24/7 News Coverage
September 27, 2024
Nanoparticles could be critical for for astronauts on deep space missions

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
NaNotics LLC, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in subtractive nanoparticles called NaNots, has been chosen to participate in the first-ever SPACE-H Accelerator program. This initiative, a collaboration between Starburst, NASA's Human Research Program (NASA HRP), the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), Methuselah Foundation, and Microsoft Federal, is designed to foster innovations that address the health and performance risks associated with human spaceflight. The program's ... read more

Nanostructures found in deep ocean vents could shed light on life's origins
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 26, 2024
Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) and the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have uncovered inorganic nanostructures aro ... more
New Technique Enables Mass Production of Metal Nanowires
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 15, 2024
Researchers at Nagoya University in Japan have developed a new method for producing metal nanowires (NWs) that could enable their mass production for next-generation electronics. The breakthrough te ... more
Unveiling new spin properties in artificial materials
San Sebastian, Spain (SPX) Sep 15, 2024
Researchers from Charles University in Prague and the CFM (CSIC-UPV/EHU) center in San Sebastian, in collaboration with CIC nanoGUNE's Nanodevices group, have developed a novel complex material with ... more
New study highlights improved ethanol production method using CO2 and Nanocatalysts
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Sep 15, 2024
A recent study titled 'Time-Resolved Operando Insights into the Tunable Selectivity of Cu-Zn Nanocubes during Pulsed CO2 Electroreduction' has revealed a more efficient method for converting carbon ... more
Previous Issues Sep 26 Sep 25 Sep 24 Sep 23 Sep 22

NASA's carbon nanotube technology aids search for life on exoplanets
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 05, 2024
NASA's development of a carbon nanotube material is poised to significantly enhance the search for exoplanets, some of which may harbor life. Originally devised in 2007 by a team led by John Hagopia ... more
New portable tool can detect microplastics in minutes
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Sep 01, 2024
Micro- and nanoplastics are increasingly found in our food, water, and air, with traces now appearing in various parts of the human body, including brain matter. To address this growing concern, res ... more
Strengthening lattices, yields ultra-high efficiency in Perovskite LEDs
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Sep 01, 2024
The College of Engineering at Seoul National University has announced a significant advancement in the development of ultra-high efficiency perovskite nanocrystal light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This ... more
Sateliot Advances Towards Commercialization Following Launch of Four New Satellites
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 20, 2024
Sateliot, the company spearheading the first low-Earth orbit (LEO) nanosatellite constellation utilizing 5G NB-IoT NTN standards, has successfully added four more satellites to its constellation. Th ... more



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Tyvak Secures $254 Million Contract to Build Satellites for Space Development Agency's T2TL Gamma
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 20, 2024
Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of Terran Orbital Corporation (NYSE: LLAP) based in Irvine, California, has been awarded a $254 million prototype agreement by the Space Development ... more
Advances in Atomic-Level Photoswitching for Nanoscale Optoelectronics
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Aug 16, 2024
Nanoscale optoelectronics, a rapidly growing field focused on the development of ultra-small electronic and photonic devices, holds the promise of making technology faster, more compact, and energy- ... more
Eco-Friendly 3D Concrete Printing Enhanced by Cellulose Nanofibrils
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 05, 2024
A research team from the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science is pioneering the use of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) to improve 3D-printed concrete. This plant-based materi ... more
Mesoscale Discoveries in Ferroelectric Materials Could Revolutionize Electronics
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Aug 01, 2024
In electronic technologies, critical material properties change in response to stimuli like voltage or current. Scientists strive to understand these changes at various scales, from the nanoscale to ... more
New catalyst developed from nanoscale cubes
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Aug 01, 2024
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have created innovative sheets of transition metal chalcogenide "cubes" linked by chlorine atoms. Unlike the widely studied atom-based sheets such as g ... more

Capturing carbon with energy-efficient sodium carbonate-nanocarbon hybrid material

Tyvak International's Milani Satellite Clears Major Review for Hera Mission
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jul 11, 2024

Tyvak International SRL, a subsidiary of Terran Orbital Corporation (NYSE: LLAP) and a prominent European nano and microsatellite manufacturer, has announced that Milani has successfully passed it ... more

Leaf Space enables Sateliot to scale without significant capex in the ground segment
Madrid, Spain (SPX) Jul 02, 2024
Sateliot, the first company to operate a low-Earth orbit (LEO) nanosatellite constellation with 5G IoT standards and that extends coverage of Mobile Telecom Operators to any place in the planet, has ... more
Thales Alenia Space strengthens its position in the Internet of Things
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Jul 02, 2024
On June 20, 2024, the first five Kinis nanosatellites, part of the first European constellation dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), were successfully orbited by a Rocket Lab Electron launch v ... more
Nanomedicine Promises Cure for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 01, 2024
One of most lethal forms of cancer, Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PADC), has been classed on wrong side of chemosensitivity scale- those varieties that are very resistant to chemotherapy. The pr ... more
LIST launches nanosatellite to demonstrate energy harvesting in space
Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jun 18, 2024
The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) has launched its CubeSat project, LIST-SAT-01, marking the first Luxembourgish nanosatellite initiative with an in-house scientific experime ... more
Purdue Researchers Transform 2D Metal Halide Perovskites into 1D Nanowires
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 07, 2024
Purdue University engineers have developed a patent-pending method to synthesize high-quality, layered perovskite nanowires with large aspect ratios and tunable organic-inorganic chemical compositio ... more
AI Enhances Nanofiber Acoustic Energy Harvesters
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jun 05, 2024
Scientists at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) have utilized artificial intelligence to improve the design and production of nanofibers used in wearable nanofiber acoustic ene ... more
Direct observation of electron transfer in solids achieved
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) Jun 05, 2024
Electron transfer (ET) is a process where an electron moves from one atom or molecule to another, fundamental to electrochemical reactions with applications across various fields. Nanoscale ET, invo ... more
INNOSPACE to Launch Brazilian Satellites and Inertial System on HANBIT-Nano Rocket
Tokyo, Japan (SPX) May 31, 2024
INNOSPACE, a South Korean private spaceflight startup producing small satellite launch vehicles, has signed new launch service agreements with the Federal University of Maranhao (UFMA) and Castro Le ... more
NanoAvionics Completes Standardization of Nano- and Microsatellite Buses
Berlin, Germany (SPX) May 30, 2024
During a live broadcast, Kongsberg NanoAvionics ("NanoAvionics") announced the full standardization of its nano- and microsatellite buses. This move aims to cut lead times to as little as four month ... more
Major advancement in sustainable syngas production using solar power
Sydney, Australia (SPX) May 08, 2024
Researchers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University have developed a novel photocatalyst, Rh/InGaN1-xOx, that uses solar energy to efficiently convert greenhouse gases into syngas. This nanoarchitecture co ... more
High-throughput device streamlines advanced material synthesis
London, UK (SPX) May 07, 2024
A new device developed at the University of Birmingham allows for the rapid production of nanomaterial libraries using eco-friendly mechanochemical methods. Dr. Jason Stafford, a researcher at ... more
Small aerosol particles proven critical in cloud formation
Paris, France (SPX) May 02, 2024
Recent research combining cloud measurements from the Californian coast with global satellite data indicates that aerosol particles as small as 25-30 nanometers are significant contributors to cloud ... more
Butterfly-shaped nanographene opens doors for quantum technology advances
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 22, 2024
National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers have developed a new type of carbon-based quantum material: a butterfly-shaped nanographene that displays unique magnetic properties. This innovati ... more
Two-dimensional nanomaterial expands counter-intuitively under tension
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 19, 2024
Expanding material under tension usually results in a decrease in width, similar to inflating a balloon. However, a groundbreaking development by PhD student Noah Stocek and physicist Giovanni Fanch ... more
Skyrmions achieve unprecedented speeds promising future computing advances
Paris, France (SPX) Apr 19, 2024
Researchers have made a significant advancement in the field of spintronics by accelerating skyrmions, magnetic nanobubbles, to speeds reaching 900 m/s using electrical currents. This development wa ... more
Winchcombe meteorite's tumultuous space odyssey uncovered by nano-analysis
London, UK (SPX) Apr 18, 2024
Detailed nano-analysis has revealed the Winchcombe meteorite underwent significant transformations involving water interaction and repeated fragmentations during its journey through space, finally r ... more
GDFAU joins NASA for university nanosatellite project
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 18, 2024
Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science has been chosen as one of eight U.S. university teams to collaborate with NASA and the U.S. military. This partnership aims ... more
New Advances in Voltage-Controlled Magnetization Switching for Spin-Orbit Devices
Paris, France (SPX) Apr 11, 2024
Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE's Nanodevices group, along with their international partners, have successfully demonstrated voltage-based magnetization switching in magnetoelectric spin-orbit nanodev ... more
Innovative approach to perovskite solar cells achieves 24.5% efficiency
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 01, 2024
In groundbreaking research published in Nano Energy, a team led by Prof. CHEN Chong at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has significantly improved t ... more
Transforming CO2 into green fuel with innovative sunlight-powered catalyst
London, UK (SPX) Mar 28, 2024
In a groundbreaking study, scientists have developed a method to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into methanol using sunlight and a novel catalyst composed of single copper atoms on nanocrystalline car ... more

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