Timeline of Adverse Events during Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for Advanced Melanoma and Their Impacts on Survival

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Feb 27;14(5):1237. doi: 10.3390/cancers14051237.


Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) are frequent and could be associated with improved response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). A prospective cohort of advanced melanoma patients receiving ICI as first-line therapy was retrospectively reviewed (January 2011−February 2019). A total of 116 of 153 patients presented with at least one irAE (75.8%). The most frequent irAEs were dermatological (derm irAEs, 50%), asthenia (38%), and gastrointestinal (29%). Most irAEs appeared within the first 90 days, while 11.2% appeared after discontinuation of the therapy. Mild grade 1−2 derm irAEs tended to appear within the first 2 months of therapy with a median time of 65.5 days (IQR 26-139.25), while grade 3−4 derm irAEs appeared later (median 114 days; IQR 69-218) and could be detected at any time during therapy. Only derm irAE occurrence was related to improved survival (HR 6.46). Patients presenting derm irAEs showed better 5-year overall survival compared to those with no derm irAEs (53.1% versus 24.9%; p < 0.001). However, the difference was not significant when adjusting for the duration of therapy. In conclusion: the timeline of immune-related-AEs differs according to the organ involved. The (apparent) improved survival of patients who present derm AEs during immunotherapy could be partially explained by longer times under treatment.

Keywords: dermatological adverse events; dermatological drug reactions; immune checkpoint inhibitors; immune-related adverse events; immunotherapy; melanoma; outcome; survival.