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Single Cell Analysis of Cultivated Fibroblasts from Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Department of Visceral, Vascular and Endocrine Surgery, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, University Medical Center Halle, 06120 Halle, Germany
Institute of Pathology, Section for Experimental Pathology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, University Medical Center Halle, 06120 Halle, Germany
Center for Digital Health, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Health Data Science Unit, Heidelberg University Hospital and BioQuant, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 23 June 2022 / Revised: 25 July 2022 / Accepted: 17 August 2022 / Published: 19 August 2022


Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) play a major role in the progression and drug resistance of pancreatic cancer. Recent studies suggest that CAFs exhibit functional heterogeneity and distinct transcriptomic signatures in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic fibroblasts also form an integral component in pancreatic diseases such as chronic pancreatitis named disease-associated fibroblasts (DAFs). However, intra-tumoral heterogeneity of CAFs in pancreatic cancer patients and their pivotal role in cancer-related mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Further, it has not been elucidated whether CAF subtypes identified in pancreatic cancer also exist in chronic pancreatitis. In this study, we used primary isolated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients using the outgrowth method. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) was performed, and bioinformatics analysis identified highly variable genes, including factors associated with overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients. The majority of highly variable genes are involved in the cell cycle. Instead of previously classified myofibroblastic (myCAFs), inflammatory (iCAFs), and antigen-presenting (ap) CAFs, we identified a myCAFs-like subtype in all cases. Most interestingly, after cell cycle regression, we observed 135 highly variable genes commonly identified in chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients. This study is the first to conduct scRNAseq and bioinformatics analyses to compare CAFs/DAFs from both chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients. Further studies are required to select and identify stromal factors in DAFs from chronic pancreatitis cases, which are commonly expressed also in CAFs potentially contributing to pancreatic cancer development.

1. Introduction

Pancreatic cancer is currently the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths and is projected to become the second most common cancer death in the United States by 2030 [1,2]. The dense stromal tumor microenvironment, which accounts for up to ~90% of the pancreatic tumor mass, is a major cause of resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy [3,4,5]. The major stromal compartment consists of CAFs, which are a source of extracellular matrix proteins and potential therapeutic targets [6]. Fibrotic stroma and generally termed disease-associated fibroblasts (DAFs) form an integral component in pancreatic diseases including pancreatic cancer (CAFs) and chronic pancreatitis [7]. CAF depletion can also have tumor-promoting effects, suggesting that CAFs exhibit distinct functional heterogeneity [5]. CAFs, which are derived from several cell types such as pancreatic stellate cells or mesenchymal stem cells, play a major role in the progression and drug resistance of pancreatic cancer [8,9]. Recent studies suggest that CAF subtypes exhibit distinct transcriptomic signatures in pancreatic cancer. Previous human and murine studies described several CAF subtypes such as myofibroblastic CAFs (myCAFs) expressing Acta2, (coding α-smooth muscle actin), Vim (vimentin), and Ctgf (connective tissue growth factor), Col1a1, Col5a1, and Col6a1, inflammatory CAFs (iCAFs) expressing Il1, Il6, Il11, and Lif (Leukemia inhibitory factor) [10], as well as antigen-presenting CAFs (apCAFs) expressing Slpi, Saa3, Cd74, H2-Ab1, Nkain4 (Sodium/Potassium Transporting ATPase Interacting 4), and Irf5 [11]. MyCAFs are associated with an extracellular matrix signature, while iCAFs are suggested to establish an immunosuppressive microenvironment [9]. ApCAFs may play an immunomodulatory role in pancreatic cancer [9]. In the current study, we used CAFs/DAFs isolated from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients via the outgrowth method to evaluate the presence of myCAF, iCAF, or apCAF subtypes in these specimens, and for further stratification of fibroblast subtypes associated with pancreatic disease development and progression.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Human Subjects

Human pancreas samples from patients with pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis were obtained from the Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Halle, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. The study on human material was approved by the institutional review board of the Medical Faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg and designated in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (Approval number: 2019-037). Written informed consent was obtained from all patients.

2.2. Isolation and Cultivation of Fibroblasts

CAFs/DAFs from patient specimens were obtained by the outgrowth method, which has been described previously with modifications [12]. Briefly, pancreatic tissue was cut into ca. 20 mm3 pieces, seeded in a plate in the presence of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) low glucose and F12, supplemented with 16% fetal bovine serum, 1% penicillin-streptomycin, and 1% amphotericin, and maintained at 37 °C, 5% CO2 until fibroblasts grew out. Single-cell RNA sequencing (10X Genomics, Pleasanton, CA, USA) was performed with cells in passage-3.

2.3. Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and Bioinformatics Analysis

Isolated CAFs/DAFs were processed with the 10X Genomics Single Cell 3’ v3 Reagent Kit [13]. Samples were processed according to the manufacturer’s user guide (10X Genomics). Final libraries were sequenced with the NextSeq 500 system (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) in high-output mode (paired end, 75 base pairs). Single-cell RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analyses were performed with cellranger 6.0.0. Gene expression was quantified using the default 10X Cell Ranger v3 pipeline using the GRCh37/hg19 Reference provided by 10X Genomics. UMI and genes were filtered for each sample and, in general, cells with a minimum number of 2000 genes were kept. Cells containing more than 5% of mitochondrial reads were excluded from downstream analyses. Downstream analyses were performed using the R package Seurat version 4.0. Each scRNA-seq dataset was scaled by library size and log-transformed and for each sample the top 2000 most variable genes were identified. Data were scaled to unit variance and zero mean and the dimensionality of the data was reduced by principal component analysis (PCA) (15 components) and visualized with t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) or Uniform Minifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). Clustering was performed using the Louvain algorithm on the 15 principal components (resolution = 0.5). Cluster-specific markers were identified with the “FindAllMarkers” function.

2.4. Immunocytochemistry

Approximately 2.5 × 104 of CAFs/DAFs were seeded on the slides and incubated overnight. PANC-1 cells were used in addition as control for epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) staining. Cells were then fixed with 4% PFA and sequentially immunostained with antibodies directed against alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) (Invitrogen, 701457), KRT19 (Invitrogen, MA5-31977, Waltham, MA, USA), C-X-C motif chemokine 12 (CXCL12) (Invitrogen, PA5-114344), or EpCAM (Dako, M0804).

2.5. GEPIA

For gene expression profiling and overall survival analysis, we conducted bioinformatics analysis on the GEPIA platform using the Kaplan–Meier survival plots tool [14], as described previously [15]. Our analysis included 176 to 178 pancreatic cancer samples based on the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Median expression was used as the threshold between high and low expression. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

2.6. Data Access

Sequencing raw data are available at European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) box with the accession number EGAS00001005889.

3. Results

3.1. Identification of Highly Variable Genes in Disease-Associated Fibroblasts of Pancreatic Cancer and Chronic Pancreatitis Patients

To study previously described myCAF, iCAF, or apCAF subtypes, and investigate potentially altered CAF states in pancreatic cancer (patient1 and patient2) and chronic pancreatitis patients (patient3) in our cohort (Table 1), we isolated primary disease-associated fibroblasts (DAFs) and performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. We selected the outgrowth method, because it is a widely recognized and established method for isolating CAFs. To validate the absence of tumor cells in our samples, we performed immunocytochemistry against EpCAM. We observed positive staining of EpCAM in PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cells, but no positivity was observed in isolated DAFs (Figure 1). After quality control, we obtained 2714, 6764, and 7639 cells, respectively (Table 1). CAFs from patient1 showed several highly variable genes that contribute strongly to cell-to-cell variation, including Insulin Growth Factor Binding Proteins IGFBP3 and IGFBP5, Set- and Mynd Domain Containing 3 (SMYD3), Neurofilament Light Chain (NEFL), Keratin 19 (KRT19), Matrix Metalloprotease 1 (MMP1), MMP3, metastasis suppressor KISS1, Growth Differentiation Factor 15 (GDF15), Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), S100 Calcium Binding Protein A4 (S100A4), and Interferon Alpha Inducible Protein 27 (IFI27) (Figure 2A). In CAFs from patient2, we detected chemokines CXCL1, CXCL3, CXCL8, Interleukin 1B (IL1B), MMP1, MMP3, Heat Shock Protein Family A Member 5 (HSPA5, also known as GRP78 or BiP), Proteoglycan 4 (PRG4), RAS-related Glycolysis Inhibitor And Calcium Channel Regulator (RRAD), and HIST1H4C (Figure 2B). In the fibroblasts from patient3, we detected IGFBP5, SMYD3, MMP1, TIMP1, Serpin Family E Member 2 (SERPINE2), KRT18, G0/G1 Switch 2 (G0S2), ADAM Metallopeptidase with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif 18 (ADAMTS18), and HIST1H4C (Figure 2C). To examine whether expression of above mentioned 25 factors is associated with pancreatic cancer patient survival, we performed overall survival (OS) analysis on the GEPIA platform. We identified that expression of IFI27, KRT18, KRT19, MMP1, MMP3, and NEFL are associated with a shorter overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients (Figure 3), whereas the expression of the other 16 genes are not associated with the overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients (not shown). It has been previously shown with a lineage-labeling approach that CAFs of non-PSC origin exhibited elevated expression of KRT8, KRT18, and KRT19 [16]. Interestingly, we observed both KRT19-positive and KRT19-negative fibroblasts by immunocytochemistry in all three cases (Figure 4).

3.2. Cell Cycle-Associated Factors Are Majority of Highly Variable Genes

Next, to identify which factors are co-expressed together in CAFs/DAFs, we performed heat map analyses and show the top differentially expressed genes in 3 panels for each patient (Figure 5). The analyses revealed that the variance was mostly covered by cell-cycle genes including MKI67, CENPF, and CCNB1 (Figure 5). To mitigate the effects of cell cycle heterogeneity in scRNA data, we performed cell cycle regression analysis as previously demonstrated [17]. Prior to cell cycle regression, we observed 9 clusters of cells with similar expression profiles produced by the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) algorithm in CAFs from patient1, 10 clusters in CAFs from patient2, and 11 clusters in fibroblasts from patient3 (Figure 6A–C). After cell cycle regression, we did not observe clearly distinct clusters (Figure 6D–F), suggesting that (1) signals derived from cell cycle-associated factors strongly impact on cluster heterogeneity presentation, and (2) primary isolated and cultured cells are not unique population but exhibit highly similar expression profiling between the clusters. We were still able to divide clusters 0 to 3 in CAFs from patient1, clusters 0 to 3 in CAFs from patient2, as well as clusters 0 to 4 in DAFs from patient3 (Figure 6D–F). We summarize highly variable features after cell cycle regression in Table 2 (patient1), Table 3 (patient2), and Table 4 (patient3). Among 25 highly variable genes identified before cell cycle regression, two factors namely IGFBP3 and IGFBP5 were identified as highly variable genes even after cell cycle regression (Table 2, Cluster 0 in Figure 2D), suggesting that these two genes may contribute to CAF heterogeneity independent of cell cycle stage. Interestingly, a number of factors, cell cycle-associated but also non-cell-cycle-associated factors, are identified as highly variable genes shared between CAFs/DAFs isolated from chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients (Table 5).

3.3. Instead of myCAF-, iCAF-, or apCAF-Specific Clusters, Rather a myCAF-Like Subtype with CXCL12 Expression Observed in Primary Isolated Disease-Associated Fibroblasts

We next analyzed potential myCAF, iCAF or apCAF transcriptomes in our primary disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. We used myCAF, iCAF, and apCAF markers as previously described [10,11] (see Table 6). As shown in Figure 7, we did not detect any myCAF-, iCAF-, or apCAF-specific cluster in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis patients. Yet, all disease-associated fibroblasts showed a gene expression profile similar to the myCAFs described by Öhlund et al. (Figure 7A). We observed positive staining of αSMA in all cases, we also observed positive expression of CXCL12, an iCAF marker (Figure 8).
In summary, our single-cell RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis identified several highly variable genes including IFI27, KRT18, KRT19, MMP1, MMP3, and NEFL, whose expression is associated with a shorter overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients. The majority of highly variable genes are however dependent on the cell cycle; therefore, we performed cell cycle regression analyses. We identified IGFBP3 and IGFBP5 after cell cycle regression, which may potentially contribute to CAF heterogeneity. Here, we could not identify myCAF-, iCAF-, or apCAF-specific clusters, but the expression profiling resemble a rather myCAF-like subtype. Most interestingly, after cell cycle regression, we observed large number of overlapping highly variable genes between samples from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients.

4. Discussion

Increasing evidence shows that CAFs represent a highly heterogeneous subpopulations that can be both tumor-promoting and tumor-suppressing, highlighting the importance of the identification and characterization of the diversity of CAF subtypes [4]. In the current study, we isolated primary disease-associated fibroblasts by the outgrowth method from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. By using single-cell RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, we identified several highly variable genes including IFI27, KRT18, KRT19, MMP1, MMP3, and NEFL. Expression of these genes is associated with shorter overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients (Figure 3). IFI27 has been previously identified as a prognostic marker for pancreatic cancer [18], and involved in pancreatic cancer migration and invasion [19]. The above-mentioned genes are not exclusively expressed in CAFs/DAFs. Yet, our data support that factors expressed in CAFs/DAFs can contribute to pancreatic cancer migration, invasion, and patient outcome.
We selected the outgrowth technique that has been established for isolating pancreatic CAFs and has become a common CAF isolation strategy. In our scRNAseq analysis, we found that the majority of identified highly variable genes are associated with the cell cycle. It was therefore important to conduct cell cycle regression [17], which showed that signals originating from cell cycle-associated factors have a strong impact on cluster heterogeneity (Figure 6). Interestingly, a number of highly variable features after cell cycle regression are commonly found in CAFs/DAFs isolated from chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients (Table 5). These 135 factors still include a number of cell cycle-associated factors, but also cell cycle independent factors that are implicated in tumorigenesis. For example, KNSTRN promotes tumorigenesis and gemcitabine resistance in bladder cancer [20]. ZWINT supports pancreatic cancer proliferation [21]. Further studies are required to identify which stromal factors among these 135 genes play a key role in pancreatic cancer. It needs to be further clarified, whether pancreatic cancer-derived CAFs and chronic pancreatitis-derived DAFs have already similar profiling before isolation, or whether they become similar during culture. To that end, it is necessary in the future to establish chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer mouse models with fibroblast lineage-tracing systems, to subsequently isolate CAFs/DAFs, and conduct single-cell RNA sequencing both before and after cell culture. Interestingly, our findings are consistent with the study by Barrera et al. Here, microarray experiments from DAFs isolated by the outgrowth method were performed demonstrating that pancreatic cancer- and chronic pancreatitis-derived fibroblasts share the greatest similarity [7].
One of the goals of the study was to see whether we identify previously described major CAF subtypes, myCAFs-, iCAFs-, and apCAFs. We did not observe any clear myCAFs-, iCAFs-, or apCAFs-specific clusters (Figure 7). Our data are in part consistent with a recent publication, where Grünwald et al. chose the outgrowth method and identified eleven sub-clusters from ten pancreatic cancer patients, but no clear myCAF versus iCAF subpopulation differences [22]. Initially, myCAFs and iCAF subtypes have been described by Öhlund et al. [10]. For the majority of their experiments, quiescent cells were isolated by Collagenase P and DNAse I digestion and co-cultured with pancreatic cancer organoids [10]. Murine late-stage tumors of KPC mice (Pdx1-Cre; lox-stop-lox-KrasG12D/+; Trp53R172H/+) supported the presence of iCAFs and myCAFs, that were isolated by digesting tissue with Pronase, Collagenase P, and DNAse I [23]. Elyada et al. isolated single cells from human pancreatic cancer patients and KPC mice by digestion with Collagenase D, Liberase DL, and DNAse I [11]. Beside myCAFs and iCAFs, the study identified an additional subpopulation of CAFs expressing MHC class II and CD74 (apCAFs) [11]. Notably, in these studies enzymatic digestion methods were applied rather than the outgrowth method for CAF isolation. Whether methodological disparities have an influence on the outcome of these studies, need to be clarified in the future (e.g., via above-mentioned lineage-tracing strategies).
Our study is limited by the small sample size but is the first study to conduct scRNAseq and bioinformatics analyses combined for chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients. In summary, our scRNAseq and bioinformatics analysis identified several highly variable genes, some of whose expression is associated with shorter overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients. We could not identify myCAF-, iCAF-, or apCAF-specific clusters, but the expression profiling resemble rather a myCAF-like subtype. Most interestingly, after cell cycle regression, we observed a large number of overlapping highly variable genes between samples from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients, which need to be verified and functionally characterized in both pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis in vivo.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.S.; methodology, Y.S.; software, Y.S. and Y.C.; resources, Y.S., B.T., M.S. and M.H.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.S.; supervision, R.E. and J.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 874710. We acknowledge the financial support of the Open Access Publication Fund of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee, the institutional review board of the Medical Faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Approval number: 2019-037, on 15 July 2019).

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Sequencing raw data are available at European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) box with the accession number EGAS00001005889.


We would like to thank Bernadette Harwardt for her technical support.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Immunocytochemistry of EpCAM in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. (A) Panc-1 cells stained as positive control, (B) cells from patient1, (C) from patient2, and (D) from patient3. Bar: 50 μm.
Figure 1. Immunocytochemistry of EpCAM in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. (A) Panc-1 cells stained as positive control, (B) cells from patient1, (C) from patient2, and (D) from patient3. Bar: 50 μm.
Cells 11 02583 g001
Figure 2. Highly variable features in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. A subset of features that exhibit high variation between cells in disease-associated fibroblasts (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3.
Figure 2. Highly variable features in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. A subset of features that exhibit high variation between cells in disease-associated fibroblasts (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3.
Cells 11 02583 g002
Figure 3. Analysis of 6 genes and overall survival. Overall survival analyses of 6 genes (IFI27, KRT18, KRT19, MMP1, MMP3, and NEFL) in pancreatic cancer based on the GEPIA database. Median expression was used as the threshold between high and low expression. The 95% confidence interval is plotted by the dotted lines.
Figure 3. Analysis of 6 genes and overall survival. Overall survival analyses of 6 genes (IFI27, KRT18, KRT19, MMP1, MMP3, and NEFL) in pancreatic cancer based on the GEPIA database. Median expression was used as the threshold between high and low expression. The 95% confidence interval is plotted by the dotted lines.
Cells 11 02583 g003
Figure 4. Immunocytochemistry of KRT19 in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3. Bar: 50 μm.
Figure 4. Immunocytochemistry of KRT19 in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3. Bar: 50 μm.
Cells 11 02583 g004
Figure 5. Heat map analyses of scRNAseq data of disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Top differentially expressed genes were summarized as 3 selected heat map panels in disease-associated fibroblasts (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3.
Figure 5. Heat map analyses of scRNAseq data of disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Top differentially expressed genes were summarized as 3 selected heat map panels in disease-associated fibroblasts (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3.
Cells 11 02583 g005
Figure 6. Dimensionality reduction of scRNAseq data. The t-SNE plot analysis of scRNAseq data prior to cell cycle regression (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3. The Uniform Minifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot analysis after cell cycle regression (D) from patient1, (E) from patient2, and (F) from patient3.
Figure 6. Dimensionality reduction of scRNAseq data. The t-SNE plot analysis of scRNAseq data prior to cell cycle regression (A) from patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3. The Uniform Minifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot analysis after cell cycle regression (D) from patient1, (E) from patient2, and (F) from patient3.
Cells 11 02583 g006
Figure 7. No myofibroblastic, inflammatory or antigen-presenting cancer-associated fibroblast-specific cluster, but exhibit myCAF-like profiling in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Cell with (A,B) myofibroblastic, (C,D) inflammatory, and (E) antigen-presenting cancer-associated fibroblasts are visualized in fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Lists of selected markers are listed Table 5, markers were selected from the publications Öhlund et al. [10] for (A,C), Elyada et al. [11] for (B,D,E).
Figure 7. No myofibroblastic, inflammatory or antigen-presenting cancer-associated fibroblast-specific cluster, but exhibit myCAF-like profiling in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Cell with (A,B) myofibroblastic, (C,D) inflammatory, and (E) antigen-presenting cancer-associated fibroblasts are visualized in fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Lists of selected markers are listed Table 5, markers were selected from the publications Öhlund et al. [10] for (A,C), Elyada et al. [11] for (B,D,E).
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Figure 8. Immunocytochemistry of αSMA and CXCL12 in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Cells from (A) patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3 for αSMA staining, (D) cells from patient1, (E) from patient2, and (F) from patient3 for CXCL12 staining. Bar: 50 μm.
Figure 8. Immunocytochemistry of αSMA and CXCL12 in disease-associated fibroblasts from pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patients. Cells from (A) patient1, (B) from patient2, and (C) from patient3 for αSMA staining, (D) cells from patient1, (E) from patient2, and (F) from patient3 for CXCL12 staining. Bar: 50 μm.
Cells 11 02583 g008
Table 1. Information of the patients and analyzed number of single cells.
Table 1. Information of the patients and analyzed number of single cells.
Title 1Patient1Patient2Patient3
Age at the resection794825
Disease, Tumor classificationPancreatic cancer, G2 pT3 pN1 M0, L0 V0 Pn1, UICC-Status IIBPancreatic cancer, G2 pT2 pN0 M0, L0 V0 Pn1, UICC-Status IBChronic pancreatitis
Number of nuclei271467647639
Table 2. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient1.
Table 2. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient1.
GeneClusterp-ValueAverage log2FC Pct.1Pct.2p-Value
MXD405.03 × 10−1150.526576753357570.8890.5081.16 × 10−110
PAPPA09.83 × 10−861.01090908992620.8420.5512.27 × 10−81
GDF1502.41 × 10−731.169722436943660.6290.2815.57 × 10−69
CDC42EP503.35 × 10−690.3296951534078110.6510.2947.75 × 10−65
SAT107.20 × 10−640.6047526742790490.8660.6181.66 × 10−59
THBS203.09 × 10−570.4209629225897720.9050.6567.14 × 10−53
CTSK01.11 × 10−560.9225473665162970.7130.4422.57 × 10−52
COX7A101.63 × 10−560.4819231741874650.7770.5023.76 × 10−52
SNRPN03.29 × 10−550.3675553283933670.9050.6797.62 × 10−51
FADS302.22 × 10−510.3726444805417740.8420.5935.12 × 10−47
PCDH1003.71 × 10−500.3883621897184030.5620.2488.58 × 10−46
SCG501.47 × 10−470.8973138356833020.6840.4143.40 × 10−43
IGFBP506.23 × 10−471.896062457607680.6480.3881.44 × 10−42
AHNAK201.58 × 10−450.3426191428250.740.4383.66 × 10−41
C5orf4602.85 × 10−440.4343349364218860.6020.326.60 × 10−40
AC097480.103.92 × 10−440.3974202953681660.3760.1179.07 × 10−41
CRYAB04.14 × 10−410.7195317392176650.7950.5549.58 × 10−37
IGFBP302.10 × 10−401.307674484510240.6910.4354.85 × 10−36
ANGPTL403.34 × 10−400.3551062236708630.5430.2567.73 × 10−36
FSTL309.44 × 10−380.3320608876114380.7610.4912.18 × 10−33
COPZ202.37 × 10−370.3266114623066430.8910.6785.48 × 10−33
GPNMB03.63 × 10−350.3532413392243020.7610.5228.38 × 10−31
LMCD104.55 × 10−340.5054629914518270.6350.3951.05 × 10−29
LUM07.07 × 10−290.4074775322694380.690.4541.63 × 10−24
COL11A108.50 × 10−270.4107162096115680.590.3491.96 × 10−23
ANKRD3701.84 × 10−260.3574219758132580.4740.2314.26 × 10−22
KIF26B01.09 × 10−240.4540039547542780.6970.4492.53 × 10−19
CYP1B102.93 × 10−210.3109035027620830.4730.2456.78 × 10−17
ABI3BP05.40 × 10−210.5045781029689740.4020.1921.25 × 10−16
CDK113.38 × 10−2811.2177737012710.9230.2327.81 × 10−277
HJURP18.28 × 10−2140.6660945354234770.7760.1481.91 × 10−210
UBE2C11.45 × 10−2111.55850902169380.9370.4073.36 × 10−207
TOP2A11.19 × 10−2061.542717935372390.9360.4352.76 × 10−202
AURKB13.29 × 10−2050.746161425403910.8470.237.60 × 10−201
FBXO511.02 × 10−2030.675121756130250.8730.2492.35 × 10−199
HIST1H1B13.44 × 10−1951.459221645577410.7770.1857.95 × 10−191
CDCA211.35 × 10−1880.6923305897730160.8250.2223.12 × 10−184
KIF18B16.20 × 10−1880.561459368366750.750.1551.43 × 10−183
CDCA813.90 × 10−1790.7526587396982570.8370.2269.02 × 10−175
CKAP2L18.64 × 10−1790.604697457008970.8210.2212.00 × 10−174
ARHGAP11B17.96 × 10−1720.5501610238212820.7130.1521.84 × 10−167
CEP12815.52 × 10−1700.5866771781926010.820.2371.28 × 10−165
HMGB217.70 × 10−1691.248120176815730.9580.531.78 × 10−164
LINC0157219.80 × 10−1550.6339461216867110.7870.2632.27 × 10−151
MELK13.91 × 10−1510.5659607490661640.8650.3359.05 × 10−147
ESCO211.19 × 10−1470.4809350137694910.7540.2022.76 × 10−143
GTSE116.96 × 10−1470.7272463062467620.8440.3171.61 × 10−142
NCAPG18.42 × 10−1470.6577841934308860.8880.3481.95 × 10−142
KIFC111.29 × 10−1450.523830575415410.8030.252.99 × 10−140
KIF2312.14 × 10−1430.7710388334430010.8950.4414.95 × 10−139
NEIL317.34 × 10−1430.3728244444693210.6260.1181.70 × 10−139
DLEU214.85 × 10−1400.6285953092887410.9330.51.12 × 10−135
KIF1113.37 × 10−1370.5700917391201920.8330.2987.79 × 10−133
NDC8015.48 × 10−1360.5738732853682150.8210.2711.27 × 10−131
NSD216.78 × 10−1340.6830289688447980.9730.6041.57 × 10−129
UBE2T12.76 × 10−1330.7175758755067570.970.6216.38 × 10−129
CDCA513.45 × 10−1290.3960313257431750.7060.1827.99 × 10−125
KNL112.60 × 10−1270.5900679394281050.8270.3116.02 × 10−124
CENPK11.68 × 10−1260.5957730015263770.9330.4893.88 × 10−123
BARD111.05 × 10−1240.4976216179040680.8470.3412.43 × 10−120
MKI6713.50 × 10−1240.9906472906021040.9180.4828.09 × 10−120
KIF20B18.54 × 10−1220.6788201116860730.9150.4281.97 × 10−117
TTK11.72 × 10−1180.391985169692140.6330.153.98 × 10−114
SMC413.37 × 10−1180.8310721415666860.9740.6627.79 × 10−114
CDCA419.86 × 10−1180.4621525502744660.8180.3452.28 × 10−113
KIF4A15.43 × 10−1170.5069690081895710.8030.2991.26 × 10−112
FEN113.23 × 10−1160.5813378240599990.910.4567.46 × 10−112
NUF214.54 × 10−1160.6461074354940530.8360.3351.05 × 10−110
KIF1415.91 × 10−1150.4636925242193730.7050.2121.37 × 10−110
DBF411.95 × 10−1140.5878341469018010.8580.4364.52 × 10−110
SPC2511.04 × 10−1130.5213053254885450.8180.3232.40 × 10−109
KIF2C11.08 × 10−1130.5129910641383380.7270.2232.49 × 10−109
CCNA211.33 × 10−1130.588585929219460.8480.3373.09 × 10−109
FAM83D11.36 × 10−1140.3882591463996280.6130.1543.14 × 10−109
KIF1514.23 × 10−1120.3086097901696680.5930.1349.78 × 10−108
HIST1H1E18.84 × 10−1120.9309710714630360.7190.3062.04 × 10−107
SGO111.18 × 10−1110.4142782444618170.7190.2182.73 × 10−107
CLSPN12.91 × 10−1110.655089144831090.9560.5016.73 × 10−107
HIST1H2AH17.15 × 10−1110.3752168482973760.4710.0771.65 × 10−106
TMPO12.97 × 10−1100.7071332230142090.9730.6926.87 × 10−106
BRIP113.94 × 10−1100.6102590587818360.8630.3929.10 × 10−106
HIST1H3B16.36 × 10−1100.3390099766049040.4920.0881.47 × 10−105
CENPE12.31 × 10−1090.838685214933310.8360.3855.35 × 10−105
ATAD213.36 × 10−1100.6464185487261520.9440.5337.76 × 10−105
MIR924HG11.87 × 10−1080.609124256103840.7340.2384.32 × 10−104
FAM111A14.28 × 10−1080.4800665688636140.7570.3219.90 × 10−104
POLQ15.56 × 10−1070.3268871740802240.6190.1561.29 × 10−102
Z94721.116.30 × 10−1060.3112909526554720.5680.1291.46 × 10−101
ASPM16.94 × 10−1060.8064766677278350.8520.3811.60 × 10−101
KIF18A12.04 × 10−1050.4579851148612870.7640.3074.71 × 10−101
HIST1H3D16.05 × 10−1050.388950991417060.4890.0941.40 × 10−100
MIS18BP118.74 × 10−1040.5433886388035410.9230.592.02 × 10−100
NCAPH19.30 × 10−1040.3184416691679830.6430.1772.15 × 10−99
H2AFX19.41 × 10−1040.6857033326434430.940.6322.18 × 10−99
ARHGAP11A14.07 × 10−1030.4324325646008060.6980.2439.42 × 10−99
TACC311.13 × 10−1020.5841233764643010.8650.4052.61 × 10−98
BUB1B11.58 × 10−1010.4503863181250730.740.2573.65 × 10−97
CCDC1811.78 × 10−1010.5018832740337250.7860.3554.11 × 10−97
ANLN18.20 × 10−1000.6867406186925370.9220.5051.90 × 10−95
RAD51AP113.03 × 10−990.3853454882786630.7580.2777.01 × 10−95
CIT15.55 × 10−990.4256356725385820.6780.231.28 × 10−94
CCNF13.61 × 10−970.3097201896427150.5330.1248.35 × 10−93
CENPU13.42 × 10−960.5170989494419270.9210.4827.91 × 10−92
USP114.73 × 10−970.5296224212088180.9280.591.09 × 10−91
ARHGAP11A14.07 × 10−1030.4324325646008060.6980.2439.42 × 10−99
TACC311.13 × 10−1020.5841233764643010.8650.4052.61 × 10−98
BUB1B11.58 × 10−1010.4503863181250730.740.2573.65 × 10−97
CCDC1811.78 × 10−1010.5018832740337250.7860.3554.11 × 10−97
ANLN18.20 × 10−1000.6867406186925370.9220.5051.90 × 10−95
RAD51AP113.03 × 10−990.3853454882786630.7580.2777.01 × 10−95
CIT15.55 × 10−990.4256356725385820.6780.231.28 × 10−94
CCNF13.61 × 10−970.3097201896427150.5330.1248.35 × 10−93
CENPU13.42 × 10−960.5170989494419270.9210.4827.91 × 10−92
USP114.73 × 10−970.5296224212088180.9280.591.09 × 10−91
GAS2L315.48 × 10−960.4404484977798580.6410.2141.27 × 10−91
CENPI11.43 × 10−950.3138200832412180.6110.1763.31 × 10−91
RRM211.66 × 10−950.6435119704290960.9450.5583.83 × 10−91
CENPA18.64 × 10−950.5111350303947210.6820.2442.00 × 10−90
SKA315.87 × 10−940.3245960624841810.6790.2211.36 × 10−89
ZWINT11.05 × 10−920.5317993716265740.9190.5362.43 × 10−88
NUSAP111.96 × 10−920.6935608435916110.9180.5224.53 × 10−88
SGO211.41 × 10−900.5800559321487880.8250.3943.27 × 10−86
SHCBP113.79 × 10−890.4482477402549580.8690.4048.76 × 10−85
DNAJC918.51 × 10−890.5194794388579250.9750.771.97 × 10−83
ASF1B11.37 × 10−870.3431592105324760.690.2393.16 × 10−83
HIST2H2AC11.63 × 10−870.6799804546031950.7230.363.78 × 10−83
C21orf5811.34 × 10−860.3082642980868680.6380.2033.11 × 10−82
BRCA114.39 × 10−860.3782105647810650.7760.3181.02 × 10−81
GMNN13.35 × 10−850.4839395042505890.9170.567.74 × 10−81
ORC614.22 × 10−850.3982670824948430.8010.3459.76 × 10−81
MND111.25 × 10−840.3242917437596010.6790.2352.88 × 10−81
CENPF11.95 × 10−830.9614606309936160.9210.5514.50 × 10−79
MXD311.44 × 10−810.364407680703720.5660.1773.33 × 10−77
RRM113.17 × 10−810.4746048695675640.940.6557.33 × 10−77
HIST1H1A11.80 × 10−800.7106056806790220.4930.1374.16 × 10−76
MAD2L115.20 × 10−800.4894887504555220.9080.5131.20 × 10−75
AURKA11.24 × 10−790.630541876070670.8250.422.86 × 10−74
ECT219.18 × 10−780.4462602410030610.8370.4662.12 × 10−73
RACGAP113.16 × 10−770.3570603537013380.7320.3047.30 × 10−73
CDC4512.22 × 10−760.3088404943795320.7090.2725.14 × 10−72
RFC313.01 × 10−760.3433522188483340.7690.3216.97 × 10−73
PBK13.17 × 10−750.5676118389472070.9190.4997.32 × 10−71
PKMYT113.47 × 10−740.3060898757920540.6540.2358.03 × 10−70
BRCA211.42 × 10−730.349650530114710.7040.2813.28 × 10−69
MYBL113.34 × 10−720.3492266562304260.6820.2967.72 × 10−68
PIF118.17 × 10−720.3384132598228570.4480.1221.89 × 10−67
TPX219.93 × 10−720.6642861559404320.930.6052.30 × 10−67
FANCI18.02 × 10−710.3345010154489170.7980.3691.85 × 10−66
HELLS12.83 × 10−700.4362945414482650.8780.5046.55 × 10−66
CENPP13.61 × 10−700.4292434168951060.7690.3868.34 × 10−66
PRIM219.54 × 10−700.4456631133729040.9260.6152.21 × 10−65
TCF1912.05 × 10−690.3069779900835550.6820.2654.75 × 10−67
LMNB111.72 × 10−680.3349398805298080.7510.3173.99 × 10−64
MIS18A12.62 × 10−680.3518946004978540.770.396.06 × 10−64
CIP2A13.52 × 10−680.354135555586720.7580.3518.15 × 10−64
NAV215.25 × 10−680.7159670193613790.9070.6981.21 × 10−63
EZH219.96 × 10−680.3303768301760610.7790.3542.30 × 10−63
POLD311.03 × 10−670.3465270033876370.7470.3582.38 × 10−63
SPATA511.55 × 10−670.4244386108467980.8330.5013.58 × 10−63
NCAPG216.97 × 10−670.3700944931589390.8020.4131.61 × 10−62
VRK111.58 × 10−660.3508281988238950.7950.4113.64 × 10−62
SCLT112.50 × 10−660.5385678844841860.8810.6395.78 × 10−62
G2E311.41 × 10−650.4349314817142170.8090.5183.26 × 10−61
HIST1H1C16.02 × 10−650.7494710256328110.7920.5331.39 × 10−60
PCLAF17.63 × 10−650.5484095425400110.9820.7261.76 × 10−60
CEP5512.28 × 10−640.4443848777216660.8830.4485.26 × 10−60
AP001347.112.65 × 10−640.3388604904596120.6970.3066.13 × 10−60
RAD1813.64 × 10−620.3495110344277670.8130.4648.42 × 10−58
MYBL214.80 × 10−620.3275992708263760.7010.3091.11 × 10−57
APOLD111.04 × 10−610.4827058296259380.7140.3562.40 × 10−57
PSMC3IP13.62 × 10−600.3057279700417190.7750.3668.37 × 10−56
MCM715.97 × 10−590.4064257236660960.9470.5751.38 × 10−54
GPSM211.11 × 10−570.3563752376104960.6530.2992.58 × 10−53
NCAPD311.47 × 10−550.3234523796032210.810.473.39 × 10−51
CKAP211.48 × 10−550.5496409774391340.8720.6023.42 × 10−51
CDKN2D15.12 × 10−540.4416255405928130.6830.3871.18 × 10−49
SMC211.35 × 10−530.3824962334630840.930.6713.11 × 10−49
BUB111.40 × 10−530.3117224215210020.6990.3073.24 × 10−49
FOXM112.19 × 10−530.3008150928231510.750.3785.06 × 10−50
TEX3013.39 × 10−510.3191356475696590.8420.5467.84 × 10−47
PRR1116.78 × 10−520.3834341897935990.8030.4441.57 × 10−46
GINS211.38 × 10−500.3657511947700390.8850.5263.20 × 10−45
EMP215.82 × 10−510.349245508301570.8720.61.34 × 10−44
TRIM5917.84 × 10−480.3917219613734520.7720.5061.81 × 10−43
HIST1H1D13.16 × 10−470.4400654112596820.3310.0817.30 × 10−43
HMMR15.48 × 10−460.4066883505088690.8390.4411.27 × 10−41
SMC1A12.73 × 10−450.343722404443550.8950.6786.31 × 10−41
CCDC1413.02 × 10−460.3285660077070110.8010.5076.98 × 10−41
KIF2215.25 × 10−450.3060368000595920.7770.4791.21 × 10−40
PLK113.34 × 10−440.4179987459390950.6780.3367.73 × 10−39
LCORL11.35 × 10−420.3889233890397010.7760.5213.13 × 10−38
DEPDC113.55 × 10−420.3258698729556020.7420.378.21 × 10−38
SAC3D114.47 × 10−410.3219927206323060.8950.6771.03 × 10−36
PRC115.34 × 10−400.4346597577674060.9340.5811.23 × 10−35
DHFR13.09 × 10−390.3159863927759520.9080.6867.14 × 10−35
CENPM11.11 × 10−380.3249648229195660.9060.6152.56 × 10−34
BIRC517.70 × 10−350.402211600650420.9450.6551.78 × 10−30
RFX811.72 × 10−340.3054492069692170.6540.3623.98 × 10−29
SAP3016.59 × 10−310.3208961819971670.7830.5691.52 × 10−26
RAD51B11.46 × 10−290.3670033203281780.8130.5943.38 × 10−24
KNSTRN11.59 × 10−220.3027227976319730.7640.5523.67 × 10−18
CCNB121.38 × 10−1701.281304091891540.9970.653.19 × 10−166
CDC2026.96 × 10−1491.080853101407980.9750.511.61 × 10−144
CCNB221.08 × 10−1470.799636475539270.9380.4282.51 × 10−143
DLGAP522.02 × 10−1270.7761398718997890.940.4274.68 × 10−123
PRC122.18 × 10−1170.8700568696437960.9870.5895.03 × 10−113
HMMR23.01 × 10−1140.7542713723595690.9430.4376.95 × 10−110
CDKN325.32 × 10−1110.7692256210459130.9930.6911.23 × 10−106
BIRC523.17 × 10−980.7355387459565020.9870.6627.33 × 10−94
CKS1B22.03 × 10−940.6910596053941960.990.754.70 × 10−88
TPX224.90 × 10−920.809608519905480.9780.6121.13 × 10−87
CENPF23.71 × 10−910.8576617642497160.9920.5558.59 × 10−87
CDCA326.47 × 10−890.5453694443723270.8710.4191.50 × 10−84
PBK23.82 × 10−840.65539133933870.9530.5178.83 × 10−80
DEPDC129.19 × 10−810.5621610535683710.8110.3742.13 × 10−76
CEP5521.67 × 10−770.6175795526002430.8910.4733.86 × 10−74
PIMREG21.84 × 10−750.4696409390186830.7550.3524.25 × 10−71
PHF1927.36 × 10−730.5226954992271470.9460.671.70 × 10−68
NUSAP122.76 × 10−590.5107025026167560.9430.546.38 × 10−55
PLK121.76 × 10−580.437956854322610.7450.3384.06 × 10−54
MAD2L123.55 × 10−540.4929089834975930.8980.5418.21 × 10−50
CKAP226.02 × 10−490.5980438428894730.8640.6211.39 × 10−44
SMC421.88 × 10−470.5254587382440710.9770.6814.34 × 10−43
MKI6727.10 × 10−470.4600756586034730.9430.5031.64 × 10−42
ANLN21.47 × 10−460.4343408958765650.9210.5323.39 × 10−42
NEK221.14 × 10−450.3075807084808620.5260.2112.63 × 10−41
PRR1124.65 × 10−460.3680304295157340.8110.4651.08 × 10−41
BUB121.91 × 10−360.3175683788068360.6570.3444.43 × 10−32
TMPO25.74 × 10−340.4298726358356130.9480.7171.33 × 10−29
ASPM21.36 × 10−330.3962226941735030.7890.4293.14 × 10−29
TACC321.11 × 10−320.3329361071977240.8010.4532.56 × 10−28
MSH622.77 × 10−310.3366690264986780.7470.536.40 × 10−27
KNSTRN29.43 × 10−300.406401583054180.7650.5652.18 × 10−25
PCLAF22.54 × 10−280.4125862218877050.9870.7415.87 × 10−24
H2AFX25.65 × 10−260.3451020894853940.8860.6671.31 × 10−20
CENPE27.96 × 10−240.315174779231080.7570.4361.84 × 10−19
AURKA21.16 × 10−210.4549907933951690.7050.4792.68 × 10−17
KIF20B21.19 × 10−230.3430444243821520.7810.4972.76 × 10−17
RRM221.22 × 10−220.3154125490991770.9010.5952.81 × 10−17
NUF221.01 × 10−200.313692992471810.70.4052.34 × 10−16
MCM721.11 × 10−180.3023973587387160.8440.6282.56 × 10−14
SGO225.42 × 10−160.3281465287751390.6870.461.25 × 10−11
Table 3. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient2.
Table 3. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient2.
GeneClusterp-ValueAverage log2FCPct.1Pct.2p-Value
ESCO204.69 × 10−2950.4439422173365550.4690.0731.12 × 10−289
PSMC3IP02.56 × 10−2930.5347138227802040.6120.1616.12 × 10−289
AURKA05.53 × 10−2880.698483702894140.620.1641.32 × 10−283
NSD206.07 × 10−2870.6729944365416580.7190.2681.45 × 10−282
BRIP101.73 × 10−2860.5006898989637520.4690.0784.15 × 10−282
MXD303.37 × 10−2860.525437944123120.4880.0928.08 × 10−282
CEP5501.45 × 10−2820.6262505268553520.6620.1873.46 × 10−278
ARHGAP11B05.82 × 10−2820.4324703731389730.4260.061.39 × 10−277
KIF1406.53 × 10−2790.4584598933204240.4790.0851.56 × 10−275
KPNA206.13 × 10−2771.118847769189330.8690.5551.47 × 10−272
RFC308.41 × 10−2770.4686356219073170.570.1372.01 × 10−272
CCNA201.27 × 10−2760.6011841177024510.5810.1463.04 × 10−273
H2AFX04.76 × 10−2750.7729133823458420.7340.3141.14 × 10−270
BIRC501.80 × 10−2740.8112772064117670.7670.274.31 × 10−269
CENPM03.93 × 10−2730.5424347093916090.670.2029.40 × 10−269
CENPW01.75 × 10−2720.721484699260980.8160.3454.20 × 10−268
HIST1H1B01.11 × 10−2710.7072089119307340.410.0592.66 × 10−268
PRC102.52 × 10−2710.7455066413675810.7460.2616.03 × 10−268
PCNA02.34 × 10−2700.7184227235314820.8090.3955.60 × 10−266
SHCBP101.48 × 10−2680.4516448022041190.5590.1293.55 × 10−264
DNAJC909.37 × 10−2670.6339496720862130.7810.3472.25 × 10−262
KIFC103.26 × 10−2660.410480609282040.4780.0897.80 × 10−262
DTL09.05 × 10−2650.4049512771721610.4280.0682.17 × 10−260
RAD51AP102.77 × 10−2640.4178405912870330.4780.0926.64 × 10−260
GINS206.91 × 10−2640.4603870445132580.5120.111.65 × 10−259
CDCA507.00 × 10−2620.3475876176028580.4090.0581.68 × 10−257
KIF18B03.05 × 10−2610.3824580428162940.4040.0577.30 × 10−257
BARD108.79 × 10−2600.4240843840254790.4620.0862.11 × 10−255
SGO108.35 × 10−2590.412900781418430.4720.092.00 × 10−254
KIF4A03.33 × 10−2550.4724998593569290.50.1097.97 × 10−251
TTK07.37 × 10−2550.3667754516120810.4190.0661.76 × 10−250
DTYMK01.18 × 10−2540.70262255216640.9130.5932.82 × 10−250
ORC609.10 × 10−2540.431595774645650.530.1262.18 × 10−249
LINC0157204.59 × 10−2520.4247170027775510.4290.0741.10 × 10−247
MAD2L106.58 × 10−2520.5773049391251780.6990.2471.57 × 10−247
MYBL102.37 × 10−2490.3657844216165950.4150.0665.67 × 10−245
CKAP201.65 × 10−2480.7455627125447660.7470.313.95 × 10−244
KIF2C06.83 × 10−2460.4361365809589060.4560.091.64 × 10−241
NEIL301.20 × 10−2450.3461159861296780.3770.0512.88 × 10−241
SMC208.54 × 10−2430.6088757251698780.8210.4112.05 × 10−238
MCM701.14 × 10−2410.4932204883974210.6520.2132.73 × 10−237
BRCA107.42 × 10−2360.4226946888180540.5090.1241.78 × 10−231
DLGAP502.32 × 10−2350.5846379126448740.6180.1855.56 × 10−231
DEPDC102.39 × 10−2350.4978676504484420.5740.1565.73 × 10−231
RRM103.05 × 10−2350.5319607192188360.7240.2927.30 × 10−231
DNMT107.81 × 10−2350.6102187710913250.8540.4741.87 × 10−230
FANCI05.13 × 10−2330.414202437430290.5210.1331.23 × 10−228
CENPH01.86 × 10−2320.4485727673628750.6420.2074.46 × 10−228
BUB1B03.53 × 10−2310.4155123819003520.4810.1088.46 × 10−227
CDC25C05.81 × 10−2310.3805666468870020.4030.071.39 × 10−226
NCAPH01.11 × 10−2290.3182747518782980.3910.0632.66 × 10−226
CENPX01.39 × 10−2260.6393734594168580.9220.6513.32 × 10−222
PHF1905.15 × 10−2260.5412014000548870.6960.2621.23 × 10−221
NCAPG203.70 × 10−2240.4318464556338520.5390.1498.86 × 10−220
KIF18A01.53 × 10−2230.4210644202104070.480.1143.67 × 10−219
CDCA202.31 × 10−2230.4493411376196280.5060.1335.54 × 10−219
PRR1101.29 × 10−2210.4871108802470230.5610.1613.08 × 10−217
E2F102.84 × 10−2210.397883868268940.4730.116.81 × 10−217
CENPN06.53 × 10−2200.4800544727918420.670.2461.56 × 10−215
CDCA303.89 × 10−2180.5620710825331520.590.1859.32 × 10−214
DLEU207.17 × 10−2160.4965165802123330.6230.2181.72 × 10−210
GMNN02.80 × 10−2140.5588707245620770.7290.3196.71 × 10−210
CCDC1803.73 × 10−2140.4680518898732880.5580.1738.93 × 10−210
CDC4501.24 × 10−2130.3157902943591640.3830.0662.97 × 10−209
PTTG106.60 × 10−2130.7773912963158420.8810.5171.58 × 10−208
RPL39L06.71 × 10−2130.5573967673502970.7290.3271.61 × 10−208
MND101.89 × 10−2110.3157145894774280.370.0614.52 × 10−207
ITGB3BP03.64 × 10−2100.5160683513042910.7260.3188.73 × 10−206
BRCA209.28 × 10−2110.3422725832841520.4420.0972.22 × 10−206
SPDL103.71 × 10−2090.6158518550505380.8260.478.89 × 10−205
RACGAP102.33 × 10−2040.4029725744245270.50.1365.58 × 10−200
SKA203.70 × 10−2030.5386459908357650.8360.4558.87 × 10−199
CENPA01.63 × 10−2020.4925270345671370.5130.1493.91 × 10−198
BUB104.01 × 10−2020.3572044729780740.4590.1099.60 × 10−198
ARHGAP11A01.47 × 10−1990.3538842465641750.4220.0933.53 × 10−196
NASP07.93 × 10−1990.5795070574625420.8820.541.90 × 10−194
TMEM106C02.65 × 10−1990.5554923753819840.7710.3976.35 × 10−194
CDKN303.21 × 10−1980.647344395853740.7150.2847.69 × 10−194
VRK104.26 × 10−1970.3804988373126310.5380.1671.02 × 10−192
USP103.68 × 10−1960.4872310521091890.6820.2848.82 × 10−192
PKMYT102.42 × 10−1950.3226950469252140.3860.0765.79 × 10−191
CIT02.76 × 10−1940.362278760187630.4120.0916.61 × 10−190
TCF1903.14 × 10−1940.3268122355230650.3920.0817.51 × 10−190
PLK105.72 × 10−1930.4785664050866080.4870.1361.37 × 10−188
DBF407.76 × 10−1930.4762433256919380.5790.2051.86 × 10−189
MCM504.10 × 10−1880.3897976231805050.5080.1519.83 × 10−184
EMP205.79 × 10−1880.4825735811885070.7290.3281.39 × 10−183
CCNB209.87 × 10−1870.4839902928447580.6040.2052.36 × 10−182
FOXM101.36 × 10−1850.3474339505745510.4830.1323.25 × 10−181
CDKN2C05.29 × 10−1850.3907404132570060.5240.1651.27 × 10−180
CENPP01.73 × 10−1840.4183387695299160.5210.1644.14 × 10−180
KNSTRN02.07 × 10−1830.5202804645412160.6060.2344.96 × 10−179
PRIM204.38 × 10−1830.4993962872326640.7020.3291.05 × 10−178
CIP2A01.15 × 10−1820.3388274397030430.4440.1152.76 × 10−179
C21orf5803.86 × 10−1830.3096799682289610.3970.0899.25 × 10−178
GAS2L303.93 × 10−1820.3555612540430550.3830.0839.42 × 10−178
CDC2004.93 × 10−1810.5247299164238150.6260.2211.18 × 10−175
RPA303.54 × 10−1790.5087840051865090.8490.5188.47 × 10−175
PSIP104.21 × 10−1780.5318445601598370.8580.5251.01 × 10−173
CBX503.40 × 10−1760.5263712782300420.8490.5228.15 × 10−173
MIS18BP104.87 × 10−1750.4836231633992670.6820.3161.17 × 10−171
CCNB108.93 × 10−1740.6282539817018280.6910.2952.14 × 10−169
DHFR09.04 × 10−1740.4264686519287340.6350.2582.17 × 10−169
EZH207.76 × 10−1730.3176406814305930.4070.0991.86 × 10−168
NCAPD304.50 × 10−1710.3600000134374140.5180.1711.08 × 10−167
CDC605.25 × 10−1710.303064267396380.3430.0671.26 × 10−166
FAM111A01.10 × 10−1690.3919902225755510.510.1722.63 × 10−165
CDCA402.26 × 10−1670.3709463022108050.4840.1545.41 × 10−163
MIR924HG05.76 × 10−1660.3216765264180050.2860.0431.38 × 10−161
BUB301.56 × 10−1650.5758249127845370.8490.5753.74 × 10−161
CENPQ05.28 × 10−1650.331976799274660.4560.1331.27 × 10−161
CDKN2D01.41 × 10−1560.5709058009680530.6640.3353.37 × 10−152
CHAF1A07.21 × 10−1560.314414456492640.4120.1131.73 × 10−151
SAC3D101.94 × 10−1550.4734181334748990.7020.3624.65 × 10−151
NAV204.38 × 10−1550.6856373224755290.8840.6631.05 × 10−150
POLD302.41 × 10−1530.4036820028905450.5590.2185.76 × 10−149
HIST1H1A05.94 × 10−1530.4690007003249170.3110.0621.42 × 10−148
CCDC3405.20 × 10−1510.4409472015767890.6890.3421.24 × 10−146
LRR102.48 × 10−1500.3722929871673170.6210.2675.95 × 10−146
ECT202.06 × 10−1460.3690354532806010.560.2214.92 × 10−142
RAD2108.57 × 10−1440.4951445927868760.8040.5082.05 × 10−139
PARP104.44 × 10−1390.4060654236378360.6490.3061.06 × 10−134
TUBG106.03 × 10−1390.4333342551011580.7780.4591.45 × 10−134
FOSL104.94 × 10−1370.4912505108269170.7780.4851.18 × 10−133
SRSF205.02 × 10−1380.467241984690590.9120.6811.20 × 10−132
EXOSC801.27 × 10−1360.4155361953345730.7270.4013.05 × 10−132
RFC402.50 × 10−1360.3581480032098050.5410.2185.98 × 10−134
CMC201.98 × 10−1290.4536581479526040.8530.6064.74 × 10−125
TRIM5906.80 × 10−1280.3698535012936690.4970.1951.63 × 10−123
NCEH109.76 × 10−1260.3659132857249980.5180.2122.34 × 10−121
MCM302.65 × 10−1250.3758613629780720.5180.2146.34 × 10−121
SMC1A08.46 × 10−1250.4273721907933450.750.442.03 × 10−120
TEX3002.02 × 10−1240.3707361409701490.6190.2954.84 × 10−120
NUDT109.64 × 10−1230.3938535929488460.7410.4192.31 × 10−118
CSE1L01.75 × 10−1210.3346898159784670.6150.2884.19 × 10−117
SCLT105.47 × 10−1210.4598457973398580.6680.3591.31 × 10−116
ALYREF08.72 × 10−1210.4028622380773450.7790.4932.09 × 10−115
HAT109.02 × 10−1180.387737257260550.7340.4222.16 × 10−113
SMC306.38 × 10−1160.4366890458243740.8360.5791.53 × 10−111
KIRREL301.41 × 10−1140.4525775932794480.6620.3573.37 × 10−110
BCL2L1203.60 × 10−1140.3329160749523970.5610.2548.62 × 10−110
GPSM204.01 × 10−1140.3228070741832210.4820.1949.59 × 10−109
RAB3B02.04 × 10−1120.4193722698088720.8070.4964.88 × 10−108
CDC25B04.30 × 10−1110.3353449212438390.4770.1931.03 × 10−106
WDR3401.19 × 10−1100.3208153794731830.5870.2722.85 × 10−106
RFX806.64 × 10−1070.3284031381052450.40.1421.59 × 10−102
G2E305.74 × 10−1060.3738885322321320.5780.2841.37 × 10−101
CKAP509.76 × 10−1060.3891442625183080.6920.3972.34 × 10−101
EXOSC904.42 × 10−1050.3355870337721450.6340.3251.06 × 10−99
EZR02.08 × 10−1000.37491206996910.6850.3854.99 × 10−97
ANP32E01.16 × 10−990.4238057846667550.770.5142.79 × 10−95
KIF2201.84 × 10−990.3890352855748240.7180.434.41 × 10−95
FUS01.36 × 10−980.3906429723272490.8910.6913.26 × 10−93
RBMX03.48 × 10−970.3800132517981350.8460.6118.33 × 10−93
HSPB1105.70 × 10−970.3755825855604170.8780.6481.37 × 10−93
PLAU02.59 × 10−950.4844380897914650.5360.2616.20 × 10−90
CCDC1402.89 × 10−940.3130338193002790.5490.2676.92 × 10−90
ACYP104.27 × 10−940.3172642389789130.6180.3271.02 × 10−89
BTG305.53 × 10−940.4122835573074530.8240.5761.33 × 10−89
HMGB302.40 × 10−920.3324379579340130.5880.2975.76 × 10−88
ARHGAP2901.91 × 10−910.3310870350352930.4650.2034.57 × 10−87
PGP05.01 × 10−910.3637452805920720.8630.6421.20 × 10−86
POP705.29 × 10−840.350411009761860.8240.5951.27 × 10−79
MOK03.21 × 10−830.467375135199660.6340.387.69 × 10−79
CBX106.14 × 10−830.3527018855833830.8440.6291.47 × 10−75
FABP501.85 × 10−780.3061179254137340.5820.3084.43 × 10−74
SAP3008.53 × 10−770.3526355217350670.7430.5042.04 × 10−72
MAP3K2002.57 × 10−740.336407020909460.7890.5456.15 × 10−70
HIST1H1E03.63 × 10−730.3393064088691520.3670.1578.69 × 10−69
LSM202.41 × 10−700.318405623335330.830.6065.77 × 10−66
PBX303.22 × 10−690.3700319250132180.7210.4887.72 × 10−65
HYI04.02 × 10−680.3203732540264470.7870.559.63 × 10−64
WNT5B03.78 × 10−660.3183563999853770.60.3489.06 × 10−62
CRIM109.71 × 10−650.3664419196303050.820.6012.33 × 10−61
FAF104.79 × 10−630.3265950805170330.7570.5171.15 × 10−59
RBBP704.80 × 10−630.3120268485378510.7610.5351.15 × 10−58
CCDC88A02.20 × 10−620.3262906777534680.7590.5365.27 × 10−58
HAS206.61 × 10−540.3487879085293690.7650.5131.58 × 10−49
C11orf9626.44 × 10−1040.7408669648746050.7540.5151.54 × 10−99
CCNB131.68 × 10−2701.539891204336470.8890.3514.02 × 10−266
CDC2035.47 × 10−2351.193855934524490.8060.2811.31 × 10−230
PRC131.56 × 10−2251.031315009770580.890.3433.73 × 10−221
CCNB238.32 × 10−2060.895055391937410.7720.2661.99 × 10−201
CENPW31.90 × 10−1960.9067486259899080.9180.4294.55 × 10−192
CENPF31.65 × 10−1911.109465349060020.9490.3823.95 × 10−187
DLGAP532.36 × 10−1820.8283276189512420.7550.2585.66 × 10−178
STMN131.16 × 10−1721.048543500492140.9930.6232.79 × 10−168
KIF20A36.24 × 10−1530.4781119137348250.4570.1091.49 × 10−148
PBK36.93 × 10−1530.7680874594090720.8170.3171.66 × 10−148
TROAP33.95 × 10−1430.5350245177980470.5750.1839.45 × 10−139
CKS1B31.16 × 10−1410.7492098860228390.9320.5352.79 × 10−137
CDCA339.83 × 10−1390.6555163715269580.6960.2562.35 × 10−134
HMGB332.65 × 10−1340.6861787654950080.7330.3386.34 × 10−130
CEP5532.18 × 10−1290.7127815911352840.7020.2815.23 × 10−125
PHF1938.56 × 10−1240.6267041477540390.7550.3452.05 × 10−119
ANLN31.05 × 10−1230.6208713308212750.7510.32.52 × 10−119
SNHG332.41 × 10−1220.6146036658129250.620.2645.77 × 10−118
ARL6IP133.38 × 10−1190.9523336401241790.8990.6518.10 × 10−116
DTYMK32.31 × 10−1170.6775274256015350.940.6575.54 × 10−113
LSM535.07 × 10−1140.6240234361441640.9410.7241.21 × 10−109
PCLAF31.06 × 10−1100.6345443354056420.8780.422.53 × 10−107
DEPDC131.15 × 10−1090.6380993702536510.6110.2392.76 × 10−104
MAD2L131.21 × 10−1040.5989645479562720.7230.3382.91 × 10−100
TPX231.75 × 10−1020.7191876030109110.7720.3714.19 × 10−98
PRR1131.43 × 10−960.4895485301508620.5980.243.42 × 10−92
MKI6732.35 × 10−960.5969100078840260.7530.3125.62 × 10−92
DDX39A33.47 × 10−960.6022135775932470.8080.5168.30 × 10−92
PIMREG37.42 × 10−920.3997787253458630.4330.1391.78 × 10−87
SKA231.39 × 10−890.5547644568293790.840.5343.33 × 10−85
CKAP239.51 × 10−880.8447080422035150.7310.4042.28 × 10−84
CENPN37.43 × 10−870.4855814700625750.6790.3341.78 × 10−82
CENPM36.78 × 10−860.4967531626302720.6510.3031.62 × 10−81
TK133.41 × 10−800.4895491058778910.7290.368.16 × 10−76
SMC434.70 × 10−800.6252040412901380.8670.5221.12 × 10−75
NUSAP131.54 × 10−770.4236438969356890.7990.3533.68 × 10−73
HMMR39.63 × 10−770.58585485445980.6060.2682.31 × 10−72
TACC338.69 × 10−750.4888473210715640.6720.312.08 × 10−70
ASPM33.16 × 10−730.5878595711280480.6350.2927.57 × 10−68
ANP32E33.27 × 10−670.5205324901045680.8180.5617.83 × 10−63
KIF20B37.51 × 10−660.5663914019954410.6580.3291.80 × 10−61
RPL39L31.40 × 10−630.4494334266652340.7290.4123.36 × 10−59
HOTAIRM139.20 × 10−620.5395380615742980.7220.4862.20 × 10−56
NASP31.66 × 10−580.4813507083198280.8570.6153.98 × 10−54
EMP237.00 × 10−550.4373254917809740.7030.4161.68 × 10−50
SNHG1934.24 × 10−530.3561763678158280.420.1841.02 × 10−48
MZT132.55 × 10−520.452520677024740.6720.4256.12 × 10−48
PLK135.14 × 10−520.3631574327672630.480.2111.23 × 10−47
NEK233.87 × 10−480.3030089728606810.3490.1349.28 × 10−44
KPNA234.96 × 10−450.4082244764019820.8550.6231.19 × 10−40
CENPE39.27 × 10−450.4299633956684570.5890.3032.22 × 10−40
NOP5831.29 × 10−430.3984972635914030.70.4823.08 × 10−40
CENPH35.09 × 10−430.3429771265213250.5620.3091.22 × 10−38
RUVBL234.62 × 10−430.4019381427082550.6430.4281.11 × 10−37
TYMS31.75 × 10−410.3482455823866490.7740.4424.20 × 10−37
NUDT131.27 × 10−400.3872424641098050.7120.493.03 × 10−35
KNSTRN34.48 × 10−390.4192950751177130.5570.3191.07 × 10−35
SMC231.60 × 10−380.3637845686866390.7470.5083.82 × 10−33
SNRPA34.23 × 10−360.379278648857330.5840.3751.01 × 10−31
DNMT132.02 × 10−360.3947157138629480.7850.5644.84 × 10−31
NUF238.63 × 10−300.3216693557083390.4930.2622.07 × 10−25
EZR36.54 × 10−280.3382040743066780.6650.4511.57 × 10−23
NDC8031.26 × 10−270.3198252385799570.480.263.01 × 10−23
SGO235.73 × 10−250.3925845393382030.5450.3311.37 × 10−20
Table 4. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient3.
Table 4. Highly variable genes after cell cycle regression in CAFs isolated from Patient3.
GeneClusterp-ValueAverage log2FC Pct.1Pct.2p-Value
GDF1501.00 × 10−1240.6700122369810090.5170.2382.33 × 10−119
CEMIP04.81 × 10−1150.7901929191945190.6210.3471.12 × 10−110
DEPTOR05.87 × 10−1060.3540827306706040.3790.1391.36 × 10−101
MXD406.26 × 10−900.3935807128191880.6420.3791.45 × 10−85
ARMC909.84 × 10−810.4530919704570530.6760.4382.28 × 10−77
PNRC102.58 × 10−770.317181718453080.4480.2165.98 × 10−74
CACNB402.37 × 10−740.4348803393859220.5430.3045.50 × 10−69
PLXDC207.28 × 10−680.3038632516589210.4270.2091.69 × 10−62
KIF26B01.29 × 10−560.4663855788655740.5890.3762.98 × 10−52
ANKRD3702.18 × 10−560.5025295234751670.4820.2795.05 × 10−52
FAM43A06.47 × 10−570.3414959457686160.4690.2571.50 × 10−51
KIF2312.27 × 10−2870.7206389598005980.6910.2355.27 × 10−283
HIST1H1A16.01 × 10−2850.9136098007016360.4810.1061.39 × 10−280
SMC417.58 × 10−2830.8649794220511720.90.5141.76 × 10−278
ESCO212.48 × 10−2810.5023658365338970.4580.0845.75 × 10−277
APOLD114.64 × 10−2790.8383686402543380.670.2371.07 × 10−274
KIF2C17.56 × 10−2780.5897877367526980.490.1041.75 × 10−273
MELK13.52 × 10−2740.5757367394672580.5830.168.15 × 10−270
TMPO14.30 × 10−2740.7679470924804340.8430.4239.96 × 10−270
CLSPN16.95 × 10−2740.7198763688000880.7430.2751.61 × 10−269
TACC311.79 × 10−2700.7484583804641730.7170.2634.16 × 10−266
LINC0157211.38 × 10−2680.5899352308821030.5270.1343.20 × 10−263
NEIL314.34 × 10−2660.4370980812589120.3920.0611.01 × 10−261
BRIP116.60 × 10−2640.6377129167897260.5880.1691.53 × 10−259
KIF20B12.62 × 10−2590.7264637011305490.6990.2586.08 × 10−255
CEP12813.30 × 10−2590.5508228822092330.4950.1187.64 × 10−255
ASPM15.17 × 10−2520.8208695813215950.6880.2511.20 × 10−247
KNL119.01 × 10−2490.5953584141265820.6070.1842.09 × 10−244
KIF1114.17 × 10−2480.6071818452383620.5910.189.66 × 10−244
KIFC115.13 × 10−2460.4851675340713160.4760.1081.19 × 10−241
NDC8015.91 × 10−2450.5815458687914170.5790.1671.37 × 10−240
CENPE11.74 × 10−2420.8304867614280120.6650.2454.03 × 10−238
NUF216.57 × 10−2420.6380103956897060.6120.1971.52 × 10−238
CENPU14.52 × 10−2400.5815986097716160.6980.2521.05 × 10−235
TTK17.67 × 10−2380.4375924631551190.4050.0761.78 × 10−233
MIR924HG11.21 × 10−2380.6477013795857970.5160.1382.81 × 10−233
DBF417.15 × 10−2370.6324647853819520.6530.2421.66 × 10−232
CENPK11.91 × 10−2330.620442315641810.7180.2924.42 × 10−229
SGO212.05 × 10−2320.6671207089297060.6450.2294.75 × 10−228
CCNA211.22 × 10−2310.6237789741170520.6310.2162.84 × 10−228
ATAD213.59 × 10−2290.6587675653390010.7210.2978.32 × 10−225
ORC612.23 × 10−2270.4817849259370810.520.1415.18 × 10−223
SPC2511.19 × 10−2250.5818335844320110.5920.1912.75 × 10−221
KIF1412.21 × 10−2240.4904966907091610.4590.1095.11 × 10−220
UBE2T14.57 × 10−2240.6213130857752680.7330.3131.06 × 10−219
HIST1H1E13.81 × 10−2170.7222668885414420.5270.1758.82 × 10−213
KIF4A16.36 × 10−2160.5438759548677820.560.1751.47 × 10−212
GMNN11.53 × 10−2150.5839982645235950.7360.3173.54 × 10−211
FEN112.71 × 10−2130.5073802191991320.5830.196.29 × 10−209
NUSAP112.89 × 10−2120.7729363966067030.7630.3716.70 × 10−208
CKS213.74 × 10−2120.8710138746670810.8830.6098.66 × 10−208
NSD211.62 × 10−2110.6307846675559470.7480.363.77 × 10−207
AURKA15.76 × 10−2100.7340783915298510.5820.2031.34 × 10−205
CENPF14.08 × 10−2120.9814932665529530.8360.469.46 × 10−205
ANLN15.04 × 10−2080.6655801611601350.710.3051.17 × 10−203
CCDC1812.17 × 10−2050.5379926312300340.5890.2095.03 × 10−201
SGO112.14 × 10−2040.424621400867290.4450.1094.95 × 10−200
BARD111.55 × 10−2040.4696754157890940.510.1523.60 × 10−199
DLEU219.72 × 10−2020.6003259143952490.6810.2972.25 × 10−197
HIST1H3B18.08 × 10−1980.3313645148601510.2810.0371.87 × 10−193
KIF1513.79 × 10−1970.3669877271625540.3670.0748.79 × 10−193
TPX213.06 × 10−1930.7321272371682980.8310.4587.09 × 10−189
KIF18A13.14 × 10−1920.5104341902404870.5350.1787.28 × 10−188
SPDL115.37 × 10−1910.6390041452247190.8050.4741.24 × 10−186
PBK16.00 × 10−1880.6526097380452310.7740.3751.39 × 10−183
BUB1B16.41 × 10−1860.4473664779323450.4940.1461.49 × 10−181
RFC316.72 × 10−1850.4420170477286230.5010.1541.56 × 10−180
ARHGAP11A12.57 × 10−1840.448338512873110.4270.1145.96 × 10−180
CDC25C18.49 × 10−1840.3026662701994180.2740.0381.97 × 10−179
USP119.57 × 10−1840.5540366411649410.7160.3392.22 × 10−179
H2AFX13.44 × 10−1830.6205294413436850.7120.3597.98 × 10−179
CDCA411.80 × 10−1830.4211678601410020.4690.1414.16 × 10−178
RRM217.34 × 10−1820.57140473988390.6590.2761.70 × 10−177
POLQ11.14 × 10−1810.3348813547436590.3380.0672.65 × 10−176
BRCA111.27 × 10−1790.4638825434055120.5330.182.94 × 10−176
C21orf5813.34 × 10−1740.3496296624155530.3660.0847.74 × 10−170
CENPA13.60 × 10−1730.5018651114813930.4540.1398.36 × 10−170
CIT17.99 × 10−1730.4143582334647050.4230.1171.85 × 10−168
RAD51AP112.60 × 10−1720.3938857178178820.4170.1116.02 × 10−168
KPNA218.94 × 10−1710.8522694718990630.8580.5932.07 × 10−166
GAS2L312.47 × 10−1690.4251235167895110.3760.0945.72 × 10−165
FAM83D11.28 × 10−1660.3555322712969980.3250.0682.96 × 10−162
DNAJC919.66 × 10−1660.5390874263766570.80.4582.24 × 10−161
MIS18BP112.18 × 10−1630.5265475605320240.6720.3215.06 × 10−159
TYMS16.28 × 10−1630.5670801739399060.8460.5081.46 × 10−158
CKAP213.26 × 10−1620.6956637227237630.7090.3617.56 × 10−158
NCAPH18.18 × 10−1620.3102717699136980.3380.0741.90 × 10−157
BRCA211.09 × 10−1610.4137296932258560.4440.1362.53 × 10−157
FAM111A12.02 × 10−1610.3995595334112840.4390.1354.69 × 10−158
ECT211.61 × 10−1600.4778563741385880.5620.2183.74 × 10−156
HMMR11.47 × 10−1500.5511721654665930.6370.2753.41 × 10−146
MAD2L111.96 × 10−1490.4517992590930440.6380.2724.55 × 10−145
SHCBP113.08 × 10−1470.4238567191817290.5360.2017.13 × 10−144
HIST1H1C11.37 × 10−1450.6089272357095920.5590.2553.18 × 10−141
MXD317.58 × 10−1430.389861072395680.3870.1141.76 × 10−138
DNMT111.44 × 10−1420.5155505693490730.90.663.34 × 10−138
NAV213.85 × 10−1420.6880919844444010.7760.5128.92 × 10−138
CDC4516.33 × 10−1410.3104358088018020.3660.0981.47 × 10−136
PIF115.35 × 10−1390.360168341617810.2920.0671.24 × 10−134
MYBL111.80 × 10−1360.3183183342418420.3470.0934.17 × 10−132
VRK115.73 × 10−1360.3921390406308860.5020.191.33 × 10−131
ZWINT16.04 × 10−1370.4513029353978520.610.2771.40 × 10−131
DTL13.02 × 10−1350.3670723273963110.3720.1087.00 × 10−131
SMC214.91 × 10−1330.492540048976090.8020.4891.14 × 10−128
HELLS14.44 × 10−1310.4724911973821940.5970.2691.03 × 10−126
SCLT115.28 × 10−1310.5500061553687930.6770.3771.22 × 10−126
CEP5511.14 × 10−1300.4908799474946920.6840.3332.64 × 10−126
MND118.76 × 10−1300.3123016439255590.3610.1032.03 × 10−125
SKA314.05 × 10−1270.3104328165367860.3540.1029.39 × 10−123
MCM713.48 × 10−1250.436945309737090.6620.3178.07 × 10−121
FOSL111.48 × 10−1250.5790875518573560.8380.6143.44 × 10−120
RAD1816.07 × 10−1240.3690910893714990.4930.1941.41 × 10−119
EZH212.68 × 10−1220.3500870934154130.430.1516.21 × 10−118
SPATA514.54 × 10−1210.4303338801677290.5390.2451.05 × 10−116
MIS18A15.92 × 10−1200.3386273472952940.4550.1671.37 × 10−116
NCAPG218.08 × 10−1200.3889535979802890.5180.2121.87 × 10−115
HIST2H2AC12.18 × 10−1170.4598270841177360.4470.1815.04 × 10−113
CIP2A12.48 × 10−1180.3485892584634760.4430.1645.75 × 10−113
NCAPD314.68 × 10−1180.3644290298678630.4980.2051.08 × 10−112
PCLAF13.77 × 10−1160.4581376961756640.8620.5848.74 × 10−112
CENPP16.27 × 10−1160.4154199819232840.5060.2121.45 × 10−111
DEPDC111.61 × 10−1130.3938126939133510.5160.2113.72 × 10−109
PRIM214.97 × 10−1130.4228738879177860.6920.3721.15 × 10−112
RRM118.12 × 10−1130.4319606477469610.6650.3551.88 × 10−108
G2E311.51 × 10−1120.4447859778263410.5850.2963.50 × 10−108
PCNA13.48 × 10−1120.4769485831427260.6610.3698.06 × 10−108
AP001347.111.12 × 10−1110.3158129488360760.3730.1252.60 × 10−107
CKS1B13.12 × 10−1090.4565822585640460.7780.4797.24 × 10−105
GPSM211.17 × 10−1080.3457289432593480.4170.1562.72 × 10−105
PRC112.53 × 10−1070.4769530717810390.7830.4495.87 × 10−103
KNSTRN19.23 × 10−1070.4014612591058150.5120.2252.14 × 10−102
RACGAP111.35 × 10−1060.3327368478778240.4110.153.13 × 10−103
PLK112.35 × 10−1060.4126736181860310.460.1845.44 × 10−102
FANCI13.69 × 10−1070.3241345691420210.4330.1648.55 × 10−102
ITGB3BP19.35 × 10−1050.362777176256360.5960.2872.17 × 10−100
POLD311.37 × 10−1030.3486185444287780.4610.1893.17 × 10−99
DTYMK12.55 × 10−1030.4327054045527040.9020.6925.91 × 10−99
TRIM5912.03 × 10−980.385705442173490.5090.2374.70 × 10−94
RFC411.74 × 10−970.3537963353743520.4890.2154.03 × 10−93
CHAF1A18.15 × 10−970.3104891964404830.4090.1561.89 × 10−92
MCM511.35 × 10−960.345538379299170.5360.2413.14 × 10−92
GINS217.46 × 10−950.347195635164370.5180.2331.73 × 10−91
CDKN2D12.50 × 10−940.3683250344418990.3910.1555.79 × 10−90
PGP11.02 × 10−930.4078351806956080.7980.5442.37 × 10−89
SMC314.64 × 10−910.4088445005439070.8360.621.08 × 10−86
NASP15.28 × 10−840.3954023769755930.8470.6111.22 × 10−80
CKAP511.46 × 10−830.4104913528534660.670.4193.39 × 10−78
CBX512.20 × 10−820.3695181828590710.8640.6525.10 × 10−78
CCDC1412.74 × 10−810.3088551465671340.4550.2076.35 × 10−77
SMC1A11.81 × 10−780.3763375267935470.6550.3894.20 × 10−74
CENPM11.94 × 10−770.3297451498191190.5970.3164.50 × 10−73
BUB313.08 × 10−760.4012930684946840.7970.5867.15 × 10−73
PRR1119.66 × 10−760.3566964185451980.5420.282.24 × 10−71
SAP3011.49 × 10−750.3409837275798720.5550.2963.45 × 10−71
SAC3D112.96 × 10−740.3455887256446880.5880.3336.87 × 10−71
DHFR11.98 × 10−720.3098444639623290.5130.2564.60 × 10−68
EMP215.47 × 10−720.3081389704607420.5370.2751.27 × 10−67
CMC212.34 × 10−700.3415316177530680.7250.4795.42 × 10−66
POLE311.23 × 10−670.3066321370121190.5860.3272.85 × 10−64
BIRC514.30 × 10−660.3646360437351490.8270.5729.97 × 10−62
PSIP114.97 × 10−660.3355704004128720.8140.5911.15 × 10−61
CDK5RAP212.04 × 10−610.3038975109509780.5330.2934.74 × 10−57
PARP114.80 × 10−610.3375617775737470.7490.5291.11 × 10−56
LCORL15.83 × 10−610.3297130811813350.4890.2681.35 × 10−56
BTG311.85 × 10−600.3323371337554570.7170.4774.28 × 10−56
TK112.04 × 10−590.335101818799420.8070.594.72 × 10−55
RAD51B12.52 × 10−580.3310805830173550.5660.3355.84 × 10−54
CENPW12.58 × 10−540.3089986072779120.8630.6295.97 × 10−50
CDC2015.43 × 10−520.3182954842471530.6420.3821.26 × 10−47
EXOSC916.81 × 10−540.3040121960322690.5850.3641.58 × 10−46
KMT5A12.58 × 10−500.3061851770054780.5970.3785.98 × 10−46
RAD2113.48 × 10−500.3199479579481110.7150.5038.07 × 10−46
NCEH117.36 × 10−490.3107933069039880.5580.3441.71 × 10−44
CCNB221.58 × 10−2490.8251031716570370.7260.3013.67 × 10−246
PRC123.33 × 10−2440.8712409435575880.8660.4557.71 × 10−239
TPX224.54 × 10−2350.8767802108881090.8880.4741.05 × 10−231
CDKN325.29 × 10−2330.8653240996020130.9020.5531.23 × 10−228
BIRC522.76 × 10−2110.7950523175087020.9080.5726.40 × 10−206
PBK21.49 × 10−2040.7876611103946090.8190.3953.45 × 10−200
ARL6IP126.80 × 10−1950.8168667738747490.8140.4941.58 × 10−190
HMMR21.85 × 10−1830.7154329145535750.6850.2924.29 × 10−179
CEP5521.66 × 10−1750.7045104011831170.7270.353.86 × 10−171
MKI6722.89 × 10−1600.6445842026422530.8120.3886.70 × 10−156
NUSAP122.03 × 10−1500.6484344467266030.7780.3984.70 × 10−146
CDCA321.88 × 10−1380.5893700382119540.5680.2524.36 × 10−134
SMC422.00 × 10−1310.6084598780885310.8690.5514.64 × 10−128
CKAP224.48 × 10−1170.6800978274576230.6940.3921.04 × 10−112
CKS1B22.31 × 10−1080.5597757888187620.770.5045.35 × 10−104
PHF1922.70 × 10−1030.539269751217950.7010.4556.27 × 10−98
DEPDC122.72 × 10−990.5176136842986510.5050.2386.30 × 10−95
HMGB327.45 × 10−900.5220624168877590.7220.5131.73 × 10−86
KPNA221.33 × 10−880.4420588241587830.8310.623.07 × 10−83
SNHG324.26 × 10−850.5159308864297530.550.3399.87 × 10−81
ANLN21.74 × 10−770.4552106594524470.6250.3574.04 × 10−72
PLK129.38 × 10−720.4228913218824430.4440.212.17 × 10−67
MAD2L122.06 × 10−710.4681849874784440.550.3224.78 × 10−67
TACC329.49 × 10−700.4258328176673130.590.3292.20 × 10−64
CENPE28.03 × 10−670.4336531077996180.5630.3021.86 × 10−62
ASPM22.51 × 10−620.4650872111150130.5580.3175.83 × 10−58
KIF20B27.25 × 10−440.3590354391339110.5420.331.68 × 10−40
PTTG131.81 × 10−580.4594138515060370.930.7244.19 × 10−54
Table 5. Shared highly variable genes identified from CAFs/DAFs isolated from chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients.
Table 5. Shared highly variable genes identified from CAFs/DAFs isolated from chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer patients.
Table 6. Lists of selected markers for myCAF, iCAF, and apCAF.
Table 6. Lists of selected markers for myCAF, iCAF, and apCAF.
CAF SubtypeSelected Markers
myCAF (Öhlund et al.) [10]Acta2, Vim, Ctgf, Col1a1, Col5a1, Col6a1
myCAF (Elyada et al.) [11]Tnc, Tgfb1, Thy1, Tagln, Col12a1, Pdgfrb
iCAF (Öhlund et al.) [10]Il1, Il6, Il11, Lif
iCAF (Elyada et al.) [11]Clec3b, Col14a1, Gsn, Ly6c1, Cxcl12
apCAF (Elyada et al.) [11]Slpi, Saa3, Cd74, H2-Ab1, NKain4, Irf5
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sunami, Y.; Chen, Y.; Trojanowicz, B.; Sommerer, M.; Hämmerle, M.; Eils, R.; Kleeff, J. Single Cell Analysis of Cultivated Fibroblasts from Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Patients. Cells 2022, 11, 2583.

AMA Style

Sunami Y, Chen Y, Trojanowicz B, Sommerer M, Hämmerle M, Eils R, Kleeff J. Single Cell Analysis of Cultivated Fibroblasts from Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Patients. Cells. 2022; 11(16):2583.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sunami, Yoshiaki, Yijun Chen, Bogusz Trojanowicz, Matthias Sommerer, Monika Hämmerle, Roland Eils, and Jörg Kleeff. 2022. "Single Cell Analysis of Cultivated Fibroblasts from Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer Patients" Cells 11, no. 16: 2583.

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