The Hamilton, Illinois, United Methodist Church United Women in Faith will be taking orders for frozen chicken pies until Saturday, Dec. 7. Pick-up will be on Saturday, Dec. 14, during the U.W.F.’s annual Christmas Cookie Walk and Bazaar. That event will be held from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The church is located at Ninth and Walnut streets.

The homemade pies will be sold frozen in three sizes: 6-inch, serving 1-2 people, for $6; 9-inch, serving 6-8, for $15; and 9-inch by 12-inch, serving 12-15, for $30. Orders may be placed by calling Mary Ann at 217-847-2295; Judy at 217-847-2225, or Sandy at 402-730-7446.

Proceeds from the chicken pies sales and the Cookie Walk and Bazaar will be used for the U.W.F.’s numerous ministries, missions, and projects.