ASH 2024: Improving Care in Red Blood Cell Disorders

Nadia D. Ali, MD


December 31, 2024

Dr Nadia Ali shares insights from the 2024 ASH annual meeting that have informed her clinical practice, particularly in managing pregnant patients with anemia and those with hemoglobinopathies like sickle cell disease. On the basis of data comparing high-dose and low-dose intravenous (IV) iron, Dr Ali describes how she now will recommend IV iron for her third-trimester patients with low iron levels, emphasizing its importance in optimizing maternal health before delivery.

Dr Ali also highlights long-term outcome data presented at ASH demonstrating the success of stem cell transplants in improving the quality of life for patients with sickle cell disease, prompting her to refer more patients for transplant evaluation. These findings underscore the practical impact of emerging research in improving patient care.


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