angel 2 News and Highlights!

SpongeBob SquarePants "Sweet Victory" Performance 🎤 Band Geeks | Nickelodeon

SpongeBob, Sandy, Patrick and Squidward give you all the feels at the Bubble Bowl when they sing SWEET VICTORY! 🎤 Catch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

Click HERE to ign the petition to get the NFL to play "Sweet Victory" during the halftime show of February's Super Bowl LIII to honor the life and work of SpongeBob SquarePants creator Stephen Hillenburg, who tragically passed away after a long battle with ALS!

More Nick: Wear It, Drive It, Meme It - SpongeBob's Pop Culture Legacy!

Originally published: Monday, December 3, 2018.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

'SpongeBob SquarePants', 'Rise of the TMNT' and More Nominated in 46th Annual Annie Awards

The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has announced the exciting news that Nickelodeon's hit animated series SpongeBob SquarePants and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have received nominations in the 46th Annual Annie Awards, which recognizes the year’s best in the field of animation!

SpongeBob SquarePants

Estrella Miyakawa Capin, Christopher Hink, Bob Tomlin, and Rick Dominicus have been nominated in the "Outstanding Achievement for Editorial in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" category in this years Annie Awards for their work on Nickelodeon's beloved animated series SpongeBob SquarePants.

Meanwhile, Nickelodeon's brand-new 2D-animated series Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which debuted in September 2018, has garnered three nominations in the 2018 Annie Awards: The show has been nominated for "Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Children", with Jeffrey Lai and Kevin Molina-Ortiz also each earning a nomination for their work in the series, in the "Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production" and "Outstanding Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" categories, respectively.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Additionally, Studio AKA's Hey Duggee, which airs on Nick Jr. USA, also received a nomination in the "Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Preschool Children" category, and Nickelodeon voice actors Debi Derryberry (AAAHH!!! Real Monsters, Oh Yeah! Cartoons, CatDog, Rocket Power, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, ChalkZone, Random! Cartoons, Monster High), Tara Strong (Fairly OddParents, Rugrats, Big Time Rush, Danny Phantom, Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Patrick Warburton (Tak & the Power of Juju, The X's) also received one nomination each in the "Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production" category of this years Annie Awards for their voice work on F is for Family, Unikitty and Skylanders Academy, respectively.

Below are the full details for each of Nickelodeon and Nick Talent's nominations in the 46th Annual Annie Awards. A full list of 46th Annual Annie Awards nominees can be found online at annieawards.org/nominees. The winners will be announced at a black tie ceremony on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at UCLA’s Royce Hall.

Congratulations and good luck to Nickelodeon, the crews of SpongeBob SquarePants, Rise of the TMNT and Hey Duggee, Debi, Tara, Patrick, and everyone nominated in the 46th Annie Awards!

Annie Award for Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Children

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

Episode: Chapter 1: The Hidden People
Hilda Productions Limited, a Silvergate Media Company, Netflix Inc. and Mercury Filmworks

Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny
Episode: Enter the Dragon Master
DreamWorks Animation Television

Little Big Awesome
Episode: Puppy Shower
Amazon Studios

Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters
Episode: The Eternal Knight Pt. 2
DreamWorks Animation Television

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: FX Animator Jeffrey Lai

DreamWorks Theatre Presents Kung Fu Panda
DreamWorks Animation
Nominees: FX Artists Zach Glynn, Chyuan Huang, Michael Losure, K.C. Ong, Alex Timchenko

Episode: Debbie Does Devizo
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios
Nominees: VFX Supervisor Mike Spitzmiller, VFX Lead Artist Steve Gallant, VFX Artist Iain Collins, VFX Artist Daniel Craven, VFX Artist Lynda Rollins

Tales of Arcadia: Trollhunters
Episode: The Eternal Knight Pt. 2
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: Visual Effects Supervisor David M.V. Jones, Overseas FX Supervisor Vincent Chou, Overseas Lead FX Artist Clare Yang

Watership Down
Episode: The Journey
42 / Biscuit Entertainment with Netflix
Nominees: VFX Supervisor Philip Child, CG Supervisor Nilesh Sardesai

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Episode: Mystic Mayhem
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Kevin Molina-Ortiz

Ben 10
Episode: King Koil
Cartoon Network Studios
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Will Patrick

Big Hero 6: The Series
Episode: Countdown to Catastrophe
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Trey Buongiorno

Disney Mickey Mouse
Episode: Carnaval
Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Ramirez Ramos Alonso

Star vs. The Forces of Evil
Episode: Conquer
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Storyboard Artist Sabrina Cotugno

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Editorial in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

SpongeBob SquarePants
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Nominees: Estrella Miyakawa Capin, Christopher Hink, Bob Tomlin, Rick Dominicus

Big Hero 6: The Series
Walt Disney Television Animation
Nominees: Charles Jones, Joe Molinari, Dao Le, Vartan Nazarian, David Vazquez

Puppy Dog Pals
Wild Canary Animation / Disney Junior
Nominees: Adam Rickabus

Tales of Arcadia: 3Below
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: John Laus, Graham Fisher

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
DreamWorks Animation Television
Nominees: Steve Downs, John Wall, Adam Smith, Collin Erker

Annie Award for Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production For Preschool Children

Hey Duggee
Episode: The Singing Badge
Studio AKA

Ask the StoryBots
Episode: How Do Computers Work?
JibJab Bros. Studios for Netflix

Dinotrux: Supercharged
Episode: Crabcavator
DreamWorks Animation Television

PJ Masks
Episode: Wacky Floats
Frog Box
Entertainment One

Tumble Leaf
Episode: Moonlight Mermaid/Hedge's Hatchlings
Amazon Studios and Bix Pix Entertainment

Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Television / Broadcast Production

F is for Family
Episode: various
Wild West Television in association with Gaumont Television for Netflix
Nominee: Debi Derryberry for the voices of Maureen, Bridget, Phillip, Nurse Beatrice, Scott, Ken

Episode: Scary Tales, Tasty Heist, Unikitty News, Hide N Seek, Kitty Court
Warner Bros. Animation
Nominee: Tara Strong for the voice of Princess Unikitty

Skylanders Academy
Episode: Raiders of the Lost Arkus, Part 1
Activision Blizzard Studios
Nominee: Patrick Warburton for the character Captain Flynn

BoJack Horseman
Episode: Free Churro
Tornante Productions, LLC for Netflix
Nominee: Will Arnett for the voice of BoJack

Pete the Cat
Episode: Magic Sunglasses & Sandcastles
Amazon Studios, Alcon Television Group, LLC
Nominee: Juliette Donenfeld as the voice of Sally Squirrel

The Annie Awards™ cover 36 categories and include Best Animated Feature, Best Animated Feature-Independent, Special Productions, Commercials, Short Subjects, Student Films and Outstanding Individual Achievements, as well as the honorary Juried Awards. The winners will be announced at a black tie ceremony on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at UCLA’s Royce Hall. A pre-reception and press line begins at 4:30 p.m. in Dickson Court, adjacent to Royce Hall with the ceremony following at 7:00 pm. A post-show celebration immediately follows the ceremony. All events will be held at Royce Hall.

Juried Awards will also be presented honoring unparalleled achievement and exceptional contributions to animation. Three Winsor McCay Award recipients have been selected by the ASIFA-Hollywood Board of Directors for their exemplary industry careers – Academy Award-winning director, animator and art director, Ralph Eggleston; Frank Braxton (posthumously), the first African-American animator, animation director and guild president; and casting director, voice director and voice actress Andrea Romano. The June Foray Award will be presented to veteran animator, Adam Burke (posthumously) for his significant and benevolent impact on the animation community. Ton Roosendaal, Dutch software developer and film producer, will accept the Ub Iwerks Award for Blender Open Source Animation Software; and a Certificate of Merit will be presented to dedicated ASIFA volunteer, Jason Jones.

ASIFA-Hollywood is the world’s first and foremost professional organization dedicated to promoting the Art of Animation and celebrating the people who create it. Today, ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization ASIFA, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, animated film preservation, special events, classes and screenings.

Created in 1972 by veteran voice talent June Foray, the Annie Awards™ have grown in scope and stature for the past four decades. For VIP tickets, please visit annieawards.org/tickets. For all other information regarding the Annie Awards™, please visit annieawards.org/event-info.

More Nick: 'SpongeBob SquarePants' and 'Hey Duggee' Win Big At The 2018 British Academy Children's Awards!

Originally published: Monday, December 3, 2018.

Additional sources: The Hollywood Reporter, Variety.
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Nickelodeon and Chinatown Market Launch SpongeBob Apparel Line Exclusively at Urban Outfitters

Nickelodeon has teamed up with Chinatown Market for a new line of apparel inspired by the brands' hit animated series SpongeBob SquarePants, available exclusively at Urban Outfitters!

The Chinatown Market x SpongeBob FW18 range consists of the Chinatown x SpongeBob Face Tee in black, Chinatown x SpongeBob Weenie Hut Tee in moss, Chinatown x SpongeBob Gary the Snail Tee in white, Chinatown x SpongeBob Pictogram Tee in orange and the Chinatown x SpongeBob Hoodie in white.

Encompassing a variety of graphic printed tees and a hoodie, the silhouettes are punctuated with notable characters from the show including SpongeBob, Gary the Snail and other references of the cartoon series.

The collection made its debut at ComplexCon 2018 in November, with the line now receiving a wider release. The collection begun to roll out at Urban Outfitters locations throughout North America and online at UrbanOutfitters.com today, Monday, December 3, 2018. The collection is also available to purchase online in the UK at UrbanOutfitters.com

The retailer will also host a special event at its UO Melrose location in Los Angeles on Sunday, December 9 to celebrate the collab, which will feature a one-of-a kind customization by Chinatown Market and a SpongeBob character appearance.

Find the collection on Urban Outfitters now with prices ranging from $44 to $90 USD and from £39 GBP!

Check out the Chinatown Market x SpongeBob collection in the pics below!:

Learn to Play SpongeBob SquarePants Christmas Songs on Guitar! 🎄 Holiday Edition | Nickelodeon

Want to impress your family this holiday season? Break out the guitar and WOW them with these holiday classics at your next family party.

Step 1: Watch. Step 2: Rewatch. Step 3: Become a SpongeBob guitar master!

Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Best Kiss Moments 💘 Winter Crushes | Nickelodeon

Frosty weather is here but love is in the air! 💘 Warm up this winter with these “best kiss moments” from your favorite Nickelodeon shows! Catch more of your favorite shows on Nick!

What is your FAVORITE Nick ship of all time?! 💜

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA's December 2018 Premiere Highlights | Nickmas | Holidays!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Isa en Mark Hoekx reageren op hun overwinning! 🏆💚 | De Viral Fabriek | Nickelodeon Nederlands

De winnaars van seizoen 2 van De Viral Fabriek zijn bekend! Isa en Mark reageren op hun overwinning! Kijk het slime-moment opnieuw! Wie was jouw favoriet?

Meer: http://www.nickelodeon.nl/shows/3723 | http://www.nickelodeon.be/shows/3723.

Meer Nick: Isa van Uden Crowned Winner of Nickelodeon Benelux's 'De Viral Fabriek' Season 2!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Netherlands, Nickelodeon Belgium and De Viral Fabriek News and Highlights!

Welcome to Butterbean’s Café with PAW Patrol, Top Wing & More! 🍰 | Nick Jr.

All your favorite characters want to see what’s cooking in Butterbean’s Café! Join in and treat yourself to more fairy fun, weekday mornings on Nickelodeon, and everywhere you find Nick Jr.!

Butterbean’s Café is open for business, and your favorite animated cartoon characters can’t wait to see what’s on the menu! Blaze is speeding on over. The Top Wing cadets can’t wait to chill and krill at the café. Sunny’s geared up to go! And even Nazboo wants to see what’s shaking and baking in the kitchen! He hopes there are cookies! In this video you can see who’s waiting in line, with Rubble, to get a sweet treat from Butterbean and her fairy friends. Watch and welcome Butterbean to the Nick Jr. family!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA Plans Holly Jolly December for Preschool Viewers!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA to Premiere 'Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher' on Tuesday, January 1, 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Butterbean’s Café News and Highlights!

🔴Christmas Special 🎄Thomas & Friends UK 🎄24/7 Christmas Cartoons for Kids ❄ Christmas LIVE 🔴

🔴Christmas Special 🎄Thomas & Friends UK 🎄24/7 Christmas Cartoons for Kids ❄ Christmas LIVE 🔴

Make sure to catch the brand-new Thomas & Friends Holiday special “Kangaroo Christmas/Hunt the Car”, premiering Saturday, December 15 at 11:00am ET/PT on Nick Jr. USA!

Thomas & Friends season 22, "Big World! Big Adventures!" is airing now on Milkshake! in the UK and on Nickelodeon USA!

Connect with Thomas & Friends Online: Official Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest.

More Thomas: Thomas & Friends Launches Collaboration With the United Nations to Inspire the Next Generation of Global Citizens!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Milkshake! News and Highlights!

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Nursery Rhyme Remix 🌟 Top Wing Lyric Video | Nick Jr.

You're going to love singing Twinkle, Twinkle—Top Wing style! Find more ‘Top Wing’ weekday mornings on Nickelodeon, and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

This nursery rhyme remix is the perfect tune for Top Wing fans! Play this free online video for your preschooler and sing along by reading the lyrics from below. There are clips of the cadets flying high, and you can learn more about each cartoon character by listening to the words in the lullaby. Looking for the animated series, ‘Top Wing’? Catch more weekdays on Nickelodeon!

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Top Wing cadets are flying by,
Twinkle, twinkle little star
These birds rescue near and far!

Swift is Top Wing’s flying ace,
Always ready for a race,
Flash Wing flying through the clouds,
Shouting “slick!” so very loud.
Swift is Top Wing’s flying ace,
Always ready for a race!

Rod’s a rooster through and through,
Starts the day with a “cock-a-doodle-doo!”
On his Road Wing racing by,
He does tricks and flies so high!
Rod’s a rooster through and through,
Starts the day with a “cock-a-doodle-doo!”

Penny’s here to save the day,
Belly sliding all the way!
When a friend calls her for help,
Penny brings the icy kelp.
Penny’s here to save the day,
Belly sliding all the way!

Brody is a surfer bird,
“Primo” is his favorite word!
Splashes through the giant waves,
When he has a friend to save.
Brody is a surfer bird,
“Primo” is his favorite word!

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Top Wing cadets are flying by,
Twinkle, twinkle little star
These birds rescue near and far!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA Plans Holly Jolly December for Preschool Viewers!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA to Premiere 'Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher' on Tuesday, January 1, 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. and Top Wing News and Highlights!

Snow Much Fun!❄️2018 Winter Song | Ft. Blaze, PAW Patrol, Top Wing & More! | Nick Jr.

Time to celebrate the season with a pleasing winter anthem! Bundle up and watch their favorite characters having snow much fun all month long, weekday mornings on Nickelodeon and everywhere you find Nick Jr.!

In this video, Nick Jr.’s fun-loving cast of animated cartoon characters are laughing and playing along with real kids. There’s sledding, singing, and snowman making—a super snowy celebration with friends from Sunny Day, Butterbean’s Café, Top Wing, PAW Patrol, Blaze and the Monster Machine, Thomas, and Rusty Rivets. You and your preschooler can join in on the fun by singing along! Lyrics included below.

Snow Much Fun Lyrics:

We’re gonna have snow much fun!

There were snowflakes falling all night long on the mountainside
And the weather’s perfect for some sledding and belly slides
Gonna trim the trees and have some goodies with Butterbean
It’ll be the greatest snow day that anyone’s ever seen!

Meet me in the snow, the snow
‘Cause it’s snow much fun, snow much fun, let’s go!
To the snow
‘Cause it’s snow much fun, snow much fun, let’s go!

We’re gonna get bundled up
We’re gonna board with a pup
And we’re just getting warmed up!
We’re gonna have some snowy fun outside
And we’re not gonna stop ‘til the final sleigh ride
We’ve got our friends by our sides!

Having snow much fun!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel: http://nickjr.com/tvschedule/

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA Plans Holly Jolly December for Preschool Viewers!

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at NickJr.com. Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA to Premiere 'Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher' on Tuesday, January 1, 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon Preschool and Nick Jr. News and Highlights!

Slime É Nick | Uma Música Melequenta | Nickelodeon Brasil

Cante no ritmo da meleca!

Mais: http://mundonick.uol.com.br/slime-e-nick

Mais Nick: IAN | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and Meus Prêmios Nick 2018 News and Highlights!

Melissa Joan Hart Reveals What She Would Want to See from a 'Clarissa Explains It All' Reboot

Actor Melissa Joan Hart has revealed what she would want to see from Nickelodeon's planned Clarissa Explains It All reboot!

The original series ran for 65 episodes on Nickelodeon from 1991 to 1994 and starred the actor as Clarissa Darling, a teen who spoke directly to the audience as she tried to deal with her problems including family, boys and school.

Earlier this year, there were reports that the series was set for a reboot - with Melissa Joan Hart once again taking on the role. Only, this time, she would be playing the mum of the family.

During an appearance on People Now to promote her upcoming new Lifetime holiday movie A Very Nutty Christmas, the actor weighed in on the possible reboot - as well as what she would most like to see from the role.

She said: "It's all moving pieces; it took us years to even draw up contracts - but there's a possibility. That doesn't mean it's going to go anywhere, though."

Explaining how there were "numerous different ways" a reboot could go, Melissa added that she would like the new adaptation to be "a mother and daughter two hander kind of show" similar to Gilmore Girls.

I'd totally be on board with this!

You can watch Melissa in Lifetime's brand-new holiday film A Very Nutty Christmas, airing 11/30 at 8PM ET/PT!

Update (12/4): Melissa Joan Hart talked a bit more about the Clarissa Explains It All reimagining currently in limbo during an interview with the HuffPost at Build Series

“We were in negotiations, so there is a contract,” Hart said of a possible Clarissa return. “So that was leaked. But there is nothing right now happening with that. And Nickelodeon is in flux right now, the network itself. … It depends on what shape the show takes. Is it going to be a kids’ show? Is it going to be a family show? More like Gilmore Girls? Is it going to actually be just the kids and I pop in once in a while and I go, ‘Don’t do that, kids’? I hope not.”

Click here to watch Melissa's super interview with HuffPost at Build Series, in which she also reveals what she really thinks about Netflix's Sabrina the Teenage Witch reboot, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina!

Watch all your '90s Nickelodeon favorites on NickSplat, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 11 PM ET/PT on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV! #NickSplat!

More Nick: 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?' Movie to Feature the Return of the Midnight Society and the Campfire; All-New Original Story!

Originally published: Thursday, November 29, 2018.

Original source: Her.ie; Additional source: The Reporter.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Clarissa Explains It All News and Highlights!