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Revision as of 17:55, 13 September 2020 by SamanthaNguyen (talk | contribs) (document hook)
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Available from version ??? (Gerrit change 493459)

Define function:
public static function onCentralNoticeCampaignChange( string $action, string $time, string $campaignName, User $user, array $settingsBeforeChanges, array $settingsAfterChanges, ?string $summary ) { ... }
Attach hook:
$wgHooks['CentralNoticeCampaignChange'][] = 'MyExtensionHooks::onCentralNoticeCampaignChange';
Called from:File(s): CentralNotice / includes/Campaign.php
Function(s): processAfterCampaignChange

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of other extensions using this hook, see Category:CentralNoticeCampaignChange extensions.

This hook cannot be aborted.


  • $action: A string, which represents an action related to a campaign. This can be either 'created', 'modified', or 'removed'
  • $time: A string representing a database timestamp as returned by IDatabase::timestamp()
  • $campaignName: A string representing the name of the campaign
  • $user: An instance of User, representing the user causing the change to the campaign
  • $settingsBeforeChanges: An array representing the campaign settings before changes, as returned by Campaign::processSettingsForHook (a private static method)
  • $settingsAfterChanges: An array representing the campaign settings after changes, as returned by Campaign::processSettingsForHook (a private static method)
  • $summary: Represents a string if a user gave a change summary, or null if the user did not.