Martin Vassor_bannière EN
2024_03_29 - Creativ'Lab - visite virtuelle_AN
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2025 Recruitment campaign

As part of the 2025 recruitment campaign for faculty members, Loria is this year proposing six positions for associate professors and full professors.

MT180 finale

A look back at the Université de Lorraine’s MT180 final

On Thursday 13 March, the final of the Ma Thèse en 180 secondes competition was held at the Université de Lorraine.

Two doctoral students from Loria, Ikram Hamdioui (Simbiot team) and Chloé Przemyski (Bird team and Euro Information Développement company) presented their research topics in three minutes flat!

MT180: two Loria doctoral students selected for the regional final!

Ma thèse en 180 secondes is an international competition for French-speaking doctoral students. It invites young researchers to present their thesis topic in 3 minutes, clearly and concisely. Their challenge: to address a lay and diverse audience, making each of them an ambassador for research. The topics presented reflect the diversity of research in the exact, human and social sciences.

The regional final of the competition will take place on Thursday 13 March at 6.30pm in the Déléage amphitheatre on the Lettres et Sciences Humaines campus in Nancy. Congratulations to the two Loria doctoral students selected, Ikram Hamdioui and Chloé Przemyski!

Welcome aboard! Meet Martin Vassor, new member of the Mosel-Veridis team

Every year, Loria’s teams strengthen with the arrival of new researchers and associate professors. We welcome them and invite you to take a few minutes to learn about their careers and projects!

Loria wishes you all the best for 2025!

After a wonderful year full of science and sharing, Loria wishes you an excellent year in 2025, at the heart of computer science research!