Loria’s research teams are involved in the University of Lorraine’s training components and engineering schools.
Masters and engineering schools
Loria’s teams are involved in the courses offered by the Université de Lorraine.
In the Université de Lorraine’s LMD (Licence – Master – Doctorat) offer, several Masters courses are based on the laboratory, in particular the training offered in the Master in Computer Science, which is directly linked to the laboratory’s scientific themes.
Loria also welcomes French and foreign trainees from universities and engineering schools.
Find out more about Master’s degrees and engineering schools.
PhD students
Our laboratory is heavily involved in doctoral training. Each year, Loria offers the possibility of funding theses under doctoral contracts, CIFRE contracts (with industry), research contracts, or via national or European projects. It offers a rich scientific environment, guaranteeing high-level scientific training. The IAEM Doctoral School monitors doctoral studies.