Wild Life Movie

Wild Life movie poster

Who's Involved:

Jimmy Chin, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

Wild Life is a sweeping portrait of conservationists Kris and Doug Tompkins chronicling their fight to preserve one of the last truly wild places on earth.

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Who stars in Wild Life: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making Wild Life: Crew List

A look at the Wild Life behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's director Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi last directed Nyad and Return to Space.


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Production: What we know about Wild Life?

Filming Timeline

  1. 2023 - March: The film was set to Completed  status.

Wild Life Release Date: When was the film released?

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Wild Life was a Limited release in 2023 on Friday, April 14, 2023. There were 18 other movies released on the same date, including Sweetwater, Renfield and Mafia Mamma.

As a Limited release, Wild Life will only be shown in select movie theaters across major markets. Please check Fandango and Atom Tickets to see if the film is playing in your area.

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