Northern Lights: The Stories of Minnesota's Past
Features and curriculum components
- Meets sixth grade Minnesota Studies social studies standards
- Vetted by content experts, historians, and teachers
- Components include:
- Interactive eBook for browsers and app (student and teacher licenses)
- Editable, digital workbook files
- Print Student Edition
- Print Annotated Teacher's Edition + Workbook (two-book set)
- Minnesota Maps Poster Set
Sales and service contact
Amy Feole, Education Sales and Service Specialist | Minnesota Historical Society | [email protected] | 651-259-3435

Interactive eBook tips and support
Instructional tutorials for web browser and app access, trouble-shooting tips, and support for using the Interactive eBook.

Additional resources by chapter
Enrich your Minnesota Studies instruction with resources, organized by Northern Lights chapters. Find books, videos, web sites and more.

Deepen your understanding, share ideas, and get support for teaching with Northern Lights.