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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:ConfirmEdit and the translation is 22% complete.
This extension comes with MediaWiki 1.18 and above. 因此您無需另外下載。 但是,您仍需遵循此頁面提供的其他使用說明。
發行狀態: 穩定版
實現 頁面操作
描述 為頁面保存和其他用戶操作添加驗證碼
  • Brooke Vibber
  • Florian Schmidt
  • Sam Reed
最新版本 1.6.0 (持續更新)
相容性政策 快照跟隨MediaWiki發布。 master分支不向後相容。
MediaWiki >= 1.43
授權條款 GNU通用公眾授權條款2.0或更新版本
  • $wgAllowConfirmedEmail
  • $wgCaptchaBadLoginExpiration
  • $wgCaptchaTriggersOnNamespace
  • $wgCaptchaStorageClass
  • $wgConfirmEditEnabledAbuseFilterCustomActions
  • $wgCaptchaSessionExpiration
  • $wgCaptchaRegexes
  • $wgCaptchaWhitelistIP
  • $wgCaptchaWhitelist
  • $wgCaptchaTriggers
  • $wgCaptchaBadLoginPerUserAttempts
  • $wgCaptchaBadLoginPerUserExpiration
  • $wgCaptcha
  • $wgCaptchaBadLoginAttempts
  • skipcaptcha
季度下載量 173 (Ranked 37th)
正在使用的公開wiki數 957 (Ranked 278th)
Vagrant角色 confirmedit
問題 開啟的任務 · 回報錯誤



模組 描述 阻止垃圾郵件的效果
SimpleCaptcha 使用者必須解決一道簡單的數學題。
FancyCaptcha 使用者必須辨識以風格化方式顯示的一系列字元。
MathCaptcha 使用者必須解決一個以圖像顯示的數學問題。
QuestyCaptcha 使用者必須從管理員定義的一系列問題中回答一個問題。 非常高,直至被破解
ReCaptcha NoCaptcha 使用者將看到一個基於JavaScript的人性檢查。如果檢查失敗,就會出現一個謎題。 中-低
hCaptcha 與reCAPTCHA類似,但可以說比reCAPTCHA更有效,因為它採用了不同的無障礙驗證碼方法 未知
Turnstile Cloudflare Turnstile。 人類無操作(或僅點擊方框)機器人檢測器。 未知


  • MathCaptcha需要使用TeX擴充功能,對於MediaWiki版本在1.17之後的,還需要再加上Math 擴充功能;
  • FancyCaptcha需要在Python中執行一個初步設定指令碼。



They also are not 100% effective against bots, and they will not protect your wiki from spammers who are willing and able to use human labor to get through the CAPTCHAs. You may wish to use ConfirmEdit in conjunction with other anti-spam features. Regardless of the solution you use, if you have a publicly-editable wiki, it's important to keep monitoring the "Recent changes" page.


ConfirmEdit may not work if used with a MediaWiki version different from the one specified when downloading via the "Extension distributor".
  • 下載檔案,並將解壓後的ConfirmEdit資料夾移動到extensions/目錄中。
    開發者和代碼貢獻人員應從Git安裝擴充功能,輸入:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/ConfirmEdit
  • 將下列程式碼放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
    wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmEdit' );
  • Enable the CAPTCHA type which should be used
  • 按需求組態
  • Yes 完成 – 在您的wiki上導覽至Special:Version,以驗證已成功安裝擴充功能。


  • 如果使用Vagrant ,請透過vagrant roles enable confirmedit --provision安裝


There are numerous different CAPTCHA types included with ConfirmEdit.


This module presents a question, and the user supplies the answer. You provide the questions in the configuration. This module has proven to offer a strong mechanism against spambots; it should also have the advantage of better accessibility, as textual questions can be read by text-to-speech software allowing visually impaired users (but not bots) to answer correctly.

Add the following to LocalSettings.php to enable this CAPTCHA, editing the Q&A:

wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha' ]);

// Add your questions in LocalSettings.php using this format:
$wgCaptchaQuestions = [
	'What is the capital of France?' => 'Paris',
	'What is the capital of Spain' => 'MADRID', // Answers are case insensitive
	'What is the name of this wiki?' => $wgSitename, // You can use variables
	'How many fingers does a hand have?' => [ 5, 'five' ], // A question may have many answers

It will randomly choose a question from those supplied.


  • QuestyCaptcha is case-insensitive. If the answer is "Paris" and the user writes "paris", or if the answer is "paris" and the user writes "Paris", it will still work.
  • If the answer has a special character like "ó", you may write an answer with "ó" and another with "o" (where "o" replaces "ó"), just in case. For example, if the answer is "canción" you can use [ 'cancion', 'canción' ] in case the user writes "cancion".
  • The answer must be easy to guess for a human interested in your wiki, but not by an automatic program. Ideally, it should not be contained in the text of the question; you can try and edit the captcha help messages and provide the solution to the captcha response there.[1]
  • Change the questions when/if they start proving ineffective; this may never happen if your wiki is not specifically targeted.
  • Don't ever reuse questions already used by you or others in the past: spambots are known to remember a question and its answer forever once they break it.
  • You can even dynamically generate questy captchas in the configuration. DO NOT use an exact copy of the dynamic questions from the link. Spammers have cracked them. However, other dynamic questions are highly effective in the style of the questions presented.
  • There is a separate extension to ConfirmEdit called QuestyCaptchaEditor which provides an on-wiki special page for managing QuestyCaptcha question+answer(s) pairings. You may wish to consider installing it if it's desirable to reduce sysadmin intervention when it comes to managing the CAPTCHA questions and their answers.

ReCaptcha (NoCaptcha)

警告 警告: ReCaptcha has been cracked by most spambots targeting wikis, mainly due to its accessible captcha alternative.

The new generation of ReCaptcha, called NoCaptcha, was introduced by Google back in December 2014 and reduces the need for humans to solve a CAPTCHA.[2] Based on a user-side JavaScript (which can't be controlled by the user, the administrator), reCaptcha tries to identify the site user as a human by analyzing their browsing behavior on the page. The user then has to click an "I'm not a robot" checkbox and (in the best case) doesn't have to do anything further to prove they're a human. In some cases, the user still has to solve a CAPTCHA image.

ReCaptcha will not work with the Mobile Source Editor and some extensions.

This module implements the new ReCaptcha NoCaptcha solution in ConfirmEdit.

You still need a public and a secret key (which you can retrieve from the ReCaptcha admin panel – change v2, v3 not work) and install the plugin with:

wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/ReCaptchaNoCaptcha' ]);
$wgReCaptchaSiteKey = 'your public/site key here';
$wgReCaptchaSecretKey = 'your private key here';

There is an additional configuration option for this module, $wgReCaptchaSendRemoteIP (default: false), which, if set to true, sends the IP address of the current user to a server from Google while verifying the CAPTCHA. You can improve the privacy for your users if you keep this set to false. However, remember that this module adds a client-side JavaScript code, directly loaded from a server from Google, which already can collect the IP address of the user (combined with other data, too) and can not be limited by a configuration option. This will only work on the standard MediaWiki editor.


Currently, there is no official way to implement version 3 of Google reCAPTCHA.

SimpleCaptcha (calculation)

警告 警告: This type is used by very few wikis, if any, probably because of scarce effectiveness.
A simple math question

This is the default CAPTCHA.

This module provides a simple addition or subtraction question for the user.

Add the following lines to LocalSettings.php in the root of your MediaWiki to enable this CAPTCHA:

$wgCaptchaClass = 'SimpleCaptcha';

請注意,像這樣把簡單數學問題顯示成明文將可以通過自動化程式輕鬆解決;截至2012年,使用SimpleCaptcha的網站正在收到大量垃圾郵件和許多虛假帳戶的自動註冊。因此,當前使用此作為預設設定的Wiki應使用其他驗證碼。 Wikis currently using this as the default should therefore migrate to one of the other CAPTCHAs.


警告 警告: This type is used by very few wikis outside WMF, if any, probably because of scarce effectiveness.

This module displays a stylized image of a set of characters.

Pillow must be installed to create the set of images initially, but isn't needed after that (can be installed with pip install Pillow in most environments).

  1. Add the following lines to LocalSettings.php in the root of your MediaWiki installation:
    wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/FancyCaptcha' ]);
    $wgCaptchaClass = 'FancyCaptcha';
  2. In LocalSettings.php, set the variable $wgCaptchaDirectory to the directory where you will store Captcha images. Note: use the absolute directory path or relative to your wiki's installation directory Below it set $wgCaptchaSecret to your passphrase.
  3. Create the images by running the following:
    python /path/to/captcha.py --font=<font> --wordlist=<wordlist> --key=<key> --output=<output> --count=<count>
    • where font is a path to some font, for instance AriBlk.TTF.
    • wordlist is a path to some word list, for instance /usr/share/dict/words. (Note: on Debian/Ubuntu, the 'wbritish' and 'wamerican' packages provide such lists. On Fedora, use the 'words' package)
    • key is the exact passphrase you set $wgCaptchaSecret to. Use quotes if necessary.
    • output is the path to where the images should be stored (defined in $wgCaptchaDirectory).
    • count is how many images to generate.
    • An example, assuming you're in the extensions/ConfirmEdit directory (font location from Ubuntu 6.06, probably different on other operating systems):
    python captcha.py --font=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf --wordlist=/usr/share/dict/words --key=FOO --output=../../../captcha --count=100
    • If you are not satisfied with the results of the words you've generated, you can remove the images and create a new set. Comic_Sans_MS_Bold.ttf seems to generate relatively legible words, and you could also edit the last line of captcha.py to increase the font size from the default of 40.
  4. Put the images you get into captcha directory in your installation.
  5. Edit your wiki's LocalSettings.php : specify the full path to your captcha directory in $wgCaptchaDirectory and secret key you've been using while generating captures in $wgCaptchaSecret.
$wgCaptchaDirectory = "/.php-data/my-wiki.org/wiki/captcha";
$wgCaptchaDirectoryLevels = 0; // Set this to a value greater than zero to break the images into subdirectories
$wgCaptchaSecret = "FOO"; // Same value you used in --key option in captcha.py

See also wikitech:Generating CAPTCHAs for how the Wikimedia Foundation does it.

How to avoid common problems running Python on Windows
  1. Install the most recent version of Pillow.
  2. Make the installation of Python on a short folder name, like C:\Python\
  3. Create a folder like C:\Ex and place files CAPTCHA.py / FONT.ttf / LIST.txt into the folder.
  4. To execute easily, run the following example as a batch file:
C:\python\python.exe C:\Ex\CAPTCHA.py --font C:\Ex\FONT.ttf --wordlist C:\Ex\LIST.txt --key=YOURPASSWORD --output C:\Ex\ --count=20


警告 警告: This type is used by very few wikis, if any, probably because of scarce effectiveness.
This requires the Math extension to be installed. Also, since this requires the PNG mode of the Math extension, it no longer works since MediaWiki 1.40.

This module generates an image using TeX to ask a basic math question.

Set the following to enable this CAPTCHA:

wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/MathCaptcha' ]);

See the README file in the math folder to install this captcha.



The configuration is similar to ReCaptcha:

wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/hCaptcha' ]);
$wgHCaptchaSiteKey = 'your public/site key here';
$wgHCaptchaSecretKey = 'your private key here';

$wgHCaptchaSendRemoteIP is also available.



The configuration is similar to #ReCaptcha or #hCaptcha:

wfLoadExtensions([ 'ConfirmEdit', 'ConfirmEdit/Turnstile' ]);
$wgTurnstileSiteKey= 'your public/site key here';
$wgTurnstileSecretKey= 'your private key here';

$wgTurnstileSendRemoteIP is also available.


Don't require CAPTCHA from some users

ConfirmEdit introduces a 'skipcaptcha' permission type to wgGroupPermissions . This lets you set certain groups never to see CAPTCHAs. All of the following can be added to LocalSettings.php.

Defaults from ConfirmEdit.php:

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['skipcaptcha'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['skipcaptcha'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['skipcaptcha'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['bot']['skipcaptcha'] = true; // registered bots
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['skipcaptcha'] = true;

To skip captchas for users who confirmed their email, you need to set both:

$wgGroupPermissions['emailconfirmed']['skipcaptcha'] = true;
$wgAllowConfirmedEmail = true;

Set actions that require CAPTCHA

The following conditions can trigger a CAPTCHA to be displayed:

  • 'edit' - triggered on every attempted page save
  • 'create' - triggered on page creation
  • 'sendemail' - triggered when using Special:Emailuser
  • 'addurl' - triggered on a page save that would add one or more URLs to the page
  • 'createaccount' - triggered on creation of a new account
  • 'badlogin' - triggered after several failed login attempts from the same IP address
  • 'badloginperuser' - triggered after several failed login attempts using the same username

The default values for these are:

$wgCaptchaTriggers['edit'] = false;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['create'] = false;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['sendemail'] = false;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['addurl'] = true;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['createaccount'] = true;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['badlogin'] = true;
$wgCaptchaTriggers['badloginperuser'] = true;

The triggers edit, create and addurl can be configured per namespace using the $wgCaptchaTriggersOnNamespace setting. If there is no $wgCaptchaTriggersOnNamespace for the current namespace, the normal $wgCaptchaTriggers apply. So suppose that in addition to the above $wgCaptchaTriggers defaults we configure the following:

$wgCaptchaTriggersOnNamespace[NS_TALK]['addurl'] = false;
$wgCaptchaTriggersOnNamespace[NS_PROJECT]['edit'] = true;

Then the CAPTCHA will not trigger when adding URLs to a talk page, but on the other hand user will need to solve a CAPTCHA any time they try to edit a page in the project namespace, even if they aren't adding a link.


It is possible to define a whitelist of known good sites for which the CAPTCHA should not kick in when the 'addurl' action is triggered.

Sysop users can edit the system message page called MediaWiki:Captcha-addurl-whitelist.

The expected format is a set of regex's one per line.

Comments can be added with # prefix.

You can see an example of this usage on OpenStreetMap.

This set of whitelist regexes can also be defined using the $wgCaptchaWhitelist config variable in LocalSettings.php, to keep the value(s) a secret.

Some other variables you can add to LocalSettings.php:

  • $wgCaptchaWhitelistIP - List of IP ranges to allow to skip the CAPTCHA (you can also use MediaWiki:Captcha-ip-whitelist; see below for details).
  • $wgAllowConfirmedEmail - Allow users who have confirmed their e-mail addresses to post URL links.

These are described more thoroughly in the code comments

MediaWiki:Captcha-ip-whitelist can change the whitelisted IP addresses and IP ranges on the wiki.

They should be separated by newlines.

If any other character (apart from a valid IP address or range) is found on a line, it will be ignored, but leading and trailing whitespace characters are allowed.

For example, a line with only is considered valid but # will be ignored.


The global variable wgCaptchaRegexes accepts an array of regexes to be tested against the page text and triggers the CAPTCHA if a match is found.

Failed login attempts

When using the badlogin or badloginperuser triggers, the following configuration variables control how many failed login attempts per-IP and per-user are allowed before a CAPTCHA is required, and how long it takes until the CAPTCHA requirement expires:

$wgCaptchaBadLoginAttempts = 3;
$wgCaptchaBadLoginExpiration = 300; // 300 seconds = 5 minutes
$wgCaptchaBadLoginPerUserAttempts = 20;
$wgCaptchaBadLoginPerUserExpiration = 600; // 600 seconds = 10 minutes

The triggers require $wgMainCacheType to be set to something other than CACHE_NONE in your LocalSettings.php, if in doubt the following will always work.

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_ANYTHING;

Note that these triggers do not trigger CAPTCHAs on API login but block them outright until the CAPTCHA requirement expires.

Wikimedia configuration

For example, Wikimedia Foundation wikis use FancyCaptcha with a custom set of images and the default configuration, modified by what follows.

$wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['skipcaptcha'] = true;

This means only unregistered and newly registered users have to pass the CAPTCHA.

EmergencyCaptcha mode

Additionally, the shortcut named $wmgEmergencyCaptcha is designed for use in a limited number of emergencies, for instance, in case of massive vandalism or spam attacks: it changes the default trigger values (see above) into the following:

$wgCaptchaTriggers['edit'] = true; 
$wgCaptchaTriggers['create'] = true;

So, in addition to the normal situation, all anonymous and new users have to solve a CAPTCHA before being able to save an edit or create a new page.


ConfirmEdit supports rate limiting for false CAPTCHA.

For more information about $wgRateLimits and how to set it up, read 手冊:$wgRateLimits , the action key is badcaptcha.


The basic framework was primarily designed by Brion Vibber, who also wrote the SimpleCaptcha and FancyCaptcha modules.

The MathCaptcha module was written by Rob Church.

The QuestyCaptcha module was written by Benjamin Lees.

Additional maintenance work was done by Yaron Koren.


  1. MediaWiki:Questycaptchahelp-text, MediaWiki:Questycaptcha-edit, MediaWiki:Questycaptcha-addurl, MediaWiki:Questycaptcha-create, MediaWiki:Questycaptcha-createaccount
  2. Google Blog Are you a robot? Introducing 「No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA」 ()
