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Código: 9788531000836
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Edited by:
André Mesquita

Texts by:
André Mesquita, Adriana Banana, Babette Mangolte, David M. Sperling, Susan Rosenberg, Trisha Brown e Yvonne Rainer

Hardcover, 25,4x19cm, 240p, English, MASP, 2020

ISBN 978-85-310-0083-6

Trisha Brown: Choreographing Life is published at the occasion of the monographic exhibition dedicated to the work of the pioneering artist, dancer, and choreographer Trisha Brown (1936–2017) at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP). The publication focuses on the complex relationship's between dance and its visual representations—in video, photography, drawing or diagram—considering Brown’s commitment to the exploration and production of new social spaces through performances, as well as her unique combination of multidisciplinary references—including mathematics, geography and the artistic strategies of conceptualism. This richly illustrated book presents a wide selection of Brown works, covering her entire trajectory, from her participation in the Judson Dance Theater (1962–1964), and her scores and essential works produced during the 1970s, such as Accumulation (1971), Locus (1975), and Water Motor (1978), to her transition to the proscenium stage in the 1980’s, culminating in the series of large scale performative drawings, in the 2000s.

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This is the English edition. For the Portuguese edition, please refer to this link: Trisha Brown: coreografar a vida.


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O MASP Loja vende catálogos e antologias editados pelo museu, sua linha própria de produtos, bem como livros de outras editoras e uma seleção de objetos provenientes de várias partes do país, criados por comunidades de artesãos, povos indígenas e designers.

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